
""Hold on, Saburo! I'm going to speed up!"

A small truck suddenly rushed out of the forest and landed on the road with a bang.

Without the thorny jungle blocking the way, Amado excitedly stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward. After working in Deep Gray City for several days, it was finally time to leave.

Although the harvest was not much, every little bit counts.

After finishing this job, the next stop was Cerulean City.

During this time, they traveled to major cities in the Kanto region and spread a large number of Extraction Spores.

The fishing net has been cast, waiting for them to go over and collect the net.

There are also many powerful Pokémon in the eight major gyms in Kanto

"Armado, look up in the sky, it seems there is a Pidgeot following us."

"Hmm? This Pidgeot looks familiar."

Amado looked up and frowned in confusion when suddenly the Pidgeot swooped down and slammed into the carriage.

The carriage shook violently and almost flipped over.

"Damn it!"

Yamado took out a Poké Ball and threw it out.

A red light flashed, and a huge fire-breathing dragon appeared in the air.

"This can���"The trump card that Boss Sakaki gave me, Charizard, kill that Pidgeot."

Charizard roared and blew out a stream of flames.

Pidgeot flew very fast, dodged the edge of the flames, turned around and flew away.

Charizard flapped its wings and chased after it.

Seeing this, Amado had to turn the car around and chase after it.

"Damn it, you dare to provoke our Rocket Team, I must catch you.

It just so happens that the harvest this time is a little less, so I will use this Pidgeot to boost my performance."

In the night.

The flames of the fire-breathing dragon are extremely conspicuous, like a bright light in the sky.

A few thousand meters away, Mu Qing and Kaiweier saw the blazing flames at a glance.

"That's... Charizard? How could there be a Charizard here?"

Mu Qing looked at it intently and was very shocked.

In the Evergreen Forest, there was no wild Charizard, not even a Charmander.

""Ah~ My Pidgeot, it's chasing my Pidgeot."

Kaiweier shouted anxiously, and rushed over with his long legs.

Mu Qing followed closely behind.

After turning a corner, he suddenly saw two car headlights shining brightly on the road in the distance.

A truck was coming this way.

"It's Team Rocket!"

Mu Qing grabbed Kavil and hid behind a tree.

Seeing the truck getting closer and closer, Mu Qing took out the Poké Ball and summoned the Fairy Flower.

"Fairy Flower, use Leaf Blade to attack the tire of that car"


Four sharp blades flew over at a very fast speed.

The night was dark.

They were hiding in the dark again.

Yamato and Kosaburo didn't notice it at all.

Bang! Bang!

Two tire explosions sounded in succession.

The small truck lost its balance and fell to one side. With a bang, it rushed into the ditch on the side of the road.

"Bastard, who did this? It's so uncivilized."

Yamado opened the car window, climbed out, and saw that the two tires were blown out, and he kept cursing.

Seeing this scene, Kaweil couldn't help but let out a big breath of anger.

"Team Rocket, you have done so many evil things, accept your arrest!"

She rushed out, took out the Poké Ball and threw it out.

""Woof woof~"

A wind speed dog appeared in front of her.

Yamato and Kozaburo quickly stood up and posed back to back.

"It turns out that you are the defeated opponent, Miss Police Officer. I advise you to take care of yourself and not meddle in other people's business. Otherwise... don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Humph! You have done all kinds of bad things and you don't repent."

"Arcanine, use Slam!"

""Woof woof~"

Windy Dog spread its four legs and rushed towards Amado quickly.

Amado smiled contemptuously and threw a Poké Ball with his backhand.

""Hypnotic Tapir, use Headbutt."

A ram and a headbutt.

The power of the two Pokémon was almost the same.

The two Pokémon collided with each other at high speed. There was a dull sound, and both Arcanine and Hypnotic Tapir were thrown five or six meters away.

"Miss Officer, your Pokémon is too weak"

"Hypnotist Tapir, use hypnosis!"

When Kahweer heard this trick again, his face changed and he quickly retreated.

At this moment, a gloomy shadow suddenly jumped out of the darkness.

This shadow had a big face, eyes wide open, and a blue gas coming out of his body. He suddenly rushed out, scaring everyone.

"Gastly, you also use hypnosis."

Mu Qing walked out slowly and gave the order


Circles of blue ripples spread out.

They overlapped with the white ripples of the hypnotic tapir.

After a while, the hypnotic tapir felt its eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and it felt drowsy.

Yamato and Kozaburo also began to shake, and they couldn't even stand steadily.

"Damn it, it's you again, little brat, Yamato, wake up."

Just when she was about to fall asleep, Xiao Sanlang took a deep breath and slapped Yamato on the head, waking her up.

"Damn it, little brother, you keep ruining my plans. I don't like you."

"Charizard, come back soon"


The sky roared, and the Charizard that was still chasing Pidgeot turned around and flew back quickly.

"Charizard, use Jet Flame!"

A huge column of fire spurted out of Charizard's mouth and landed directly on Gastly's head.

Mu Qing was not panicked at all.

It was night now.

At night, Gastly's body could switch between visible and invisible at any time.

The flames dissipated.

Gastly reappeared, with a big mouth with two sharp teeth, grinning into a crescent shape, as if mocking Charizard.


Yamato and Kosaburo were stunned when they saw this scene.

How could this be possible!

It's not like they haven't seen Gastly before, but they've never seen such a weird Gastly.

"Gastly, use Tooth for Tooth."

The blue gas around Gastly surged and vented, turning into a pillar of fire, shooting towards Charizard.

Charizard was unable to dodge and was hit head-on.

However, this Charizard was of a high level and was not seriously injured.

But then.

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