Blatano approached Xiaozhi, took Xiaozhi's hand, and said enthusiastically, "Xiaozhi, please agree to my request. I want to study Mega Charizard."

"Of course no problem."

Xiaozhi smiled and agreed, "I believe Charizard will definitely cooperate with the doctor."

"But since the doctor came to see Miss Karuna, I wonder if he saw her?"

Dr. Blatano smiled proudly, "Of course he saw her, but Karuna has a game in the afternoon and is now putting on makeup in the next room."

After all, he is a famous Pokémon doctor in the Kalos region. For him, even if Karuna is a champion and a well-known actor, it is not difficult to just want to see her.

This lounge is connected to the next room, separated by only a door. It can be said that Karuna gave Blatano enough face.

Serena and Yurika looked towards the next door, with a look of joy on their faces, "I didn't expect Miss Karuno to be next door. This is the closest I've ever been to Miss Karuno."

As the champion of the Kalos region and a well-known actress, Karuno is very popular among the girls in the Kalos region, and many people regard her as an idol.

Serena is naturally among these people. Since Xiaozhi mentioned the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament to her last time, she has had some ideas.

However, these ideas are still in their infancy, and the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament is only held in some cities, so Serena can only give up temporarily.

Compared to her ideas, Xiaozhi's dream is more important.


The door opened and a mature woman in a white dress came out. It was Karuna. She smiled and said, "Doctor, I took a long time to put on my makeup. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

She looked at Xiaozhi and the others and changed the subject, "I didn't expect that you had other guests. I didn't disturb you!"

"Of course not."

Bratano smiled and looked at Karuna and asked, "Miss Karuna, what do you think of my previous proposal?"

What he proposed was naturally the proposal to study the mega-evolved Gardevoir and the evolution key.

"Doctor, please allow me to refuse."

Karun shook her head and reached out to touch the necklace on her neck, which was inlaid with a strange gem.

Xiaozhi recognized it as the evolution key at a glance, and he also had one in his hand.

"Doctor, I am very willing to assist you in your research on super evolution, but this evolution key represents the bond between me and Gardevoir, so it is difficult for me to lend it to you, sorry."

Bratano's heart sank, this was the rhythm of being rejected, he quickly spread his hands and said, "I understand your feelings very much, but I really need your help in my recent research."

Kalun was a little hesitant, thought about it, and said, "How about this, my next stop will pass through Miare City. If time permits, I will go to the institute to assist you in your research. Is this okay, Doctor?"

"Thank you so much."

Bratano smiled and thanked, the evolution key is not only extremely precious, but also represents the bond between Pokémon and trainers. It is normal that he is unwilling to lend such an important thing.

Now that Kalun has agreed to assist him in his research, it is already the best result.

At this time, Xiaochun walked out and said to Karuna, "Ms. Karuna, the battle will start soon, please hurry up and get on stage!"

"I know."

Karuno nodded and looked at Xiaozhi and his group. She recognized Citron and smiled, "If you are not busy, you can stay and watch my next battle."

After that, she turned and left.

After Karuna left, Xiaozhi looked regretful, "I didn't expect Miss Karuna to be so busy. I wanted to invite her to a duel."

After hearing this, Bratano came over and asked, "Xiaozhi, do you want to challenge Miss Karuna?"


Xiaozhi said excitedly, "Miss Karuna is the champion of the Kalos region. I naturally want to challenge her, but it seems a little difficult now."

Bratano thought about it and smiled meaningfully, "Xiaozhi, can you lend me the key in your hand? I can arrange a duel with Karuna for you."


Xiaozhi hesitated and glanced at the evolution key on his gloves, "But Doctor, this evolution key is very important to me..."

Bratano was a little regretful and asked again, "Xiaozhi, is there really no way to lend it to me? I really need the evolution key for research now."

"Is that so!"

Xiaozhi thought about it, put his hand into the backpack behind him, and bought it from the system mall.Bought an evolution key.

This is just the normal version, and it cannot super evolve six Pokémon at the same time like the one in his hand.

"Doctor, I can't lend you the one in my hand, but I got another one. Since the doctor needs it, I'll lend it to you for research."

After taking the evolution key, Bratano looked at it in surprise, and then said, "I didn't expect that Xiaozhi could get two evolution key stones. Thank you this time. If you need anything in the future, tell me."

"Doctor, don't forget my battle with Miss Karunone."

Although the evolution key is valuable, it is nothing to Xiaozhi.

And you can also make friends with a Pokémon doctor with an extra evolution key. Such a deal is worth it.

Bratano smiled and said, "Of course, let's go watch Karuna's game first. After the game, I will definitely make an appointment for you."

"Don't worry, Karuna will definitely agree to it for my sake."

After all this, Xiaozhi and his group came to the spectator seat. Karuna was the champion and came here to participate in the exhibition match. The local organizers naturally could not be shabby, and the battle venue was decorated very luxuriously.

As spectators, they can get snacks and drinks provided by sponsors for free.

As for why it is called an exhibition match, the reason is very simple.

The player who played against Karuna in the field was the champion of the competition held in this town last year, named Morgan.

The Pokémon he used was the disaster beast Absol, and the Pokémon Karuna used was her famous Pokémon,Gardevoir.

Xiaozhi used the detection function, Gardevoir, level champion, and Absol, level gym.

Looking at the two Pokémon fighting equally in the field, Xiaozhi's mouth twitched a little. This let-off was really a bit outrageous.

What else could this be if not an exhibition match?

Gradually, Xiaozhi lost interest in the match. His eyes were mainly on the necklace on Gardevoir's neck, which was also inlaid with a round gem.

That was the Mega Evolution Stone that belonged exclusively to Gardevoir.

Seeing this evolution stone, Xiaozhi couldn't wait to have a Pokémon battle with Karuna.

Finally, the match was over.

The result was just as everyone expected. After a 'tough' battle, Gardevoir won.

Then, amid the cheers of the crowd like a tsunami, the match ended perfectly.

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