The next labyrinth is a 3D labyrinth. That's harder. So I rode Hicks and tried to break through, but I couldn't get to the exit no matter how. So you can't go against the rules. Shit.

It was a pain in the ass, but I found the chest, so I'll forgive you.

And we arrived in a new boss room. Ask Sethia and Ikes to explain.

"You're a monster with a ghost face on your cow's body."

"It's a pretty huge monster. Master."

If you're a pretty giant monster and a cow and a ghost, are you a cow ghost as it is? But uncomfortable.

"Do you know how many legs he's got?

"It's a cow, so it's set at four."

Sethia stunned me. Right... but in me, cow ghosts are monsters who look like earthspiders.

"Is there going to be a weapon?

"" No, sir. ""

Then it's a total battle. The members made it black iron, alanea, fox, hicks, stra and dean. Totally a gutty member. Alanea just wanted me to fight. The fox still retained the image of a spider, so he adopted it.

Well, what's the enemy like?

Enter the room and identify the enemy.

Cow ghost?

It was a cow ghost. But my cow ghost image collapsed. And that wasn't just his appearance.

When the cow ghost screamed, a large amount of water was generated from the cow ghost, which became a wave and hit everyone. This is the same move as Aeon's Dragon Wave!?


The fox rushes, rides the stra, escapes the waves. What am I supposed to do? But the waves didn't reach me. Apparently, there's no attack outside the room. Quite in a hurry.

But this... you totally missed your choice. My weird obsession caused me to do terrible things to the fox.

Everyone else goes up to the ceiling with the adhesive yarn of Alanea. Hicks, Stra goes to the sky too. Dean doesn't care, he penetrates the waves. Black iron takes a direct hit from the waves, but stomps and flies his arms.

In the cow ghost giant, I thought the black iron attack could not be tolerated, but it is destroyed by the cow ghost head thrust. Shh!?

The fox uses evil flames and the straw uses a poisonous brace, but the water boils and becomes a wall, defending it. Strong... obvious. You're supposed to be stronger than a cowhead ghost.

But if you think the water is your only home, it's a big mistake. Dean penetrates the water wall and bites the cow ghost.

But the cow ghost also tries to bite the loser and the Dean. But Alanea tightens the cow ghost's neck with steel thread and stops it.

But in power, cow ghosts look better up there. The cow ghost spins his body, and Alanea is pulled and swung by it. Hicks tries to stop spinning with a hook nail but gets bounced off. And Alanea clashes against the wall.


Hit the wall and cattle ghosts release poison braces at the resting Alanea. In contrast, fox evil flames and stra fierce poison braces intercept but are pushed.


Hicks wrapped a whirlwind around me and stopped me from poisoning the cow ghost, so I got nothing.

But the cow ghost attack will not end. Now he moved against the wall. Dean is still biting the cow ghost. You're gonna hit the wall! Let it be!

"Black Iron! Provoke me, stop the cow ghost! Fox! Lower your bull ghost muscle!

The black iron provokes and the fox lowers the strength of the cow ghost with an attackdown. And Black Iron stops the bull ghost advancing by hand. But pushed. But that's enough!


Everyone responds to my signal. This is our must-win pattern.

Stra tightens the cow ghost's neck and bites. The fox also jumps on the cow ghost and bites. A returning Alanea uses steel thread with black iron and cow ghosts to seal the cow ghost's movements.

I move my face trying to figure it out but Hicks scratches it with a hook nail on its face. Angry cow ghosts throw up poison braces, but Hicks shoots with remnants, releasing wind blades in retribution. Once again, the cow ghost breathes, but Hicks stops the brace with glory and greets the lightning brace in the face.

I'll try to do something about it before Alanea's captivity is complete, but I can't do anything about it because of the black iron provocation. I use a poison brace on black iron or a black-black fog brace I have never seen, but it does not work on black iron. Probably a brace to make you sick. It has no effect on black iron, which is a golem for both poison and disease.

