Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 1093 Ix's Divine Majesty Unlock

The ones I chose to infiltrate were Love Fire, Ix, Gray, Aranea, and Spica. Ix was so eager to go, he had no choice. If you see a bot or a mechanical girl like this, you can't help but get angry.

As a result, when the love fire destroyed the entrance, a tank suddenly appeared.

Grigori Tank Lv62

Event Monster Crusade Target Active

Lovefire hasn't noticed with her gaze on me. An oversized cannon was fired from the tank's barrel.

Dimension Fault

One after another, the dimension fault was destroyed, but I managed to play it. Then it burst into a grid tank and exploded. However, he was still alive and worn out. Then, a missile pot appears behind the barrel, and Ix snips and destroys the missile pot.

When Ix approached, he destroyed the cannon body with a high-frequency energy blade and pierced it from above. Here, the grigori tank glowed and grey roared. The grigori tank slid down the hallway and blew itself up without causing any damage.

"I-I 'm surprised..."

After all, can't you detect the signs even if you're in love with fire?

“Yes… and I didn't know the danger.”

It's a nasty enemy. But there's a hallway from here. There's no danger of that. I thought so, but I was betrayed. First of all, the hallway was quite different in size from the first infiltrated island. Then a new enemy appeared on a device like the old surveillance camera that was shooting lasers from the side of the hallway.

Grigoridrone Lv55

Event Monster Crusade Target Active

A drone armed with a Gatning Gun came at us. But the threads of Aranea are destroying them one after another. It seems that if the griddle gets caught by the adhesive thread, it will have to blow itself up. I thought I might be stronger than the boss, but I was really good at it.

I broke through such a mismanagement and reached the center. The power unit was green. Defensive type... if it was blue, there was a plan. Well, after five days, you'll come across blue.

Aranea, get your threads up and ready for battle.

"I see... I was just thinking about how to fight because there's only a pillar in the center, but I can certainly fight with sticky thread in this place." But it's going to be a hard fight for everyone else. "

"Oh... that's right. Then open up enough space for me to get through."

As Aranea prepares, a warning sound sounds, and we are forced into the power chamber, and the bulkhead descends and locks us in. And the enemy appears.

Grigoriim Pregnable Guardian?

Here comes the Sticky Bot. Besides, he's protecting his body with a giant Siddhartha. Then I heard the machine's voice.

I've detected an intruder. In 30 minutes, this island will blow itself up. "

"Hah!? I didn't hear that!?"

Thirty minutes of this ruined enemy... No, we need to defeat them sooner, given the time to escape. Moreover, according to the information, the highest defense of the bulkhead was the defensive Guardian characteristic.

"What are you going to do!?" Tact, oniichan! "

"I don't know how long it will take to get out of here. Anyway, we can only defeat them quickly!".

"If that's the case, please leave it to me." Master, I think it's time to tell you what will happen if you offend Deus Exmachina. Your orders, Master. "

It seemed like Ix was going to use the Divine Majesty Liberation. And Ix seemed confident that he could beat him.

"... All right. Unleash the power of the gods, Ix!" Destroy this thing and the power system as soon as possible! "

"Jesus, Master! Unleash the Divine Might! Activate!"

When Ix's body shines, Ix's body changes.

Name Ix Deus Ex Machina Lv19 (Liberation of the Gods)

Vit 347 447

Magic Power 347 447

Strength 347 447

Defense 347 447

Agility 347 447

Dex 347 447


High Flying Lv41 Multi Weapon Lv40 Time Delay Lv6 Divine Sense Lv27 Divine Eyes Lv37

Thousand Lights Lv39 Light Speed Collision Lv6 Lightning Blade Lv1 Incandescent Blade Lv1 Myriad Things Cut Lv5

Weapon Destruction Lv5 Electronic Disassembly Lv1 Ranged Sniper Lv44 Medium Lv40 Penetration Lv10

Advanced Analysis Lv24 Quantum Computation Lv43 Command Lv24 Multi-Aim Lv36 Full-Aim Lv36 Dimensional Aim Lv7

Space-Time Transition Lv1 Behavioral Prediction Lv39 Ranged Enemy Lv40 Magic Sensing Lv33 Reflection Lv19 Total Reflection Lv19

