After leaving the radio observatory, Xiaozhi and his group finally came to the Pokémon Center for lunch at noon that day.

After lunch, Serena kept looking down and fiddling with the Pokémon encyclopedia in her hand. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, as if she had found something extraordinary.

Serena opened the encyclopedia like offering a treasure, put it in front of Xiaozhi, and said with a grin, "Xiaozhi, I found a good place, I believe you will like it."

Xitron turned his head curiously, looked at the information on the picture, and said with some doubt, "Battle Castle? I haven't heard of it much!"

As a gym leader who specializes in electric systems, he obviously hasn't paid attention to news in this area.

Xiaozhi looked at the photo of the Battle Castle and was stunned for a moment, then he remembered the information about the Battle Castle.

If he remembered correctly, the next gym leader of Haruka, Chaklo, who he was going to challenge, was a frequent visitor to the Battle Castle, and he was also a duke certified by the Battle Castle.

Serena didn't have time to deal with Hitron's doubts. She blinked her eyes and said mischievously, "Xiaozhi, I believe you will like it here. The Battle Castle is nearby. Should we go and have a look?"

"Well, I'll listen to you."

Xiaozhi looked at Serena lovingly, and did not refuse, saying with a smile.

Looking at the scene of the two people in front of him showing off their love, Hitron shook his head helplessly and looked carefully at the introduction of the Battle Castle in the illustration.

From the introduction, it is learned that the Battle Castle inherits the spirit of chivalry and has extraordinary significance in the unique Pokémon battle in the Kalos region.

Of course, the most important thing is that as long as you successfully win the Battle Castle, you can get the title.

This can be said to be the easiest way to get the title.

Yulijia's eyes lit up, "A title! Brother, is it like that of the lazy city lord?"

Hitron thought for a moment and said, "There are still some differences. The title of the lazy city lord is hereditary, and he inherited the honor and assets of his ancestors, while what he got through the battle castle is just the honor of a title, and there is no real power."

Yulijia didn't care about it, and said happily, "That's great, a title, it sounds very cool."

Hitron laughed a little when he saw this. Since the establishment of the Pokémon Alliance, most of the noble forces such as the Marquis have disappeared, and they are in name only.

The title obtained through the battle castle is just a good-sounding honor, and it is not as real as winning the Pokémon gym battle.

After all, if you really want to follow the previous rules and get the corresponding status at the same time as the title, it is obviously unrealistic, and the alliance will not pay for it.

Serena cheered, "That's settled, let's go!"

According to the location provided by the Pokémon Encyclopedia, Xiaozhi and his group arrived at the entrance of an ancient castle manor. The walls of the castle were carved with exquisite patterns, rich in classical style, giving Xiaozhi and his group a visual impact.

They walked in and met a girl in a maid uniform, who was walking towards them with a smile.

"Welcome to the Battle Castle. How can I help you?"

Xiaozhi smiled and said, "I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town. I want to participate in the Battle Castle finals. What are the requirements?"

The maid girl was not surprised by this and said, "Battle Castle adopts a 1vs1 Pokémon battle mode, and challenges are made by ranking the titles in order."

"The titles are divided into six levels from low to high, Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquis, Duke and Grand Duke!"

"For example, if Mr. Xiaozhi wants to become a Baron, he needs to challenge a newcomer who also challenges the Battle Castle. After winning, he can get the Baron title certified by the Battle Castle."

"After that, if you want to continue to be promoted, you need to defeat an adult with the same title to complete the promotion!"

Salina wondered, "What a strange rule."

It's too casual to be promoted by defeating a person with the same title!

Xiaozhi was not surprised. Although Battle Castle can obtain the title of nobility, this title is only privately certified by Battle Castle and is not recognized by the Alliance.

After winning the challenge, you only get a medal of nobility, and there are no other benefits.

In addition, with the suppression of the Alliance now, it would be a disease for Battle Castle to propose a complicated promotion procedure.

It is precisely because of this unique and simple promotion mode that countless trainers who are interested in the knight come to Battle Castle to punch in, thereby further enhancing the influence of Battle Castle.

It must be said that Battle Castle is perfect. In addition to providing a platform, it has completed the development of its own influence at almost no cost. ThisThe ability is not weak.

Xiaozhi just smiled at these twists and turns, and didn't say anything. He was still in someone else's territory, so he had to be restrained.

"Oh, welcome to you."

An old man in a tuxedo and very imposing walked slowly and said to Xiaozhi with a smile, "I am Yikong, the butler of this battle castle. I am honored to serve you. Please follow me."

Following the footsteps of Yikong, Xiaozhi and his friends entered the interior of the battle castle. There was a different world here. There were many men and women in tuxedos and white gloves talking to each other, and their conversation was quite elegant.

The butler introduced, "This is the place for all the knights to talk. You can also choose your opponents for this battle here..."

"Come quickly, Duke Chaklo has challenged the Duchess of Violet!"

Before he finished speaking, someone shouted, and the people who were originally smiling and talking all looked happy, and rushed towards another passage like a tide.

Xiaozhi looked at Serena and smiled, "It looks like there will be a very good Pokémon battle to watch next."

He likes to watch fun the most.

Squeezing into the crowd, this is a specially built stand. Opposite the stand is an artificial lake, but in the middle stands a majestic battle field.

At this time, in the middle of the battle field, a man and a woman wearing red cloaks, holding Poké Balls in their hands and looking at each other, seeming to be preparing for the Pokémon battle.

"I didn't expect to meet Miss Violet here."

Serena was quite emotional. She was still very impressed with Violet. After all, this was the first gym leader that Xiaozhi defeated.

Yulijia was puzzled, "Who is the black-skinned man who fought against Miss Violet?"

Black-skinned man?

Hearing this, a fat man who was originally watching the battle suddenly turned his head and scolded, "That's the Duke, don't be rude."

Are there any brainless fans?

Yurika became more and more curious about the dark-skinned man who was fighting Violet.

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