Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 1090 The Great Hero of India and Vanara Village

We were looking deep into the woods, and we supplemented the NPC.

"Hah! Hah! Yes, someone I don't know can help me!" We are being chased by Asra's army! ”

A handsome man with rose-colored eyes and a fine abs appeared. She was naked with a quiver on her back and a bow in her hand. The bottom is a pair of yellow pants with a scratch.

I have a clue to the hero of Asra's bowmen. Or rather, the rose-colored eyes are enough to tell. I'll ask.

What about you?

"My name is Rama!" I see you're quite strong! I'm really sorry, but give me a hand! "

This is where the info screens come in.

Relief Quest "Rescue Ramah from the Asra" Difficulty: S

Rescue Rama, who is being chased by the Asra army.

Rama is one of the most powerful heroes in Indian mythology. After all, he is the protagonist of the Indian scripture "Ramayana".

Rama could have done something with Asra's army, but I think there's a reason we can't win the quest. And we're already in trouble. One after another, flame waves flew through the evidence.

Thousand Shadows, Farida

Great Seawall!

"Absorb the flame! Fufu. Feast."

"Oh! What a water wall!" And can that woman absorb the flame! "

That's a handsome guy with a lot of reaction. Then the big man appeared in front of us, smashing the ground.

What? Where are you guys?

"It was the Summoner Tact, my precious wives, and my friends." Who are you? "

I haven't used the blade yet, but when I stroked my head and appealed, the blade looked happy.

Hahaha! I can't stand being mad in front of Asra's army! Wonderful!

And for some reason, Rama was moved.

"I don't have a name to teach you." Will you give me the man behind you? "

"Do you think I'm going to listen to the namelessness that hasn't become a courtesy?" If you don't want to die, take your nameless men home. "

"... good manners, kid!"

When the mysterious Asra hit me, Farida blew it up the other way.

It's not a big deal.

"Fuck... that's good." I'll send Rama to the world together! "

The hiding Asra emerged one after another. This time, Asura had two Asura arms. It was bigger than the Asra I'd seen before, and it seemed to be a melee type.

"If you call my people, I'll call them too." Summon Legion! "

Lily, Aeon, Setia, Love Fire, Nowa, Livina, Lian, Wagyu Fox, Bran, Sephone, Yuwel, Arina, Gray, Konoha, Airlie, Darley, Fox, Luna, Hicks, Dean, Stra, Moonlit Night, Harbellas, and Siegfried as they summoned the attacking Asra.

“How's it going?

"You were the first to sell the fight, weren't you? Be prepared."

"Haha... I thought I'd give you a hand, but I don't think that's necessary." Looks like I'm in luck. "

We and Asra's army collide. Asura was quite strong on the boulder. The new Asra was still a melee type, and it was very troublesome. In addition, I used wave techniques such as flame waves and dark waves, as well as demon king techniques like the Orgasm of the Moonlight Night. But Asra's forces are gradually being overrun.

"Shit... I'm using a nasty poison!" And what about that dragon! "

It's Zeke.


Asra's Vulnerability was vulnerable to Debuffs such as Poison and Halves. Because of this, Noah and the fox are rampaging around. Recently, there were many enemies that didn't work, such as poison and illness, so their anger exploded.

"... Black Death"

"I won't let you get away!" Illness brace! "

It's strange to say that God gets sick. Another weakness was the Ranged Attack, which was also a melee weakness. It was worth my while to improve my magic skills.

Asra's army was completely pushed in because of this. Poison and Debuffs nearby. If you flee far away, magic will fly. Even at the most remote point, Livina bites her partner's snake from behind with a spatial distortion, and Alina plays with Flagarach.


It was Asra who tried to beat up the flying Flagarach, but Flagarach suddenly stopped and his fist emptied, and then pierced Asra's face.

"It's off."

I was forced to stop Flagarach, who was moving in automatic tracking with electromagnetic control. Damn it. The leader put his sword up and I watched as we were already fully victorious and covering the berserk child.

