
The morning sun cuts through the night sky, and Xiaoyang overlooks the earth.

The students of the third and fifth classes of high school stood at the school gate, gathered in groups, and discussed with each other, everyone full of expectations for today’s activities.

The first activity class will last for most of the day.

Depart in the morning and return in the afternoon.

Activity classes have always been a course that all students look forward to.

Because you can go outside the city, go to the wilderness, go to the fields, go to various environments, and see the beautiful scenery of the great rivers and mountains of Anhan City.

“I wonder what activities we will have this time?”

Jiang Fang was quite excited: “I heard them say that there was a class of outdoor practical activities next door, which was to go to a small village in the wild and help the villagers there catch a little Lada for a day.” ”


Hordes of little Ladas are a terrible thing in the elven world, coming into your house from all sorts of places you can’t imagine and nibbling on your food.

What’s more, these little Ladas are particularly smart, and ordinary traps do not take them.

“Catch little Rada, how boring that would be.” A male classmate said with a smile: “If I want to say, we will go to those wild elves to fight, it is better to meet a rare elf and subdue it.” ”

“Dream you.”

“In other words, it’s almost eight o’clock, why hasn’t the teacher who led the team come yet.” Jiang Ming looked around and said suspiciously.

As the class leader, she was almost unable to control this group of noisy students.

“The madman hasn’t come yet.” Jiang Fang was a head taller than the others, and his eyes were constantly scanning around.

Thinking of what Lin Feng said to himself yesterday, he couldn’t help but feel a little worried in his heart.

“If the madman is late, it will not be good to leave a bad impression on the leading teacher.” Jiang Fang was worried.

And at this time, two people came out of the school gate, one of them was Lin Feng, who Jiang Fangfang was chanting.

“Madman, over here.” Jiang Fang waved his hand excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng and a man about thirty years old walked in front of everyone, different from the students wearing casual sportswear, they wore uniform field activity clothes, wrapping their whole bodies.

Such clothing can effectively resist mosquito bites and reduce some unnecessary injuries.

Immediately, the man smiled and said, “Students, my name is Zhu Hao, and I am the leading teacher of your outdoor practical activity class.

Get ready, we’re going. This time we are going to the Oogu Forest on the outskirts of Anhan City. ”

“There are many wild elves in that place, all kinds of wild resources, beautiful scenery and beautiful mountains. But we’re not there to play. ”

“As for the one next to me, all of you should be more familiar than me.” Seeing the curious gazes cast by everyone, Zhu Hao replied with a smile.

“However, Lin is with us this time, not as a student, he is the teaching assistant of this outdoor practical activity class, helping me to protect your safety.”

As soon as these words came out, there was a uproar in the crowd.

“Damn, the same senior in high school, why did Lin Feng start protecting us?” A male classmate said.

“Lin Feng became a junior trainer in five days, and defeated Teacher Xiang of the martial arts class some time ago…” Jiang Ning said faintly, looking at Lin Feng’s eyes extremely complicated.

Originally defeated by Lin Feng at the beginning, she fantasized about training hard and catching up with Lin Feng as soon as possible, so she also became a sparring partner.

As a result, Lin Feng found the ancient fossil spirit behind and defeated Teacher Xiang, and now her strength makes her dare not guess.

Now he has assisted the teacher to protect the safety of himself and others.

“Teacher Zhu, was Lin Feng sent from the battle center?” A female classmate suddenly asked.

Zhu Hao nodded slowly and said, “Yes, in addition to class, Classmate Lin works as a sparring partner in the Elf Battle Center. ”

In fact, when Lin Feng found Zhu Hao early in the morning, he was also very surprised.

The personnel sent to assist him from the Elf Battle Center were actually the students they were about to lead?

Rao is how knowledgeable Zhu Hao is, and he was shocked for a while.

“Okay, it’s not early, everyone get in the car first.” Zhu Hao said, taking the students to the school bus on the side.

As the car moved, many students looked excitedly at everything outside the window.

On the way, Zhu Hao said

“Wugu Forest is a gathering place for wild elves in Anhan City, and most of the elven strength in it is elementary. This time our theme is called “Becoming Friends with Wild Elves”. ”

“Teacher, didn’t you say that wild elves are very dangerous?” A classmate couldn’t wait to say.

Zhu Hao nodded and said, “Wild elves are very dangerous, but they are weaker than trainers. If you’re stronger than a wild elf, it’s safe for you. ”

“In recent years, the theme advocated by the Elven Alliance has been harmony between humans and elves, and this harmony is regardless of region and without restrictions.”

“Some wild elves are dangerous because they have been harmed and deceived by humans, so they do not trust humans, and even hostile.”

“But more wild elves, as curious as you are about them, they are just as curious about you.”

“So it’s up to you to figure out for yourselves to be friends with wild elves and treat them with sincerity.” If you’re lucky, you might be able to subdue the elves without fighting. ”

“Lin and I will not interfere with you throughout the process, but will only protect your safety from the sidelines.” After Zhu Hao’s words, he began to close his eyes and recuperate, today’s task is very arduous, he must seize all the time to rest.

The students sat in their chairs and discussed in low voices, telling them how they planned to make friends with the elves.

Jiang Fang sneakily took out his mobile phone and opened Lin Feng’s chat box.

“Madman Madman, you give me the whole little advice, what is a good way to make friends with the elves.”

Lin Feng: “My suggestion is that you catch the elves and forcibly use force to make friends.” ”


With Jiang Fang’s huge body, ordinary people are full of longing when they see it, let alone elves.

In fact, it is really not difficult to make friends with wild elves, just as Zhu Hao said, show your sincerity.

Elves have a good IQ, and they can tell if you are really good to themselves.

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