[EO] This is a thread that talks about dark fallen jobs.Part 2

This is a thread to write about the EO's dark fallen position.

Protect your manners and use the slate correctly.

The next thread is to be declared and stood by > > 800.

Always specify the following lesser number if unable to stand:

If the next slate is not standing, decelerate each.


391. Unnamed Warrior

After all, Russ Boss was strong.

392. Unnamed Knight

The samurai wrote something about it in skill, but I'll correct it… how blind it is to overwhelm the Dark Summoner.

393. Unnamed Wizard

I've been debuffing for two weeks.

394. Unnamed Wizard

The strength is the same, but the trap is faltering… still, if you're after a young girl, you can't.

395. Unnamed Warrior

You had no mercy at all. I appreciate it because I'm a victim.

396. Unnamed Knight

Novice hunting victims and avengers were thrilled, weren't they?

397. Unnamed Warrior

I even got the money, the experience, the title.

398. Unnamed Warrior

I'm jealous. What happened to the guys who made the case?

399. Unnamed Knight

They said the subpoenas they were abusing messed up. I would have stopped playing this game already because my account was reset in Despena.

400. Unnamed Heavy Warrior

You made a big case, and you left... don't feel sorry for the people who just got it.

401. Unnamed Warrior

I won't. 'Cause some of the guys pulled the trigger on the zombie event, right?

402. Unnamed Heavy Warrior

Seriously... that's what made the difference, so let's withdraw our sympathetic opinions.

403. Unnamed Archer

399 > > Despena isn't the reason, is it? I can't play games anymore because the Dark Falls are definitely after me.

404. Unnamed Spears

The Dark Fall people are still angry...

405. Unnamed Wizard

Aren't you going to take revenge on Miss Summoner or something?

406. Unnamed Wizard

405 > > Do you look at that and feel like trying?

407. Unnamed Summoner

405 > > Wow. I didn't know I was going to challenge Russ Boss, who still leaves a synchronous burst for his Legion summons...

408. Unnamed Wizard

Oh, I'm sorry. They'll pay you back...

409. Unnamed Knight

407 > > The Dark Summoners used to fight and sell it.

410. Unnamed Fellow

Apparently, he tied hands with the Reich Empire and tried to win with the referee on his side.

411. Unnamed Knight

What's that?

412. Unnamed Warrior

Is there such a thing...

413. Unnamed Fellow

Sounds like it. Looks like Mr. Summoner, the youngest girl, noticed me and traded me to the Reich Empire the other way around and got my hands back.

414. Unnamed Warrior

Is that why you were in a hurry... those people. I'm convinced.

415. Unnamed Wizard

Deal with Reich Empire? You know what that is?

416. Unnamed Fellow

I know because I have your permission. They used Xmakina's weapon information as a trading material.

417. Unnamed Blacksmith

I'll give you that back.

418. Unnamed Archer

So this means Xmakina weapons will appear in the Empire!?

419. Unnamed Warrior

Can you use the Beam SE bar?

420. Unnamed Heavy Warrior

Reich Empire Super Reinforced Flag Kitter!

421. Unnamed Fellow

It doesn't seem to make sense to keep it on the boulder, but I think it's a reinforcement flag.

422. Unnamed Warrior

... What happens to other countries?

423. Unnamed Fellow

Sounds like you're giving information to the Reich Empire and the freelancers. I think there is some movement because the story of Mr Summoner, the young lady, seems to be eyeing other countries.

424. Unnamed Warrior

Me, Wantwork...

425. Unnamed Wizard

Wantwork is a merchant's country, so I have a feeling it's going to come out.

426. Unnamed Spears

Don't still feel like winning one of the Reich empires when you hear that story. Even if you give the information to the freelancers, your technical skills will be better than those of the Reich Empire.

427. Unnamed Heavy Warrior

That's true. I mean, the freelancers have the real thing, so they won't need it.

428. Unnamed Spears

Best of all.


[EO] This is a thread about Summoners. Part 11

This is a thread to write about summoners.

Protect your manners and use the slate correctly.

The next thread is to be declared and stood by > > 800.

Always specify the following lesser number if unable to stand:

If the next slate is not standing, decelerate each.


650. Unnamed Summoner

Thank you, Toddler Summoner!

651. Unnamed Summoner

Thank you so much!

652. Unnamed Summoner

Other bulletin boards say a lot, but we're all grateful to you! Thanks so much!

653. Unnamed Summoner

Thanksgiving writing is going to fill the slate w

654. Unnamed Summoner

I guess that means we're all grateful.

655. Unnamed Summoner

I almost cried unconsciously when the summoner I had worked so hard with returned to me.

656. Unnamed Summoner

Right. Once again, they realize the importance of the Summoner when he's gone.

657. Unnamed Woman Summoner

Awesome. I know. We need to take good care of it from now on.

658. Unnamed Summoner

The subracial slate is so exciting in the battle between Xmakina and Fallen Angel.

659. Unnamed Summoner

That was awesome. Happy to see what I wanted to see on Duel Ibe.

660. Unnamed Summoner

Outreach. Was there such an aspect?

661. Unnamed Summoner

What do you think? After all, the Dark Summoners set it up.

662. Unnamed Summoner

Are you sure? Don't thank the Dark Summoners... don't!

663. Unnamed Summoner


664. Unnamed Summoner

If you write that down here, they'll slap you.

665. Unnamed Summoner

That's right (...;)

666. Unnamed Summoner

In the meantime, do we not have to be targeted by the Dark Summoners with this?

667. Unnamed Summoner

We have a young girl, Mr. Summoner!

668. Unnamed Summoner

This time, the Dark Summoner put a little on the Toddler Summoner, so we're just going to fight.

669. Unnamed Summoner

If you think so, they'll take the subpoena again. Again, the best thing we can do is repel ourselves.

670. Unnamed Woman Summoner

I think so too.

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