Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 122 Plants in Food and Dangerous Condition Anomalies

The next day, school is over and I log in to the game ASAP.

Summon the Gayles quickly, apologize for one thing yesterday, and say thank you. Guys, you've forgiven me properly. I'm happy to see the good guys.

Lily and the others tell me they're cooking a thank you dish.

"Tact fails, too."

"Naturally, right? I don't like people who don't fail."

"You almost hit the tail of the Akaei, too."

"You were... thinking about it, I've been feeling all wrong lately"

Maybe he's losing his mind. I need to be more nervous.

"I think Master Tact, who fails, is nice, too, right?

"Oh, I think so too!

Love fire on Setia. You're not praising that.

Ask Lily and the others to work on producing Rocco, Aerie, and in the meantime complete honey dishes. Calling Hepaistos, Hepaistos proudly brought one great sword. No way, it's done!

"Thank you for waiting. Finally, the Iron Sword is ready!

"Lily's new weapon!?

"Oh. Right."

Let's quickly appraise it.

Reapering's Great Sword: Rarity 4 Great Sword Quality E

Weight: 40 Durability: 50 Attack: 30

A great sword made of iron. A weapon that weighs on the neck, but is very powerful when used.

The emblem of the clan "Reaper Ring" is burned in the sword.

Hey, what's wrong!? I did find the Reaper emblem when I saw the tweezer.

"... you used to put this in."

"It's a surprise. Surprised?

"Oh. I'm totally fucked."

Damn, you're happy! But really lately, I'm starting to feel like no.

You can't just be dented.

"Lily, this is your new sword"

"Yeah! Thanks! Tact! Hepaistos!

The Great Sword of the Wolf was broken and dented. Hapaistos gave it to me at a good time.

Lily seems happy and above all, but let's not wave our swords around the store.

They all ate together afterwards and looked delicious. And culinary skills have been leveled for a long time. No, what a subtlety to go up on this occasion.

Train as well as exercise after meals. Today's opponent is Aeon. Train around melee like I said before. Again, ions swallow fast. Anticipating my movements. Aiming or attacking to play the sword. But it's still sweet… if you miss your expectations, you'll be defensive. Looks like we still need to train.

Then summon in the Beast Demon Guild. Summoning this time is a synthetic summons.

So I succeeded in summoning Snake first, then the Lion.

Here's what each name did.

Name Route Snake LV1

Vitality 16

Magic 2

Muscle Strength 10

Defense 6

Agility 8

Dexterity value 8


Biting Lv1 Winding Lv1 Poison Lv1 Thermal Detection Lv1

Name Rex Lion LV1

Vitality 8

Magic 6

Muscle Strength 12

Defense 8

Agility 8

Dexterity value 6


Bite Lv1 Nail Strike Lv1 Intimidation Lv1 Night Lv1

Now the number of summoners I can summon is 8.

I made it this name because the route means on the road or something, but it could be the first of synthetic monsters, and if it's going to be Wyburn or something like that as you aim, it could be a subpoena that opens the way for the dragon to evolve.

Rex is Latin for king. I was aware of the name that both lions and griffons deserved.

I was lightly named because I was thinking at school. I think we're really getting to a level where there's nothing we can do about it.

Two levels up today, but the place will be Trent Forest. The reason was this email I was getting from Mr. Mu.

"I finished my wool robe! I'll give it to you tomorrow night. Thank you with wood!

It's just a lumber reminder. But I also remembered that Trent's quest hasn't actually been completed yet, so do you want to go exorcise Trent? And there's a monster I haven't met yet, and I want to collect honeybee honey. I'd like to open the store in a few minutes.

That's why the first members go by Sethia, Gail, Liqueur, Route and Rex. Root's on my neck... is this what all snakes are? You'll never get that King Cobra. I'm confident I'll crush it.

The only monster on the street was Grey Wolf. Advance with a liqueur by preempting with Sethia's magic. Gail tries to survive.

The two level up and go straight to the woods. Summon love fire here in lieu of liqueur. So do you want to go explore the forest?

The first people I met were the goblins, as always. Because of this, let's use the new magic.

"Bottomless Swamp!"

Goblins sinking into swamps that were suddenly formed. Sethia's bow and Gail's thunder poured relentlessly down there, wiped out.

Yeah. It was so easy to knock it down. It's the new magic.

Setia was attacked by something as she searched for cypress.


Looking back at Sethia's sudden screams, Sethia was caught in the crawl and kept going upside down.

"Hey!? What are you looking at! Dear Tact!"

Sethia turns red and holds her skirt back... it's out-of-heart to watch. I don't see it. I'm not guilty.

Setia is taken somewhere when I try to help her magically. When I looked in the direction they were taking me, there was a cylindrical plant. Identify.

Saracenia LV9

Normally Monster Crusade Target Active

This is Saracenia? Not big? I'm bigger than me...

But in the meantime Setia is also taken.

"Dear Tact! What, are you swallowing it! Ah."

Raise the leaves in the inlet and open the mouth (?) of the lizard. Shit.

I'll try to help, but the love fire moved before that.

"Setia, sister! Ha! Fox fire, flash!

