Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 282 Dancing lizard and kid village

From lunch we headed to the Deep Red Wilderness. The members are Lily, Love Fire, Darley and Astel. When the elephant came out, I decided to keep it warm because it was Black Iron's turn.

We started at lunch and came to the Deep Red Wilderness, but it's hot first!

"Tact... it's hot."

"Is it?

Lily is down in the heat. Love fire seems fine. That's why I can't. Papinez sheep robes are no equipment to wear in the middle of the day wilderness!

That's why I changed gear and turned it into a flaming wolf robe. Well, it got somewhat better. Still hot... Lily makes a scene when she sees it.

"Ahhh!? Just tact sloppy! I'm dressed cool!

"Not sloppy! Or you're dressed much cooler than me!

"Huh? Really?

Lily pats her clothes. I'm a girl, so if I do that, I always say no, but it's hard to fix.

With that in mind, I discovered the Weird - Regiment as I proceeded through the Deep Red Wilderness.

Dancing in the middle of the wilderness. Identifying it was an enemy as expected.

Elimaki Dancer LV20

Normally Monster Crusade Target Active

You're unexpectedly high level!? But is this something you can attack? If I attack you during the dance, I feel bad.

But I detect anomalies. My body moved on its own, and when I got off Darley, I danced. What the hell!?

"Ta, tact ~!?"

"Your body is on its own!?

I even danced to Lily and the others. Is that some kind of state abnormality? But what the hell does this mean?

"Tact... tired... help me"

"Me too... tough..."

Understood! It's torture to keep dancing all the time in flames! But there is no means to cure it. 'Cause there's nothing you can do about it if your body doesn't move!

And if I danced all the time, naturally the monsters would find me. Naumann elephants are rushing this way. Oh, no, no, no, no!

... but I even danced to the naumann elephant that pushed me. I found out how horrible Elimaki dancers are.

As a result, we were feathers dancing until Elimaki dancers were satisfied. Then sink in a bottomless swamp to seal the dance.

If they dance again, I can't stand it. He then called for black iron and asked Lily and Love Fire for Naumann elephant opponents. Me, Darley, shoot magic at Elimaki dancers in Astel. I use wind magic around me because I want to fly. And defeat the Elimaki dancer.

Then join in defeating the Naumann elephant. Naumann elephant's means of attack seem to be fundamental to the progression, but the movement is dull. That's with Lily and the others.

"Ugh... I can't help it..."

"My legs are... heavy"

When this happened, it became a shootout for ranged attacks with little movement. Naumann elephant ranged attacks came using dirt magic and water spraying from his nose. Black iron protected me, but the water splashed from the water spray on the boulder is inevitable.

As a result, we became brilliantly wet, and the feeling that we thought it was dirty when it was cool mixed with each other made us feel so subtle.

"That's it! Light Wave!"

At the end, Lily destroyed it. It would have turned out more differently if I hadn't danced at the Elimaki dancer. To each other...

Dismantle but nothing from the elimaki dancer. These guys are confirmed harassment monsters.

Naumann elephant got the material.

Ivory of the Naumann elephant (Zuozu): Rarity 6 Material Quality C

Very developed ivory. A very expensive material that is moderately moisture-wicking, easy to get to know your hands, not too hard and not too soft. The machinability is also better than that of metals, crystals, etc. It is mainly used as an ornament.

Ivory was such a good material. I didn't know.

The temperature then increased further when we took a break and then proceeded again, leaving for the desert. But apparently they won't let me go easy. Because there are sandstorms in this desert.

I use magic sandstorms and rains to try and see but it didn't work as if. Sounds like I'm supposed to have defeated Skull Ortolos once I'm in the desert. But we can't move on. Then we have no choice. I was taught by Mr. Ruin. I headed to the village of Kid.

When we arrived at Kid's village, it was rightly a western drama village. Fine. This kind of... gumman's blood makes a scene. I've only shot guns at stalls.

"Are you a newcomer?

My uncle called me out deciding with a bearded cowboy hat. Instantly the love fire turns behind me. If you think it's been missing lately, you haven't.

"Yes, but what can I do for you?

"Ah! Still eating this!

Cowboy hat's uncle pulls a gun out of his holster. Wait a minute!? We're not even dueling in the village!?

"Tact! Danger!

Lily goes into protection. Then Lily was watered... Huh?

"Ha-ha-ha! Are you scared? Here in Kid's village, travelers and adventurers come through the hot deep red wilderness, watering them down and cooling them down! What do you say? It feels good, doesn't it?


"Oh! You're a good lady! I like it! I'll treat you to this town's famous milk."

"Really!? Wow!"

No, it's good to be willing. But, you know, I totally left it behind. Well, guns are weapons of the Reich Empire. There's no way you can get it here. Still, a water cannon... is that okay? That uncle.

We ended up treating the milk, but we just got a name for that desert. They say it's called the Sandwall Desert. It seems to have been named because there are constant sandstorms and it is a wall of sand.

We explored the village, but nothing in particular. If there's just something different about it than any other town...

"Haha! Tact, there's cats everywhere."

At first, one cat was just following me, but by the time we circled the village, it had become a cat army. And when I sat down for a break, they swarmed me all at once. Why is that?

"I'm sure Mr. Tact's charm was also conveyed to Mr. Cat."

It's kind of hard when Love Fire tells me that... I heard him having trouble figuring out what to do.

