I've been waiting for this day.

I had finished the test, had lunch and dinner, then studied the test and then logged into the game. Because today was the end of a long Despena period!

"We're going on an adventure!


At the end of the Despena period, I am currently losing my temper. The test is over tomorrow. Then you can play now! I put up with a scattered adventure! That's the limit!

As a result, various tactics moved after the dueling event. First, the frenzied Buddha statues of the Yellow Osa Mountains were defeated by Mel, Mr. Full Moon and Yoichi.

Apparently, Mr. Ruin was somewhere to be put on the quest he found. Then, unlike me, he went out into the valley, and there are regular gargoyles, wierms, eagles and other flying monsters, rock golems, iron golems and other hard monsters out there.

What they hate is a gorilla named Rock Drop. They're dropping big rocks from the top of the valley. Normally it doesn't get stylish.

Other giggers were spotted in the Ij Mountains, but there seems to be a large number of Giants out there, and we're talking about being ready for an attack.

A lot of other information came out. First a new village and residence were discovered. The village of Kid, where the village was in the deep red wilderness. Sounds like a western play-like village. This is the residence of Lizardman, whose residence was found in the Nar Wetlands. It seems that the cave in the wetlands is the place.

The Nar wetlands were also identified by the boss. That's the tonosama toad. They live in a castle for everything. So you want to say it's because you're a tonosama.

I thought it was a complete joke monster, but this guy calls his buddies every time he sounds geeky, and he says it has an even more magical and skill-disturbing effect.

Then it will be a sword, but otherwise it seems lumpy. This one still talks about the need to prepare for the offense. Reconstruction is underway in other countries, as is the town of Fast, and they have a lot of new players.

Because of this, Mr. Motch is going back to the town of Fast. They don't make any money here on anything. Well, we'll meet again if we get a chance.

and there's a lot of movement, but we're going to try our best.

"Where do you go at first? Dear Tact."

"As planned, let's do deer hunting in the Yellow Ossa Mountains Forest"

"Right! I'll try my best to finish it!

Well, let's go hunting for a long time. The members are Sethia, Gray, Liqueur, Meal and Astel.

Sethia discovers the wapiti and strikes with the liqueur with a spear. I should have ended up with a Cetia bow, but I wanted to undo the fight. And I still feel dull.

"I knew you were blunt... always meal, ask for a trap"

"I'll take care of it!

Do a long time dismantling while Meal is setting a trap. Get the same wappy meat and wappy deer mushrooms as last time. I am currently buying meat, so thank you. Wappichi's deer mushrooms could have done this if Sethia had created pills.

Wapici's Pills: Rarity 4 Recovery Item Quality E

Automatically restores vitality for two hours after drinking.

This was delighted by the full moon. Well, it doesn't taste good... but our wall role is black iron, so I can't take pills. I sold it because it didn't do us much favor even if we drank it and it was all over Despena.

Still, I'm going to save it this time. I was thinking about that and the main desh came. Irish elk.

"I'm ready. Dear Tact."

"All right, drop it"


A pit is activated on the Irish Elk, but it jumps and gets stuck. Oh... I caught it last time, but not this time? For a moment...

"We're getting away with this, Liqueur. Setia, attack me with a bow. Don't even ask Astel for magic."


"Meal again, please. Gray will attack me from the side of the Irish Elk with a growl."


This is where the chase with Irish Elk began. And for the second pit, Irish Elk caught on. I wonder if the difference is in the middle of a chase.

Caught in the trap bit Gray, activated my liqueur collaboration, and pierced and clamped two Irish Elk rotational angles.

"Was it the hard enemy you chose for your first enemy?

"I think I was a good enemy. With Mr. Liqueur, you can rest assured."

If they say so... well, if you do a long demolition, you get the meat of a giant deer and the horns of a giant deer, as you aim. Now we can refill Sethia's snacks.

The delightful Sethias, but today the Sethias were also on fire.

"Not enough yet! Let's hunt more and more! Dear Tact."

"Yes! Let's hunt more."

Apparently, I had a sense of crisis with the less and less snacks every day. So again, I tailored Wapici and Irish Elk to get the same material. I'm satisfied that I hunted this one just as I was aiming.

Now I can afford meat.

And Meal discovers pine. I've been preparing empty barrels since yesterday. That's why we do logging. Zlatrok appeared happy to update the shortest record of an hour. We've only beaten one, haven't we?

Well, fine. If you're coming, let's deal with him! Whatever, Sethias are motivated! But judging it dangerous as it is, instead of Gray, I call Bran. And I change my weapon to a cane.

And Zlatrok and the chase started. Retain Zlatrok once with Setia and Blanc and Astel. This is the real deal.

"Huh! Dear Tact! There's a big tree over there!

Big for nothing... but just fine.

Zlatrok's wound blocks, and when he wakes up, he activates the Mad Warrior. Last time I looked sweetly at madness warriorization, but this time I'm not going.

Zlatrok is attacking us. Against, this one doesn't move.



Meal activates the pit. In contrast, Zlatrok makes a big jump and comes straight at us.

Do you pit yourself even when you're a mad warrior... you've learned.


We attack Zlatrok on the move. Then Zlatrok hit the giant tree we were hiding behind and did a lot of damage to the giant tree. That's not cool.

But that's it.

"Bottomless Swamp!"

Zlatrok falls into the mud. Big, so I still couldn't sink, but I succeeded in sealing my legs. A simultaneous attack by all hits Zlatrok.

Still, I couldn't defeat it, so I stopped using Blanc's Heavenly Strike. Info comes.

"Bran's Spear Skill has reached 15. Got Martial Arts [Whirlwind Wheel (Sein Pu Rin)] '

When I dismantled it, I got golden goat meat and golden horns.

