A Pokémon with golden scales and shaped like a pangolin appeared in the field.

""Pierce, pierce~"

This sandalwood king was very strong, with a body length of one meter. It raised its head and made a sharp cry.

It was very imposing.

In comparison, Mu Qing's round land shark was like a fool.

"Brother Muqing, you have to be careful."

"Sandslash, use dig."

Sandslash jumped up, and used its two sharp claws to dig the ground frantically.

In just a moment, it dug a hole and crawled into it.

Being underground, Sandslash was like a fish in water, and its speed was no slower than on the ground.

Mu Qing frowned, and was completely unable to find the location of Sandslash.

In fact, Land Shark is also a ground-type Pokémon, and can learn the skill of digging holes.

However, its level is too low. If you want to learn digging holes, you must be at least level 30.

"Round Land Shark, jump up and hide on the rock.

Round Land Shark jumped up and landed on a large rock more than two meters high.

Xiao Lan smiled easily.

"It's useless, Brother Mu Qing, my Sandshrew can penetrate rocks."

Just as he finished speaking, the rock where the round land shark was standing exploded.

The Sandshrew rushed out, its sharp claws as fast as lightning, landing on the round land shark.


The round land shark was hit hard and fell heavily to the ground

""Round Land Shark, hold on!"

Mu Qing's face was solemn.

He still suffered from his low level. He didn't know many powerful skills. Facing the attack from underground, he couldn't effectively counterattack.


The round land shark staggered and stood up from the ground after a while.

Its eyes showed an unyielding will, staring at the sandalwood on the rock.

""Dig it!"

The Sandshrike dived into the hole and dived into the ground again.

In this situation, the round land shark was completely in a passive situation.

Unless it could learn to dig holes or grow wings to fly into the sky.

Obviously, this was too unrealistic.

"Round land shark, run, don't stop in one place."

Mu Qing gave the order, thinking quickly about how to break the situation.

Xiao Lan smiled and said

"Brother Mu Qing, I suggest you try the giant bee instead.

This round land shark has a good fighting awareness, but unfortunately its level is too low and needs to be cultivated."

Mu Qing did not reply, but stared at the venue, concentrating his attention.

He found that when the Sandshrew was digging a hole underground.

Although it could not be seen on the ground, some sounds could be vaguely heard.

Through the sound, Mu Qing could roughly determine the position of the Sandshrew.

"Round Land Shark, dodge to the left"


The round land shark dodged and moved to the left.

Almost as soon as the front foot moved, the back foot exploded and a sharp claw stretched out from the ground.

The attack missed and the Sandshrew went back into the hole. The round land shark was overjoyed and waved excitedly to Mu Qing.

"How is this possible?"

Xiao Lan's eyes widened in disbelief.

She couldn't understand how Mu Qing could predict the attack of the Sandshrew.

"It must be just luck."

Xiao Lan had just finished speaking when Mu Qing shouted again

"Round Land Shark, get out of the way to the right!"


The round land shark followed the command and dodged to the right.

Then, the Sandshovel King broke out of the ground and missed again.

The first time could be said to be luck.

He dodged twice, and just in time, dodging at the last second before the Sandshovel King attacked.

How could this still be luck?

Xiao Lan was shocked!

While she was surprised, Mu Qing shouted without giving any orders.

"Round Land Shark, use Quicksand Hell."

This skill sounds intimidating, but it is actually a control skill that Round Land Shark is born with.

The sand around it flows and immediately wraps around the Sandshrew, making it unable to break free for a while.

"Round Land Shark, use Bite now!"


The round land shark jumped high, opened its bloody mouth that was half the size of its head, and bit the head of the sandalwood king.

The sandalwood king struggled violently, but couldn't get rid of the round land shark.

This little thing may not have a strong bite force, but if it bites to death, no one can let it go except Mu Qing.

Xiao Lan's face changed.

"Sandsam King, use high-speed rotation."The one-meter-long Sandsam King curled up its tail and connected it to its head, turning it into a spinning top and spinning madly on the ground.

""Landlord, hold on, don't let go!"

Mu Qing shouted.

Landlord's eyes were firm, even though his body was thrown into the air, he just didn't let go.

For a moment, dust flew everywhere, covering the entire venue.

A few minutes later.

When everything calmed down and the dust dispersed,

Landlord was still biting Sandslash's head. Both Pokémon lay on the ground, motionless.

"Sandsand King!"

""Round Land Shark!"

Xiao Lan and Mu Qing shouted at the same time.

After a moment, the Round Land Shark staggered and stood up, but the Sandshrew did not move.

The referee of the venue saw this scene and raised the flag and shouted

"The Sandshrew loses his fighting consciousness and the Round Land Shark wins!"

"Yeah, we won, Round Land Shark."

Mu Qing jumped up excitedly.

This was his first victory in the first gym challenge since he came to this world.

Although the process was a bit difficult, he finally won.

Round Land Shark was also very happy. A light flashed, and its body suddenly grew a little bigger.

"Is this... an upgrade?"

Mu Qing's eyes lit up and he quickly opened the panel to check

【Pokémon: Shark】


【Qualification: King】

【Level: LV21】

【Attributes: Dragon, Ground】

【Characteristics: Greedy, lively】

【Skills: Crash, Quicksand Hell, Sand Throw, Dragon Breath, Bite, Stomp]

Mu Qing was getting more and more excited.

The level of the Round Shark was actually one step faster than Gastly, reaching level 21.

After reaching this level, its strength will usher in a leap forward.

After all, below level 20, they are all Pokémon babies.

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