The contestants were tied up like dumplings and could only crawl on the ground like caterpillars.

Bang, bang, bang!

The armored rhinoceros roared and kept hitting the high-tech modified iron cage.

"It's useless, no need to struggle anymore, we'll take these armored rhinoceros."

The three members of Team Rocket walked out of the jungle, raised their heads slightly, and smiled devilishly.

"It's you again, Team Rocket."

Xiaozhi said angrily. He had long been fed up with these guys who were haunting him.

He finally wanted to participate in the armored rhinoceros race to relax, but these guys jumped out to trip him up.

"Little brat, you dodged quickly just now, but you're dead this time."

Kojiro smiled triumphantly, "Meow, are you ready?"

"Ready, meow~"

After the words fell, countless Pokémon capture devices attacked Xiaozhi from all directions.

"We must not let them run away this time."

Xiaozhi lowered his head and said to Pikachu, "Pikachu, use Volt Attack!"

"Pika, Pika~"

Pikachu nodded, jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulder, ran quickly, and lightning flashed on his body. After a few jumps and moves, he returned to Xiaozhi's shoulder again.

The Pokémon capture devices emitted electric sparks, and then exploded one after another. For a time, the surroundings were directly wrapped in smoke.

"Oh no, I fell into a trap, cough..."

Xiaozhi has realized the purpose of the Rocket Team, but the surrounding smoke seriously interfered with his vision. When the smoke dissipated,the three members of the Rocket Team had put all the captured Rhinoceros on the car, and there was only a small dot left in sight.

"Little brat, bye!"

Musashi's voice came. This was a plan they had discussed long ago. If they failed to capture Pikachu at the beginning, they would retreat to the second best and catch some Rhinoceros first and run away.

Facts have proved that their plan is very successful. Xiaozhi has been attracted by their confusing tactics. This time, catching these armored rhinos is a huge gain.

Whether it is sold to evil organizations or kept to exploit labor, it is profitable.

A contestant shouted, "We can't let them run away."

They were tied up like dumplings and could not move. At this time, they could only rely on Xiaozhi behind them.

Xiaozhi's eyes were firm. He naturally could not let the Rockets take away those armored rhinos. He squeezed his legs slightly, "Iron armored rhinos, help me catch up with them."

The armored rhinos snorted, "Iron armor~"

The nose sucked suddenly, and the hind legs began to exert force, like a sharp arrow chasing in the direction where the Rockets disappeared.

"Today is a good day, a great harvest!"

Meow Meow drove the car, Kojiro and Musashi sat in the passenger seat, also smiling brightly, looking at the full armored rhinos in the back compartment, these are their experience packages for promotion and salary increase.

Suddenly, a stream of mud appeared and directly covered the Rocket Team's three people's faces.


"Who, who is it?"

Musashi was furious and spit out a mouthful of mud. His hair was already stuck to the mud, and he looked extremely embarrassed.


Digger came out of the soil, his two ears were like slaps, and he kept raising clods of soil and smashed them towards the Rocket Team.

Kojiro said, "It's the Pokémon of that yellow-haired boy."

"Dare to do this to our Rocket Team, damn it, Meowth, catch him together."

Meowth showed his sharp claws and raised the corners of his mouth, "I understand, he can't run away."

After saying that, he slapped a button on the driver's seat, and suddenly a huge mechanical arm appeared at the front of the car.

The mechanical arm was as thick as an adult's waist and extremely flexible. It stretched out and grabbed Digger.

"Digger, use dig!"

Digger, who was a little panicked, put his ears together and drilled into the ground like an electric drill.

At this time, Hitron came out panting. When the big screen in Smilu Village had an accident, Hitron noticed something was wrong and rushed over here.

However, because of his lack of physical strength, he wanted to let Digger go first, so there was the scene where Digger used mud to stop Team Rocket.

"It's you who did it, you little brat."

Hitron's forehead was covered with black lines. He was the gym leader of Miare City, and this was the first time someone called him a little brat.

Hitron said righteously, "Team Rocket, I will never let your plan succeed..."

Beforehe finished speaking, Meowth had already controlled the mechanical arm to grab Hitron.

The mechanical arm brought Citron to Team Rocket. Meowth scratched his ears and said impatiently, "What did you say just now? I didn't hear it clearly."


Citron was silent, and suddenly looked up and shouted, "Digger Rabbit, a flash of lightning. "


The Digger Rabbit, who had been prepared for a long time, suddenly drilled out from the ground and crashed into the mechanical arm at a very fast speed.

But Meow Meow was faster than him. He was seen manipulating the mechanical arm at will. The mechanical arm was as flexible as an arm, and instantly grabbed Citron and put it in front of the Digger Rabbit.

The Digger Rabbit was frightened by this sudden accident. In order to avoid hurting Citron, it had to brake suddenly, but this was exactly what it wanted.

Meow Meow raised the corner of his mouth, and the mechanical arm threw Citron to the ground like throwing garbage, and then stretched out to catch the Digger Rabbit.


The Rockets laughed collectively. What is this called, buy one get one free?

Citron rubbed his sore buttocks, raised his eyes, and shouted, "Let go of the Digger Rabbit."

"Let him go, it's impossible, yellow-haired boy, we, the Rockets, will accept the Digger Rabbit."

"Really? Team Rocket. "

Xiaozhi's voice echoed in Team Rocket's ears, and Musashi and the other two immediately shuddered, "Oh no, the little brat is catching up."

Kojiro urged, "Meow, run."

"Got it, I'm running faster, meow~"

Meow started the car, but the Digger Rabbit's digging skill had already dug out the road ahead, and the car couldn't move forward at all.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail."

Pikachu's tail flashed silver-white, and several horizontal slashes destroyed the iron cage behind the car.

Xiaozhi smiled and said to Team Rocket, "It's up to you next."

The three members of Team Rocket turned pale and looked at the back of the car in horror. The captured armored rhinos ran out and stared at them, and their hair stood up immediately.

"Could it be... that we are at the end of the road? "

The three members of Team Rocket kept retreating and were eventually surrounded by the Armored Rhino.

"Little brat, someone is going to die, help!"

Kojiro screamed, and the three of them were mercilessly trampled by the Armored Rhino, and their bodies were in pain.

Xiaozhi was unmoved. The people in this world have strong physiques, especially the guys of Team Rocket, who are even stronger than the weakest ones, and have strong vitality.

"What happened."

Everything was over, and Miss Junsha finally arrived late.

Afterwards, Team Rocket was arrested by Miss Junsha for maliciously sabotaging the game and capturing other people's Pokémon without reason.

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