Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 218 Mountain Big Spider and Demon Fox

Moving to the Yellow Ossa Mountains Fountain, what I saw was a ton of fireflies. Shit, I've never tried that before. Touching.

Take a look at the fireflies and do the sampling at Setia, Meal. Looking around, I got something unexpected.

Sunflower (Wasabi): Rarity 4 Ingredients Item Quality D-

Grass with a strong irritating flavour. I can eat it as edible.

Oh - I want extra soba noodles because I saw wasabi! Other than that, wasabi is used for sashimi, meat dishes and vegetables are also used for pickling.

I'm honestly happy with this. Finish collecting and thank nature.

Okay, let's go explore. The members are Nova, Livina, Gail, Alanea and Fox.

Proceeding through the woods, the fox perceives something. Then I hear a unique feather sound.

Elephant elephant kabuto?

It was an elephant-sized beetle that showed up while knocking down a tree. You're no longer surprised at this size.

Plus Alanea, I was lucky to be here when the fox was around.

First Nowa stops the movement with shadow bondage. Then we restrain ourselves with the hard yarn of Alanea and we all get bummed.

But along the way, the hard thread is cut, and it rambles.

"You're a bad student. What do you do? Tact."

"... pseudo-dragonization?

"No, let's just keep pushing because we don't have any bodies."

Then Gail will sit in front of me.


I think Gail says I'll do it.

"Okay. Gail, I'll take care of it."

Gail stares and screams at Elephant Zookabuto.


Then Gail becomes the incarnation of thunder. This is lightning!

The next moment, a giant thunder pierces the elephant elephant elephant kabuto. No paralysis, but the thunder bounces back as if it were reflecting on a tree and pierces the elephant elephant elephant turnip.

It was Gail's private arena from there already. Elephant Zoukabut desperately attacked but had no effect on Gayle, who became lightning, and continued to be pierced by giant thunder until he was defeated.


Gail rides Elephant Zookabuto for a roaring victory. And Gail comes here.

"That was awesome. Gail."

"... Mm. It was strong."

"And it was beautiful!

Gail seems to be complimented by everyone and less than full. But lightning came at the same price as dragonization. Because it's that strength. I may not have had the body... but I did. Info comes.

'Alanea's level has reached 16. It can evolve.'

"Fox level has reached 16. It can evolve. '

Let's start with Alanea. There is one way to evolve.


Oh, you're a famous monster for the spider-cutting tale of the source light.

The earthspider tried to strike at the source ray of light that was sleeping due to the disease, but was slashed with a famous knife/knee round (kneeling) and chases the escaped earthspider to the mountain and exorcises it. The source light, which exorcised the earthspider, is that the disease has healed, and the knee circle, which exorcised the earthspider, has since become known as [spider-cutting].

I don't know if it's true, but I've heard that you lived in Gejong Mountain in Nara Prefecture. Let's take a look at the explanation.

Earthspider... a giant spider monster who lives in a mountain cave. Very violent but also wise to put people in a trap. He freely manipulates powerful yarns and throws rocks and such at him with rigidity.

Let's make it evolve quickly.

Name Alanea Big Spider Lv16 Earthspider Lv1

Vitality 34 44

Magic 28 43

Muscle strength 25 40

Defense 15 25

Agility 20 30

Dexterity value 66 71


Biting Lv6 Fighting Lv1 Adhesive Yarn Lv13 Adhesive Yarn Lv13 Soft Yarn Lv8

Hard Yarn Lv18 Steel Yarn Lv18 Trap Installation Lv15 Lv18 Yarn Sensing Lv6 Poison Brace Lv1

Earthlurk Lv1 Throw Lv1 Earthmagic Lv1 Curse Lv1 Sorcery Lv1

Evolved Alanea became a giant spider with a ghost face.

Is the attention a yarn? Let me show you how it changed because it was hard yarn until now but it turned into steel yarn. Steel thread spit out of my mouth pierced the tree... yeah. If you use it on humans, don't let the human body fall apart.

Other adhesive yarns could also be used for traps but flew far away, allowing wire action with rewinding forces. I want to raise the title of O Piderman to Alanea.

That's just it. Alanea used change. You've changed to me!? I thought so, but it wasn't.

There was a girl in front of me like a Japanese shape. Wait... why are you turning into a girl?

After researching it later, the earthspider found a legend that turned into a woman. Still, it was not a description that turned into a young girl. I think I need to discuss with Alanea why I turned into a young girl.

The fox is next. There is one place to evolve.

Demon Fox

You mean the fox monster. Let's see the explanation.

Demonic fox... a fox who woke up to demonic magic and became a monster. It turns into a person's appearance, and it brings people to shame. Manipulate two types of fire and darkness attributes.

Um, then let's evolve it.

Name Fox Wild Fox Lv16 Demon Fox Lv1

Vitality 28 38

Magic 52 67

Muscle strength 36 51

Defense 18 28

Agility 40 50

Dexterity value 30 40


Bite Lv12 Sign Sensing Lv10 Danger Sensing Lv1 Fire Magic Lv12

Dark Magic Lv1 Night Lv9 Dark Vision Lv9 Fox Fire Lv14 Evil Flame Lv14 Magic Lv2

Illusion Lv5 Possession Lv3 Fire Tooth Lv1 Fire Claw Lv1 Fire Bullet Lv1

The evolutionary fox had three tails and his body grey size.

If you show your strength quickly, the fox uses change. Then it was Aeon who showed up.

However, he had fox ears on his head, three tails from his buttocks, and a chest sized Japanese fox, sweating on a pair of kimonos. Fox, you've grown into a horrible guy!

"Phew... go home"

""... upset?

I wonder what Nova and Livina are saying? I'm not supposed to be upset, am I?

Evolution is over, so dismantle it.

It was nothing... there was evolution, and let's do it.

But I don't want to end up like this because I want to know what evolutionary Alanea and Fox are capable of. So.

I decided to move on through the forest.

Name Nova Dragon Newt Lv22 Lv25

Vitality 26 28

Magic 62 68

Muscle strength 18 20

Defense 18 19

Agility 25 27

Dexterity value 56 58


Shadow Operation Lv7 Lv9 Shadow Detection Lv8 Shadow Movement Lv4 Shadow Latent Lv7 Shadow Tied Lv2 Lv4

Shadow Summoning Lv2 Hidden Lv7 Simulated Lv3 Night Lv7 Lv9 Simulated Dragonization Lv1

Name Livina Lesser Sacubus Lv6 Lv8

Vitality 30

Magic 72 76

Muscle strength 18 19

Defense 18 19

Agility 37 38

Dexterity value 45 47


Dark Claws Lv2 Lv5 Flight Lv6 Lv9 Hidden Lv3 Night Lv7 Lv9 Seduction Lv11 Hypnosis Lv1

Charm Absorption Lv11 Dark Magic Lv3 Lv5 Illusion Lv3 Demon Bullet Lv3 Lv6

Name Gail Thunderbeast Lv1 Lv2

Vitality 37 38

Magic 64 66

Muscle strength 50 52

Defense 30

Agility 72 75

Dexterity Value 32


Bite Lv19 Flight Lv1 Lv3 Square Shot Lv1 Lv3 Thunderclaw Lv19 Lv20 Intimidation Lv10

Dark vision Lv12 Lv14 Taunt Lv10 Thundermagic Lv17 Lv18 Charge Lv1 Discharge Lv1 Lightning Lv1 Lv3

Thunder Tooth Lv1 Thundering Lv1 Lv2

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