Back home.

The bear apprentice took the blue crow to conduct independent training in the yard, and Lin Feng sat in front of the computer and opened the official website of the Young Eagle Cup.

Compare with the resident card, enter your name, ID number, and upload an ID photo.

Then upload the information of the two elves, click to confirm participation, and enter the review session.

After doing all this, Lin Feng noticed that there was a player forum at the bottom of the official website, which already had hundreds of posts, and the number continued to increase.


“It’s open, and I’m betting that the winner of this Eagle Cup is still a hit.”

“The soy sauce players who participated in the last Young Eagle Cup come back to see their juniors!”

“Hello senior! Are there any beautiful seniors in the school? ”

“Coordinates Wudu University, three-quarters of the class are girls, and all of them are beautiful.”

“I heard that there are several geniuses in this session of the First Middle School, all of which are the kind that are expected to be the imperial capital and the magic capital university.”

“Boss Lin is invincible in the world!”

Lin Feng was slightly startled, all the classmates in his class called themselves this during this time.

“It can’t really be yourself, will it?” He continued to look down.

“On the top floor, Boss Lin is invincible in the world!!”

“If you don’t understand, just ask, who is Big Guy Lin?”

“Laughing, I don’t really think that if you are a little ahead of your peers at this time, you can be called a big guy.” In Anhan City, there are no more than five people who can be called big guys. ”

From this speech, the topic of the post gradually shifted, and several contestants discussed below which characters in Anhan City can be called bigwigs.

At this time, the mobile phone placed on the table suddenly vibrate, and Lin Feng opened the mobile phone, it was Zhu Hao’s message.

“I asked, these two things you want are bought in the store, if you are in a hurry, I can contact the courier brother tomorrow to deliver it to your home.”

Is there really a ?!!

A hint of surprise flashed in Lin Feng’s eyes, and he quickly tapped his finger and typed and asked:

“What about the price?”

Zhu Hao’s reply was fast, and a message came half a minute later.

“The price is one million dollars each, because occasionally elves use these two things. Just give me two million. ”

Zhu Hao’s price is already very humane, and even he himself has lost money.

Because of the purchase price of one million, but also add the cost of shop rent, water and electricity costs, labor service costs, so calculated, they actually put money upside down.

Zhu Hao and Dong Jia asked their friends in the Elf Association yesterday about Lin Feng’s identity, and after learning that his parents were elf researchers, they thought that two million should not be much pressure for him.

With a senior-level elf, Daddy Lin’s cultivation cost is often millions.

But two million for Lin Feng today….

“Hiss.” He gasped, looked at the three hundred thousand in the wallet balance, and suddenly found that the financial crisis had not left him.

Lin Feng originally thought that this kind of thing, which did not have much elves to use, would have a relatively low value, at most a hundred thousand.

Unexpectedly, he undercounted a zero.

“Do you want to go to your parents for it?” An idea popped up in Lin Feng’s mind, but it disappeared again in an instant.

He is very aware of the situation of his parents, as far as their salary fee, usually a lot of research expenses need to be subsidized by themselves, plus the elf cultivation fee, they have actually been quite frugal.

But the two do not care about poverty and wealth, and the happiness obtained in elven research cannot be measured by money.

Therefore, Lin Feng has been working hard to cultivate and train elves with his own hands.

Just as Lin Feng hesitated, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Shirona’s bright head.

“That’s right! How did you forget about this rich woman! ”

Lin Feng opened the chat box with Hirona, and the last message was a good afternoon message from him at twelve noon.

Court Jade Wine: Is it there?!! I’m in a hurry right now!

Ice cream-loving cabbage: What happened?

Court jade liquor: I want to ask the rich woman if she has two million spare money in her hand, I will buy something.

After this message was sent, the other side was silent for a moment, and did not respond for a while.

“No, won’t it? Could it be that Hirona and I are actually plastic relationships? Busted when it comes to money? Lin Feng’s face was complicated.

And the next second, the mobile phone pops up a message prompt: The ice cream-loving cabbage launched a video request to you, do you accept it?

Lin Feng was stunned, and then clicked accept.

In an instant, a figure that had not been seen for a long time appeared on the screen, with long golden hair, a tender face that was red in white, wrapped in a bath towel, this was Hirona who had just taken a bath.

Looking at Lin Feng, who had been staring at herself on the other side of the screen, a rare blush crept up on Shirona’s cheeks, she pretended to be calm and said, “I was blowing my hair just now.” ”

“I see it.” Lin Feng said with a light smile, and the moment he saw Shirona, he was in a much happier mood.

“The purpose of my video for you is to confirm whether it is me or not.” Hirona is very vigilant, and recently many trainers have been scammed by scammers on the Internet.

“Pure me.” Lin Feng smiled, “Yes, Ms. Shirona who invited me to Shenao.” ”

Shirona covered her mouth and chuckled, then changed her expression and said squarely: “Speaking of the point, what do you want two million for?” ”

Immediately, Lin Feng began to start carefully from the power amplifier, and chattered for a while.

Shirona sat on the bed, put one hand on her cheek, pondered for a moment and said: “It turns out that this is the case, maybe the physique of the bear apprentice is not ordinary, I think you should go to the elf center when you have time to do a physical examination for the bear apprentice.” ”

Hearing this, Lin Feng nodded and said: “Or you are thoughtful, this point needs to be taken seriously, in case it is not good to leave sequelae.” ”

“Yes.” As she spoke, Hirona couldn’t help but yawn.

“You go to bed early, don’t be too tired every day, pay attention to rest more…” Lin Feng looked at the slightly sleepy Shirona and muttered.

“Got it!” A shallow smile bloomed on Shirona’s face.

“Good night Hirona.”

“Good night Lin Feng.”

Just hung up the video, and a message immediately popped up on the phone screen:

The ice cream-loving cabbage has transferred you two and a half million.

Before the smile could bloom on Lin Feng’s face, his expression changed suddenly, and he suddenly realized a very serious matter.

Why two hundred and fifty!!

Lin Feng thought about it for a while, and finally decided to go to do a full physical examination for Apprentice Xiong first, as Shirona said, and if everything was normal, then buy these two things.

He told Zhu Hao that he needed to make a decision tomorrow, and the other party also expressed understanding.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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