Xiaozhi and Chaklo stood up and started this wonderful gym battle.

On the side, the referee announced the rules of the battle.

"Now, the gym match between gym trainer Chaklo and challenger Xiaozhi from Pallet Town is about to begin!"

"The gym trainer uses two Pokémon, and the challenger can use all Pokémon to challenge!"

After listening to the rules, Xiaozhi rubbed his ears and suspected that he had heard it wrong. What is this rule?

"Mr. Chaklo, all Pokémon?"

Chaklo nodded, "This is the competition rule of Haruka Gym. I want to see all the Pokémon of the challenger. This is also the fun of being a gym owner."

Although he knew that Xiaozhi was powerful, he had set this competition rule and would not change it at this time.

Xiaozhi said, "No problem, I will satisfy Mr. Chaklo's pleasure."

"I have six Pokémon in my hand, I believe I will get the badge of Haruka Gym."

In the battle seat, Serena was smiling, she knew that Xiaozhi would win. With Xiaozhi's current lineup, even the four kings, or even some champions, would never dare to be so arrogant as to say that they could defeat Xiaozhi with two Pokémon.

Xitron covered his face and shook his head. Chaklo must have lost his mind from rock climbing. What kind of rule is this?

Don't you have any idea of ​​your own strength?

Does the alliance know about your behavior?

No wonder the number of challengers to the Rock Gym has been rising in recent years. It turned out that you did it.

Xitron, who knew Xiaozhi's true strength, could only say, Chaklo, you are digging a hole for yourself!

This hole is really big and deep.

The referee looked at Xiaozhi who took out the Poké Ball and said, "Now that you are ready, let's start the game."

"At the same time, the challenger can change the Pokémon in the battle at any time, but the gym trainer cannot."

Look, the buff is directly maxed out.

Chaklo looked at Xiaozhi, "The last time I saw your battle in the battle castle, it was really exciting, but I am also very curious about what tactics you will use today to cross this mountain."

"Let me see it!"


Chaklo threw the Poké Ball, accompanied by a flash of white light, and a huge rock body coiled on the battle field. It was Onix.

Xiaozhi turned on the system detection function and learned the information of Onix, the potential king, the level gym.

"Frog, it's decided to be you."

With the flash of white light, the figure of Frog appeared. It looked at the huge Onix with a firm expression. He had been looking forward to this battle for a long time.

Looking at the scene in the field, Xitron smiled and said, "It's really rare that Xiaozhi actually sent out the water-type Frog this time."

Since he saw Xiaozhi's reverse attribute battle last time, it was difficult for him to look directly into Xiaozhi's thinking.

However, this time it was stable.

Xiaozhi could command the reverse attribute battle with ease and easily win the battle, not to mention that the advantage is now in my hands, and the water system restrains the rock system.

Xiaozhi took the lead in launching the attack, "Frog, use all your strength to perform Water Wave!"


Frog jumped up suddenly, jumped several feet high, and appeared directly on the head of Onix, then put his hands together, and a Water Wave suddenly smashed down.

This move took ten years of skill, can you withstand it?

Although Chaklo was surprised by the jumping ability of Frog, he did not panic and responded easily, "Onix, use Electric Cannon Glow."

A glittering light flashed on Onix's body, and then a strong breath came out of its mouth. On the track of Electric Cannon Glow, Water Wave and Frog were in a straight line.

This is the rhythm of preparing to catch them all in one swoop.

Xiaozhi raised the corner of his mouth, waved his big hand, and said, "Just this is not enough, Frog, run."

Frog immediately landed, kicked the ground with both feet, changed direction in an instant, and rushed towards Onix.

Now it was Onix's turn to face a choice.

Stopping Electric Cannon Glow was naturally impossible. Not only would it be attacked by Water Wave, but Frog would even get close to it, which would be very disadvantageous for the next battle.


When he saw the collision between the light of the electric cannon and the wave of water, Chaklo immediately said, "Use polished rock."

Polished rock can greatly improve Onix's agility. So far, he has seen Xiaozhi's tactics.

This is to use the speed advantage of Frogto get close to Onix and completely cut off Onix's idea of ​​using rock to block.

However, Chaklo raised his eyebrows. Can you really catch up?

Even Violet's proud speed advantage was overshadowed by my bigRock Snake is suppressing it, I don't believe that Frogger can restrain it.

"Shadow clone."

Xiaozhi had already thought of a countermeasure. The Froggers that were jumping continuously in the field covered the entire battlefield in an instant.


The calls of Froggers were heard from all directions of the battlefield.

As if to say, big guy, you are surrounded by me.

Chaklo approved, "It's a good idea, but before Frogger gets close, my Onix has the ability to easily get rid of the Shadow Clone."

"Onix, use Rock Seal."

Facing this scene, Xiaozhi raised his mouth and smiled. For this moment, he and Frogger had trained for a long time and formulated a perfect tactic.

"Frogger, jump up."

Onix's Rock Seal fell from the sky like a rainstorm. At this moment, all Froggers jumped up. In the air, some Shadow Clone was hit by rocks and quickly dissipated.

However, one figure was very conspicuous. It was the real body of Frog, which was hidden in its clone and under the cover of the clone.

It easily jumped onto the falling rocks, and with the rocks as steps, Frog kept jumping up and heading towards Onix.

"Now, use Water Wave."

After jumping again, Frog had already reached the height in front of Onix. Hearing Xiaozhi's voice, Frog did not hesitate, condensed Water Wave in his hand, and output close to the face.


Onix was hit directly, and its body shook for a moment, but it finally stopped. Onix's size advantage cannot be ignored.

Seeing this scene, Chaklo smiled and said, "Very good tactics, but the power of the trick is a little lacking. Onix, use Iron Tail."

Onix's tail showed a metallic luster, and the huge tail swung, breaking the surrounding air. If this attack hit, Frog would definitely lose its combat ability.

"Mr. Chakro, I'll say the same thing to you. Frog is much faster than Onix."

Just as Xiaozhi expected, Frog's agile body kept jumping and easily dodged Onix's iron tail.

At the same time, because the use of iron tail requires close proximity, Frog is very close to the big rock at this time.

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