This secret place is a different world, and because it is the highest point of the entire Eternal Mountains, the human expedition team has not been able to reach here.

The top of the mountain is surrounded by clouds and mist, and the mountains are green. After all, it is a secret place opened up by Dialga. The ecological environment is very beautiful, with winding paths, which is very suitable for the lives of various elves.

Beautiful, beautiful.

This is Lin Yan's first impression of the Eternal Mountains.

And the second impression is the shining Bangila in front of him.

This Bangila has six irregular spikes on both sides of its body, and there are two triangular holes on both sides of the chest, the center of the back, and the knees of both legs.

Of course, these are just the characteristics of ordinary Bangila.

And this one.

From its appearance, it is enough to see its difference.

This Bangila is black and gold all over, and its body is twice as tall as the ordinary Bangila. It is four meters tall and exudes a terrifying aura of evil attributes.

Bangila is a quasi-god-level elf. In addition, this Bangila is unusual, and its huge body is enough to make any elves around dare not approach.

In addition.

A huge sandstorm even formed around it, with yellow sand, soil, stones and dust blowing around, forming a wave of flying sand and rocks.

This is the characteristic of Bangira, raising sand.

This characteristic will cause a sandstorm to form around Bangira.

This is not as simple as losing one-sixteenth of the health in the game.

In the real world, this is a real natural disaster!

Even if all the elves are counted, there are only three elves with the characteristic of raising sand, and Bangira is one of them, which is enough to show the horror of Bangira.

Moreover, in this world, the scale of the sandstorm is also linked to the strength of the elves themselves.

Judging from the sandstorm raised by Bangira, at least it must have the strength of the quasi-king level!

If you tell that group of king-level trainers, they will never give up until they break the threshold of the Eternal Mountains.

Because even in the Eternal Mountains of the A-level secret realm, this shining Bangira is definitely the overlord of one side, standing out from the crowd!


At this time, Bangila began to doubt his life.

What the hell happened just now?

And wasn't that a meteorite impact before? How did it become a human?

As a quasi-king-level elf who was only half a step away from the king level, he was eating tree fruits and drinking spring water just now, and suddenly felt a terrifying shock. He was shocked, and his cave was almost broken. He was almost buried alive!

When he came out to see, a human was standing in his territory, slapping the dust. It

's not like it hasn't seen humans before, but in its impression, humans are very weak.

And next to Lin Yan, he didn't even see half an elf next to Lin Yan.

Isn't this too ridiculous? ?

So Bangila instinctively turned on the fighting posture and activated the sand-raising feature, intending to drive away this uninvited guest.

As for Lin Yan...

He glanced at Bangila with wide eyes, especially the one that was holding a leftover pomelo fruit in its hand, and he softly clicked his tongue.

"Bangila...seems to be pretty good, but unfortunately he's a foodie"

"No, this thing seems to be able to eat a mountain, I can't afford it, and the money my parents gave me is not enough for me to eat for a week."

"And the sand-raising feature can easily stain clothes, so I deduct one point."

"It's so tall... I can't put it at home"

"Forget it, I still have to find a Pokémon that can feed itself and me at the same time."

Lin Yan shook off the remaining dust on his body, then glanced at Bangila, and planned to leave in disappointment.

If those king-level trainers heard Lin Yan pick and choose on the king-level Pokémon, listing all kinds of problems, and finally leaving with a look of disgust, they would probably vomit three pounds of blood.

But Lin Yan does have to consider Pokémon from multiple dimensions.

Moreover, Shiny Bangila is too ostentatious.

Lin Yan still prefers to be low-key.

Well, let's find some ordinary Pokémon, anyway, I can train with them.

If it doesn't work, I can use fists to assist... Well, thinking about it this way, fighting-type Pokémon don't seem bad?

If these fighting-type Pokémon heard this, they would probably shout collectively: Don't come over!

At this moment, Lin Yan noticed that the scale of the sandstorm around him had actually expanded a lot.

The dust that he had just shaken off accumulated again in an instant.

Lin Yan wanted to leave, but it was obvious that Bangila didn't I was planning to let him go.

I was just eating hot pot... No, I was eating tree fruits and drinking spring water, and suddenly a human jumped in the face.

Elves often have a strong sense of territory, especially powerful evil elves like Bangila.

You dare to trespass into my territory, how can you just leave?

What's more infuriating is that this guy actually pointed fingers in front of it...

How can I tolerate this?

I am a quasi-god after all, and I am a quasi-king level. It's not like I haven't seen strong humans before!

So many humans are trying every means to catch me, and they are flocking to me, but I have never seen a face full of disgust when they see me. After all, I am a quasi-god who has half a foot in the king level!

It's hard to relieve the hatred in my heart if I don't beat him up!

The rage surged in Bangila's chest.

In the elves' worldview, the strong prey on the weak. Since you dare to trespass into my territory, then, either I beat you up, or you beat me up.


In the yellow sand, the black and golden figure shouted a low roar while slowly approaching Lin Yan.

The sandstorm became more violent with every stomp of his feet.

In the end, Lin Yan could hardly see the position of Bangira in the sandstorm.

Not to mention humans, even some ordinary elves would have died under such yellow sand.

Even elves with slightly stronger strength would at least be swept away by the sand.

However, Lin Yan always stood in the center of the sandstorm, as still as a mountain.

""The dust clears up, the road is not clear."

Lin Yan frowned and said to Bangila calmly, not realizing that Bangila had already started to kill.

He had seen many elves seeking death, and he was too lazy to care.

But it was obvious that Bangila did not intend to stop.

In the flying dust, Bangila opened his mouth, and a beam of annihilation light condensed in his mouth. Countless violent energies began to surge in front of Bangila's mouth, accompanied by a harsh sound like electric current.

This is the most powerful move besides ordinary explosions and big explosions, the destructive death ray!

Because of its great power, it will fall into a short shock period after it is used and cannot move.

Lin Yan frowned when he heard the harsh sound.

He casually reached out from the yellow sand and grabbed a stone, weighed it in his hand, and then threw it at Bangila.

Lin Yan looked at the destructive death ray that was close at hand. It was enough to annihilate a hill, but for him...……

""Too noisy!"

Lin Yan said lightly, and slowly stretched out a finger, flicking it at the destructive death light!

Crack, crack, crack!

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