Crack! Crack!

A huge crack appeared on the eggshell, extending from the top to the bottom.

"Jili~ Jili~"

Jili Egg clenched his hands and looked encouragingly, as if cheering up the baby in the eggshell.

After a few seconds, the eggshell cracked completely.

Mu Qing saw a fist-sized, wet cub poking its head out of the eggshell.

It had sparse hair on its body and was brown all over. It looked a bit like a puppy or a fox cub.

Mu Qing couldn't recognize what Pokémon it was.

After all, the Pokémon he had seen in the animations in his previous life were all grown-up Pokémon, and he had never seen a newborn cub like this.

"Jigglypuff, do you know what Pokémon this is?"

"Jili~ Jili~"

Jili has worked at the Pokémon Center for many years and has hatched many abandoned Pokémon eggs. He is very knowledgeable.

He waved his short hands and gestured.

Mu Qing didn't understand.

Jili took out a pen and paper from his pocket and quickly drew a Pokémon portrait.

Mu Qing took a closer look and said uncertainly,

"This is…��Ibrahimovic?"

"Jili~ Jili~"

Jili nodded like a chick pecking at rice.

It turned out to be Eevee.

Maybe the expectation was too high, Mu Qing was a little disappointed.

Eevee is a very common Pokémon in all regions, too mediocre.

Many novice trainers will catch an Eevee.

But most of them are raised as pets.

If there is an advantage, it may be that there are many evolutionary directions.

But the evolutionary conditions are also very harsh, and trainers with average family background may not be able to afford it.

With this condition, cultivating other more powerful Pokémon is not much better than Eevee.

Jili pressed the button, and the glass cover of the incubator slowly opened.

The little Eevee cub opened its eyes slightly, and saw Mu Qing at the first glance.

A slight cry came out of its mouth.


This sound melted his heart.

Mu Qing sighed.

After all, it was the first Pokémon he hatched. He couldn't just ignore it because it was too ordinary.

"Jigglypuff, is there any food to feed the cubs?"

"Jili~ Jili~"

Jili ran out with his short legs.

After a while, he came back with a small bottle in his hand.

Mu Qing smiled and touched his head, picked up the bottle, and became the baby's father.

The little guy squinted his eyes, held the pacifier with his limbs, and kept sucking.

After a while, half a bottle of milk was finished.

The little Eevee burped, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Mu Qing smiled gently and took out a Poké Ball.

"Little Eevee, take a rest in the Poké Ball. You will be my third Pokémon from now on."

A red light flashed.

Little Eevee disappeared.

At this time, the system's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

【Ding, capture Eevee, Xiaomao's template perfection +3%, get three chances to draw]

Mu Qing was stunned.

Can capturing Eevee also improve the template?

He suddenly remembered.

In the animation, Xiaomao did have an Eevee in the early days.

Later, that Eevee evolved into Moon Eevee.

And Xiaomao's Eevee defeated Xiaozhi's Pikachu.

Mu Qing stroked his chin with one hand and fell into deep thought.

So, as long as you capture the same Pokémon as Xiaomao, you can improve the template and get the number of draws.

If you let Eevee evolve into Moon Eevee, maybe you can get more improvement progress.

In this case.

He has to focus on training this Eevee.

Having made a decision, Mu Qing took out three more Pokémon eggs from the system space.

"Jili Egg, please help me hatch these three eggs.

Jili Egg was surprised and curiously circled around Mu Qing.

It didn't know where Mu Qing took out the three eggs.

It's amazing!

Mu Qing touched its head and joked.

"Don't look at me, I can do magic."

It can't talk anyway, so it's okay to let it see.

Jili Egg scratched his head, then held the three eggs and put them into the incubator one by one.


Time flies.

Three days have passed.

In the training ground of the Pokémon Center, a huge Beedrill buzzed in the air.

In front of it, a humanoid Pokémon wearing a wreath straw hat was shining green all over its body.

A dozen green leaves as fast as lightning shot out and hit the Beedrill.

Although the level difference between the two is not small, with the blessing of the wreath straw hat, the grass attribute skills of the fairy flower are extremely powerful.

After one round, the Beedrill can't stand it.

Mu Qing stood outside the training ground and shouted loudly

"Beedrill, use high speed to move, get out of the way."

The Beedrill buzzed, flapped its wings quickly, and its body turned into a shadow.

In the blink of an eye, the Beedrill came close to the Fairy Flower. The

Fairy Flower showed a trace of panic in its eyes, and turned its head to look at Mu Qing.

Obviously, it had too little combat experience and didn't know what to do at this moment.

"Fairy Flower, use the Seed Machine Gun"


Beedrill didn't need any command, it directly used its poisonous stinger to attack, and its sharp stinger pierced into Fairy Flower's body, knocking it away.

Both of them have poisonous properties, and the poison has little effect.

Fairy Flower struggled to get up, and the four leaves behind it flapped violently, and a large number of seeds shot towards Beedrill like bullets. Beedrill has a stronger learning ability, and at this moment it doesn't need any command, so it uses high-speed movement to avoid the seeds.

However, Fairy Flower's seed machine gun is too dense.

Even if Beedrill is faster, it can't avoid all of them.

Bang bang bang...

After being hit by more than a dozen seeds in a row, Beedrill fell to the ground, with stars in its eyes, and lost its combat effectiveness.

""Well done, Fairy Flower! You finally won."

Mu Qing ran forward quickly and waved his fist to encourage.

Fairy Flower was panting, and his eyes were full of excitement and joy.

In the past few days, under Mu Qing's special training, it fought with Beedrill more than a dozen times and never won.

Today, it finally won once.

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