At this moment, an off-road vehicle was slowly driving on the mountain road about 150 kilometers away from the snow mountain ice cave.

Behind the off-road vehicle was a cage made of dark stone, and inside it was an ice dragon.

It looked at the snow mountain moving away from it, and the ice dragon kept wailing.

In the driver's seat and the co-pilot seat of the off-road vehicle sat two men with shifty eyes.

One of them glanced at the avalanche in the distance, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"So what if it’s a king-level frost dragon? It’s still fooled by us, right?"

"No matter how strong you are, you are just an elf. Now you can only stand there helplessly and rage."

"People are saying that elves are mobile disasters, I think they are more like mobile vaults"


Then, the person in the main driver's seat looked at the ice dragon that was still howling behind the car.

"This is the offspring of a king. This is a great fortune."

"I heard that the quasi-king-level fire-breathing camel cub that the Hellfire Team got last time was sold for a full three million."

"I wonder what the price will be on the black market?"

The two poachers drove towards the city, talking and laughing.

They had been preparing for this poaching for a long time.

In order to lure out the Ice Dragon, they attacked many wild Pokémon in the snowy mountains beforehand.

Then, after the Ice Dragon left the ice cave, they deliberately set traps to capture the Ice Dragon.

They have done this many times, and even many forces secretly asked them to hunt some rare Pokémon.

They are quite proud of their business capabilities. After all, this is also a gray area of the alliance, and ordinary trainers don't like to get involved in this kind of thing, so they are still at large until now.

"Alas, poaching is becoming less and less challenging now."

"Where do you think we should go poaching next time? Sakura Volcano or Bear Country Snowfield?"

At this moment, suddenly, the poacher driving the vehicle seemed to notice a figure in front.

"Stop." Lin Yan raised his head, looked at the car speeding towards him, and slowly ordered

"Tsk, where did this idiot come from?"

"People nowadays really don't know how to live or die."The man driving the car sneered, not only did he not step on the brakes, he even stepped on the accelerator.

Beep, beep, beep!

The car horns kept honking, as if warning the"fool" in front of him.

Either get out of the way or wait to die.

As poachers, they naturally have no bottom line, and people like Lin Yan who hinder their way of making money will not have a trace of conscience.

Anyway, a bloody corpse lying under the ice and snow will not know that it was done by them.

Under the bursts of horns, the car did not slow down, but drove at high speed.

Lin Yan sighed.

All right.

Since he is stubborn, there is no need for me to show mercy.

He slowly extended a finger at the speeding car.

"What is this guy doing? Why is he sticking up a finger?"

"Could it be that he was so scared that only one finger could move?"

""Hahahahahaha, you are really a fool."

The next second, the car crashed into Lin Yan.

The flying snow around was suddenly blown away at this moment, and then a terrifying air pressure seemed to form in the surroundings, gathering in front of Lin Yan, and then condensed into an invisible wall of air.

Then, the car hit head-on, and the surging airflow kept squeezing the off-road vehicle. The extremely hard metal cover was instantly deformed, and the windshields on all sides shattered at the sound, and even the glass shards were turned into powder without any shards left! The two people in the off-road vehicle also hit the fender directly because of the sudden strong inertia, and their heads were broken and bleeding in an instant. They felt the dramatic force above their heads.

They felt pain and raised their heads to look at Lin Yan who was motionless. They were hit head-on by an off-road vehicle running at full speed, but instead of being unscathed, their heads were blown apart.

This? ?

The car hit humans, but the car was smashed instead?

This is too outrageous, right? ?

The two looked at Lin Yan in confusion, and two words instantly came to their minds.


Actually, Lin Yan had no intention of showing mercy. Such poachers who destroyed the ecological balance did not deserve to die.

However, after all, the ice dragon was also in the car. If he punched with all his strength.

Not only the off-road vehicle, but even the ice dragon would be buried with them.

What's more, these two poachers were not worthy of him punching.

"What about the ice dragon?"

"Hand it over."

Lin Yan's tone did not change at all from beginning to end, just like the eternal sky, looking down at him.

"Damn, you think having super powers is great, right?"

"Whoever you are, how dare you be so arrogant?"

One of the poachers kicked open the damaged car door in anger, and then took his high-end ball from the iron chain on his belt.

"Tell your children, don't meddle in other people's business from now on"

"However, you have no future either."

As soon as the words fell, two red lights emerged, and two elves appeared in the ice and snow.

One of them had huge ears and wings, purple and black, flying in the air overlooking Lin Yan.

The other one was a blue carp dragon, and just after it was summoned, it bared its teeth at Lin Yan and roared.

Sonic Dragon and Gyarados!

Since they dared to do poaching, which was expressly prohibited by the Pokémon Alliance, the elves in their hands would naturally not be too weak.

Each one was a powerful elf at the peak of the professional level!

"It just so happens that I haven't killed a superpowered person yet, so I'll send you off today!"

The moment they saw Lin Yan, the two poachers immediately had the intention to kill him.

They couldn't let him live.

At this moment, Lin Yan looked at the two elves flying in the sky and slowly raised his right hand.

"Want to surrender now? Too late!"

"Besides, the surrender gesture requires two hands, and your surrender gesture is not standard."


The two laughed wildly, and at the same time, the two Pokémon began to block Lin Yan's front and back.

Even if he could defeat two peak professional-level Pokémons, he would at least be a quasi-king, and there would be no rules in the wild battlefield, and he would not attack the trainer.

Therefore, in their eyes, the boy in front of them was just a middle school boy from a big family, a dying trophy!

However, Lin Yan ignored their ridicule and just slowly said:

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