
Looking at his crying sister in his arms, Xitron said, "I'll go and see too. You wait here for me."


Yulijia didn't say anything, just grabbed Xitron's arm and refused to let go. It would be fine if it was before.

But now Xitron didn't have a powerful Pokémon with him. If he encountered any danger, it would be too late to regret.

"Don't worry, Xiaozhi has already followed, and this is also my duty."

"You wait here for me, I won't be in danger."

Xitron carried his bag and hurried out of the Blatano Institute.

Looking at her brother's back, Yulijia could only pray that everything would be safe.

The lire-biting land shark was tortured by the ring on his neck and lost control of his mind. The destruction of the death ray was like free, and countless buildings were pierced and knocked down.

This quickly attracted the attention of Miss Junsha.

Miss Junsha was evacuating the crowd. "All residents, please note that Garchomp is rioting outside now. The situation is very dangerous. Please evacuate as soon as possible."

In the sky, a helicopter suddenly flew over, and the hatch opened. There were a man and a woman in it, one carrying a camera and the other holding a microphone to explain.

They are really dedicated.

The female reporter held the microphone and said, "At this time, Garchomp is still rioting. At this time, he flew towards the direction of the Fantasy Crystal Tower...ah..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw another destructive death lightcoming from Garchomp in the distance.

Fortunately, the pilot of the plane was very skilled and avoided this attack, otherwise he would have eaten today.

"He launched a destructive death beam without hesitation, and it seems that he intends to destroy the helicopter we use for reporting."

"He seems to be in a very excited state now."


Pidgeot's voice came, and he flew over the helicopter like a roc spreading its wings. Xiaozhi stood on Pidgeot's back and looked resolutely in the direction of the Crystal Tower.

And this scene was recorded completely in the camera and broadcasted.

"Oh my God, this Pidgeot trainer is not trying to stop Garchomp!"

At this time in Chaoxiang Town.

In a house, Saqi was sipping coffee while watching TV, and the live broadcast on TV was exactly what was happening in Miare City.

"Sarina, look, something really incredible seems to have happened in Miare City."

Sarina took out a box of milk from the refrigerator, and heard her mother's words and said angrily, "I feel like my face is also incredible now."

Hearing this, Saqi could only laugh awkwardly. In the morning, she trained Sarina to be a rider of the armored rhino, but she didn't expect Sarina to be thrown off the back of the armored rhino and face the ground.

Sarina is in a very bad mood now.

Sarina came over, sat on the sofa, and looked at the scene on TV and asked with some confusion, "What is this, a movie?"

Sarina replied, "No, this is a live broadcast, it happened in Miare City."

At this time, Sarina, who was staring at the screen, was suddenly stunned, because what flashed on the TV screen was Xiaozhi on the back of Pidgeot.

'It's him, he came to Kalos. '

For a moment, Sarina's heart was very complicated, and she couldn't listen to her mother's words at all.

Phantom Crystal Tower.

Xiaozhi jumped off the back of Pidgeot and came directly to the top of the Crystal Tower. The area here is very small, but the tower is 100 meters high under his feet.

If he falls down, even with the physique of a newcomer in Pallet Town, he will probably be smashed into a pulp.




Charizard, Pikachu, and Lizard King also came nearby and looked at Xiaozhi, wanting to know what Xiaozhi was going to do at this time.

Xiaozhi said lightly, "It's because of the collar on Garchomp's neck. Our main goal now is to take it off."

"This Garchomp is not weak, so please go all out and knock him out first."

Now that he has the advantage, Xiaozhi doesn't need to walk on a tightrope like in the original book. After all, at an altitude of 100 meters, if something unexpected happens, it won't be very nice.

Pidgeot is around Xiaozhi, and he and Pikachu are the guarantee to prevent Garchomp from being unethical and attacking Xiaozhi.

Lizard King and Charizard are responsible for the love education of Garchomp.


Garchomp attacked with a destructive death beam, Charizard immediately dodged, and was seen flapping his wings and looking at Lizard King.

Lizard King held a branch in his mouth with a cool expression.

Xiaozhi spoke at this time, "Lizard King uses Lightning Flash to knock Garchomp out. Charizard, at the moment when Garchomp is knocked away, use Earth Throw."


Lizard King usesIn a flash of lightning, his figure was so fast that the naked eye could not see it clearly, leaving only a trail of afterimages in the air.


Garchomp lost all his sanity and only knew how to attack rudely. He was hit by the Lizard King's move and flew backwards.

Garchomp was knocked out and had no fulcrum in the air. However, although Garchomp was a dragon with ground attributes, he could also glide on the wings on his back.

But before he could spread his wings, Charizard's soaring wings instantly appeared beside him, and its strong arms held Garchomp tightly.

Garchomp roared and tried to break free from Charizard's restraints, but Charizard had been trained in Charizard Valley for several years and was so powerful that it was a real king level.

Garchomp was not able to break free.

Charizard stopped flapping its wings, head down, and did free fall, crashing into the ground with Garchomp.

When it was a few meters away from the ground, Charizard suddenly let go, its wings flashed quickly, and it glided to the ground smoothly.

But the Garchomp that he let go was not so lucky. Under the effect of inertia, Garchomp fell heavily to the ground.

A big hole was immediately smashed into the heavy concrete floor, and Garchomp's eyes turned into circles, and he fainted completely.

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