The sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

Xiaozhi and his group, who left the kindergarten and embarked on a journey, had to spend time in the wild again because they got lost.

However, their luck was not very good this time. Heavy rain fell from the sky, and Xiaozhi and his group became drowned rats.

"It's still cold!"

"Hate, the whole body is wet."

Xiaozhi and Serena's complaints came from the heavy rain. Several people ran in the rain, trying to find a place to shelter from the rain.

"There seems to be an ancient castle there, let's go over there and take a look."

Xitron saw an ancient castle, but there was no light in the castle, and it looked extremely cold, but he didn't care so much now.

Thunder flashed, and under the illumination of the lightning, through the glass of the building, the interior of the building looked extremely strange.

Xiaozhi and his group came under the eaves of the castle, and the cold wind blew, and several people were trembling.

"It's so unlucky today. It suddenly rained."

Yu Lijia sighed, "Thunder is so annoying!"

Xiaozhi looked at the door behind him and suggested, "Why don't we go in to avoid the rain first and leave after the rain stops?"

Yu Lijia turned around and pushed the door, and the door was pushed open. Yu Lijia shouted, "The door is open, let's go in!"

"Wait, Yu Lijia, it's very rude for us to break into someone else's house like this."

Xitron knocked on the door and shouted, "Excuse me, is anyone here?"

"We want to take shelter here!"

For a long time, no one responded, and Xiaozhi and his friends observed the inside of the house.

Serena said, "Is there no one here?"

Xiaozhi looked at the house full of spider webs and the ground full of dust, and said, "It looks like no one has lived here for a long time. Maybe no one is here."

After hearing this, Yulijia said, "In that case, let's stay here for a while. It's raining too hard outside. If we go out now, we will definitely be soaked."

"We can only do this."

Xiaozhi and the others nodded helplessly. With the heavy rain outside, it is possible to get drowned if we go out now.

Salena folded her arms and felt the chill around her. "That's what she said, but I always feel that it feels gloomy here."

Yulijia turned around and said, "No one has lived here for a long time. This is normal. It's better than going out in the rain."

"Darkness will evoke fear in people's hearts."

Xitron said seriously, "It must be too dark here, so you feel scared."

Xitron rubbed nearby, and suddenly the lights in the whole hall lit up.

Yulijia exclaimed, "Brother, you are so awesome!"

Sarina thanked, "Xitron, thank you."

Not far away, Xitron, who kept groping forward, did not move. He turned his head stiffly and smiled bitterly, "You misunderstood, it was not me."

After saying that, Sarina and Yulijia looked at each other with a trace of fear in their eyes, "If it wasn't Xitron, then... who would... turn on the light?"

"There won't beghosts here?"

Xiaozhi held Sarina's hand and smiled, "It's okay, remember the Gengar I captured?"

"There are no ghosts in this world, and all the weird things are just pranks of ghost-type Pokémon."

Of course, Xiaozhi knew that there were ghosts in this world, but in general, human ghosts have their own meaning of existence and will not deliberately hurt people.

But at this time, Sarina was obviously scared, so he didn't say this, but instead pulled it to the ghost-type Pokémon.

Serena said, "Xiaozhi means there is a ghost-type Pokémon here?"

"Not necessarily, right, Citron?"

"Oh, Xiaozhi is right."

Citron knew that this was not the time to scare the two girls, and his mind was working frantically, and he immediately thought of a solution,

"It may not be a ghost-type Pokémon, it may be because there is a sensor that senses body temperature, and after sensing our body temperature, the light automatically turns on."

Serena nodded, she was not afraid at all now, if it was a sensor, it would be fine, even if it was a ghost-type Pokémon, there was no need to be afraid with Xiaozhi around.

Facts have proved that humans are not necessarily afraid of ghosts, but just the fear of the unknown.


Yulijia suddenly turned around, "Did anyone close the door just now?"

Salina replied, "No, the door was open just now, why is it suddenly closed now?"

Yulijia pulled the door, but it didn't move at all, "Originally this door was easy to open, but now it's locked."

Salina leaned against Xiaozhi and whispered, "Xiaozhi, is there really a ghost here?"

XiaozhiLooking up and looking around, he, who has the power of waveguide, can sense it most clearly. The door is blocked by a powerful superpower.

"No, don't worry!"

Xiaozhi comforted, "There are Pokémon playing tricks in the dark. This castle is very big. That guy is luring us into a trap. It seems that he doesn't want us to go out. In this case, let's explore this castle carefully."

"When the time comes, I will pull out the guy in the dark and beat you up to vent your anger, okay?"

Xiaozhi's overflowing boyfriend power comforted Serena's heart, and the fear in her heart was swept away.

Seeing this, Yulijia looked back at her brother, and waited for a long time, and finally saw Xitron speaking,

"Xiaozhi, there seems to be a painting over there."

Sure enough, you can't count on your brother too much!

Yulijia was a little disappointed.

At the turning point of the stairs leading to the second floor, there was a portrait hanging, on which was an old woman with a bright smile.

Serena said, "Is this the owner of this castle?"

"I think so!"

Xiaozhi nodded and replied. Suddenly, a scream came from the corridor on the second floor. Serena shrank behind Xiaozhi in fear. "There won't be anyone else here?"

Xitron said, "Not necessarily. Maybe it's the sound of the wind blowing, but you were too scared to hear it wrong."


As the screams became clearer and clearer, Serena's face turned pale and she pointed to the dark end of the corridor. "You all heard it, right? It's not the sound of the wind blowing at all."

Xitron's face was stiff and he said unconfidently, "I heard it. Why would there be screams from people in this castle? Could there really be a ghost?"

"Don't scare yourself."

Xiaozhi stabilized the morale of the troops and looked up at the depths of the corridor. The next moment, his face froze.

He saw the three members of Team Rocket running towards them with panic on their faces.

"Little brat, help us, help us."

"What happened?"

Xiaozhi always felt that the things that happened in the castle were not caused by the Rocket trio, after all, these guys could cause a lot of trouble wherever they went.

A light lit up in the depths of the corridor, and a figure slowly floated over, like a ghost asking for his life.

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