Chapter 99: You Will Become a Heavenly King [See].

Shrouded in night,

A thick white light shone in the ruins of Los A.L., breaking through the darkness, tearing through the fog, and revealing the world.

All the trainers in the valley looked up at the scene in shock, and many others ran towards the Parukia statue as if they realized something.

At the same time, this pillar of light could be clearly seen within a radius of tens of kilometers, countless people looked up in amazement, and many people quickly took out their mobile phones to record this magical scene.

The pillar of light lasted for half a minute, and finally gradually disappeared. The sky over the valley is calm.

The interior of the valley is boiling like never before.

There were many people next to the stone monument, and there was a steady stream of people pouring towards this side on the road.

“The supervisor is here!!”

Someone in the crowd shouted loudly, and immediately everyone stood on both sides and divided a passage. Under the gaze of everyone, the five supervisors strode towards the stone monument.

A moment later, the five people stood next to the stone tablet and fixed their eyes on it. I saw that the words behind Lin Feng had become one or five levels.

“He really passed the fifth level…”

Wang Long’s expression was complicated, and he spoke first.

He is the same as many people’s opinion, Lin Feng should be able to pass the fifth level tomorrow and set a new record, but to pass it today is simply incredible, too bizarre.

“After all, there is a gap between people.”

Ren Geng said quietly.

“However, what happened to that pillar of light just now?”

Lu Jiang asked.

Ren Geng shook his head and spoke, “I haven’t seen any records of this pillar of light in any information, but I guess it may be because Lin Feng broke the historical record. ”

The crowd was silent and did not express their thoughts.

“But what about Lin Fengren?”

Zhang Yao’s face was calm, looked around, and said in a deep voice.

Jiang Fang squeezed forward and replied, “I’ve always been here, crazy… Lin Feng has not come out yet. ”

“Still not out?”

Hearing this, Ren Geng frowned slightly and spoke.

“Yes, I’m pretty sure that Lin Feng is still in the ruins.”

Jiang Fang Zhengsei Road.

Wang Longmo stroked his beard and guessed: “Maybe it’s because the battle is too fierce, so I took a break in the ruins.” ”

“It’s possible.”

Ren Geng nodded.

“I’m waiting for him here.”

Zhang Yaodao.

“We’ll wait for him too.”

The four supervisors said.

Immediately, Ren Geng faced everyone and said loudly: “Everyone, if there is nothing important, don’t crowd here, everyone go back and rest well, and continue to face tomorrow’s challenges in the best condition.” ”


Everyone answered in unison.

Except for a few people who knew Lin Feng who stayed, the rest slowly left in groups.

Although Donghuang people like to watch the liveliness, if they have no interest in themselves, they will leave after looking at them. Sinnoh area, in a spatial slit,

A huge divine beast was sleeping, and when you looked closely, it was exactly the same as the huge statue in the center of the ruins. This is the god of space – Palukia.

This chaotic spatial slit became more stable with each breath of Palukia.

However, Palukia, who had been sleeping for many years, slowly opened her blood-red eyes today and stared at Donghuang Fangke. In the dark, it sensed that in the far east, a voice was calling itself.

Xu is another foolish mortal’s trick, and in its long years, it has long been accustomed to this kind of calling. Ignore it anymore, close your eyes,

The long slumber is about to resume. Inside the ruins of Los Angeles, the fifth level,

Lin Feng looked at the bear apprentice who was jumping alive, and a smile hung on his face.

This time, the qualification improvement was far more violent than before, and the already exhausted body of the bear apprentice was quickly revitalized.

After recovering to his state, Apprentice Bear tried to use “Thunder Flame Mode” again, this time more handy, easier, and the duration increased by ten seconds!

Twenty seconds of “Thunder Yan Mode”, today my bear apprentice is going to hammer the heads of the dogs of everyone present!

Although the load on the body is still quite large, the Xiong apprentice’s extremely fast recovery speed is now able to use the “Thunder Yan Mode” without any scruples.

This move has become its veritable final hole card.

Although it will briefly fall into a weak state after use, no one can refuse its amplifying effect!

This time, the ruins gained a lot, and the bear apprentice not only improved to thirty-two, but also greatly improved his qualifications, and successfully mastered the “Thunder Yan Mode”.

And to do all this, Apprentice Xiong only took two days………..

“It’s really boring, I cleared it all in two days.”

Lin Feng smiled and decided to say to Jiang Fang in this tone later.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Lin Feng patted the little head of the bear apprentice and silently said “quit” in his heart.

In the next second, the sky swirled, and when he opened his eyes again, he met more than a dozen pairs of hot eyes.

“Guys, what advice?”

Lin Feng couldn’t help but take two steps back in succession. However, Zhang Yao walked up to him quickly and spoke, “Not injured, right?” ”

Lin Feng shook his head and said, “I’m not injured. ”

After hearing Lin Feng’s exact answer, Zhang Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately put a smile on his face and said, “You boy, this time is really going to be famous.” ”

“Pass the fifth level in two days, are you human?”

Subsequently, under Zhang Yao’s explanation, Lin Feng understood what was happening outside the previous ruins.

“This… I didn’t expect it to cause this kind of sight, and there was no problem for others to see it, right? ”

Lin Feng asked.

“Don’t worry, all the situation will be reported to the Elf Association today, and they will take care of everything.”

Zhang Yao waved his hand.

“But you, now that you have passed the fifth level, the whole ruins have no effect on you, will you leave tomorrow?”

Zhang Yao asked.

Lin Feng pondered for a moment and asked, “After I pass the fifth level, can I still enter the ruins?” ”

If you can also enter the ruins to re-challenge, you will not only gain a lot of experience points, but also continue to hone your fighting skills in 3.2, killing two birds with one stone.

Hearing this, Ren Geng laughed and said, “Okay, you still want to make wool, but it’s a pity that after passing the fifth level, you can enter the ruins, but there will be no evolution elves inside.” ”

Hearing this, Lin Feng regretted: “That’s really a pity. ”

Several people talked for a while, and seeing Lin Feng’s tired face, they left one after another.

Zhang Yao looked at the departing figures of several people and sneered: “They went back to write a report to the leader, and many people should pop up recently to woo you.” ”

“From all forces, all organizations, do everything possible to win you over.”

“It wouldn’t be so scary, would it?”

“Heh, you passed the fifth level in two days, and at the same time told everyone.”

“You Lin Feng, you will definitely become a heavenly king in the future.”

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