Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 224 Qin's Earthly Soldiers and Rope Earthly Shapes

Confirm the formation before playing boss battle. Then it looks like there's something we're not all convinced of.

"Mr. Tact... are you going to fight as you are?

"Yeah, but?

"Hey there, it's a boss fight, right?

"Is there a problem?

"Me ~"

Look, Rocco's fine, too. He says it's no problem! Plus, we're not all leveling up! I can't end up like this. Mel pushes me just in case.

"When it's dangerous, change it, okay?

Yes, sir. If it gets dangerous, I'll change it.

That's why we enter the square simultaneously and take formation. Then a giant rock falls at the exit, blocked.

That's a style that won't allow you to escape. Come on, what's the enemy?

A large number of armed dirt dolls come out of the ground. You've seen this before.

Terracotta LV18

Normally Monster Crusade Target Active

It is a doll buried with the dead made during the Chinese Emperor's era and elsewhere.

First of all, a pre-emptive strike.

"Arrow Rain!"

The rain of Mr. Tristan and Yoichi's arrows is released.

But Arrow Rain is also released from the Terracotta. Shit, we're chanting!?

Everyone else escapes simultaneously, but there is no escape. That was the amount of arrows. I have no escape either.

The shadows tie their mark and use ninja, but they can't cut the judgment.

"... leave it to me"

Nowa builds a wall of shadows. Nowa, great!


"... yeah!

Mirai will be behind me getting ready for recovery magic. Mirai is our lifeline. You can't let them do it.

Nowa protected me, so in the meantime, I'll hang Rune Arts on a bow warrior figurine. Now I can't shoot Arrow Rain anymore.

In the meantime, the fox towed me with a flare bullet into the wizard's horse figurine, buying me time. And then it's my job. The aim is the Wizard's Terracotta!


A huge explosion occurs where the wizard's warrior figurine is solidified, and it is blown away. But the spear soldier's warrior figurine was approaching us as he broke through the full moon.

I take out my sword.

"We're intercepting! Meal, stop those guys' skills with the crawl! Nowa, Savik, Fox! Support me, please."


"... Mmm!

When you look at my combat posture, you also judge Yoichi.

"We aim for enemy guards!

It's boulder judgment. You must have defeated quite a bit in the exploration earlier, but the wizard should still be there. A bow warrior figurine also shoots if it's a regular bow. I think you're right to aim for the rear guard in order for us to fight in peace.

So let's do our job. Meal spreads and cancels the martial arts of the Warrior Terracotta. More foxes burn down the warriors with evil flames.

Still, rust strikes at the guys who come at us. I'll take care of the rest of the enemy.

But when you slash and tear apart the Terracotta, it turns into two pieces, causing them to defeat. Is that it? Weak?

I'm slashing him once and knocking him down... this is the boss fight? Anyway, I need to focus on these guys now.

"You're going to have to help me with my sword!

The full moon will come when the shadows are joining in and defeating the Spear Horsefigurine together.

"Sorry! I got pulled out"

"No, swordsman, please"

"You don't seem to need that, do you?



Swordsmen are blown away in Lecca's Exploration.

The rest are fought by the Mels, last but not least. You'll be fine now. I turned around and there was an arrow stabbing a lot of locomotives there.

"Lo, locomoco ~ ~!!?"

I panic and pull the locomotive arrow out.

"Are you all right!? Locomoco!"

"Me ~"

Apparently, she was fine thanks to her hair. Huh. I'm in a hurry.

"That's it!

Looks like Lisa defeated the enemy. But all the defeated horse figurines become dirt and gather in one place. After all, the Terracotta was not the boss… the dirt mass appears in a new way while everyone is on guard.

A spouse?

It is an earthly shape that is said to have been made during the Rope period. He looks the same as the famous spouse found in Aomori. But it's a boss monster, so naturally it's big.

And you couldn't be a spouse from the wheel? I thought the Emperor would start because the Terracotta came. I want my expectations back.

That was the moment I thought so. The spouse's eyes were red and light, and the beam was emitted to us.

"Oh, that?

But there was no damage to me. I thought he was dead... but the situation sucked. All the players except us went to stone.

Looks like we escaped petrification because we were wearing braces before we caved in. Because we were safe, the spouse blushes and steams out of his ear. Apparently, he's angry.

My arms shine. That's martial arts! Let him!

"Rune Arts!"

The mysterious martial arts of the spouses fail to develop. I'm glad it worked.

But the next thing I know, my spouse's mouth glows red. Apparently, the only thing that's fast is the petrified beam from your eyes.

"Consolidate them all! Meal, drop him in the pit!

"Wow, I get it!

Meal disappears to the ground. And my spouse throws flames out of my mouth. We're all set, too!


Prevent flames with water walls. Meanwhile, Meal installs the pit.

