In the forest about 400 to 500 meters away from the institute, a large truck was hidden in the grass.

On the top of the tree canopy, two people were holding binoculars, staring closely at the situation at the Oak Institute.

These two people, one man and one woman, were both wearing black T-shirts with a big red R on their chests, indicating their identities.

That's right, they are the most evil poaching organization in the Pokémon world.

Team Rocket.

However, they are not the classic trio, but another elite team.

"Yamato, something is wrong. The car just now seemed to belong to Professor Oak."

""Let me see."

Amado, who had long orange hair tied into two ponytails, snatched the telescope.

She looked carefully and saw Professor Oak and his group getting out of the car.

"Coming back so quickly, things are a bit difficult."

Saburo looked back at the dozen or so Pokémon on the truck and said

"We have gained a lot today, why don't we retreat first? If we are discovered, all our efforts will be in vain."

Yamato gritted his teeth.

"I'm so unwilling to give up. That Snorlax is the champion player Xiaozhi's trump card Pokémon. If we catch it, we can definitely sell it for a high price."

"Professor Oak is back, how can we catch him?

Besides, the Snorlax hasn't come out yet, so we can't do anything."

As soon as Kosaburo finished speaking, he saw that Yamato's face changed and he looked surprised.

""It's broken, and Snorlax has escaped."

Kosaburo quickly took the telescope and took a closer look.

He saw that the furious Snorlax had knocked a hole in the iron fence of the Oak Research Institute.

The fat and naive-looking Snorlax was like a dump truck out of control, crashing around.

Trees collapsed along the way, and dust rose everywhere.

"Quick, use Sporemon to lure it over here."

Yamato understood and took out a Poké Ball and threw it out.

"Come out, Sporemon."

A strange Pokémon with white stems, red caps, and shaped like a poisonous mushroom appeared in front of them.

(ps: The author created his own Pokémon)

"Spore Beast, use Lure"

""Spores~ Spores~"

Sporemon turned in a circle on the spot, and countless tiny powders scattered from its red umbrella.

Floating in the wind, it drifted towards Snorlax.

A few hundred meters away, the crazy Snorlax suddenly stopped and sniffed.

There was an obsession in its eyes, and drool flowed from its mouth.

It was as if it smelled the most delicious food in the world.

It took short and thick legs and rushed towards the Rocket Team stupidly.

As it ran, it stumbled and fell to the ground.

Snorlax was like a huge meat ball, rumbling down the mountain.

In the research institute.

Mu Qing and others quickly ran to the damaged fence and watched Snorlax rolling all the way down the mountain.

At the same time, a large number of Pokémon that were in riot fled from this gap.

The few people in the research institute alone could not take care of it.

Professor Oak took out six Poké Balls from his pocket and threw them out like flowers from the sky.

"Dragonite, Sol, Charizard... Please bring back those Pokémon that escaped."

The six powerful Pokémon that Professor Oak carried with him scattered and went to stop the Pokémon that escaped.

But even so, there were still not enough people.

You know, there are hundreds of Pokémon of various kinds raised in the research institute.

And the most troublesome thing is that Snorlax.

This Snorlax that Xiaozhi accidentally captured in the Orange Islands is of a high level and has extremely strong combat power.

In the four major regional leagues, it once helped Xiaozhi enter the semi-finals and defeated several dominant Pokémon.

If it weren't for the fact that this Snorlax has an amazing appetite, likes to sleep, and has a low desire to fight,

Xiaozhi would not have fostered it in the research institute.

"Growlithe, you guys come out too, help Professor Oak and stop those Pokémon from escaping.

Officer Junsha took out six Poké Balls from her pocket and threw them all out.

The six Growlithes worked closely together, forming a line and rushing forward at high speed.

Irene looked anxious. The Pokémon she was carrying were all healing Pokémon with little combat power, and they couldn't help at all.

At this moment, a giant bee flew back from the bottom of the mountain.


The giant bee gestured, with its two poisonous needles pointing to a dense forest at the foot of the mountain.

Mu Qing and it were quite in tune with each other.

"Beedrill, are you saying that there is a suspicious person in the forest?"


The giant bee nodded.

Mu Qing showed an expression of"as expected", jumped high, stretched out his hand to grab the giant bee's tail stinger, and ordered

"Beedrill, take me there.

Officer Junsha took off a pair of handcuffs from her waist immediately after hearing his words.

"Could it be the poaching organizer? I'll go check it out."

Ailin looked worried as she watched Mu Qing leave.

"I want to go too, take me with you"

"What are you going to do? There are many Pokémon here that are injured. You should stay and help them heal."

Miss Junsha said, and then said to Professor Oak

"Doctor, I leave this to you.

Don't worry, if I find any poachers, I will arrest them all." The roar of the engine sounded.

Junsha Katie put on a police hat and sunglasses, rode on a motorcycle police car, and roared down the mountain.


"Yamato, Snorlax has come down the mountain, get ready to capture him"

"Hehe, I've been prepared for a long time, don't worry."

Yamado stood up, and her curvy figure was clearly revealed.

Although she is already a well-deserved veteran in the Rockets, her appearance and figure have always been ranked first for so many years. She is known as the most beautiful girl in the Rockets. She is much better than Musashi with an exaggerated red hairstyle.

(Here is Yamado���I think so, please don’t criticize me, Musashi fans)

"Huh? What's going on? A giant bee is flying towards us."

"Beedrill? What rubbish, leave it alone."

Saburo held the telescope, his expression was extremely interesting.

He pulled Amado's sleeve and said

"No, there is a person hanging on the stinger of the giant bee."

Yamado said with disdain

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