Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 226 Problems and Negotiations in Dwarf

We disarm first. I also returned the love fires. I called you because of it... and I did something wrong. I'll brush it for you later, including the Nois who worked hard.

Then the armed dwarves gather. It's been awhile, but an old dwarf with a cane comes here.

"Human. What does it look like in here?

"Er... I came here by accident."

"Whoops. She has no breasts. Don't lie to me. I know what your lords think."

Mel solidifies with a smile and the cold air flows.

"... Sister. How's it going?"

"... yeah. I'm fine. Because I don't get on this level of provocation."

That's not convincing when someone tries to manipulate the status screen.

"What does thoughts mean?

"Don't fall in love! I was scared of zombies, and I thought you were here to rob me of my weapons!

Heh, I know about zombies. Speaking of which, you've been contacting me from the freelancers.

"No, that's not true! We're just trying to figure it out on our own!

"I don't want to hear it! Go home! This place is protected by spouses made by the eagles! They'll take down zombies and stuff!

Hmm? Is that spouse about the one you just knocked down?

Mel looks at me. Even if they look at me, I'm in trouble.

"Er... I broke that spouse and I came here..."

"What a fool..."

Grandpa's Dwarf sees the cave where we came in, panics.

"Hey, why is the entrance open without permission!? Oh, no way... did you really break it?

"Erm... sorry?

"It's a matter of apologizing! You plague god! Oh, my God... oh my God. Bye. Oh!

Grandpa escaped. Sounds like a lot of trouble. That's where the info flows.

"Emergency Quest:" Defense in the Dwarves "has occurred"

"Emergency Quest:" Defense in the Dwarf ": Difficulty D

Defend the Dwarves from San Doant.

Compensation varies depending on the damage.

Look at the info, look at the entrance we came in and there were a lot of giant ants there.

Sand Ant LV18

Normally Monster Crusade Target Active

Walk around the wall and move around. Naturally, he also comes here.

"Get your gear on!

Gear up at the behest of Mr. Full Moon. It's totally behind me that I disarmed you! I need to buy you some time!

"Come! Love Fire, Gray, Tiger Toru, White Night, Darley!

"What's wrong with you? Tact, brother."

"Explain later! I need you to deal with the ants!


Comes into straw dwarf. We have to stop the entrance!

"First the entrance! Gray, day and night! Blow it up with a growl!

When I give instructions, there will be a line of cooperation between Gray and the day and night. No way... does it even occur between summoners!? I can't help but worry about it. Until you use it if it occurs!


Gray and the white night nod.

"" Gaaaa!!

When the two scream, a shockwave involving a whirlwind occurs. Shockwaves enough to envelop the entrance carve the sandwiches apart as they blow up.

Awesome power. I'm not in love all the time and I have to get ready. I take the spear out of the inventory and ride the darley. Looking forward, a straw springs from the square where the spouse was.

Fine. I'll burn you down without leaving. Tell everyone.

"We'll keep the entrance down."

"Okay. We'll take care of the ants walking the wall."

"Yep. It's an arrow target."

Walking the wall is no different for Mr. Tristan or Yoichi than flying in the sky.

"We will escort the princes."

"Well, me and Kago are in the melee."

"Ooh! Leave it to me!

"... very worried"

I understand Mirai's worries, but be patient now.

"We're going in! Love fire, get in!


Put the love fire behind you, Darley wraps the fire around. Then again, a line of cooperation occurs. Now it's me and Darley. If it occurs, I'll have to try it.



Darley's flames dwell on my spear. And Darley saves power. I follow the instructions indicated and stick out the spear. And when Darley popped out in momentum, we became like giant spears of fire.

The swarmed sand ant just touches the spear one after the other and disappears as an extinguishing charcoal. Running straight through to the square, it was all over the square, full of sand ants. You can't do this... it's going to erase the magic.

The Greys were dealing with me when I turned back to the entrance. I'm sorry you got so tense and popped up. Then let's reassemble the tactics.

I will spear and take out my wand.

"Love fire, it's Tridhel! We're gonna cook it thoroughly with Darley!

"Yes! Tridhel!

"Gray, Tiger Toru, ask for a sand ant to come up in the day and night"

"" "Gaw!

That's why I shoot a fire shower in the square, protected by Gray and the tiger thoroughly.

Sandhuant flew stones out of his mouth, but day and night flew back with spiritual power, Tiger Toru defeated Sandhuant stone-by-stone with a tiger cannon, and Gray put my body up to protect me from the stone.

