“Erbang, your father and I won’t come back for the time being, we still have to stay in Shen’ao for a while.”

“Haven’t you started collecting elves recently, we sent you a sum of money, you go to the breeding house to pick an elf you like.”

“Any elf can be, as long as you like.”

“If the follow-up cultivation and training elves lack money, ask your father to take it.” Well, without further ado, let’s get busy first. ”

“Toot toot…”

Lin Feng looked at the black mobile phone screen in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched: “It’s really busy as always.” ”

Lin Feng’s parents are elf researchers by profession, and their job is to study various types of elves all over the world, and occasionally go deep into the ruins to explore the lost history.

Three months have passed since the last time we saw them, and now the time is about to extend indefinitely.

“Other people’s parents are trying to choose satisfactory elves for their children at this juncture, you guys are good, just leave it alone.”

Chen Feng sighed, after he was ten years old, Chen’s father and mother began to go to various regions to conduct scientific research, and returned regularly every month with money, and he was already accustomed to living alone.

This is also because Chen Feng has shown maturity and steadiness different from his peers since he was a child, so that Chen’s father and mother can rest assured that he is at home alone.

Yes, Chen Feng is a traverser.

A traverser who has lived in this elven world for seventeen years, everything about him has long been linked to this world.

When he first knew that he had traveled to the elven world, he was very happy as an elf lover in his previous life.

In this elven world, because of the existence of elves, a centralized organization with the alliance as the main body has been formed.

Chen Feng is located in Anhan City, the “Donghuang Alliance”.

In other areas, there are “Chengdu Alliance”, “United Alliance” and so on, which are exactly the same as Chen Feng’s memory.

With the dream of becoming a trainer, Chen Feng was excited, but soon reality poured cold water.

Because of the danger of elves, the mortality rate of trainers in this world is not low.

In Donghuang, if you want to become a trainer, you can only enter the elf academy through a series of audits, including financial resources, resources, background, etc.

However, now with the continuous development of the Donghuang Alliance and the reduction of the cost of cultivating elves, the audit has been equivalent to the form, and ninety percent of the residents of Donghuang can pass.

After entering the Elf Academy, as long as you safely transition from elementary school to high school, you can receive the elf on the eve of the third year of high school.

The reason why it is set in this period is, on the one hand, because through years of college study, I have mastered a certain amount of elven knowledge and can try to cultivate elves; Secondly, elf battle is a college entrance examination item and must be examined.

And Chen Feng, now seventeen years old, is in this most important period.

In the last week, with your student card, you can select elves in the elf breeding house, and after paying the purchase fee, you can officially collect elves and go to the elf center to apply to become a rookie trainer.

“Since they can’t come back, then I’ll go and get it myself.” Chen Feng said darkly.

Although he had some knowledge of elves in his previous life, he was only on the surface, and although his knowledge was extensive, none of them were proficient.

Years of study at the academy have allowed him to gain an in-depth understanding of elven knowledge, from the basic information of each elf, to the use of basic tactics, as well as cultivation and training methods.

“I hope to be able to choose a well-qualified elf.”

“It’s best to be able to choose the Royal Sanjia.” Chen Feng pondered.

As a well-known elf, the Gosanjia is highly sought after by the public because it has two evolutionary forms.

And the cultivation route and training method of the Royal Three Families have long been fixed, and the trainer only needs to follow the rules to cultivate an excellent elf.

However, it is precisely because of its extremely high popularity that the Imperial Three Family is often set by trainers with a noble status and strong background when they enter the breeding house, and ordinary people can’t even see their shadows.

Although Chen Feng’s parents have special professions, they are far from the level of honor, and he can only go to the breeding house to select suitable elves like most people.

“Ding! Host wish detected, daily draw system on! ”

Suddenly, a cold voice exploded in Chen Feng’s mind.


Seventeen years of perseverance, finally waiting for the arrival of the system!!

“Given that the system is first turned on, the host has an ultimate lottery opportunity, do you want to use it?”

The ultimate raffle?

“Use!” Chen Feng said in his mind without hesitation.

In the next second, a lottery wheel appeared on the blue light curtain, and Chen Feng looked carefully, and every reward on it made his heart surging.

【Mini Dragon】

【Learning device】

【Thank you for your patronage】

【Young Kiras】

[Bear Apprentice].

【Round Land Shark】


Count the quasi-elves!

And the actual value is not inferior to the quasi-god elf’s learning device!

Looking at the pointer that began to rotate, Chen Feng breathed rapidly and stared at every movement of the pointer.

“As long as it’s not thank you for your patronage! Also, don’t be Baby Kiras! ”

This time, the reward is too tempting, as long as he can get any quasi-god elf, his future is bright.

Of course, young Killas except for that.

Although the cultivation fee of the other quasi-god elves was extremely high, he gritted his teeth and asked for more cultivation fees from his parents, which was barely acceptable.

But if he wants to raise a young Killas from scratch, he must prepare his family for bankruptcy.

The hands turn slowly, from mini dragons, learning devices….

Chen Feng didn’t dare to breathe, and his eyes followed the rotating pointer up and down.

Soon, with a clink, the pointer stopped.

Chen Feng looked around and saw three big words in his mind.

[Bear Apprentice].

Mid-Autumn Festival reading every day! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: September 10th to September 12th)

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