Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 1009 Setia's Wedding and Magic Wand of All Classes

Finally, it was the day of the wedding with the Cetians. But I have a lot of room for Lily and Aeon's wedding. Because of that, you know how nervous you were at Lily and Aeon's wedding.

"I wonder what will happen when the day comes when I really get married."

I couldn't help but think it was me. After having a relaxing breakfast, I was asked by Setia to fix my hair when I logged in, and Lily and Aeon complained to Setia while combing with a comb.

"Why didn't you tell me when you were Lily and the others!" Setia-chan! "

That's right! Only Setia is cheating!

"It's worse if you don't notice. It's only natural for a woman to be groomed in the first place.”


Then we have a wedding with Setia. When I was waiting, I thought to myself, "Is it okay if I didn't report my marriage?" I should have told Evelyn.

And the wedding begins, and Setia appears. Setia's wedding dress was an emerald green wedding dress with a frill and flowers on the chest.

Setia is brought by Princess Sarah. I saw Lily and Aeon along the way.



I'm not going to fail, am I? That was a smile. Cetia comes to me while Lily and the others are letting loose something of a grudge. Here, Princess Sarah touched the baton. Just like when they were two, the wedding went ahead and exchanged the ring normally, and the info came.

Setia and Maridge have been joined

Then Setia stretched out, and I hugged Setia, and the wedding was over. It was a pretty normal wedding.

It's boring!

Is that all right with Setia?

"Yeah, I'm a grown woman, so that's fine."

While the two of them were staring at each other, the love fire was hardening again.

“Well, I don't think you can be nervous about having a wedding after the perfect wedding.”

That's right, too.

"Now, Tact, let's go to the Elf Forest." In this outfit. "

"Huh? Are you going in this outfit!?"

"Of course, I'm not going to let Yggdrasil see the sunshine." I'm getting ready now, so please don't run away. "

Then Setia brings two wands wrapped in cloth. Looks like Cetia chose to give this to Yggdrasil. I'm thinking of a better plan than I am.

And the Elves welcomed me and Setia. There were some of them. There's nothing we can do around here. He blessed me by going to see Lord Evelyn. And when Cetia wrapped her cloth before Yggdrasil, a staff appeared.

Ah, I made a mistake.


"Ah!? You just laughed!" Tact-sama! "

“I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd make a mistake here.”

"Still too much! You can't help it!" I wanted to match with Tact, so I designed a similar design! "

That's a mistake, but there's nothing I can do. When I apologized, Cetia and Lilly took a nail to keep a secret about this mistake. Cetia recovered her temper and showed me my magic wand.

Is this a seven-pointed star?

"Yes. Six- and eight-pointed stars are commonly used, but the elves use these seven-pointed stars." As you can see, the seven stars are skewed in shape. But the figure of the star has the meaning of making impossible. I think it's the right design for Tact. ”

I see. I can't be a star in the first place, but I wonder if the seven stars still look like stars. I had a bad image because it was the same odd number because of the famous Inverse Pentagram of the Devil, but it wasn't. It was time to study.

And when you look at Setia, it looks exactly like the design. However, the sun was designed near my mouthpiece, and there was a crescent moon in Cetia. I don't know if I'm going to see it all.

Now, let's decide on a name. Even though I have no information, I decided to do my best.

Eternal Soul Rubber: Rarity 10 Magic Wand Grade S +

Weight: 120 Durability: 3000 Attack: 1000

Magic Wand Effects: No Chant, No Chant, No Chant, No Jamming, No Hero Barrier, Blocking Barrier, Magic Super Heal, Total Reflection, No Reflection, Magic Control, Magic Unlock

Treasure Effect: All Attribute Up (Investigation), Magic Re-Time Down (Investigation), Weather Control, Hot Control, Physical Control, Current Control

Particle, Domination, Demon Essence Domination, Space Domination, Bao-yu Liberation, Bao-yu Total Liberation

Engraving Effects: Infinite Rune, Skill Activation Speed Up (Research), Stat Disable

A magic wand with six of the most powerful gems and Alexandrite at the top of a seven-pointed star. It has an overwhelming ability to disable and manipulate all effects. Its power is comparable to the Elf's secret treasure.

Eternal Mauni La Bar: Rarity 10 Magic Wand Grade S +

Weight: 120 Durability: 3000 Attack: 1000

Magic Wand Effects: No Chant, No Chant, No Chant, No Jamming, No Hero Barrier, Blocking Barrier, Magic Super Heal, Total Reflection, No Reflection, Magic Control, Magic Unlock

Treasure Effects: All Attribute Up (Investigation), Magic Re-Time Down (Investigation), Weather Control, Hot Control, Physical Control, Current Control, Particle Control, Magic Control, Space Control, Treasure Unlock, and All Treasure Unlock

Engraving Effects: Infinite Rune, Skill Activation Speed Up (Research), Stat Disable

A magic wand with six of the most powerful gems and Alexandrite at the top of a seven-pointed star. It has an overwhelming ability to disable and manipulate all effects. Its power is comparable to the Elf's secret treasure.

Let's tell Cecia what I thought after the appraisal.

"You've made something amazing."

“Yes, thanks to you and Pandora for collecting the best materials.”

Honestly, I don't see any shortcomings, but that's if I can master this ability of domination. It was difficult to deal with the skills and power of the dominant system. Even if I subtract it, it's strong enough. I was not sure what I was going to get stronger from now on, so I didn't know what I was going to do.

I'm getting warnings from Lord Evelyn here.

"You've made something wonderful." But you know that, don't you? "

"Yes... a strong force calls for a struggle... right?"

"That's right. When you use this weapon, you better fight a worthy enemy." And it must be dangerous to touch people. "

“Okay, I'll use it as my last trump card.”

I heard about the battles when we had the ability to control each other. In that case, my superiority was determined by my magic power and dexterity, but it was basically a normal battle.

For example, even if the opponent attempted to control the attack, if the opponent also had the ability to control, the ability to control clashed with each other, and was eventually invalidated, and the attack became a normal attack. The attacker's side will be advantageous.

Well, it would be a lot easier if we could take out our dominance and fight normal battles. I didn't fight with my wand much. When we got home, we changed our clothes and asked Setia for Mistletine's arrows as our next request.

Order Hepaistos and Pandora an Immortal Killing Sword with Adamant and Meteorite.

Can you make it?

"I think I can make it because it's like using Halper as a sword." How much do you need? ”

I wonder if it's going to be Lily and Aeon's share? We both have no way to fight immortality. "

The reason I ordered this is that I think that a lot of immortal skills will be involved in the upcoming battle. The Hydra of the fifth evolution, of course, but also the Tupone of Stra's evolution. If you think this way, you have to think about immortality measures.

"I see. I see." Well then, let's start with Aeon-san's weapon. Pandora "


Pandora seemed happy to be able to make it with Hepaistos. From here, I would try to continue the trial of Umihibiza on the way.

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