Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 114 Yellow Beast and the Most Powerful Monster

If I get a request to exorcise the devil, we all dissolve. Is that why we're all here?

Well, no. I'd like to do today's demon stone summons right away, but let's train Lily and the others before we do. Then I'll also test the sealed magic. You don't know this without them.

"Lily, are you ready?


"Okay, let's go. Rune Arts!"

When I spoke, the magic team unfolded on Lily, and disappeared.

Looking at Lily's status, it's a mysterious state anomaly.

"It's nothing, is it? Tact."

I guess. But this is where it comes from.

"Lily, try the heavy slash"

"Okay! Heavy Slash!"

But Lily's sword didn't emit light when she activated martial arts. As expected?

"Oh, that?

Looks like Lily doesn't know what happened. It's a little.

"Well, let's start training."

"Huh? Lily, you can't use martial arts, can you?

"Oh. I did some sealing magic. Now you're not in the habit of using martial arts, and you're just fine, right?


I'm shocked, Lily, but because of this, it's a loss if you don't use it. And teach Lily how to play weapons. Aeon and Love Fire, on the other hand, have a serious battle.

It should be a pretty good fight. Sounds like a close call, but it's full of material collection and things to do.

And I taught Lily a few ways to play my sword, and now that I can use it, the battle between Aeon and Love Fire is over, and the training is over.

"Ha... ha... ha, I managed to preserve my sister's majesty..."

"Yi, Aeon sister... too fast..."

The result is a draw. Sounds like Aeon's escape win. Looks like he's making good use of the reflections of his battle with me. I guess this would be Aeon's advantage. Reflect on what you lost and then take advantage of it. That's why I can be strong. Aeon will pull it out one day, too.

No skill development through training. Lily plays the sword, Aeon and the love fire just run away. That won't improve your skills.

The training is over, so head to the Beast Demon Guild. It's for the demon stone summons. I want chicks, lions and snakes early for a synthetic summons but plan to use fired and aqueous stones today. Fire Demon Stone is the first, and fishing in the ocean is likely to stabilize if an underwater specialty subpoena is obtained with Water Demon Stone.

So make a demon stone, demon stone summons. Fire at first!

The Demon Stone is sucked in and the Demon Square turns red. Success!

What kind of girl is coming this time? I'm ready.

And it was the fox who was summoned.


Yeah. Well, every time, you can't hit the subrace… I've been hitting the subrace, so I assumed it would come.

"Or cute..."

Lily and the others are after the fox. When I looked at the status, it was labeled a fox. That's the first kanji. Does that make any sense?

When it comes to foxes, nine tailed foxes still float, but Fushimi Inari foxes are also famous. Though, I guess I'll keep my name this time.

Name Fox (Here) Fox LV1

Vitality 8

Magic 12

Muscle Strength 8

Defense 6

Agility 15

Dexterity value 8


Bite Lv1 Sign Detection Lv1 Fire Magic Lv1 Night Lv1

Really as it is. I just wonder if it's rare to read.

Your status is similar to Wolf's. But it has fire magic. I'd expect a lot of this.

The water demon stone is next. I'm afraid of failure, but this place is going to battle! The subrace didn't come by fire, so the subrace should come next.

The Waterdemon Stone is sucked into the Demon Square, and the Demon Square glows blue.

All right! Success! I wonder what's coming?

He just showed up.

A round-shaped, blue gel-shaped organism. The name was Slime.

Lily and her tensions plummeted. This one. The slime would be pathetic. There may have been some unpleasant things in the past, but that was because it was a monster. There should be no harm in this guy. Well, let's decide the name by intuition.

Name Puzosuke Slime LV1

Vitality 10

Magic 0

Muscle strength 0

Defense 20

Agility 10

Dexterity value 10


Predation Lv1 Defense Lv1 Physical Invalidity Lv1 Deformation Lv1 Impact Absorption Lv1 Dividing Lv1 Underwater Behavior Lv1

Now the number of summoners I can summon is 10.

I was going to do something about it at first, Sura, but I dared to puff it because everyone was going to put it on. I think I'm going to wear it here, but that's when it happens. It's intuitive why it helps.

The status is so extreme that it feels good. It was surprising that it had 0 muscle strength, but perhaps the damage would be done with predatory skills… it was gradually damaged when Lily and the others fought. That means Slime was eating Lily's then...

"Mr. Tact? What are you thinking?

"Would you mind telling us?

"No, I'm not thinking about it."

Smiling Aeon and Sethia's Scary... I think they've been too perceptive lately.

Don't suck about Puo-suke's other abilities. Looks so strong.

Defense is a skill I know in black iron to protect. But this is where the anomaly starts. Physical void first. This makes the opponent invincible if it only has a physical attack.

Next deformation. First skill, but this would be a changing skill. So you can snag at them because of this skill.

What about shock absorption? If you normally think about it, you see it as a skill to hit a wall or absorb shock when it falls below... but that's a mystery.

Last split. It's the skill that tormented Lily and the others. That's a split, increased skill.

I just need to find out a lot about this split and deformity... how far can it split? It's a mystery how far you can deform.

I thought the strongest subpoena in the young woods was an owl, but this slime is probably too. Weak in magic, but with magic resistance, isn't it the strongest?

I have more people to rely on.

But Lily and the others are obsessed with foxes. I have zero interest in Puo-suke.

"All right, all right. You're cute, too."

It's pathetic, so put it on your knees. Why? Surprisingly, this puffy body feels good.


Shit! Love fire noticed! But Love Fire sneaks up on me and rolls my knee over my pillow. And look at this one. Yes, yes, you should stroke with me.

I'd like to get to a quick level, but is everything okay at sea as planned? Mr. Aura waited for me to leave when I was thinking about that.

"What kid next...... ugh!?

The moment I saw Puo-suke, Mr. Aura hardens. And he left. You have something that any person doesn't like. And I, the subrace of fire and water, avoided Mr. Aura. The theory crossed my mind.

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