"Konya! You guys, what are you doing! Minya, you know how it feels? But don't bother me!

When someone does, the cats go away. And in front of me was a girl with blue cat ears.

"Thanks for the help. Erm."

"My name is D'Artagnan. Chartrew's Celian Beast. I'm taking care of the cats in this town."

Nyah... oh, I got it. Come on, we need to stick together.

D'Artagnan may be more known to D'Artagnan in one way or another. He is known for his famous novels The Three Musketeers and The Daltanian Story. He was a real person and actually a musketeer, but the novel has become more famous.

It's too unexpected to meet in a place like this. No, it's definitely a gun connection.

"I'm the summoner tact. Thanks for your help."

"This is my job too, so I can't help it. More than that, Summoner's brother, you don't have to have a bit of a matter-off, do you?

"Huh? Oh, I have it. Is that what caused this earlier?!?

"It's Matatabi's fault"

Oh, my God... matatabi is what the old man elf said was the key to paradise. I didn't know it was just a cat paradise... that grandfather's prank face comes to mind. Me!

"Can you just let me smell it for a second?

"Huh? Nothing."

"Yay! You make me smell like matatabi. Your brother is a good man! Then I'll show you to our village!

When D'Artagnan joins hands, the view distorts and becomes a completely different view. Huh? Where? Right here?

"Welcome! Welcome to the village of Ketsey, the village of Nucot!


I had a lot of cat girls when I looked behind my back. Wait, I can't keep up with understanding... all I understand right now is that this village is a cat girl's paradise and the old man elf understood from my Lolicon title that he called this place paradise.

Name Tact Love Summoner LV5

Vitality 70

Magic 139

Muscle strength 60

Defense 40

Agility 60

Dexterity value 102


Fighting Lv9 Kicking Technique Lv16 Wand Lv22 One-Handed Sword Lv23 Spear Lv15 Knife Lv7

Throw Lv7 Fast Chant Lv27 Lv28 Summoning Magic Lv31 Sealed Magic Lv13 Rider Lv22 Lv24

Alchemy Lv20 Mining Lv20 Logging Lv33 Demolition Lv36 Lv37 Appraisal Lv24

Identification Lv30 Wind Magic Lv27 Lv28 Flame Magic Lv1 Soil Magic Lv24 Lv25 Sea Magic Lv1

Dark Magic Lv24 Holy Magic Lv8 Thunder Magic Lv25 Explosion Magic Lv26 Wood Magic Lv25

Ice Magic Lv26 Spacetime Magic Lv39 Underwater Behavior Lv5 Reading Lv12 Cooking Lv35

Feeding Lv8 Fishing Lv18 Synchro Lv15 Cooperative Lv4

Name Lily Dragon Newt Coola Lv14 Lv15

Vitality 64 66

Magic 59 62

Muscle Strength 141 - 145

Defense 43

Agility 47 49

Dexterity value 44 46


Optical Fist Lv9 Flight Lv20 Lv22 One-Handed Sword Lv32 Great Sword Lv26

Hammer Lv10 Continuous Strike Lv8 Smelt Lv26 Light Magic Lv2 Light Wave Lv4 Lv5

Dragon Arts Lv8 Dragonization Lv6 Saint Dragon's Protection Lv5

Name Love Fire Shrine Beast Lv10 Lv11

Vitality 77

Magic 95 98

Muscle Strength 95 98

Defense 48

Agility 109 112

Dexterity value 75 77


Knife Lv18 Dual Stream Lv1 Wind Blade Lv4 Lv6 Flame Magic Lv11 Evil Flame Lv12 Lv14 Abomination Lv21

Sign Detection Lv21 Hazard Prediction Lv20 Spiritual Power Lv2 Illusion Lv2 Shinto Magic Lv5

Cut Lv6 Handsome Feet Lv7 Witchcraft Lv2 Blood Awakening Lv6 Cuisine Lv18 Divine Down Lv1

Veterization LV2

Name Black Iron Iron Golem Lv10 Lv11

Vitality 96 98

Magic 0

Muscle Strength 121 124

Defense 121 124

Agility 26

Dexterity value 15


Fighting Lv18 Iron Wall Lv32 Lv33 Taunting Lv29 Lv30 Physical Resistance Lv26 Physical Destruction Lv10

Mining Lv6 Catapulting Lv12 Lv14 Injection Lv7 Lv8 Electricity Resistant Lv1 Cold Resistant Lv1 Poison Disabled Lv1

Disease void LV1

Name Darley Red Horse Lv10 Lv11

Vitality 46

Magic 48 50

Muscle strength 50

Defense 30

Agility 120 123

Dexterity value 72 74


Kicking moves Lv6 advancing Lv12 fiery Lv7 flame operated Lv10 Lv12 horseback riding Lv24 Lv26

Walking Lv18 Horseman Enhanced Lv21 Lv22 Continuous Strike Lv4 English Lv7 Struggle Lv7

Transfer Lv5 Red Horse Protection Lv5 Lv6

Name Astel Fairy Lv8 Lv9

Vitality 26 27

Magic 49 51

Muscle strength 17 18

Defense 21

Agility 44 46

Dexterity Value 32


Flight Lv3 Lv5 Harp Lv1 Dance Lv1 Lv3 Charm Scale Powder Lv1 Wind Magic Lv8 Lv10

Wood Magic Lv8 Lv10 Illusion Lv3

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