Xiaozhi walked up and touched Yulijia's little head, and said with a smile, "It's okay, Pikachu was just startled and excited for a moment, right, Pikachu."

Pikachu touched his head embarrassedly, "Pika, Pika~"

"It's good that the misunderstanding is resolved."

Looking at his sister's appearance, Xitron smiled and talked to Xiaozhi, "I saw you stopped at the door of the gym. Are you going to challenge the gym?"

"No, I just came to the Kalos region and haven't challenged the gym yet, so I can't challenge the Miare Gym yet."

"Is that so!"

Xitron thought for a while, and asked curiously, "Excuse me, where are you from?"

As the owner of the Miare Gym, Xitron has a very sharp eye. He can see at a glance that Pikachu has been trained very well.

So, he became curious about Xiaozhi, the trainer.

Xiaozhi replied, "I'm Xiaozhi from Pallet Town in Kanto."

"Kanto region, Pallet Town? It's so far."

Xitron sighed and introduced himself, "My name is Xitron, this is my sister Yurika, nice to meet you."

Xiaozhi smiled, "Yeah, I'm glad to meet you too."

Yurika suddenly thought of something, jumped to Xiaozhi's side, and suggested, "Xiaozhi, since you can't challenge the gym now, how about a gym match with my brother?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, he knew Xitron's true identity, and it was a rare opportunity to fight against him.

"I have no problem, but I don't know how Xitron is..."

"Of course it's no problem."

Yurika made a decision for her brother, which made Xitron on the side alittle helpless, but he didn't refuse.

After all, fighting with an excellent trainer is an exciting thing.


In the trees not far away, a Pokémon with big eyes and foam on its neck was staring at Xiaozhi and his group with curiosity.

"Xitron, what Pokémon are you going to use?"

In a battle field, Xiaozhi looked at Xitron curiously, hoping that this would be an all-out battle.

However, Xitron's words dampened Xiaozhi's enthusiasm at this time, "It's a Pokémon that was just captured not long ago. Hey, Xiaozhi, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine!"

Xiaozhi's will seemed a little depressed, and he sighed.

I almost forgot that Xitron, the main Pokémon of the Miare Gym Leader, was not on him now.

Xitron did not find out why Xiaozhi sighed, otherwise he would be depressed to death.

"Please give me more advice, Digger, let's go!"

Xitron threw the Pokémon Ball, and a gray rabbit appeared in the battle field.

'Elite level, it seems that it is indeed just a Pokémon that was just captured not long ago. ’

‘With the strength of a gym leader, this Digger can definitely show strength that is not weak, and can be used in general gym battles, but it is far inferior to me. ’

Xiaozhi was a little disappointed, looked at Pikachu, and said, "Pikachu, this time it's up to you."

Xiaozhi now has a total of these four Pokémon in his hands. In this situation, Pidgeot and Lizard King are not suitable.

As for Charizard, hehe, release the old spray, what if Digger becomes a barbecuedrabbit... that would be interesting.

So, at this time, we have to invite our Pikachu, who can "electrify Arceus and lose to a level 5 Snake."

As the referee, Yulijia shouted, "The game begins, Pikachu, Digger, you two have to cheer up!"

As soon as the voice fell, Citron took the lead, "Digger, dig a hole."


Digger put his ears together, like a drill, and quickly drilled into the soil.

There is a huge gap between the level of Digger and Pikachu, so a head-on battle is definitely not possible. Using the opportunity to dig holes and wait for the opportunity to attack, it must be said that Citron's move is very good.

However, this is nothing to Xiaozhi who has the power of waveguide.

Xiaozhi said lightly, "Pikachu, use the electric ball five meters in front of you to force it out."


Pikachu moved quickly, and at the same time, the current surged on his tail, and an electric ball containing powerful energy appeared. Pikachu swung it hard.

There was a loud bang, the ground was broken, smoke and dust rose, and at the same time, the figure of Digger flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

Citron was a little bit unbelievable, "How is it possible?"

He couldn't figure out how Xiaozhi determined the position of Digger, and it was so fast!

"Digger, can you still stand up?"


Digger stood up, with the fire of continuing to fight burning in his eyes, and responded to himself's trainer.

It, Digger, will never surrender!

Citron shouted, "In that case, let's continue, Digger, attack the ground and raise the dirt."

Xiaozhi recognized Citron's intention at a glance, "Knowing that Digger is only a general type, he plans to use the ground to restrain Pikachu. It's a good choice, but unfortunately, the gap in strength cannot be made up in this way."

"Pikachu, flash of lightning, knock it down this time."

Pikachu nodded, even if the surrounding smoke and dust were all over the place, and the entire competition venue was covered with dust, Pikachu still dealt with it easily.

After Xiaozhi's words fell, Pikachu immediately turned into a stream of light, incredibly fast, breaking through layers of dust, and finally knocked Digger out.


Digger fell on the field and lost his ability to fight.

Looking at the situation in the field, Yulijia opened her mouth slightly, "So Pikachu is so strong? Digger has no power to fight back at all!"

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