With the special attack of love fire bursting, Saracenia became two straight, wrapped in fire, and defeated.

If you think it's brilliant, a sparkling light falls on the love fire. What? It shouldn't be evolution...

"Oh, butt... yes, it hurts... but it helped. Thanks love fire... love fire?

When Setia, who fell and hit her butt, thanked Love Fire, there was no response to Love Fire. What's wrong with you?

Love fire sees Cetia better. Good... looks ok

"Sethia, sister... I love it!

"What!? Suddenly why!? Shah!?"

Love fire suddenly confesses and pushes Setia down, and she gets squeezed. Suddenly stop thinking.

"Ha... ha... setia... sister ~ n... slip ~"

"Gee, love fire... I'm glad you feel... will you just step aside?

"I don't like it."

Oh, relax... they're in elementary school... these days elementary school... the... what? Maybe there's this kind of skinship.

When I thought about it and calmed down, I realized that love fire was becoming a mysterious state anomaly. Is this... no way with the sparkle just now?

Then there's a glitter in my sight. Shit!?

I distanced myself in the backstep and when I looked up there was the killer. Identify.

Butterfly LV5

Summon Monster Crusade Target Active

Butterfly escapes because he's been noticed. Let him go!


My thunderbrunch is a direct hit. I fell paralyzed. I got it!

"Ray Broad!

Light gathers in the butterfly and explodes. Level up there. If you're caught off guard until Info gets here, you can't. When I clear the love fire, the love fire goes back to normal.

"... Ha!? I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!

Apparently, he has memories, and I apologize so much to Setia.

As a result, I am seated at Sethia's command. I'm very angry with you.

"How could you not help me!

"No, I tried to help..."

"You could have put the love fire away!

"I'm on the verge of a state anomaly, too. You have no choice, do you?

"How can Master Tact not be in abnormal condition either!

That's too harsh. The identity of the mysterious state anomaly is fascinating. He seems to be in an abnormal state of disrupting his allies with autos.

Who would stand in my way if I were in an abnormal state? I think it's likely the route I'm on my neck. The sight of rinsing with a viper... sucks. I don't want to.

But this charm is dangerous in many ways. I feel like a relationship is about to collapse if even the players are going to be like that. No, security should block heterosexual contact with boulders, but you're still about to collapse relationships...

In the meantime, Setia was forgiven for summoning a butterfly and for being unusually attractive to me, and for promising Lily and Ion to keep it to herself. What are you thinking?

Name Tact Intermediate Summoner LV7

Vitality 41

Magic 82

Muscle strength 30

Defense 20

Agility 26

Dexterity value 57


Fighting Lv7 Kicking Technique Lv12 Wand Lv16 One-Handed Sword Lv8 Throw Lv3 Fast Chant Lv6 Lv7 Summoning Magic Lv20

Sealed Magic Lv1 Alchemy Lv9 Mining Lv14 Logging Lv10 Demolition Lv20 Appraisal Lv10 Identification Lv16

Wind Magic Lv20 Fire Magic Lv20 Earth Magic Lv20 Water Magic Lv20 Dark Magic Lv19

Light Magic Lv23 Thunder Magic Lv17 Lv18 Blast Magic Lv16 Lv17 Wood Magic Lv16 Ice Magic Lv15 Spacetime Magic Lv16

Reading Lv8 Cooking Lv20 Lv21 Feeding Lv6 Fishing Lv8 Synchro Lv4

Name Setia Elf LV23

Vitality 30

Magic 76

Muscle Strength 21

Defense 16

Agility 21

Dexterity value 76


Wand Lv9 Bow Lv2 Lv4 Woodworking Lv5 Collection Lv8 Pharmacy Lv5 Wind Magic Lv3 Fire Magic Lv3 Water Magic Lv12

Soil Magic Lv12 Tree Magic Lv12 Tree Magic Lv4 Elf Knowledge Lv5 Spirit Summoning Lv2

Name Gail Riger Lv6 Lv7

Vitality 27

Magic 34 36

Muscle strength 35 36

Defense 20

Agility 40 42

Dexterity value 20 21


Bite Lv7 Lv8 Nail Strike Lv7 Lv8 Intimidation Lv5 Night Lv7 Taunt Lv5 Thundermagic Lv9

Name Liqueur Corner Horse LV3

Vitality 24

Magic 2

Muscle Strength 24

Defense 17

Agility 39

Dexterity value 34


Square Shooting Lv1 Lv3 Kicking Techniques Lv1 Running Lv1 Lv3 Horseback Riding Lv4 Lv6 Disease Running Lv4

Name Route Snake Lv1 Lv8

Vitality 16 30

Magic 2 5

Muscle strength 10 25

Defense 6 15

Agility 8 23

Dexterity value 8 20


Biting Lv1 Winding Lv1 Poison Lv1 Thermal Detection Lv1

Name Rex Lion Lv1 Lv8

Vitality 8 22

Magic 6 12

Muscle strength 12 26

Defense 8 20

Agility 8 18

Dexterity value 6 13


Bite Lv1 Nail Strike Lv1 Intimidation Lv1 Night Lv1

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