I'm totally losing my aim. Isn't that okay? And while Lily and the others were around, it was nice to jump in. Sure enough, they'll blow me up.

"Grrrrr! No choice! Pull back!" What is it?! "

You're aiming for Tact-sama, and you think you can get away with it?

"Such an arrow... ahhhhhh!?"

Setia's arrow stuck to her head. Leader Asra suffers more. Setia used an alien sea snake called Mistletine. It was the worst arrow for God.

The leader's shooting brings Asra together. Setia won't miss that chance.

Thornton Drain!

Mistrutin, a thousand alien sea snakes falling, hits Asra one after another. As a result, there was a large outbreak of Asra's struggling on the ground. At the end, Lily and the others smiled as they approached. I saw it and thought it over. Half-baked arrows sounded interesting.

"Oh dear... you guys on Rama's side... you're going to regret it!" Gufu!? Haha... I don't even know if we are destroyed by the demon god and the evil dragon! "

"I see. Then we won't be able to pull it off later." Gray, you can eat. I'm sure it won't taste good, though. "

"No, don't."

Grey ate the leader with a hungry wolf and the battle ended. Then Rama clapped his hands.

"No, I thought it was strong, but it was a great fight." It's as if you can defeat Vidyunmarin without taking it seriously. ”

Viduyunmarin is one of the three brothers of the Asra god tribe, Triplasula. It was supposed to be strong, but I didn't feel that strong. It's a mystery whether it was before I finished my bitterness, or whether it was the type that exerted its power in the three cities given to Brahmar the Creator.

When it comes to how strong they are, there is a story of Indra being attacked because of the repression in these three cities. That's where Indra has lost the battle, not the three cities. Well, I honestly didn't know the specific strength of victory in Castle Battle.

“Thank you. By the way, why is Rama here?”

"My wife Theta was taken by a demon god named Lavana." I invaded the territory controlled by Asra alone to bring her back, but I was able to see it. "

"That would be too foolish." I know how you feel. "

"I know. I feel the same way about you."

It is an honor to be told that Rama, the incarnation of Vishnu among the three most powerful Hindu gods, Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma, has done so. Well, I suppose they're just saying something about my wife that makes me passionate.

"This is still the realm of Asra and the others." Let me show you to the village I'm looking after. This way. ”

When we were guided by Rama, the trees in the forest withered and we reached the desolate village.

"This is terrible..."

The villagers looked like monkey celian beasts, but they were all frustrated and terrible. Rama tells us what happened.

"This village used to be a village rich in nature, but a certain evil dragon blocked the water flowing from that mountain to this village." As a result, the area has become drought-stricken, and the villagers have lost water and food. "

Only a dragon in Indian mythology can block a river and cause a drought. An enemy of Indra, the Evil Dragon Vritra. Mythically, Indra has defeated Vritra in every story, but there are many depictions of Vritra feeling terrified. There is no doubt about the strength of this.

It is also the Dark Dragon of the fifth evolution that I am aiming for. As for ability, I confirmed the ice brace and the underworld brace in Princess Silphy's battle. The ability to block is probably a blockade or space-time attribute skill.

Above all, I expect Vritra to be resistant to the sun. There are many stories, but there are stories that the sun was created when Indra beat Vritra, the sun god, and the mountain ice melted. On the other hand, Vritra could have sealed off the sun until then.

"Here is the head of this village." Sugriva, it's me. Let's go. ”

When I entered the house with Rama, there was a celian beast of an old monkey from Garigari who stood up to support a wooden cane.

"Oh... La... Rama... are you okay?"

"Yeah, he's here to help me."

"I see... my name is... baboons"

"Oh, you don't have to force yourself. I heard the name from Rama-san."

Sugriva is the king of the monkey army who helps Rama in "Mahabharata". Unfortunately, he doesn't look strong. I mean, I'm dying. And Rama can tell you stories.

“I don't know where Theta went after she was taken from me, and I met Sugriva, who is just as confused as she is. Instead of helping him, they were looking for Theta."

