
The Kentaro leader raised his head and roared, raised his sturdy front hooves high, and stood up almost straight with his body as big as a truck, trying to throw Mu Qing out.

Mu Qing's pupils condensed.

He leaned forward and tightly grasped the long hair on Kentaro's neck with both hands.

At the same time, he immediately said to comfort him.

"Kentaro, calm down, I mean no harm to you"

"I know you can understand me, don't be impulsive, we can help you solve any problems."

Kentaro's eyes were red, and he didn't listen to him at all.

His body was swinging wildly, and his four hooves were jumping back and forth on the spot, trampling the ground and making dust roll.

Mu Qing felt that his stomach acid was about to be knocked out.

The dust was blowing in his face, and it was difficult to open his eyes.

If it weren't for Mu Qing's extraordinary physique, he would have been thrown out at this moment.

Seeing that words of comfort were useless, Mu Qing looked up at the giant bee above his head and shouted:

"Beedrill, uses poison sting"


The stinger on the tail of the giant bee flashed coldly, and it swooped down and stabbed down.


A painful and angry roar resounded in all directions.

The stinger on the tail of the giant hornet, as thick as an arm, pierced into Kentaro's neck.

Stimulated by the severe pain and poison, the leader of the Kentaro became more and more manic, as if he had lost the last bit of reason.

It no longer focused on getting rid of the human on its back, but stepped forward with four hooves, charging forward.

Along the way, the little Kentaro that blocked the way was directly knocked away by it.




The roar of the rioting Kentaro was so loud that even the residents of the town could hear it.

At the edge of the forest, Miss Junsha was stunned when she saw the huge Kentaro leading the way.

She shook her head and thought she was dazzled.

"Oh my god, what did I see?"

On the back of the huge Kentaro, a sturdy young man stood facing the wind, holding the long mane in his hand, like the most heroic knight, taming the most arrogant horse.

This scene was deeply imprinted in Miss Junsha's eyes and heart.

So handsome!

Seeing the Kentaro leader getting closer and closer, Miss Junsha was infatuated and stood there in a daze.

Mu Qing waved his left hand and shouted loudly

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Jigglypuff, Butterfree, and Temptress stepped aside with their short legs.

Only Officer Junsha didn't move.

When Mu Qing saw this, his face changed. He grabbed the mane with both hands and pulled it to the left.

At the same time, a Caterpie came running and hit the female officer, pushing her to the right. There was a rumbling sound of trampling, and it whistled past.

Chief Kentaro turned a few meters to the left and almost rushed into the forest beside them.

At this time, Miss Junsha came back to her senses and patted her chest in fear.

"" Barbute, Chansey, and Temptress, you stay here and continue hypnotizing.

Growlithe, follow me."

Mu Qing's face was livid. The risk was even greater once they entered the forest.

He had already seen a group of cute wild Pokémon ahead, and they had no idea that danger was approaching.

Thoughts were running through his mind.

He suddenly remembered watching a cow slaughter in the village when he was a child.

The old people in the village all knew it.

Before slaughtering a cow, the cow's eyes must be blindfolded, otherwise the cow will resist violently and may hurt people.

Mu Qing said nothing, and immediately took off his black short-sleeved shirt and covered Kentaro's eyes directly.

The blindfolded Kentaro suddenly seemed to have become a headless fly, bumping around everywhere.

Boom, boom, boom... nearby trees were knocked down.

After the crazy catharsis, the Kentaro leader finally felt tired and stopped, panting.

Perhaps it was the venom of the Beedrill that began to take effect.


With a slightly sobbing roar, the huge Kentaro leader fell to the ground with a bang.

Mu Qing did not dare to take it lightly, and still covered its eyes tightly with short sleeves.

Some of the other Kentaro chased after it.

Seeing the leader fall, they also calmed down and lowered their heads to eat grass around.

Not long after, Miss Junsha came over with the Caterpie.

Seeing the scene in front of her, the big stone hanging in her heart slowly fell to the ground. She bent down, supported her long black silk legs with both hands, and panted.

The two looked at each other from a distance and smiled.


Ten minutes later, an old man in a white research suit came over.

"Officer Katie, I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble. Thank you so much this time."

Miss Junsha smiled faintly and straightened her waist.

""Dr. Oak, you are too polite. Actually, I didn't do much. If you want to thank someone, you can thank this gentleman."

Mu Qing, who was lying on Kentaro's back, stood up immediately.

It was like, too much like.

It was exactly the same as Dr. Oak in his memory.

Mu Qing quickly stepped forward and took the initiative to extend his hand.

"Hello, Professor Oak. My name is Mu Qing, and I am a Pokémon trainer in the Sinnoh region."

Professor Oak smiled kindly and shook hands with him.

"Did you defeat this Kentaro leader?"

Miss Junsha said first.

"Professor Oak, you may not know that Mu Qing defeated the Kentaro with his own strength, without relying on Pokémon.

Although Beedrill also contributed to this battle, Junsha did not see it.

In her opinion, it was Mu Qing who defeated Kentaro alone.

Professor Oak was shocked.

He looked at Mu Qing with more respect.

"This is a commander-level Kentaro of over 50 levels. How is it possible to defeat it with human power alone?"

Mu Qing scratched his head and laughed.

"It's not just me, it's mainly the stinger of this giant bee that played an important role."

His giant bee flew out of the bushes immediately.

The huge size of the bee shocked Professor Oak again.

Just by looking at the size, you can tell that this giant bee has good qualifications.

He took out the Pokémon Pokémon and checked it.

【Pokémon: Beedrill】


【Level: LV34】

【Attributes: Bug, Poison]

It is not his Pokémon, and the Pokémon cannot check its qualifications and characteristics.

But it is only level 34, and it has this size, which further confirmed his guess.

This giant bee has extraordinary qualifications.

"The sting of a level 34 giant bee is just like a tickle to this Kentaro leader. Mr. Mu Qing, you are too modest."

Mu Qing smiled and didn't explain any more.

You can think whatever you want.

"Mr. Mu Qing, these Kentaro are actually from my research institute, and they are fostered in the ranch.

On weekdays, they are very docile.

I have to investigate this matter.

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