“It can’t be said to be rubbish, it can only be said to be mediocre!”

Lin Yu commented.

As a psychic elf, Casey’s personality is naughty, increasing the attack individual value.

This is quite embarrassing!

And the elf eggs placed around basically have this problem.

Either the personality is wrong, or the individual value is too biased.

There is no one who can really satisfy Lin Yu.

“How about it, Lin Yu? Do you have any favorites? The college entrance examination is coming soon!”

Ye Mengyao came over and asked.

Seeing that Lin Yu had been looking at the elf egg, she also looked it up and down and saw that the sign said Casey. The breeding farm sells elf eggs, and it will indicate what kind of elf is in it. Only a very small number of them will be completely unknown. Thinking of the information about Casey, that is a rare elf with super-powered attributes, Ye Mengyao thought that Lin Yu had taken a fancy to this elf egg.

“No, let’s take another look!”

Lin Yu shook his head, retracted his gaze and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, the shopping guide lady came over again.

She squeezed out a formal smile and said:

“Do you have any favorites? If not, we have a new batch of elves here, I wonder if you are interested in taking a look?”

“New elves?!”

Ye Mengyao’s eyes lit up when she heard this.

The elves that she could only see in textbooks before, now she could see them with her own eyes, and she looked very interested.

Obviously, she was interested in what the shopping guide said.

She said to Lin Yu with anticipation:

“Lin Yu, let’s go and take a look!”


Lin Yu smiled and nodded.

Along the way, no one satisfied him, and he no longer had any hope.

Since Ye Mengyao is interested, he will accompany her to see enough.

Today, Ye Mengyao is the protagonist

“”Go, go!”

Ye Mengyao excitedly pulled Lin Yu’s hand.

The two walked side by side, following the shopping guide, and soon came to an open space.

At this time, a truck was parked here, and many security personnel stood around.

Lin Yu and other customers stood outside the safety line.

The shopping guide introduced enthusiastically:

“These are a batch of elves purchased by the breeding garden from the elf research institute. Because it is the time of the college entrance examination, they were delivered in time today! You two can take a look and see if there are any you like.”

“Well, thank you.”

Lin Yu smiled politely, wondering if it was okay.

Ye Mengyao didn’t say anything, and was attracted by the elves who walked out of the truck one after another.

Under the guidance of the staff, the elves looked around the unfamiliar environment curiously.

There are some shy ones among them, with some timidity on their innocent faces.

Of course, there are also some who are fearless.

For example, a Pikachu stared at Lin Yu and others with its big silly eyes.

Even when he saw a lot of people, he made a cool look.

But no matter how you look at it, he gives people a very stupid feeling.

“Haha, this elf is so silly.”

Ye Mengyao and other girls were immediately amused.

Even Lin Yu couldn’t help but look at it sideways.

However, what he was concerned about was not the funny attributes of Psyduck, but the talent and potential of this elf.

Name: Psyduck

Gender: ♂

Attribute: Water

Element Level: Level 8 (Ordinary Level)

Qualification: Half-step Heavenly King Level

Characteristics: Migraine (Born with mental power different from ordinary people, but it has not been developed, so there is a headache problem.)

Personality Talent: Careless (+ Special Attack, – Special Defense)

Individual Value: HP (26), Attack (12), Special Attack (31), Defense (23), Special Defense (12), Speed (27)

Skills: Grab + Shake Tail + Water Gun + Telekinesis + Illusion Beam

Carrying Items: None.

“Migraine? Is this okay?!”

Lin Yu was powerless to complain, but his eyes became bright.

This Psyduck is something.

The characteristics of migraine may seem weird, but in fact it shows the extraordinaryness of this Pokémon, which means that his mental strength is different from that of ordinary people.

And he also has a full V special attack, as well as many other high individual values.

The qualifications of a half-step king!

Enough to prove the value of this Pokémon!

Looking at the attributes of Psyduck, Lin Yu admitted that he was indeed moved.

This is already the most powerful one he has ever met.

They went out shopping today. In addition to dating, the most important thing is to buy a Pokémon.

If you want to apply for the trainer major, the first condition is to have a Pokémon.

And different institutions have different requirements for the level of Pokémon.

Like Ye Mengyao, who has an elite blue bird that can evolve again at any time, it is already very good.

Lin Yu wants to become a trainer, so naturally he must have a Pokémon of his own.

The fossilized pterosaur that has not yet hatched at home does not count.

So buying a Pokémon is imperative.

“How much is this Pikachu?”

Lin Yu looked directly at the shopping guide and asked.

Since he had made the decision, he would not hesitate at all, and he was not short of money now.

This Pikachu was worth his investment.

“Sir, please wait a moment.”

The shopping guide was overjoyed when she heard this.

Lin Yu took the initiative to ask, which meant that he was willing to buy. Wouldn’t it be possible for her to get a commission?

“Please wait a moment. I will help you check it out.”

The shopping guide took out her tablet and started to check….

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