Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 251 Working with players and rewarding the Lilies

Log out, calm down with dinner and a bath, then log in.

The view of the new house is unfamiliar. Then Mr. Ruin was texting me. They're in Leaprich, so I'm heading out for future discussions.

Then the players who were gathering wanted us to talk about the rewards and collaborate. But they told me a lot, but for now, I went inside the store and joined up with Mr. Ruin.

And then I decide that my new home would be better off if we were to discuss it, and I invite Mr. Ruin and the others.


Well, you think so first. And I'll tell you everything about what happened today in the living room with Kiki's guide.

"Well, you saved the country, so that's about right..."

"Ninglo, less money?

"Originally the freelancers don't seem to have the money, and it's expensive considering they spend the money on all the players who attended the event and the upcoming rebuilding."

"I see."

And we'll have future discussions.

"First, I agree with you about working with the Duke. It's a curtain that needs to be settled."

"Right. Okay, I'll send you a response."

Now the nobles should be able to disappear! Then we talk business.

Then they tell me what Mr. Ruin and the other players are doing. After all, there will be a surge in the number of people leaving the store or having a home with this reward. Everyone thinks the same thing.

I've decided to build a new Leaprich in the opposite direction from the Leaprich I have now. The reason is that it is close to home and does not compete with Mr. Motch's shop.

Mr. Ruin and the others decided to build in different directions in order not to compete either.

And I get a suggestion from Mr. Ruin.

"Mr. Tact... could we use the home here, too?

"Huh? Didn't you get a home?

"I got it. But when I saw this place, I thought I'd have to sell it."

Hmm? What do you mean? Ask Mr. Ruin to explain.

"It's tact's home first, but it's probably a home for players to build guilds. The number of rooms and the number of living rooms is proof of that."

Oh, when the 30 clans fit, they become guilds. The 6 person party clans are 180 for 30. Thinking about it doesn't convince me of the number of rooms.

"We were talking about collaboration earlier, weren't we? There's a flow of money and home-getting that's already trying to build a guild."

I see. Is that what that was about...

"So we shouldn't be far away either. We should be making guilds. And the base will be here. Then it would be better to sell the home and set up a shop for each of us. Of course it's up to you, Tact."

Mm-hmm. It's also a problem to leave a lot of rooms in waste. If that's going to happen anyway, give Mr. Ruin a hand in his business... it's in my interest too.

"Okay. Well, you can have the extra room you like."

Mr. Ruin and the others rejoice. You deserve it because you can have a fine shop for memorials.

"Shall we decide who we'll work with later… well, we'll probably get to know each other and consolidate"

In the meantime, it was the Mels, the Full Moon, Yoichi, Tristan, Luke, Tyrol, Al, Thunderbolt, Brawlwind, Chiffon and Miranda who worked together.

Everyone who saw my home felt the same way. And if you can live here, sell the home, and get a lot of money, they have no objections.

I talked to the other Shadows and the Takumas who fought with Sandoanto, but they were all put on hold.

There are a variety of reasons why we want to build our own guild and care about level differences. Well, the level difference will shrink immediately or it will be pulled out. It's two weeks anyway.

The rewards were all falling apart this time. First of all, it looks like everyone but the summoner got a horse. It's just like a different horse than the summoner's hose. Still, they're all horses of remembrance. Especially Mr. Tristan. Let's keep quiet about what's going on in her honor.

Then the titles I got fell apart, and with that, I hear there are various quests going on. Mel and Chiffon seem to be experiencing Princess Sarah's quest, and there was tension that special moves like Princess Sarah might be available.

When I said we would work together, I made the basics the same as before. Legion if you have time, or if you have an event, enough to work with.

Then Luke asks.

"What is Mr. Tact going to do for two weeks?

"We can't fight, so we'll concentrate on production and shopping."

"You have no choice... well, leave the offense to us!

Mels, you look happy... then a customer arrives. It's Princess Sarah. What can I do for you?

"Sorry I'm late at night. As a matter of fact, I brought her here because she woke up with protection and wanted protection from Master Tact, just like Mr. Leggin."

Then a short brunette girl appears from behind Mr. Leggin.


"Excuse me, Mr. Tact. Helia is a silent child."

"It is. Nice to meet you, Summoner Tact. Lots of subpoenas and people, but are you okay?

"I'm fine..."

Good for you. Heliya became my keeper and was to have her work with Leggin and Lily at the new store.

I keep my distance and ask Princess Sarah what she cares about.

"What's going on with the demon you caught?

"We are watching closely and interrogating. They say the demon's name is Ose. I'm not going to tell you anything else."

"From the name, it's a man's demon, isn't it?

"Yes... I see. Sure seems to work better than our interrogation."

Yes. If you're a man, you're in Livina range. You just can't because the status quo is weakening. If I let him get away with it, I can't even see him. Do I have to believe in the Free Tier Knights now?

"Okay. Then in two weeks, I'll ask you to do it from me."


When Princess Sarah returned to the castle, she made Yug a request for beds and other decor and a bungalow for the Grays Summoners. I get paid, I look like a hockey.

Because of this, the money is divided between each person who spends it.

The rest is Lily's reward. Shop the clothing and accessories for everyone.

I was hoping I could buy something Lily and the others liked, but it seems I have to choose. Damn... that's why I chose hard.

Lily, Aeon and Nowa made T-shirts into short skirts in yellow, water and black respectively because they are a piece. There was also a hat, so I bought it for you.

He looks like a stylish kid, but he looked great.

Love fire and Japanese fox kimono. Love Fire is a pink floral kimono. Japanese fox is a white floral kimono. I put up the price but it suits me well so I have no regrets.

Ikes and Blanc are long pieces. Ikes looks black, Bran looks white and ladylike.

Livina and Lian are accessories. Livina is a bat hair ornament and Lian is a beaded hair ornament.

Thanked by everyone and praised by each of them. That was worth the effort you made in choosing.

The last time I brushed Lily and I logged out today.

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