Divine Armor Lv27 Magic Power Super Healing Lv36 Infinite Magic Power Lv36 Repeat Fire Lv34 Multiple Repeat Fire Lv34 Order Lv1 Duplicate Lv1

Acceleration Lv28 Super Acceleration Lv28 Mega Lv1 Super Electromagnetic Lv1 Armed Ejection Lv1 Star Rainbow Lv5

Divine Barrier Lv29 Space Grasp Lv20 Dimensional Restraint Lv5 Momentary Conversion Lv14 Storage Lv1

Divine Link Lv39 Support Request Lv24 Super Linkage Lv22 Remote Magic Power Charging Lv26 Arc Discharge Lv4

Tracking Ray Lv20 Diffuse Ray Lv1 Annihilation Ray Lv1 Satellite Cannon Lv2 Star Wave Lv5

Divine Wave Lv16 Radiant Heat Lv7 Light Doppelgänger Lv1 Thunder Lv1 Photochemical Lv11

Limiter Unlock Lv4 dem Burst Lv9 Limited Armament Lv1 God's Protector Lv18 Machine God's Protector Lv18

Ix's energy buster cannon and other weapons he's built around him float around, his body opens up, and as his figure changes, Ix wraps around the pale particles of light. That's cool!

And Ix demonstrates his abilities.

"Duplicate. Energy Buster Cannon"

There were energy buster cannons growing around Ix. This is the skill Pandora used, but the level is different!?

All arming and attacking at once.

All of Ix's weapons hit the Grigori Im Pregnable Guardian. Oh, no. What? This skill. Once it is finished, the duplicate Energy Buster Cannon disappears. Will it be lost once I use it?

"Reproduction. The Energy Buster Cannon Decree".

Increases the number of attacks without charging. Now the shields are broken. In addition, Ix was cloning his gear one after another.

"Duplicate. Thermal cannon. I will incinerate the enemy."

This will detonate the Grigoriim Pregnable Guardian's armor. Then it broke, but I tried to put it back on.

"Duplicate. High-frequency energy blade. Massive." Ultra-electromagnetic injection mounts ".

The giant high-frequency energy blade became a rail gun and stabbed the Grigoriim Pregnable Guardian.

"Arc Discharge"

When an electric arc discharge emerged from all the pierced high-frequency energy blades, it exploded one after the other from the inside of the Grigoriim Pregnable Guardian's body, and the final explosion ended with a large explosion.

I told you to destroy it as fast as you could, but it didn't take long. Moreover, I managed to crush the power unit intact, using only firepower. This is the true power of Deus Xmakina. Not halfway there.

"Assignment completed, Master."

When Ix returns, he crashes. I sent a signal to Spika and caught Ix. It seemed that the magic power would disappear after the liberation of the Divine Authority. I completely lost consciousness.

"Good job, Ix."

It's a horn, so I need Aranea to destroy the power system. Then Aranea walked on the thread.

High heat cutting! Steel rope!

We move to destroy the bulkhead while Aranea fights with a steel rope that has become a hot whip.

Radiant heat!

Super cooperative! Screw lancer!

I couldn't destroy it because of the radiant heat of love fire and the ultra-linkage with Spika using Paras Athena's spear. How many of these are there? I tried to summon Lily, but I couldn't. You're going to have to break through with this mentor.

When Aranea destroyed the power unit, she heard another voice. Apparently, the time of suicide bombing and the time of crash are the same. You're kidding!

"Let's do it, shall we?" Aranea needs a ride to Grey. Gray, the wolves need Ix too. Aranea, use the thread to anchor Ix's body. "

Now we are ready to escape.

"Anyway, let's push through! Aranea!"

Yeah! Magic blade!

When Aranea's forefoot claws extended, they slashed the bulkhead and destroyed it.

Here we go!

Love fire damaged me with a big move, and I destroyed it in super cooperation with Spika. And we escaped quickly enough. So we have 20 minutes to hang on to that boss? Hard. But here's the question.

"Was that the boss?" I thought the famous fallen angel who became a grigori was the boss.

When the island crashed, the army of fallen angels would not increase, and when everyone told me that it was okay, I went back to the recovery area and told everyone about it, but at this time, there was still no info about the end of the battle.

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