If I try to get home satisfied, Setia pulls my robe by hand.

"What's wrong?

"Um... very hard to say... look at that one"

Which one? Oh, the tree Zlatrok bumped into earlier... I can appraise it.

Sequoia: Rarity 7 Material Item Quality C

The oldest tree in the world with the highest tree height. Trees so strong that they never burn when a volcanic fire breaks out.

Phew... watch Sethia.

"Setia... did you aim?


You can't laugh and deceive me!

"I got lost using the Emerald wand, and that one got in my eye."

That's a lie! You were definitely looking for me!

"So, but you're going to be able to take it down in a little while! Dear Tact!"

Ahhh... yes, sir. You can do it... if you do it.

Three hours later... I managed to take him down. Time is completely past midnight.

I can't do this anymore... let's get this straight. Beating down the world's tallest giant tree with an axe is pretty lame. I feel miraculous that I could defeat you.

Tension was rising today, but it plummeted to the bottom at once.

"Shh, you've got so much awesome wood! Dear Tact!"

"Uh... uh... sorry"

Setia honestly apologized when she understood what a big deal I was seeing.

Sethia then quickly entered the creation of her own wand. I also asked for other wooden weapons on the set because the material is huge. Looking forward to what happens but logged out I fell asleep right away.

Name Tact Love Summoner LV5

Vitality 70

Magic 139

Muscle strength 60

Defense 40

Agility 60

Dexterity value 102


Fighting Lv9 Kicking Technique Lv16 Wand Lv22 One-Handed Sword Lv23 Spear Lv15 Knife Lv7

Throw Lv7 Fast Chant Lv27 Summon Sorcery Lv31 Sealed Sorcery Lv13 Rider Lv20 Lv21

Alchemy Lv20 Mining Lv20 Logging Lv30 Lv33 Demolition Lv35 Lv36 Appraisal Lv22 Lv23

Identification Lv30 Wind Magic Lv23 Lv25 Flame Magic Lv1 Earth Magic Lv23 Lv24 Sea Magic Lv1

Dark Magic Lv22 Holy Magic Lv8 Thunder Magic Lv24 Explosion Magic Lv26 Wood Magic Lv24

Ice Magic Lv25 Spacetime Magic Lv39 Underwater Behavior Lv2 Reading Lv12 Cooking Lv35

Feeding Lv7 Fishing Lv18 Synchro Lv15 Cooperative Lv4

Name Setia High Elf Lv12 Lv13

Vitality 53

Magic 143 146

Muscle strength 47 48

Defense 36

Agility 39 40

Dexterity value 143 146


Wand Lv14 Magic Bow Lv19 Lv21 Eagle's Eye Lv9 Lv12 Shooting Lv11 Lv13 Woodworking Lv17

Collection Lv28 Dispensing Lv12 Engraving Lv5 Gemstone Magic Lv2 Gemstone Finishing Lv2

Wind Magic Lv7 Fire Magic Lv17 Water Magic Lv24 Earth Magic Lv13 Dark Magic Lv1

Holy Magic Lv6 Thunder Magic Lv3 Lv5 Blast Magic Lv2 Lv5 Wood Magic Lv16 Ice Magic Lv5

Tree Magic Lv9 High Elf Knowledge Lv22 Spirit Summoning Lv7 Cuisine Lv18

Name Blanc Arch Angel Lv10 Lv12

Vitality 34 35

Magic 62 66

Muscle strength 50 52

Defense 38 40

Agility 46 48

Dexterity value 44 46


Flight Lv14 Lv16 Shield Lv8 Spear Lv14 Lv15 Taunton Lv9 Light Magic Lv7

Optical Wheel Lv12 Lv14 Heavenly Strike Lv4 Lv5 Angel Protection Lv15

Name Gray Silver Wolf Lv11 Lv13

Vitality 51 53

Magic 35 37

Muscle strength 76 80

Defense 36 38

Agility 80 84

Dexterity value 46 50


Bite Lv22 Lv23 Silver Claw Lv14 Lv16 Iron Wall Lv12 Lv14 Sign Detection Lv24 Lv25

Night's Eye Lv23 Lv25 Hazard Detection Lv24 Lv25 Silver Tooth Lv20 Lv22 Disease Lv15 Lv18

Roar Lv11 Lv13

Name Liqueur Monocellus Lv9 Lv11

Vitality 49 50

Magic 10

Muscle Strength 77 83

Defense 30

Agility 99 105

Dexterity value 50 52


Rotation Angle Lv21 Lv22 Kicking Technique Lv3 Propulsion Lv19 Lv20 Physical Destruction Lv5

Horseback Riding Lv25 Lv26 Whirlwind Lv10 Lv11 Wind Magic Lv5 Disease Walking Lv25 Lv26

Rider Enhanced Lv9 Lv11

Name Meal Dry Adds Lv9 Lv11

Vitality 74 76

Magic 76 80

Muscle strength 35 36

Defense 35 36

Agility 73 75

Dexterity value 74


Soil latent Lv15 Lv18 crawling Lv10 handsome Lv8 wind magic Lv3 soil magic Lv8

Wood Magic Lv7 Water Magic Lv7 Photosynthetic Lv3 Transfer Lv3 Nectar Lv3

Pollen Lv4 Collection Lv26 Planting Lv12 Parasite Lv10 Trap Installation Lv10 Lv12

Plant Summoning LV2

Name Astel Fairy Lv3 Lv8

Vitality 22 26

Magic 39 49

Muscle strength 15 17

Defense 20 21

Agility 34 44

Dexterity value 26 32


Flight Lv3 Harp Lv1 Dance Lv1 Charm Scale Powder Lv1 Wind Magic Lv3 Lv8

Wood Magic Lv3 Lv8 Illusion Lv1 Lv3

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