After a night of rest in Smilu Village, Xiaozhi and his group set out again on the road to Miare City.

"Xiaozhi, there is a small town ahead. This town has a beautician unique to Kalos. Why don't we go for a walk?"

Sarina glanced at the map and looked at Xiaozhi with anticipation. She seemed very interested in the beautician.

"Okay, whatever you say."

Xiaozhi smiled dotingly. He was not interested in Pokémon beauticians, but who made his wife like it?

But this team is more than just the two of them. Xiaozhi turned his head to look at Xitron, and heard Xitron smiled, "I and Yulijia are fine."

Since Xiaozhi and Salina are both interested, he will naturally not spoil the fun. Moreover, the closer they are to Miare City, the more uneasy Xitron feels, and he dares not face reality.

It's good to go and have fun!

Xitron smiled easily, as if the haze just now was swept away.

As soon as he stepped into the town, Xiaozhi felt the difference of this town.

There were many Pokémon with strangely groomed hair on the road. For example, one of them, Dorimia, had its originally white hair trimmed into a special shape, and some places had the white hair dyed blue.

This is the use of Pokémon beauticians. In layman's terms, it is to shape Pokémon.

Xiaozhi held his forehead helplessly, "It feels a bit weird."

Salina laughed, "This is the charm of Pokémon beauticians. Of course, it's normal for Xiaozhi to not understand it when he sees it for the first time."

While they were chatting, the grass on the side made a 'rustling' sound, which attracted Yulijia's curiosity.

Yulijia slowly approached, but at this moment, a white shadow suddenly ran out of the grass. Unexpectedly, Yulijia was knocked to the ground by it and cried out in pain, "It hurts!"

"Yulijia, are you okay!"

Xitron immediately picked up his sister and checked the situation. He was very worried about Yulijia's physical condition.

"Sorry, this child is my Dorimia."

A blue-haired girl came over and saw Yulijia and Dorimia at the scene. After thinking about the situation, she apologized.

She lowered her head and apologized after seeing Yulijia's scraped knee, "Your knee is scraped, let me bandage it for you!"

Yulijia is a strong girl and smiled, "This kind of minor injury is nothing."

After bandaging Yulijia's wound, Xiaozhi and his friends finally knew the name of the blue-haired girl, Jessica!

Jessica learned from her conversation with Serena and Yulijia that they were interested in Pokémon beauticians, so she said,

"I am a Pokémon beautician who is currently interning, Yulijia, do you want to come to our store as an apology for the accidental injury just now?"


Yulijia and Serena were the happiest.

Soon, under the leadership of Jessica, they came to a small store with a good location and beautiful decoration.

"This is the shop opened by my teacher."

After entering the shop, I saw a middle-aged man with yellow hair styling Dolimia. This must be Jessica's teacher, the famous Pokémon beautician, Barry.

Salina likes beauticians very much, so when she saw Barry, she felt like she saw an idol. She said excitedly, "I saw you in a travel book. Mr. Barry is a top beautician. It's my honor to meet you."

"You say I'm a top beautician, but you're praising me too much!"

Barry waved his hand and said modestly, looking at Jessica at the same time.

Jessica explained, "This is Xiaozhi, Citron, Yurika and Serena. They are very interested in the job of Pokémon beautician."

"Oh, that's it!"

Bali thought for a while and said, "In that case, Jessica, you can show them!"


Jessica used her own Dorimia as an example to explain the profession of beautician. Of course, the main listeners were Serena and Yurika.

As for Xiaozhi and Citron, they said that this was not within their scope of cognition.

Time passed quickly, and Xiaozhi and others didn't want to disturb them too much, after all, they still had business to do.

"Where are we going?"

Serena looked excited and eager to try. She was holding Fire Fox and whispered, "Fire Fox, do you want me to tidy it up for you?"

"Fire Fox~"

Fire Fox was puzzled. She had been staying in the Pokémon Ball and didn't know what her trainer had experienced during this time.

After Serena's explanation, Fiendish was somewhat moved. Like Serena, she attached great importance to appearance, and she was undoubtedly elegant.

But what she didn't know was that Xiaozhi and Pikachu were looking at her with pity.How could Serena, who tried something new for the first time, achieve anything?

So in their opinion, the Firefox was in trouble this time.

"Girl over there, it seems that you are very interested in beauticians. Your Firefox looks very energetic. Are you interested in being our model?"

Serena turned around and saw three people with strange looks holding scissors and other things looking at her.

Serena asked uncertainly, "Who are you?"

One of them had a short ponytail and many decorations hanging on her arms and neck. She smiled and introduced as if she was selling something,

"This lady is a top beautician, the famous Miss Musashi Rei."

"Miss Musashi Rei has won the gold medal for best styling design, won the wild hair design competition, and participated in many competitions."

"So amazing!"

Although she had never heard of these competitions, Serena still thought it was quite noble and asked with some interest, "Can you really design a style for Firefox?"

"Of course."

Serena wanted to see with her own eyes the process of beauticians styling Pokémon. Jessica only gave her a general introduction, and she hadn't seen it with her own eyes.

Just as Serena was about to step into the small shop in front of her, she was suddenly pulled by Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi held Serena behind him and said unkindly, "Team Rocket, what do you want to do?"

"I didn't expect that we were discovered by the little brat. Obviously, our disguise was perfect."

The Rocket trio didn't care that their identitieswere exposed by Xiaozhi. Instead, they said proudly, "Little brat, we don't interfere with each other. Today's incident will be treated as if it never happened."

"Otherwise, it would be bad if we fight in this small town and hurt others."

"It seems that you are very confident!"

"Of course!"

After Xiaozhi exposed their identities, Team Rocket knew that the plan had failed, so in order to avoid being beaten up, they tried to use words to let Xiaozhi let them go.

Xitron raised his eyes and questioned, "You were arrested, so why are you here?"


"How can a mere police station trap our great Team Rocket~"

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