After parting with Ellie, Xiaozhi and his group found an open area in the jungle.

The environment here is beautiful, the air is fresh, and there are many wild Pokémon around, which is very suitable as a temporary camp for rest.

The sun is hanging high in the sky. It is already lunch time. Xiaozhi and his friends are already hungry. After some discussion, Xiaozhi and his friends decided to rest here.

Xiaozhi is responsible for setting up the tent. After setting up the camp, Xiaozhi released all the Pokémon.

After Charizard, Pidgeot, Pikachu, Lizard King, Frogger, and Falconer were free for a while, according to the plan made by Xiaozhi, two Pokémon were in a group, and they were divided into three groups to start the training of wild upgrade.

Among them, Pidgeot and Falconer were in a group. As a senior, Pidgeot could teach Falconer many tricks, which saved Xiaozhi trouble.

Pikachu rushed around in the jungle with Charizard, looking like a jungle bully, which frightened the wild Pokémon around and made them retreat.

The remaining group is naturally Lizard King and Frog. The two get along well. Frog often asks the senior Lizard King for advice. The senior is very useful and makes Lizard King feel proud.

Not bad, this junior knows how to deal with things!

Lizard King patted Frog's shoulder with a righteous look, as if the senior is optimistic about him, which made Frog very encouraged.

These two funny guys, who are the big brother and second brother?

Xiaozhi was a little amused when he saw this, but Pikachu and his pets were very strong, so Xiaozhi didn't have to worry about their safety, so he just let it go.

After seeing Pikachu and the others going away, Xiaozhi felt that he had nothing to do for a while. He returned to the tent, took out a book from his schoolbag, and came to Citron and Serena who were preparing lunch.

"Xiaozhi, what are you going to do?"

Salina looked up curiously and looked at the book in Xiaozhi's hand. If she remembered correctly, this book should have been bought by Xiaozhi when he left Miare City for gathering.

It seems to be knowledge related to Pokémon breeders.

While mixing the sauce, Xitron smiled and said, "Xiaozhi, you are not going to change your career to become a Pokémon breeder!"


Xiaozhi smiled slightly and explained, "I just want to know some basic knowledge about breeders, such as how to use tree fruits to make Pokémon energy blocks, and how to identify various attributes and tastes of different Pokémon."

"These are all very important knowledge, and they may be useful in the future."

"So that's the case."

Xitron nodded, "Xiaozhi, I know something about this, why don't you let me explain it to you."

"Thank you Xitron then."

Xitron carefully guided Xiaozhi's consultation and learning.

He took Xiaozhi's concerns into consideration. Xiaozhi is indeed an excellent Pokémon trainer.

Now he is in charge of logistics, but he has his own way to go. He will definitely leave the team in the future. So before he leaves, Xitron is happy to help Xiaozhi more.

"I want to learn too."

Seeing Xiaozhi learning so well, Serena also came over, unwilling to be outdone.

The table was full of fried noodles, sandwiches and juice, which were all masterpieces of Xitron and Serena.

It turns out that Xiaozhi is very talented in eating. As for cooking, hehe...

Serena worriedly said, "Xiaozhi, are you okay?"

"No problem."

Xiaozhi took a mouthful of noodles. If he can't learn, then he can't learn. Anyway, it's not a big deal.

He also has plug-ins, such as energy blocks, which can be purchased directly.

As for not being able to learn to cook, hehe... Serena is his girlfriend, can she let him starve?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi's mood soon improved.

After the meal, Serena smiled and said, "Everyone, do you want dessert?"

"I have some macarons here."

Yulijia raised her hand, "I want some, the macarons made by Serena are delicious!"

Hitlon thought for a moment, took out the tea set, and said, "Wait a minute, the tea I brew will be ready soon, delicious macarons go best with hot black tea."

After pouring the tea, Hitlon picked up the box of macarons, and the next moment, his brows frowned slightly.

Something is wrong.

This box is too light, it doesn't look like there are macarons.

Sure enough, after opening it, the box was empty, with only some macaron crumbs.

"Ah... what's going on?"

Salena was a little surprised. She obviously made a lot of them, why did they suddenlydisappear?

Macarons that suddenly disappeared?

Hitlon seemed to think of something, and he remembered that he had a greedy dog ​​that likedThe Pokémon that eats macarons.

"Halili, where are you?"

Halili turned around, his mouth bulging, and he said unclearly, "Lili~"

Xitron, I'm here, is the meal ready?

Xitron looked at Halili's bulging belly and understood everything at once, and immediately screamed, "Halili, did you eat all the macarons?"

Halili threw the last macaron in his hand into his mouth, then smiled innocently and nodded.

Citron was a little helpless, turned to look at Serena, and apologized, "I'm sorry, Harili did this without your permission."

Serena waved her hand and didn't care about it, "It's okay, thanks to you Citron for making lunch."

"Don't worry about this. If Harili likes macarons, I'll make more next time. It's okay."

Yulijia looked at Harili and suddenly said, "Why do I find that Harili is much fatter than before."

Harili was a little unconvinced, "Lili~"

I'm not fat, hum!

Citron shook his head helplessly, he was really stubborn, he just gained weight, right?

No, he couldn't let Harili fall like this.

After all, he is the Pokémon of the gym leader.

"Okay, okay, Xiaozhi, do you want to have a fight? Just treat it as a way for Hali to digest his food."

"Of course, no problem. I'd love to."

Xiaozhi and Citron lined up, and it was Xiaozhi's Frog that fought against Hali.

"Frog, it's time to attack. Use bubbles."

Citron commanded, "Hali, dodge."

Hali faced the high-speed bubble attack and wanted to dodge it by jumping, but because his body was too heavy, he was a step slower and was hit directly by the bubble.

As a spectator, Serena saw it clearly and wondered, "Why does Hali look less agile than usual?"

Yu Lijia was still upset about Hali eating her macarons, and said sadly, "Haha... he ate too much so he couldn't move!"

Citron looked at Hali who rolled on the ground for a few rounds and supported his forehead. His understanding of Hali was still the same as before.

If it was the old Halili, he should have been able to easily dodge the foam attack with his agility, but now he is too fat and his speed has greatly decreased. Xitron is a little disappointed.

"Halili, stand up and use the impact."

Since the speed is not good, eating so much fat must have some advantages!

In Xitron's opinion, the power of the impact should be increased because of the increase in weight!

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