At this time, Jigglypuff quickly finished drawing all the doodles of Beedrill.

It came running over, holding a marker, pointing at Miss Joy with an angry look on its face.

"Polly~ Polly~"

Mu Qing understood the general meaning.

It was asking him to get out of the way. It was going to paint Miss Joy a big face.

"Fatty, how about... just forget about it?"

Such a pure and lustful face, after being ruined by it, how ugly it is!

"Polly~ Polly~"

Jigglypuff shook his head, very angry.

Mu Qing had no choice but to reach out and pinch Miss Joy's philtrum to wake her up. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and Miss Joy slowly opened her eyes.

Her big eyes were watery and seemed to be able to speak.

When she saw Mu Qing and a cute Jigglypuff, she was relieved.

"Polly~ Polly~"

Jigglypuff smiled instantly, took out the microphone, and was about to sing again.

Mu Qing quickly covered his mouth.

"Look at the water, there are still many giant bees sleeping."

Puffy got angry again.

His light body was like a balloon, jumping onto the water surface, and the marker quickly passed over the largest queen bee.

Miss Joy stared at this scene with wide eyes and an incredible look on her face.

"It's the Jigglypuff that loves to graffiti."

The Kanto region is one of the habitats of Jigglypuffs.

Most Jigglypuffs love to sing, but there is only one Jigglypuff that is notorious.

Because its singing can hypnotize everyone and Pokémon, and then it will unscrupulously draw graffiti on everyone and Pokémon.

No one knows why its singing is so powerful.

No one knows why it draws on other people's faces.

"Sir, have you tamed this Jigglypuff?"

"Strictly speaking, it can't be considered as being tamed, it just likes to follow me."

Miss Joy was shocked.

She had heard that even the Four Heavenly Kings of the Kanto region could not tame this special Jigglypuff.

At this time, she carefully looked at the young man in front of her.

He was fair and clean, and quite handsome.

The point is, he has a good figure.

The muscles of his upper body are clearly defined, strong and sturdy, full of masculinity from the inside out, he is simply a walking hormone.

The two are very close at the moment.

Mu Qing is shirtless again.

Miss Joy blushed, looked down at her wet clothes, and suddenly became more shy.

The atmosphere unconsciously became a little ambiguous.

Mu Qing showed a hearty smile, stood up and stretched out his right hand.

Miss Joy was stunned for a moment, then stretched out her fair and tender little hand, grabbed his hand, and stood up

"My name is Mu Qing, what should I call you, young lady?"

"My name is Joey Irene, you can call me Irene."

When they stood face to face, Mu Qing realized that she was very tall, about 1.7 meters tall, with straight and slender legs, standing tall and graceful.

I couldn't imagine how comfortable it would be to carry these legs that were longer than my life on my shoulders.

"Miss Ellie, how come you are here, being chased by a group of giant hornets?"

"It’s a long story, let’s find a safe place, these giant bees will wake up soon."

Irene looked shy and didn’t dare to look at Mu Qing.

She was afraid that she would not be able to help herself and would touch the other’s pectoral muscles.

"OK, I know there is a cave ahead, let's go there and hide for a while"

"By the way, does Miss Irene have a Poké Ball? I have been traveling in the mountains and lost all my Poké Balls. Can you lend me one?"

Irene nodded, took out an empty Poké Ball from her bag and handed it over.

Mu Qing's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed.

He finally had a Poké Ball.

As long as he could capture a Pokémon with the Poké Ball, he would be a Pokémon trainer.

Who didn't dream of becoming a Pokémon trainer when they were young?

Mu Qing took the Poké Ball and looked at it carefully.

It was red and white, with a black line in the middle and a button in the center.

Just press the button to release the Pokémon.

"Go, capture the giant bee."

Mu Qing threw the Poké Ball at the largest queen bee.

Since the queen bee was in a coma, she couldn't resist at all.

A burst of red light enveloped the queen bee and put it into the Poké Ball.

"Buzz, buzz, ding!"

The Poké Ball trembled twice in succession, and with a crisp sound, the Poké Ball completely stabilized.

Mu Qing waved his hand, and the Poké Ball was quickly retracted and landed in his palm.

【Ding! Congratulations on catching your first wild Pokémon and officially becoming a Pokémon trainer. The Pokémon trainer template has now been activated.】

【The templates you can choose from are】

【1. Pokémon Battle Masters, Xiaozhi Template】

【2. Pokémon Breeding Master, Xiaogang Template】

【3. Pokémon Research Master, Xiao Mao Template]

Mu Qing was stunned on the spot.

Damn, the system is finally online!

I said, as a time traveler, how can there be no system.

How can I play without a system? I can't just rely on a Jigglypuff at the beginning.

"System, what are the differences between the three templates?"

After being surprised, Mu Qing asked silently in his heart

【Answer the host, Xiaozhi template, biased towards combat, mainly improve the host's physique】

【Xiaogang template, biased towards feeding, mainly to improve the host's intelligence】

【Xiaomao's goal is to study and mainly enhance the host's charm.

Mu Qing frowned.

He roughly understood Xiaozhi's template.

No wonder in the animation, Zhiye's body, a ten-year-old child, can withstand even 100,000 volts and the high temperature of Infernape. His physique is too strong.

He also knows a little about Xiaogang's template's intelligence, which is to assist the nurse.

But what does the charm of this Xiaomao template mean?

Mu Qing silently asked the system in his heart.

【Answer the host, charm can increase its own attractiveness, increase the host's chance of catching Pokémon, and also improve the basic stats of the captured Pokémon.


Damn, this is too good to be true.

Xiaomao, Xiaomao, I choose Xiaomao.

Apart from other things, just saying that it increases the chance of catching Pokémon and improves the basic stats of Pokémon is irresistible.

Moreover, improving charm can also increase one's own attractiveness.

Doesn't it mean that you can become more handsome?

【Xiaomao template is loading……】

【Template loaded! 1% completeness (improve completeness to get extra rewards)】

【Display Panel Properties】

【Host: Mu Qing】

【Age: 18】

【Gender: Male】

【Trainer level: Novice】

【Pokémon captured: Beedrill (detailed attributes can be viewed)】

【Strength: 12】

【Agility: 10】

【Constitution: 15】

【Intelligence: 10】

【Charm: 30]

(The basic value for an average adult is 10, and the five-dimensional values of the trainer can increase the basic values of the Pokémon by percentage)

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