Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 253 Underground of the Marquis Mansion

The next day, have a relaxing breakfast. 'Cause it doesn't make sense to hurry.

Everyone wasn't there when I logged into the game. Right ~.

Well, I also bought an MP potion and do some purification work... then Ikes told me what he had forgotten.

"Master, I haven't checked the basement of this house, what do you want to do?

Sure, you just checked up there, and you weren't down there yet. That's why I'm going to check.

down the spiral staircase leading down to the basement. You have a good vibe.

"You're about to come out with a monster or something."

"Ion, if you're scared, you can hug Lily"


You're a bastard. I got to my destination when we were having that conversation. I'm dark and invisible, but I see love fire, livina, Japanese fox on guard.

"Tact, brother..."

"Here... sucks..."

"It's like we had some sort of ritual."

Ritual? When I asked the Love Fires to set fire to it, it said Blood Demon Square... come on, give me a break.

"Phew... that's a report."

That's why I call Princess Sarah. After a while, Mr. Brass brought his men.

"Sorry... I don't know what it's like"

"You didn't touch anything, and you were right to call me. Well, let me confirm."


Guide the brass.

"This... is a demon cube you've never seen... does anyone know?

"You've never seen... similar to the Summoner Square"

"It's similar to the demon squares used by the devil... see, here or something"

We exchange opinions, but the results are mysterious. That's why I call the person who seems to know the most. The man came the moment he called.

"Me, come on! I'm finally free from work."

Mr. Cain appeared in a cat.

"Isn't this at work too?

"If it's not paperwork, you're welcome! Now lead me to the Romantic Mysterious Demon Square!

You're tense. But it's true that there's no one more to rely on than this guy.

Ask Mr. Cain to look at the Devil's Square and he will respond instantly.

"This doesn't make sense. You're a demon squad!


Let us hope this far, such och!? You're kidding me!

"I'm pretty sure it's the old demon squares. Maybe it was before the Summoner Square was finished. Similar to the Summoner's Square is proof that it resembles what the devil uses."

"How could something like that be here?

"Come on? The Marquis family here has been around since the founding of the country, but this is pre-founded, isn't it? Out there, you thought it was worth it, so you shut up and monopolized it to the king.

Wow... a lot too disappointing.

"So you're okay with turning it off or something?

"It's okay, but it's worth it because it's old, right?

Seriously!? So, you want to replace every ground... hmm? Wait a minute... isn't that strange?

"Um... did you have stone floors like this that long ago?

"Huh? That must have happened."

"Is this underground or the technology to make it?

"You don't have that in a boulder. It was the Marquis who built this basement."

Then it's settled.

"This demon cube is probably a bluff."


"Duh, what do you mean?

Mr. Cain is excited, too.

"'Cause this floor and all around it are made the same, right?

Mr. Brass is convinced.

"That's true… I mean, this demon squad deliberately forged it into the old one"

Then why did you bluff like that for?

"... Is it under the floor that's suspicious?

"I think so"

"If you'll allow me, I'll take care of it. What do we do?"

A motivational habit… you can't just come this far and back off.


"All right!

As Mr. Cain looks like a cat, he lasers out of his front leg and cuts off the floor. And float the floor with spiritual power. Then there was the doors of a run-down tree. Bingo.

Looks like Mr. Cain and Mr. Brass got a comm when we're all tense.

"Nephi!? Ma, wait! It's a good place right now!

"Princess!? Excuse me... the investigation was difficult to navigate... no, it was an investigation of the demon squares... eh!? Not enough for the princess to come! It's okay. I'll take care of it!

You're both desperate.

"Are you all right? If you're busy, just us."

"It's okay! So let's go together!

"It's okay! So let's go together!

You're desperate. Well, there's no dancing here... oh, I need to send a message to everyone and put it down.

"I discovered a mysterious door in the basement of the home. Departure for exploration '

That's it. Shall we go explore then?

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