[EO] This is a thread about subraces.Part 3

This is a thread to write about the subrace of EO.

Protect your manners and use the slate correctly.

The next thread is to be declared and stood by > > 800.

Always specify the following lesser number if unable to stand:

If the next slate is not standing, decelerate each.


202. Unnamed Summoner

You keep reporting subraces.

203. Unnamed Summoner

Goblin Summoner transferred to Cobolt Summoner. Seriously?

204. Unnamed Summoner

Seriously. I got my hands on the ground, and I was happy.

205. Unnamed Summoner

All you can say is Don Mai. You know, I was a little uncle in a hat called Leprechaun.

206. Unnamed Summoner

I don't know why. He was a fairy in a frog coat called Colopockle.

207. Unnamed Summoner

> > 203 I haven't transferred!

> > 206... it'll be dry adds.

208. Unnamed Summoner

> > 207, what? Yeah!? Are you serious!?

209. Unnamed Summoner

Seriously. I saw evolution up close, so I'm pretty sure.

210. Unnamed Summoner

My time, Kiter! I'll raise you soon! Dry Ado!

211. Unnamed Summoner

Is it still the pioneer of the toddler girl who evolved it?

212. Unnamed Summoner

Yes, I know there are others who know, but I also summon the Dark Dragon Newt, the Sacubus child.

213. Unnamed Summoner

> > 212 (XD) Gatta! Sacubas child...

214. Unnamed Summoner

So, no... I have a god named Sethia. Because of what character?

215. Unnamed Summoner

One name is me, isn't it? He is dressed like a sachubas.

216. Unnamed Summoner

God, I'm sorry... I'm going to fall.

217. Unnamed Summoner

I'm also concerned about Dark Dragon Newt. What kind of kid is he?

218. Unnamed Summoner

You have sauce-eyes like you slept in gosloli clothes.

219. Unnamed Summoner

Mm-hmm. You're the type who's not here again. I don't know which character I'm gonna be a fan of.

220. Unnamed Summoner

The problem is you can see their maid clothes in the store like that, right?

221. Unnamed Summoner

I'm lucky to have the character I'm looking for, but I can still forget what I hate when I see them.

222. Unnamed Summoner

Awesome. I get it. ~ That. Unlike real life, it doesn't come off, and money is game money. I can only say goodjob to the Toddler Girl Summoner who built that store.

223. Unnamed Summoner

It's getting a little out of line with the spirit of the bulletin board. Speaking of which, we haven't heard from Dwarf yet.

224. Unnamed Summoner

Everyone summoned in the dirt is a leprechaun... is this the same evolution as dry adds?

225. Unnamed Summoner

It's my uncle...

226. Unnamed Summoner

Me too... do I wake up with a sexual change?

227. Unnamed Summoner

You don't have that...

228. Unnamed Summoner

If I use darkness... Hobbit... WHY NOT THE SACUBAS!!

229. Unnamed Summoner

Don't tell me... what a goblin I am, huh?

230. Unnamed Summoner

I'm sorry about that.


[EO] This is a thread about weapons. Part 4

This is a thread to write about weapons.

Protect your manners and use the slate correctly.

The next thread is to be declared and stood by > > 800.

Always specify the following lesser number if unable to stand:

If the next slate is not standing, decelerate each.


095. Unnamed Warrior

Event Weapon Is Strong After All?

096. Unnamed Warrior

It's not very tearful, but it's quite usable.

097. Unnamed Heavy Warrior

Right. Offensive corrections are higher than iron weapons, and most importantly, state abnormalities are powerful.

098. Unnamed Knight

I tried it on Gerberaglow earlier and it worked great.

The curse condition is abnormal, and it's huge to be sealed.

099. Unnamed Heavy Warrior

I fought too, but the Astaloto Shield worked great.

The ability to weaken plants is amazing.

100. Unnamed Warrior

Stabilize and restore your defenses If you can seal it, can't you take down Gerberaglow?

101. Unnamed Wizard

If you hold an event item and consolidate it, you might be able to attack it

102. Unnamed Spears

You'll get your first destroy reward, and you want to try?

103. Unnamed Summoner

Stop... they're not questing, and they're banning crusades from the country.

104. Unnamed Archer

Was that story true?

105. Unnamed Fighter

Seriously. They won't give me the details, but it's forbidden.

106. Unnamed Warrior

You're worried the other way around when it's banned.

107. Unnamed Heavy Warrior

He seems like a patron god, and God's crusade has romance.

108. Unnamed Warrior

The first clearance reward is an early winner, and I'm gonna go.

109. Unnamed Female Clergy

Oh, I'll play the recovery role!

110. Unnamed Heavy Warrior

Then I'll help you with the wall.

111. Unnamed Wizard

I'll take care of the support.

112. Unnamed Summoner

I think you should stop...

113. Unnamed Knight

Yes, yes, summoners should play with toddlers.

114. Unnamed Wizard

We're moving on to that gap.

115. Unnamed Warrior

Gerberaglow's senseless, so why don't we talk about it over there?

116. Unnamed Heavy Warrior


117. Unnamed Female Clergy

Copy that, sir.

118. Unnamed Wizard

Move, move.

119. Unnamed Blacksmith

Was it too late to tell you not to

120. Unnamed Woman Blacksmith

I feel like this weapon is going to crusade Gerberaglow...

121. Unnamed Blacksmith

Me, too, but I don't have more use for punching my hands than this happened.

122. Unnamed Blacksmith

Information on the Dark Fall job title has been released, and I feel some disturbing flow.

123. Unnamed Blacksmith

Don't flag me...

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