Deep in the Evergreen Forest, a truck was driving slowly on the mountain road.

From time to time, some unconscious Pokémon would be thrown out of the truck trunk.

A little Saburo with short green hair was standing inside, picking and choosing, with a look of disgust.

""Armato, look at what junk Pokémon we caught. It's a complete waste of time.

Only this Nidoqueen looks OK."

As he drove, he occasionally looked back.

"There is nothing we can do about it.

Last time in Pallet Town, we suffered such a huge loss. How can we explain ourselves if we don't catch some Pokémon?

Do you still want the performance bonus for next month?"

Xiao Sanlang picked and chose, and from a pile of unconscious Pokémon, he pulled out a walking grass and threw it down the car.

"They are all low-level Pokémon. Are you sure you can deliver these things?

I think Boss Sakaki might scold us."

Yamado was also helpless.

In the entire Kanto region, most of the excellent Pokémon are basically concentrated in the Oak Research Institute and the gyms in major cities.

It is not that easy to snatch Pokémon from these places.

Half a month ago, they suffered a big loss in Pallet Town. They also lost a fully equipped truck.

Without that truck, it is impossible to catch some powerful Pokémon.

"Isn't there a Nidoqueen? This seems to be the Pokémon of the Dark Gray Gym.

The Pokémon of the gyms in major cities are all well cultivated.

Let's go to a few more gyms and catch their Pokémon, and then we can go back and report."

Xiao Saburo sighed and threw another unconscious Pokémon under the car.

"Alas, we are the elite among the elites of Team Rocket, how could we have fallen to the same level as Musashi Kojiro, catching those little kids' Pokémon? It's so shameful!"

"It's all the fault of that guy in Pallet Town.

If it weren't for him, we would have captured Snorlax and returned to the headquarters to report."

When mentioning that man,

Yamato slapped the steering wheel angrily, baring his teeth and showing an expression of determination to win.

"Little brother, I will definitely catch you!"


"It's Growlithe."

Xiao Lan saw the Pokémon that Beedrill had brought back and ran over quickly.

Mu Qing followed behind him, frowning and thinking.

How could there be another unconscious Pokémon?

If these Pokémon escaped on their own, it would be impossible for two to escape, and both were in a coma.

Seeing how weak they looked, it was unlikely that they could escape from Team Rocket.

Mu Qing asked Fairy Flower to wake up Growlithe.

"Woof woof~"

"Katie, what happened? Why are you here?

Katie shook his head blankly.

Xiao Lan looked anxious, worried and scared.

"how so……"

"Don't worry, look further ahead. If you can find them, it means we are not far from Team Rocket."

Mu Qing patted her arm and comforted her softly.

Then, the two got in the car, took Pippi and Growlithe, and continued forward.

Not long after ,

Mu Qing found the third unconscious Pokémon.

His eyes lit up and he had a guess in his mind.

Without wasting too much time, Mu Qing carried the Pokémon into the car and continued to track it.

A few hundred meters later, he found the fourth Pokémon.

Then, the fifth, sixth, and seventh.

Xiao Lan was stunned all the way.

"What's going on? Why were all the captured Pokémon left behind?"

Mu Qing explained softly.

"These Pokémon are not of much value to Team Rocket, so of course they will leave them behind.

The more they leave behind, the faster they will run and the easier it will be to hide."

Xiao Lan said angrily, clenching her fists.

"Team Rocket is so abominable. Don’t they know that these Pokémon have lost their ability to survive in the wild?

Leaving them here will kill them."

Mu Qing smiled.

This little girl is too naive.

Team Rocket is the villain. How could they care about the life and death of Pokémon?

Mu Qing looked at Xiao Lan and said in the most gentle tone.

"Xiaolan, believe me, I will save all the Pokémon."

These words were like a spring breeze, blowing into her heart, soothing all her anxiety and worries.

"Really? Mr. Mu Qing, you are so kind."

Xiao Lan's eyes were obsessed.

At this moment, Mu Qing was simply his white moonlight.

The vehicle drove slowly in the jungle.

Unknowingly, the sky gradually darkened.

Mu Qing went along and picked up more than ten Pokémon.

Suddenly, he saw a red and blue light flashing in the grass in front.

Mu Qing stepped on the brakes, got out of the car and walked over.

After pushing aside the weeds, he saw a motorcycle lying on the ground.

"Is this... Miss Junsha's police car?"

Xiao Lan also came over and was shocked when she saw the motorcycle.

"Officer Junsha, she...she won't be in trouble, right?"

Mu Qing looked gloomy.

He remembered that Miss Junsha from Shenhui City was Katie's biological sister.

That night, when he went to Katie's house to say goodbye

, Katie specifically told him that if he encountered any problems outside, he could go to the police station to ask her sisters for help.

They were all family, so Mu Qing certainly couldn't just stand by and watch her die.

"Beedrill, go explore nearby"


Xiao Lan stepped forward, grabbed Mu Qing's arm, and said with some fear

"Mr. Mu Qing, do you think Officer Junsha will……"

"Don't think too much. Team Rocket is only interested in Pokémon and will not arrest Officer Junsa."

The Junsa family and the Joey family are the two most powerful families in the Pokémon world. One controls the police system and the other controls the medical system.

Even if Team Rocket is very brave, they will not touch anyone from the Junsa family.


Mu Qinggang said���, I saw the giant bee flying back again, gesturing with both hands

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