In front of Jiang Ming, a Bobo and a fierce sparrow are confronting each other.

As we all know, Bobo and Flaming Sparrow have been enemies since ancient times, and whenever they meet, they will inevitably beat their heads and break the blood until one side surrenders and flees.

The flaming sparrow has a violent temperament, has a strong sense of territory, and will even actively attack humans.

Most trainers have had the unforgettable experience of being dragged by flocks of flaming sparrows, so last year they were in the top ten on the list of the least popular elves.

In the top ten list, there are also large-billed finches, labyrinted sisters, stinky mud, stinky flowers, and the ubiquitous small fist stones in caves, and onyx jellyfish that can be seen everywhere on the sea.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything.

The Sparrow specializes in hunting insect elves and is therefore popular with farmers who are haunted by insect elves.

Bobo, on the other hand, has a gentle temperament, cute appearance, and finally forms stronger than eagles, is extremely handsome, and can fly manned.

Except, of course, Jiang Fang.

It is therefore one of the most popular birds.

Jiang Ming saw that the two elves who were confronting each other, hissing, and could fight at any time were in trouble.

She finally used two medium-level energy cubes to make the two elves obediently quiet, briefly forgetting the generational hatred.

However, with the appearance of the last energy cube, the two elves suddenly fell out.

Jiang Ming thought about whether to separate this energy cube and hand it together, but when she saw the fierce gaze cast by the Flame Sparrow, she had no doubt that if she did this, it would be herself who would be divided in half.

When Jiang Ming was racking his brain to find a solution, Bobo suddenly burst out, waved his wings, turned into a black shadow, and instantly took the energy cube from Jiang Ming’s hand.

“Not good!” Jiang Ming exclaimed.

“Rokuo, grab it!” She quickly ordered, causing the six tails, who were crouched on the ground beside her, to attack.

“If the energy cube is eaten by Bobo, the Flaming Sparrow may be very angry.” Jiang Ming was a little anxious at this moment.

Hearing the trainer’s order, Rokuo suddenly erupted a thick orange flame from his mouth, carrying a hot temperature, towards the wave that was already standing on the branch.

At the same time, after seeing Bobo snatch the energy cube, Flaming Sparrow’s eyes were red and cold, and he also spread his wings, waved his wings, and flew towards Bobo.


With a loud chirp, the sparrow had come to Bobo’s side, and the two elves scuffled together.

At this moment, a flame struck in an instant, and the attention of the two elves at this time was on each other, and there was no time to react at all.

In the next second, the two elves were hit at the same time and were hit by the thick jet flame.


The battered sparrow fell from the air, fluttered its wings vigorously, and finally stabilized its body and mind, flapped its wings again and flew into the air.

It looked in the direction of Jiang Ming and shouted angrily, its red eyes stared at Jiang Ming, and then it actually flew away in the opposite direction without turning its head.

And Bobo, who was also attacked by the six tails, actually returned to the tree without knowing it, and giggled at the embarrassed figure in the air.

Then it lowered its head and devoured the energy cube under the desperate protection.

“This… Is that your way? Jiang Ming looked at the aggrieved Six Tails and said helplessly.

Rokuo didn’t mean to do this either, who knew that Flaming Sparrow suddenly lost control and rushed over to scuffle with Bobo.

Well, it seems that it is a rare thing that the flaming sparrow does not lose control.

“What happened?” Behind him came Zhu Hao’s voice, and a burst of footsteps.

Zhu Hao and Lin Feng were late.

“Teacher Zhu, I seem to have done something wrong.” Jiang Ming sniffed, then turned around, his eyes were slightly red, and began to talk in detail about what happened just now.

The flaming sparrow is an extremely vengeful social creature, and often the appearance of a flaming sparrow means the existence of a group of flaming finches.

And just now this flaming sparrow left with anger, and when it came back again, it must be a group of flaming finches.

Who expected that after Zhu Hao listened, he glanced at Jiang Ming, who had a heavy face, reached out and patted her shoulder, and laughed: “I thought it was something, it turned out to be this, rest assured, my Bibi bird would like to fight with the flock of flaming finches.” ”

Glancing at Jiang Ming, whose face was obviously improving, Zhu Hao said squarely: “You have to trust your teacher, I am a high-level trainer, in this area, I can take you sideways.” ”

After hearing this, Jiang Ming finally stopped worrying and squatted down to comfort Rokuo, who mistakenly thought that he had done something wrong.

At this time, Zhu Hao gave Lin Feng a look, and the two quietly left Jiang Ning’s side.

“Classmate Lin, now we are not sure how big the scale of this flock of flaming birds we provoked is.” Zhu Hao said.

It is well known that flocks of flaming finches can range from three to hundreds.

Even in some large-scale flocks of flaming finches, there are several large-billed finches.

“So, for the sake of safety, let’s gather all the students together now, and the reason is that we will start eating lunch together now, and then go separate after eating.” Zhu Hao said.

“Classmate Lin, what do you think?” He looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng bowed his head and said, “Teacher Zhu is very thoughtful, so I will gather them together.” ”

“Good. In fact, there is no need to be nervous, according to common sense, there can be more than ten flocks of fierce finches in this area. We do this just to reduce that one in a thousand risks. Zhu Hao said with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded and began to gather all the students together.

Everyone was undoubted, because it was the time for lunch on weekdays, and they gathered in piles, sat on the lawn, and took out bento boxes from their backpacks, one for themselves and one for the elves.

With each other, they began to discuss interesting facts about the morning.

A gentle breeze blew through the lake, stirring up a fold, and many water elves crawled out of the water, curiously looking at this group of strange visitors.

Discussions, laughter.


At this moment, the Bibi bird hovering in the air suddenly chirped, and the sound was loud.

The moment Zhu Hao and Lin Feng heard this voice, they stood up abruptly and looked ahead.

In the sky not far away, a black shadow came towards this side.

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