The sun sets.

The memorial ceremony in Gumu Town was held as scheduled.

As the benefactor of the smooth holding of the memorial ceremony in Gumu Town, Xiaozhi and his party received the greatest reception.

"Xiaozhi, there is a very important guest who wants to talk to you."

Xiaozhi, who was watching the memorial ceremony, showed a trace of doubt on his face. He didn't have any acquaintances in Gumu Town. Who would be looking for him?

The girl looked at Xiaozhi, hesitated for a moment, and said, "If you are okay, Xiaozhi, please go and see him."

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows. It seems that the other party is very respected by the girl.

Xiaozhi smiled, "No problem."

After that, Xiaozhi came to a coffee shop where two people were waiting for him.

"Mr. Xiaozhi, forgive my recklessness, but my city lord has extremely important things that need Mr. Xiaozhi's help."

Xiaozhi looked at the man dressed like a butler, and then looked at the gorgeously dressed old man behind him. Combined with this sentence, Xiaozhi also guessed the other party's identity. It should be the city lord of Lazy City who played the Pokémon flute in the mouth of the girl.

This is a noble.

The Pokémon world is complex, with similar titles like earls, and nobles are not uncommon.

Of course, titles like this are just for show in the Pokémon world, and have no real power.

For example, Violet of the White Sandalwood Gym and the next challenger, Chaklo, both have the title of Duke.

What's more, not farfrom Gumu Town, there is a battle castle where you can get a title in battle, so Xiaozhi didn't find it strange.

"What does your city lord want me for?"

Although Xiaozhi doesn't care about nobles, he doesn't hit smiling people, and asked calmly with a tone that is neither light nor heavy.

"Oh my."

At this time, the old man in the back, the mayor of Lazy City, suddenly came forward and greeted, "Mr. Xiaozhi, you are simply the savior of Gumu Town. At the same time, I thank you for your help on behalf of Lazy City."

"This is a gift, please accept it."

As he said, he took out a card and handed it to Xiaozhi, and explained, "10% of the income of the orchard under the name of Lazy City this year will be deposited into this card."

Xiaozhi smiled. The old man opposite must have something to do, otherwise he would not have given such a big gift.

You know, there are several large orchards around Gumu Town that belong to Lazy City. 10% doesn't sound like much, but the annual income is definitely a huge sum of money, definitely millions.

Xiaozhi declined, "You are too polite, but I can't afford such a gift just to wake up Snorlax."

The implication is self-evident.

This gift is okay, but if you have any requests, please say it now, otherwise I won't accept it.


The lazy city lord laughed and stuffed the card into Xiaozhi's hand. He pulled Xiaozhi to sit together and said, "Then I won't be hypocritical with Mr. Xiaozhi. I wonder if Mr. Xiaozhi can give up and sell the Pokémon Flute to me."

"I heard from the residents that the city lord has a Pokémon Flute?"

Xiaozhi showed a puzzled look, "Could it be that the city lord wants to keep it as a treasure?"


The city lord showed a difficult look on his face, then smiled bitterly and said, "I won't hide it from Mr. Xiaozhi. I lost the original Pokémon Flute to my friend in a recent bet, so... Mr. Xiaozhi also knows that the Pokémon Flute is needed for the annual memorial service in Gumu Town."

The Pokémon Flute is considered to be in short supply and rare. Although he may not be unable to buy it, Xiaozhi has it now, so why should he go far away?

What's more, the Pokémon Flute is related to the memorial ceremony in Gumu Town. This is his hard work and an important prop for him to improve the residents' sense of identity with him.

Compared with this, what is the 10% orchard income in a year?

Xiaozhi nodded. No wonder the memorial ceremony could not be held this year. It turned out that the old man lost the bet.

Xiaozhi raised his head and smiled slightly, "Since the city lord needs it, then give it to the city lord."

For Xiaozhi, the Pokémon Flute is really nothing. This thing is called a Pokémon prop, but it is actually very cheap in the system exchange.

However, Xiaozhi exchanged for a Pokémon Flute again. After all, the original one was considered a gift from him to Serena. How could he take it back?

"Thank you so much, Mr. Xiaozhi."

After achieving his goal, the old mansaid goodbye and left.

Xiaozhi shook his head. With such a hot temper, he didn't know whether this Pokémon Flute would be lost to others again.

But this is not Xiaozhi's business.

Soon after leaving the cafe, Serena and the others came over.

Serena pulled Xiaozhi and asked in a low voice, "Xiaozhi, did you do something?"

Xiaozhi looked upLooking at Serena, her eyes full of confusion, she asked, "What happened?"

Serena saw that Xiaozhi knew nothing, so she stopped hiding it and took Xiaozhi to a warehouse. She pointed to the piles of fruits that had been packed in boxes and said, "The mayor just came to us and said that these were all gifts from them to you, Xiaozhi."

Serena muttered, "I thought Xiaozhi had done something earth-shattering again?"

Xiaozhi thought about it, then smiled. This lord of Lazy City is really interesting.

However, Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh at the other party's generosity. So many fruits were given away as soon as they were said...

Serena looked at Xiaozhi, "What should we do now?"

Xiaozhi thought about it, and said to Serena, Citron and others, "You can take some and mail them to your families."

There are so many fruits that Xiaozhi and his friends can't finish eating every day, but it just so happens that Xiaozhi has a lot of Pokémon, including the glutton Snorlax, so it's not a waste to mail them home.

"That's the only way."

Hitron didn't say anything polite to Xiaozhi.


At this time, a weak voice sounded from nearby.

A familiar Meowth was covered with scars and extremely exhausted. After seeing Xiaozhi, his eyes blurred and he fainted.

"It's the Meowth from Team Rocket!"

Sarina looked at Meowth and frowned, "He seems to be seriously injured. It seems that he has suffered something."

As she said that, the kind-hearted Serena was about to step forward to check Meowth's injuries.

"Wait, Serina."

Yu Lijia stopped him and said seriously, "Be careful, what if this is a trap set by Team Rocket? These guys are haunting day by day, and they may be doing something bad again."

"Okay, I'll go and take a look!"

Xiaozhi walked up. Although he disliked Team Rocket, he had experienced so much that he and Team Rocket were acquainted with each other. If it was true, he couldn't just stand by and watch.

After checking, Xiaozhi said, "The scars on Meowth's body should be scratches. It seems that he scratched wildly. Overall, there is nothing serious. He just fainted because he was too tired."

Hitron looked around and did not find any traces of Kojiro and Musashi. He said, "It seems that if you want to know the reason, you must wait for Meowth to wake up."

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