Yeah. So far, it's the same as "Mahabharata." But you did a good job of getting rid of what was at stake. Sugriva had an older brother, who he mistakenly believed to be dead. Sugriva returned to the city, and after a while the city found out that his older brother was dead, so he became a king.

But when this brother is not dead, and is returned to the city, he bears witness to his brother, who is king, and is furious. We will expel Sugriva and let go of her after taking her wife. And Sugriva meets Rama when she's in the mountains running away from her pursuer.

Rama promises to defeat Sugriva's brother, Sugriva makes friendship by promising to search for Theta, Rama brilliantly defeats Sugriva's brother, and Sugriva becomes the king of the Ape Army. It's a story like this.

It's a misfortune that starts with my mistake, but I feel sorry for Sugriva. As a result, my brother ended up dead.

Now, here comes the original development of the game.

“Lavana, the king of the Larkshasa army who sensed it, formed an alliance with the Asra army and used the Asra army's evil dragon to crush this village. I tried to break through before I couldn't fight, but I was stopped by an enemy sturdy fortress. Without water or food, I was forced to flee."

This was the horror of the Battle of Castles. When it takes time to drop, that amount of food and water runs out. If we can secure the supply line, there will be no problem, but if we don't secure it like Rama, it will clog up quickly. Perhaps Rama was planning a short showdown.

As I said before, Rama is the strongest class in Indian mythology. That's why it was such a great fortress that defeated Ninglang Rama. Probably the three cities that were given the Triplers.

I could tell why Rama was being chased. And now we know exactly where the enemy is in this field. Perhaps Lasbos is Lavana. The Asra and Larkshasa armies will be blocked along the way. You can see the rest of the story.

"Frankly, can you help us? The only thing I can thank for is the bow I broke to marry Theta."

Rama took out a broken bow. Wait a minute. This bow is a terrible substitute!? The info screens are coming.

Relief Quest: Rescue Vanara Village - Difficulty D

Reward: Broken Haradanu Bow

Give water and food to the people of Vanara Village.

Normally, I would be angry that there was such a thing, but Haradanu's bow was considered to be the bow of Shiva the Destroyer. This is going to be a quest like Gram or Excalibur. This is not the gear you can get for quests of this difficulty.


Isn't it decided to do this instantly?


"Yes, I'll just step aside for a moment."

When I go to the Sanctuary Island, I draw water from a water tree. I also asked Mr. Lewin to tell me the situation and prepare meat for me, such as chicken, lamb, and goat meat. In Hinduism, cattle are considered sacred animals, and pigs are considered unclean animals. That's why beef and pork are not used in Indian curry.

It is common to use wheat flour to thicken Japanese curry, but there is a difference between Indian curry being flat or thickened with spices and vegetables. In my personal opinion, it is a great thing to thicken without using flour. This is a cultural difference, isn't it?

I derailed, but decided that I should avoid giving them beef and pork anyway. I will pay attention to the cooking method. Badly crafted dishes are more likely to be unsuitable for them. The simplest baking is the easiest.

I took a lot of water to them first. Rama drinks it, including the safety confirmation first.

"It's delicious! So much water was delicious!" Come on, Sugriva. Fresh water. Drink it, please. "

Oh... sorry... it's Rama

Sugriva drinks water from a water tree. After that, my body recovered a little and my dry skin was completely healed and I no longer felt like an old man. There's been too much change.

"Oh! I'm back to life!" I'm sorry. I saved Rama's life. "

"I'll thank you later." Sugriva, we need to get this water to the villagers quickly. ”

The first thing I did was distribute water to the villagers.


I'm back to life!

"Thank you! Exotic people!" You saved the life of this village! "

Daewoo. Mr. Lewin contacted me here to say he was ready, and when I got the ingredients, I baked them in front of the villagers. Then, the villagers who ate the rice grew larger and became a monkey celian beast with a splendid body that could not be beaten by Asura.

Rama and Sugriva were overwhelming. From Rama came a burning spirit and spirit, and Sugriva grew in size and became the king of the splendid monkey Celian Beast.

I can't use all my strength.

"Ah, I saved Rama's life." On behalf of this village, thank you. "

It's a promised reward.