"I'll drop it!


But the spouse did not fall into the pit. Apparently it was slightly floating off the ground. You're a cat robot!! If you're not gonna fall, I'm gonna force you to drop it!

When the flames subside and my waterwall is over, my spouse moves his arm. I go into the magic chant too. I thought it would be a speed battle, but it didn't.

"... shadow-bound"

Successful magical chanting thanks to Nowa stopping the movement of her spouse. Nova is really good. And spouse, you fall!


A spouse rolls down into a pit with a descending airflow.

"Guys, buy me some time!

Nois launches an attack on the spouse who fell into the pit. In the meantime, I'll refresh and cure Mirai's petrification and put on a brace. Because if we petrify, we're out.

Immediately work with Mirai to cure his people. At first, the shadows. The reason is that you have a bomb and it's fast, so it's suitable for a guiding role.

"Petrified grudge then ahhh!!

Mr. Full Moon, cured Rekka while the Fire Shadows bombed their spouses, and the two joined the Civil War. Cure Yuko and Lisa at Mirai's discretion. Next, I'll be in charge of Mr. Tristan and Mr. Yoichi, and Mirai will be in charge of Mr. Mitsuki and the others. Mel and Kago were cured at the end and all came back to normal.

"" Terrible!

It's a natural decision.

"... if it's healed, come fight quickly"

Me and Mirai can't be wrong. You two are tough on your spouses. We recover with MP potion. Seeing everyone fighting in the meantime is still different from fighting in the event.

Lisa in particular is damaging her spouse with air and energy. Yuko is an impact slash. Apparently, the impact system is easy to deal damage to hard enemies. Let's remember.

"Well, I'm in."

At the next moment, I feel like I can tap from the top and be pushed to the ground. This is... downburst!?


Mirai has recovered and managed to be safe. What was that?

Then Lisa, Yuko, Rekka, and the Fire Shadows, who had earned the damage so far, blow up and stay down and don't move. Looks dead.

It was the full moon and Yoichi, Tristan, who were safe. This is...

"That's some kind of counter. Maybe they returned the damage they did to my spouse."

I'm convinced by Mel's explanation... it was Nowa and Sabik and Rokomoko who were safe on my membership. Meal and the fox have been defeated.

Nowa hasn't done any damage because she was tying her opponent in shadow bondage. The rust was biting, so it was damaged and seriously wounded, but the bite seemed fortunate to have caused less damage. Rocco is no damage because he hasn't done anything in the first place.

Meal and the fox were making damage, so that sounded like a huge recoil. Totally unexpected to have such a nasty monster.

Fortunately, the spouse is likely to be defeated a little later, but the spouse has regenerated and this one is missing a firepower role. Then Nowa asks me for permission.

"... no, let me use pseudo-dragonization. Take Everyone's Enemy"

Did you have that hand? Nowa's pseudo-dragonization is a first look, but this is the only chance!


"... Mmm! pseudo-dragonization!

The black pillar of light is wrapped when Nowa banzai without a hand, pseudo-dragonization. Black dragon ears and tails, wings grow. And Nowa had two black horns that the Lilies didn't have. Check status.

Name Nova Dragon Newt (pseudo-dragonized) LV25

Vitality 28 48

Magic 68 88

Muscle strength 20 40

Defense 19 29

Agility 27 47

Dexterity value 58 78


Shadow Manipulation Lv9 Flight Lv1 Spell Lv1 Shadow Detection Lv8 Shadow Move Lv4 Shadow Latent Lv9

Shadow Tied Lv4 Shadow Summoned Lv2 Hidden Lv7 Virtual Lv3 Night Lv11 Evil Eye Lv1

Dragon Technique LV1

Still strong. Nowa says.

"... Nowa, I'm angry. So die... evil eye!

That makes Nowa's eyes glow bright red. At that moment, the spouse is not ill, but falls ill and plummets with pure status down. It appears that the stop condition has become abnormal and that it cannot move.

Further attacks by Nowa continue. Nowa puts both arms forward. Then the shadows all over the room gather in Noah.

"... Dragon moves, Dragon Absolute!

One after the other from the shadow gathered in Nowa, the dragon of the snake-shaped shadow pops up and enters the shadow of the spouse.

Then the shadow of the spouse spreads and the shadow turns reddish brown. At the next moment, the spouse is drawn to the shadows, and when he snaps into the shadows, his vitality and magic diminish.

This is... a shadow version of Livina's abilities.

Livina is exclusive to men, but they can't move their opponents and suck out their vitality and magic. In contrast, I guess Nowa can be activated if there is a shadow.

They're both long and short, but Nowa seems like an all-mighty because the subject is more shadowy.

A spouse tries to use martial arts on Nowa in his last resistance. I don't use magic for martial arts. But you can't let that happen.