After a while, wipe out all the sandwiches in the square. Is that it? Is the lack of info yet due to the fact that the inside is better yet to be defeated?

We recover everyone because we may still have enemies before we dismantle them… when we dismantle it, all we got was 10 stones.

10 stone places in one piece… tons of ant carcasses around. I see... you're asking me to dismantle it!

It was dismantling, but it was late, so when I went back to see it, Mirai was being chased by Sandoanto.

Arin, what the hell are you doing in this minute!

I'll stay on the darley, throw the spear, and hit Sandoant. Keep it up, I busted it in the darley.

"... brother"

"Are you all right? What the hell happened..."

The only survivors were Yoichi and Tristan, Mirai... and the two are being chased by Sandoant... eh.

Destroy them all and Info will come.

"Completed Emergency Quest: Defense in the Dwarf"

"" Thanks... "

Asking the three of them why, the full moon first used provocation to prevent Dwarf damage.

He defended himself as usual with his shield, but he couldn't cut off the flock of ants, he bit each and every one of them, and he was abducted.

If I lost my wall role, they were already miserable after that. Fast-paced cages play a role but are gathered by ants.

He defeats the ants there with Arrowrain, but he didn't defeat them all. He was fighting while the remaining ants chased him.

"Should I have gone back sooner..."

"It's our mistake to see the power of this ant wrong."

Whatever it is, the Dwarves who were evacuating because they completed the quest come together again. Dwarves with canes come on behalf of us again.

This delegate has become me.

"Oh, you guys knocked that ant down?

"Yes. Were you okay?

"No harm done here thanks to you... Bye bye! It's not because your lords defeated your spouses!

"I know. Can I apologize for something? Like wiping out all the sandwiches earlier."

They are a stone vault. Then it's worth the challenge.

"Hmm. If you can do that, I'll leave you alone! They need to go to their nest and crusade the Queen to destroy them all."

"Do you want me to take him down?

"Are you serious?

"Yes. Instead, I ask you to leave me alone with the story of the destruction of your spouse."

"Negotiate with my opponent... okay! If you can do it, you can try it!

Then the info comes.

"Crusade Quest:" Attack the Sand Ant's Nest "has occurred"

Crusade Quest: Attack the Sand Ant's Nest: Difficulty B-

Crusade the SandAnts in the deepest part of the SandAnt's nest.

Reward: Liberation inside the Dwarf

All right! You're on target. I'll have to ask permission later.

"May I use the help of my fellow men for the crusade?

"I don't care about the means. But I won't allow you to go in there!


When I look back, Dwarf's representative stops.

"Wait! I can't thank you enough for protecting me inside. Say the jewels you want."

Huh? You're giving me jewels? But it seems like we're the only survivors of the gem. I don't know if you're generous or not. In the end, the Mirais are Citrine. I chose Ruby. Now we have all the conditions of the Magic Sword!

I guess it's because it's a reward for banning you from entering the inside. I'll explain the situation to Mirai, Yoichi and Tristan and ask them to help me dismantle it.

"Tact, you're a good negotiator. I can't believe you challenged this downside and got a massive quest to get stone."

"Besides, all freelance players can participate. When you get back, we'll call for you soon."

We decided to contact everyone back in the dead, and we would go back to the freelancers, explain the situation to Mr. Ruin, and then try the evolutionary locomotive hair growth and milk collection.

Happiness Sheep Wool: Rarity 7 Material Item Quality C-

Happy sheep's hair. Luxury wool rarely on the market.

Material with very high cold resistance and heavenly protection.

Happiness Sheep's Sheep Milk: Rarity 7 Ingredients Item Quality C-

Milk that can be milked from happy sheep. Delicious sheep's milk enough to be said to make people happy just drinking it. It has a very high buff effect when used in cooking.

Rocco is still a bomb. I'll negotiate with Mr. Ruin from here.

First of all, it's my new Rocco robe, but naturally the Japanese fox made it for me. I want everyone else too, so I'll negotiate with Mr. Mu.

As a result, Mr. Mu was to abandon the wool of the happy sheep as it stands. Reason is unit price. No matter how much the collaborative price, the wool of the happy sheep was too expensive.

"Definitely only the strongest robe in the current situation should be able to do so, so making gear a player can't buy doesn't make it commercially… only after all that money has been accumulated on the player"

For the same reason Mr. Yuna and Mr. Hal were also to abstain from sheep's milk of happiness sheep.

We need to gear up the locomotives first for when players can afford it. With that in mind, I logged out.