This is where the Quest Success Info comes in. When I receive the Haradanu bow broken from Rama, it's so heavy that it immediately drops to the ground. I still had the blessing of a giant.

Are you okay?

It's okay.


Broken Haradanu Bow: Critical Items

It was supposed to be Shiva's bow, but it was broken and she lost its power.

It looks like metal, but it still feels like it's being restored? There was an example of the Divine Sword Gram. Either way, we have to fix it!

Perhaps by fixing this bow, I could conquer the fortress where Rama had trouble. The reason for this is that Shiva's arrows destroyed the three cities that Tripleras had been given. At this point, Triplersla is dead.

This led Shiva to be called the God of Destruction. Incidentally, the three cities that appeared in this story are said to mean the entire world, and Shiva is known as the God who destroyed the entire world once.

I don't think Shiva's bow appears at this timing is very irrelevant. Well, the villagers have managed to do it, but there's still a lot of problems.

“As we gather our people, the top priority is to revive Hanumann… Hanumann is a critical resource in the search for Theta.”

"Yeah, but I don't know where it is, because my brother (Abera) seems to have given it to me somewhere."

I know that.

The two of you look at us. I'm sure there's one in the monkey village Hanuman used when he came here. I told the two of them.

I'm grateful we found the location... how can we bring it back to life?

If you give it to God, it will be somma wine, but whether or not you can revive it...

Soma liquor has no revive effect, so it's impossible. When I asked about the immortal elixir, it seemed to be ineffective. Then a giant thunderbolt fell down on the village, accompanied by a violent thunderbolt. There was a figure when I went out.

"Looks like you're in trouble!" You guys! "

"You saw it on the moon."

"Oh! You must be the Summoner who collected five treasures at that time!" Call me "Indra-sama" here! "

I didn't mean to, but it was Indra.

"You can't bring Hanuman back to life, but I can." However, there are conditions! "

That's what the guy who killed Hanumann said. Rama asks.

What is that?

"I'll kill the evil dragon on that mountain and revive him if I get a sake called Slurpee." The river will go back to normal, so it's a good story, right? "

Ah... the Vritra that comes out of this story is the one who drank the Slurpee. Slurp is considered to be comparable to Soma sake, but it has appeared as a sake that gets drunk. Vritra needs to drink this and let Indra crush her unconscious. It's just like the story of the Yaki Daisy.

Incidentally, Indra herself drank Slurpee and lost all power. That's why I don't think you want it. I don't think it's going to be like drinking... it's a mystery. I'm sure he's up to something.

“That's a good story, but I'm concerned about Asra's movements.”

"Whoa. You're not gonna help me." Unless that idiot comes along, you guys have to take care of this village. "

Rama is still asking for me here.

"I'm really sorry, but I have to protect this village. Why don't you go to the Evil Dragon Crusade instead of me? Of course, I'll get you a reward."

The info screens are coming.

Relief Quest "Revive Ape God Hanuman": Difficulty SSSSS

Reward: Variable depending on the outcome.

Defeat the evil dragon of the Asra people in the mountains.

You don't have to hide your name anymore. Operator. The Evil Dragon was found out.

I'm fine, but I'm not going to be able to catch a boulder anytime soon.

"I guess that's true. We have to climb to the top of that mountain. That road was a territory controlled by the Nagas. Even the lords can't reach us easily. I just want to thank you for saying that even if it takes some time, you can still defeat me."

Ah, a lot of nagas are coming out on the way. I think you should tell me the information before you ask for it. Rama-san. Indra-sama is going to get screwed.

"By the way, the Naga people there are always the ones who licked Amrita." The Immortal Snake is a hell of a place to be. Well then, I'm going home. "

At that time, Indra-sama was gone. Immortal snake hell sucks. At this moment, there's no longer any chance of a normal Naga coming out. Amrita is considered a mysterious drink that immortalizes the drinker. Moreover, the Indian gods were once cursed by a wise man named Durvasath, who had lost his power and needed Amrita to regain it.