"Rune Arts!"

Sealing the martial arts again, the spouse was out of breath without even being allowed to resist. That's where the info comes in.

'The level of the Vocational Summoner has increased. You've earned 2 stat points'

'The level of the Vocational Summoner has increased. Skill Points Earned 1pt'

"The level of Rocco has reached 16. It can evolve. '

"The level of rust has reached 16. It can evolve. '

Oh? Increased stat points. Then you have muscle strength and acumen. My remaining skill point is 63pt.

Evolution is coming to Rokomoko and Sabik, but first Nowa. Supports Nowa, who is likely to fall due to the recoil of pseudo-dragonization.

"Good day. Well done. Nowa."

"... Mm. No... Noah, weren't you afraid?

Nowa apparently has a complex of her abilities and looks different from the Lily's.

"Are you seriously angry for everyone and scared of the hard-working Nowa? That was adorable."

"... no. I want you to forget it."

Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. I was lucky to see Nowa's hidden side.

"... ugh. I don't want to move for a while."

I laughed when Nowa said she tried so hard but didn't want to move for a while because of the noisy lightning.

Name Tact Love Summoner Lv1 Lv2

Vitality 65 66

Magic 120 123

Muscle strength 55 56

Defense 40

Agility 54 55

Dexterity value 93 96


Fighting Lv9 Kicking Technique Lv16 Wand Lv22 One-Handed Sword Lv20 Spear Lv10

Knife Lv1 Throw Lv7 Fast Chant Lv20 Lv21 Summoning Sorcery Lv28 Sealed Sorcery Lv5 Lv8

Horseman Lv15 Alchemy Lv17 Mining Lv20 Logging Lv17 Demolition Lv33

Appraisal Lv20 Identification Lv29 Lv30 Wind Magic Lv22 Lv23 Fire Magic Lv21 Soil Magic Lv22

Water Magic Lv28 Lv29 Dark Magic Lv22 Holy Magic Lv5 Lv8 Thunder Magic Lv22

Blast Magic Lv22 Wood Magic Lv23 Ice Magic Lv22 Spacetime Magic 35

Underwater Behavior Lv2 Reading Lv8 Cooking Lv33 Feeding Lv7 Fishing Lv16

Synchronous Lv10 Collaborative Lv2

Name Nova Dragonut Lv25 Lv28

Vitality 28 30

Magic 68 72

Muscle strength 20 22

Defense 19 20

Agility 27 29

Dexterity value 58 62


Shadow Manipulation Lv9 Shadow Detection Lv8 Shadow Movement Lv4 Shadow Latent Lv9 Shadow Tied Lv4 Lv7

Shadow Summoning Lv2 Hidden Lv7 Virtual Lv3 Night Lv11 Lv13 Virtual Dragonization Lv1 Lv2

Name Sabik Black Mamba Lv12 Lv16

Vitality 54 60

Magic 18 22

Muscle strength 33 36

Defense 20 22

Agility 41 45

Dexterity value 33 36


Bite Lv15 Lv19 Winded Lv11 Rapid Toxic Lv14 Lv17 Thermal Detection Lv12 Lv13

Name Loco Moco Cloud Sheep Lv13 Lv16

Vitality 71 75

Magic 31 33

Muscle Strength 6

Defense 51 57

Agility 24 27

Dexterity value 8


Per Body Lv3 Hazard Detection Lv5 Lv7 Escape Feet Lv1 Hair Growth Lv7 Milking Lv7 Cold Resistant Lv1

Name Fox Demon Fox LV1

Vitality 38

Magic 67

Muscle Strength 51

Defense 28

Agility 50

Dexterity value 40


Bite Lv12 Lv14 Sign Sensing Lv11 Lv12 Hazard Sensing Lv3 Lv5 Fire Magic Lv13 Lv15

Dark Magic Lv1 Lv3 Dark Vision Lv9 Lv11 Evil Flame Lv14 Lv15 Magic Lv2 Illusion Lv5 Possession Lv3

Fire Fang Lv1 Lv5 Fire Claw Lv1 Lv5 Fire Bullet Lv3 Lv5

Name Meal Dry Adds LV2

Vitality 60

Magic Power 60

Muscle Strength 32

Defense 32

Agility 65

Dexterity value 60


Soil latent Lv10 Lv11 cramped Lv8 Lv10 handsome Lv3 Lv5 wind magic Lv1 Lv3

Soil Magic Lv6 Wood Magic Lv5 Lv7 Water Magic Lv1 Photosynthetic Lv1 Assignment Lv1

Nectar Lv3 Pollen Lv3 Lv4 Collection Lv10 Planting Lv4 Parasites Lv6 Lv8

Trap Installation Lv6 Lv7 Plant Summoning Lv1

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