Name Tact Love Summoner LV2

Vitality 66

Magic 123

Muscle Strength 56

Defense 40

Agility 55

Dexterity value 96


Fighting Lv9 Kicking Technique Lv16 Wand Lv22 One-Handed Sword Lv20 Spear Lv10 Knife Lv1

Throw Lv7 Fast Chant Lv21 Lv23 Summoning Sorcery Lv28 Sealed Sorcery Lv8

Horseman Lv15 Lv16 Alchemy Lv17 Mining Lv20 Logging Lv17 Demolition Lv33 Lv34

Appraisal Lv20 Identification Lv30 Wind Magic Lv23 Fire Magic Lv21 Lv25 Soil Magic Lv22

Water Magic Lv29 Dark Magic Lv22 Holy Magic Lv8 Thunder Magic Lv22 Explosion Magic Lv22

Wood Magic Lv23 Ice Magic Lv22 Spacetime Magic 35 Underwater Behavior Lv2 Reading Lv8

Cooking Lv33 Feeding Lv7 Fishing Lv16 Synchro Lv10 Cooperative Lv2 Lv3

Name Love Fire Shrine Beast Lv4 Lv5

Vitality 76

Magic 84 85

Muscle strength 83 85

Defense 47 48

Agility 94 96

Dexterity value 70


Knife Lv15 Dual Flow Lv1 Wind Blade Lv2 Flame Magic Lv7 Lv9 Evil Flame Lv12 Abomination Lv14

Sign Detection Lv16 Lv17 Hazard Prediction Lv15 Lv16 Spiritual Power Lv2 Illusion Lv1 Shinto Magic Lv5

Cut Lv2 Handsome Feet Lv2 Witchcraft Lv2 Blood Awakening Lv5 Cuisine Lv8 Divine Down Lv1 Vestification Lv1

Name Gray Silver Wolf Lv5 Lv6

Vitality 47 48

Magic 29 30

Muscle Strength 64 66

Defense 32

Agility 68 70

Dexterity value 38 40


Bite Lv21 Silver Claw Lv10 Iron Wall Lv9 Lv12 Sign Detection Lv18 Lv19

Night's Eye Lv18 Lv19 Hazard Detection Lv18 Lv20 Silver Tooth Lv16 Disease Lv9

Roar Lv7 Lv8

Name Tiger Cher Sword Tiger Lv5 Lv6

Vitality 53 54

Magic 26 28

Muscle strength 96 99

Defense 46

Agility 50

Dexterity value 44


Bite Lv16 Nail Strike Lv18 Tail Knife Lv5 Lv8 Leap Lv16 Dark Vision Lv12 Lv14 Assault Lv12

Intimidation Lv10 Handsome Foot Lv4 Disease Lv3 Wind Blade Lv5 Lv6 Tiger Gun Lv2 Lv3 Cut Out Lv3 Lv4

Name White Night Immortal Tiger Lv1 Lv2

Vitality 38 40

Magic 44 45

Muscle strength 56 58

Defense 33

Agility 60 63

Dexterity value 35 37


Bite Lv18 Wind Nails Lv18 Cut Out Lv1 Lv2 Flight Lv1 Leap Lv11

Dark Vision Lv11 Lv13 Intimidation Lv8 Wind Magic Lv16 Immortality Lv1 Lv2 Spiritual Power Lv1 Lv4

Whirlwind Lv1 Lv2 Roar Lv1 Lv2 Disease Walk Lv15

Name Loco Moco Happiness Seaf LV1

Vitality 90

Magic 53

Muscle Strength 10

Defense 77

Agility 42

Dexterity value 33


Flight Lv3 Per Body Hazard Detection Lv7 Escape Feet Lv1 Hair Growth Lv7 Lv8 Milking Lv7 Lv8

Cold Resistant Lv1 Happiness Lv1 Blessing Lv1 Protective Lv1 Light Magic Lv1 Heaven's Protection Lv1

Name Darley Red Horse Lv1 Lv2

Vitality 40

Magic 32 34

Muscle strength 37 38

Defense 28

Agility 93 96

Dexterity value 60


Kicking moves Lv5 advances Lv7 Lv9 flames Lv1 Lv3 flames operation Lv1 Lv4 horseback riding Lv22 Lv23

Walking Lv12 Lv13 Rider Enhanced Lv19 Lv20 Streak Lv1 Lv2 English Lv1 Lv3 Struggle Lv1 Lv3

Transfer Lv1 Lv3 Red Horse Protection Lv1 Lv3

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