This Amrita desires the Asra and Naga tribes and is in a war of capture. It's a mystery who has it in this game. I think Garda might have it if Naga had a drink.

And when I think of this myth, I want to say... Naga made Garda steal Amrita from the gods as a condition of freeing her mother, who had been enslaved by Naga, but before she could drink, Indra would have taken Amrita. Naga and the others licked the leaves of Kusha where the pot containing Amrita was placed, and the tongue was cut into two strands.

In other words, in mythology, Naga has not acquired the immortal power of Amrita. In this game, even if Amrita was spilled on the Kusha leaves, it was Indra who missed it.

"You ran away before you got pickpocketed."

It was me who whispered while looking at the sky. Anyway, I give the villagers the water and food they need, and when I get home, I get ready for the event. I took Alina's dagger when I went to meet Hepaistos.

Divine Dagger Half Barrier Saxophone: Rarity 10 Dagger Grade S +

Weight: 10 Durability: 10000 Attack: 500

Effects: Divine Kill, Demonic Kill, All Things Cut, Magic Cut, Divine Speed, Light Speed Clash, Divine Barrier, Divine Sense, Divine Mind, Dragon Qi, Protective Result, Half Loss, Lightning, Lightning, Thunder, Charged Light, Electrolysis, Divine Fire, Red Flame, Radiant Heat, Cut, Flame Wave, Thunder Wave, Divine Wave, Return, Death Resurrection, Miracle, Protection Disable, Giant Blessing, Hepistos Blessing

A dagger made of Oriharkon, a barrier stone, and the ashes of a Cretaceous Heavenly Dragon. Hurting the opponent reduces their Defense by half, and when the opponent's attack touches the barrier, reduces their Attack by half. In addition, the power of the Cyclops Three Brothers and the Blacksmith God Hepaistos resides in it, but it is a dagger, so it has a little less skill.

Overall, it is difficult to judge because it is beyond Flagarach, but there is no recovery or automatic tracking. And there was no emancipation of the Divine Authority because of the weakening that Hepaistos said. I think he made it well. I thanked Hepaistos and duplicated it with Pandora's power. When I handed it to Alina, I held the Divine Dagger Half Barrier Saxophone with a double sword.

It's the old Aeon sister.

"Oh... yes, I do."

"It's good to imitate, but why are you lifting your eyes, Alina?"

I don't think you need to explain to an angry Aeon sister.

I see. That's what I thought. Leave the two quarrels alone and let the Hepaistos see Haradunu's broken bow.

"It's heavy... Mr. Tact?" Is something wrong? "

"No, I just got a little bit damaged in my heart." Don't worry about it. "

Hepaistos took something too heavy for me to carry. I'm losing my confidence. I was even chased by Pandora.

Is it curable?

"Leave it to me, Uncle!"... ahhh!? "

When Pandora tries to use her creative powers, lightning strikes from the broken Haradanu's bow and plays.

I guess I'll have to fix it with blacksmithing.

I don't like this!

"I think I can fix it, but I don't think people can use it if I fix it normally." I think we can make it usable, but what do we do? ”

You've got a tough decision to make. In the first place, only Setia could use a bow when she calmed down. Maybe I can use chess, but I'll try chess.


"Oh, you don't have to work so hard, chess."

The chess is depressed. Cetia also took on the challenge.

It's impossible, isn't it?

"Setia gave up too soon."

"After all, I can't hold anything that Tact or chess can't hold, can I?"

Now, what's the matter? Rama had a Rama bow. Then we should be able to use it. In the worst case scenario, I would force myself to use the Maridi Burst with Setia. It was a meaningless substitute if I didn't use it for strategy in the first place.

Alright. Now, I'll restore our bow and develop the Talos.

“Please, Pandora, don't ask for the Love Fire Sword.”


Next, take your luggage and go to the island of events. A number of bases have been built, carrying items to my exclusive location in a safe area.

Is it like this?

I thanked Lewin for preparing the meat quickly, and told him that I would tell him the story of Asra's realm again, and I logged out for lunch before the event.

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