Chapter 63: Geniuses tend to have different levels.

In the Elf Shop Seven,

A group of people surrounded Lin Feng.

“It’s really Lin Feng.”

There are young trainers who are amazed.

“Got out of the TV.”

Someone laughed.

These customers were at least high-level trainers, so they looked at Lin Feng as if they were juniors. After all, I don’t know how many years ago, they might have fought passionately above the Eagle Cup like Lin Feng.

Only the middle-aged man looked at Lin Feng suspiciously, and kept muttering in his heart: “Such a coincidence? It just so happens that this store manager knows this Lin Feng? It just so happened that the maker of that intermediate energy cube was also called Lin Feng? ”

When several happen to meet together, it may not be a coincidence.

Lin Feng suddenly realized that after this Young Eagle Cup, his popularity in Anhan City has greatly increased, and after winning the championship, it is estimated that more people will know him.

Wait, I’m so inflated?

Lin Feng coped with two sentences, and immediately opened his mouth and said to Dong Jia: “Sister Dong, how is the sales of energy cubes these days?” ”

Dong Jia was slightly startled, she didn’t expect Lin Feng in front of her to be unscrupulous, and directly asked.

Later, she sighed in her heart: “I deserve to be a top genius, but if it is me, I will only hide in the face of this kind of thing.” Like this one, magnificent, big-hearted, even if exposing the information of mastering the production of intermediate energy blocks will make him fall into the unknown vortex, he still chooses to be fearless. ”

“I’m not as good as him.”

Yes, in Dong Jia’s original imagination, geniuses have to learn to hide.

Since Lin Feng has already shown his terrifying talent as a trainer, it is not surprising that he can hide his ability to make medium-level energy cubes, but when you surpass others in many ways, you will become a thorn in the eyes of many people. In fact, in Lin Feng’s heart, he also thought about whether to hide this matter.

But he suddenly thought that as he was favored by many bigwigs, even if he had the privacy rules of the Elf Association, he still couldn’t stop the bigwigs from collecting their own information in detail.

All your privacy, in the eyes of some, is a blank slate.

This matter will eventually be exposed, and Lin Feng doesn’t care about the time.

Moreover, the fact that he can make intermediate energy cubes may be more surprising to some people than the strength of trainers. Only intermediate cultivators can make intermediate energy cubes, and every intermediate cultivator has been cultivated after years of intensive study.

The main thing is not to hide this matter, let more people know that the maker is the champion of this year’s Young Eagle Cup, which will attract more customers and earn more money.

“Hey, how did I just decide that I am the champion.”

Lin Feng threw away the cranky thoughts in his heart and followed Dong Jia to the shelf. And the middle-aged man behind him, his eyes lit up, muttered: “I just said how could it be so coincidental!” ”

Then, the middle-aged man heard the whispers of others, such as “seventeen years old.”

“Intermediate Trainer”

The words “Intermediate Energy Cube” suddenly exploded!

That’s right!!

Damn, this kid in front of him is not only a strong contender for the championship of the Young Eagle Cup, but also able to make extremely high-quality intermediate energy cubes.

If it is a low-level energy cube, then forget it, he at most sighs that he is worthy of being a genius, but this is a medium-level energy cube!!

The middle-aged man didn’t know what words to use to describe it.

In the face of this situation, we generally use four words to describe it: horror!

The shock in the eyes of several customers next to him was no less than his, and everyone’s faces were very excited, as if they had discovered a peerless secret. There are not many medium-level energy blocks on the shelves, and it can be seen that the sales are very good.

A smile appeared on Lin Feng’s face, as if he saw his bulging wallet, as if he saw his arrogance to purchase cultivation resources.

“Sister Dong, you have worked hard, I will go back today and continue to make it.”

Lin Feng bowed his head slightly and thanked Dong Jia beside him.

“It’s okay, it’s all trivial.”

Dong Jia’s eyebrows curved, and he waved his hand and said, “Don’t make it in the past two days, concentrate on preparing for the competition, and come back with a championship.” ”

Lin Feng nodded slightly, he did not pat his chest with arrogance, saying that he was bound to win the championship, and whether he made it or not would not affect the result of the competition.

The strength of the latter players cannot be underestimated, and even according to the intelligence collected in the class, that Zhao Bo, his father is a high-level prosecutor.

His wind speed dog was adopted by his father when he was a child, starting from a Katy dog cub to accompany Zhao Bo to grow up with various top resources and high-level energy cubes since he was a child, and the strength of that wind speed dog is extremely terrifying.

Lin Feng did not dare to take it lightly, what this world lacked most was genius and miracles.

“Can I still buy this intermediate energy cube now?”

The middle-aged man unconsciously walked over and interrupted Lin Feng’s thinking. Lin Feng turned sideways and gave up a position, and Dong Jia on the side smiled: “Of course.” ”


“I’ll buy one too!”

“And me!!”

“Me me me!!”

After the customers present knew that the maker was Lin Feng in front of them, they reversed their previous attitude and squeezed over to buy it. The scene in front of him made Lin Feng feel happier than this morning’s victory over the Kami turtle.

Dong Jia began to greet customers, while Lin Feng flashed and left secretly, he had already obtained satisfactory information. The next thing was left to Dong Jia.

The middle-aged man’s name was Hong Quan, a high-level trainer, and after purchasing the intermediate energy cube made by Lin Feng, he returned home satisfied.

Release a cat boss in the yard and place the energy cube you just purchased in the food bowl.

The spirited cat boss yawned, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he wrinkled his nose, and he smelled a seductive smell.

The cat boss looked at the crystal clear energy cube in the food bowl and couldn’t help but swallow his spit.

The aroma in the food bowl rushed to his face, and the cat boss seemed to see a female cat boss with a large figure waving to him. It couldn’t hold back any longer, let out a low roar, and swooped in.

Hong Dog looked at the appearance of the cat boss, couldn’t help nodding, and sighed: “Sure enough, it is an energy cube made by a genius, and this effect is indeed extraordinary.” ”

Immediately, he went into the kitchen and began to prepare dinner for today.

After a while, the sound of opening the door sounded, and a slightly chubby young man entered the house, this was Hong Xu, Hong Quan’s son.

“Dad, what did you give the cat boss today, he ate it with such relish?”

“Intermediate energy cube.”

Hong didn’t look back, holding a spatula in his hand and stir-frying in the pan.

“My cat boss, I remember always being very picky, you finally found something that suits his appetite today.”

Hong Xu stood at the door and said with a smile.

“Walk around, don’t stand in the kitchen and get in the way.”

Hong Quan waved impatiently, he hated when he was cooking for himself when someone was watching.

“I’ll go see what is added to the intermediate energy cube you bought, which makes the cat boss so fascinated.”

Hong Xu clapped his hands and turned to walk.

After graduating from university, he has been studying with a high-level cultivator in Anhan City, and has begun to try to make intermediate energy blocks, but the failure rate is extremely high.

Finding different energy blocks and learning from each other is also a learning content. After a long while, Hong Xu’s shout exploded in Hong Quan’s ears.

“Groove! What a quality mouth! ”

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