Dr. Blatano's research institute was not far from Xiaozhi and his friends. After leaving the battle site and walking along a road, they arrived at the Blatano Research Institute.

He was determined to capture Frogger.

Although Xiaozhi did not know Dr. Blatano, he knew Dr. Yamanashi from the Sinnoh region. Dr. Yamanashi was Dr. Blatano's teacher and was very famous for Pokémon research.

Of course, as Dr. Bay, a local Pokémon in Miare City, Dr. Blatano was still very famous.

In particular, his current main research on mega evolution has attracted the attention of many powerful trainers.

Blatano Research Institute.

Xiaozhi pushed open the door and looked at the empty hall, feeling a little helpless. Why are these researchers like this? The institute didn't even know to send some guards. They were really not afraid of being robbed.

"Dr. Blatano, are you there?"

Xiaozhi's loud voice was quickly responded to.

Dr. Blatano yawned, walked out of the aisle and replied, "Don't worry, I'm coming."

Dr. Blatano was a thin man in a white coat. He was a little sleepy and looked a little haggard.

'Is this Blatano? Apart from other things, this temperament really deserves to be a researcher. '

Xiaozhi thought to himself.

Dr. Blatano's eyes, which were originally a little blurry, immediately woke up after he saw the Frog in Xiaozhi's reply. He hurried over and asked, "What's wrong with Frog?"

Xiaozhi replied, "Frog is fine, just fell asleep."

Then he told him about Frog challenging him and being defeated.

After hearing all this, Dr. Blatano breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Frog helplessly, "This kid is still like this."


Xiaozhi raised his hand and asked, "Does this Frog have a trainer?"

"Yes." Dr. Blatano spoke first, then sighed, "Originally there was one, but now there is none. The previous trainer of Frog contacted me and was ready to give him up."

Yu Lijia said with some dissatisfaction, "Giving up on him, this is too much, how could that trainer do this?"

Dr. Blatano explained, "This is not the trainer's problem, in fact, it is mainly Frog himself. This child does not obey the trainer's command and always makes his own decisions."

"Over time, Frog has changed more than one trainer."

Hearing this, Yu Lijia couldn't help but remain silent. If it was just one trainer, it would be fine, but all the trainers who had been Frog eventually gave up on him, which is a big problem.

And although she is young, she knows the trainer very well because of her brother.

For a trainer, a Pokémon that does not obey orders is a very bad thing.

"Doctor, I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town. I can see that Frogger does not dislike trainers, and he also likes fighting."

Xiaozhi said, "I wonder if this Frogger can be handed over to me. I will take good care of him."

Xiaozhi did not beat around the bush and went straight to the point. For him, Frogger is a Pokémon with great growth potential, and he does not want to give up.

'Pallet Town, is this atrainer from Professor Oak? '

Blatano's teacher is Professor Yamanashi, and Professor Yamanashi and Professor Oak are good friends, so Blatano also knows Professor Oak better.

So Dr. Bratano still had a good impression of Xiaozhi, the trainer who came out of Pallet Town, but in the end he still said,

"I can't make the decision on this, mainly because this child has a strange personality. Even if I really give this child to you, if he is sent back in the end, it will be a big blow to this child."

"So let this child decide."


The Frog in Xiaozhi's arms opened his eyes, and after hearing Dr. Bratano's words, he called out to him.

His eyes were firm and persistent. Xiaozhi was the trainer he found.

Seeing this, Dr. Bratano smiled, worthy of being a boy who came out of Pallet Town.

"In that case, then Frog will be handed over to you in the future, Xiaozhi."

"Well, I will take good care of him."

After that, Bratano handed Frog's Poké Ball to Xiaozhi.

After dealing with the frog, a voice came from behind Blatano, "Bite~"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, "It's Garchomp!"

Yu Lijia said a little scared, "It looks a bit fierce."

Dr. Blatano smiled, "This is our Garchomp, don't worry, he has a good temper."

Garcho smiled,Waving its claws happily.

Seeing this, Yulijia's original fear disappeared, and she became a little excited, "Doctor, Garchomp looks so gentle, can I touch him?"

"Of course, he will be very happy." After saying that, she picked up Yulijia. After all, Yulijia was still young and her height was a disadvantage.

"So cute."

Yulijia stretched out her little hand, touched Garchomp's head, and smiled happily.

Seeing his sister happy, Xitron also smiled, but compared to these, Xitron was more concerned about research-related matters.

He looked at Dr. Blatano and asked, "Doctor, I heard that your research direction is about the evolution of Pokémon."

"That's right."

Blatano replied, "In order to study the secrets of Pokémon evolution, there are many Pokémon in our institute."

When Yulijia heard this, she was very curious about the large number of Pokémon, and hurriedly said, "I want to see..."

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