Alanea succeeded in capturing the cow ghost and checkmate. Is it in return for earlier? Alanea punches the cow ghost in the face. Alanea took my face, so Hicks earns his damage with thunder braces and thunder magic from behind.

A cow ghost used madness warriorization in the last bad scratch, trying to forcefully get out of Alanea's steel thread captivity, but Alanea even turns to captivity and holds it down. Then about fifteen minutes later, the cow ghost exhausts himself and the info comes.

Everybody, it's Hetoheto. You did a really good job. I'll heal everyone and work.

He was a terrible enemy. If Alanea hadn't been here, there would definitely be victims. They kept tightening, poisoning, poisoning, burning, corrosion, and repeated braces and other attacks for 15 minutes to take them down. Obviously the level is up.

When I dismantle the cow ghost, the cow ghost becomes blood and disappears. And the item was left.

Beef Ball: Rarity 6 Material Quality C-

Effect: Disease Disabled

Crystal balls where cow protection resided. It protects the gear from all illnesses when worn with accessories.

Oh, an accessory item. Besides, I feel the sickness void is pretty strong. It was worth the effort. I didn't, though.

I thank everyone. I apologized to the fox. It was a total extraction mistake. I regretted that I should have chosen Sabik or Pusuke during the battle. I found out about the scare of the labyrinth quest. The next enemy should be stronger than a cow ghost. Making mistakes like this will save your life. We need to keep our heads tight.

Name Tact Love Summoner LV6

Vitality 72

Magic 144

Muscle strength 60

Defense 40

Agility 60

Dexterity value 104


Fighting Lv10 Kicking Technique Lv16 Wand Lv22 One-Handed Sword Lv24 Spear Lv17 Knife Lv8

Throw Lv7 Fast Chant Lv29 Summon Magic Lv31 Lv32 Sealed Magic Lv15 Rider Lv28

Alchemy Lv20 Mining Lv20 Logging Lv33 Demolition Lv37 Lv38 Appraisal Lv25

Identification Lv30 Lv31 Wind Magic Lv28 Flame Magic Lv1 Earth Magic Lv25 Sea Magic Lv1

Dark Magic Lv26 Holy Magic Lv9 Thunder Magic Lv29 Explosion Magic Lv26 Wood Magic Lv25

Ice Magic Lv26 Spacetime Magic Lv39 Underwater Behavior Lv8 Reading Lv13 Cooking Lv35

Feeding Lv8 Fishing Lv18 Synchro Lv15 Cooperative Lv4

Name Black Iron Iron Golem Lv11 Lv14

Vitality 98 104

Magic 0

Muscle strength 124 133

Defense 124 133

Agility 26

Dexterity value 15


Fighting Lv18 Lv19 Iron Wall Lv33 Lv36 Taunting Lv30 Lv33 Physical Resistance Lv26 Lv28 Physical Destruction Lv10

Mining Lv6 Catapulting Lv14 Injection Lv8 Lv9 Electricity Resistant Lv1 Cold Resistant Lv1 Poison Disabled Lv1 Lv3

Disease void Lv1 Lv3

Name Alanea Earthspider Lv7 Lv11

Vitality 46 50

Magic 55 63

Muscle strength 52 61

Defense 28 30

Agility 34 36

Dexterity value 86 95


Biting Lv6 Fighting Lv1 Lv6 Adhesive Yarn Lv20 Lv21 Soft Yarn Lv15

Steel Yarn Lv26 Lv28 Trap Installation Lv20 Yarn Sensing Lv6 Poison Brace Lv3 Lv4

Soil Latent Lv3 Throw Lv4 Soil Magic Lv1 Curse Lv1 Sorcery Lv1

Name Fox Demon Fox Lv8 Lv12

Vitality 44 46

Magic 79 85

Muscle strength 57 65

Defense 30 32

Agility 60 66

Dexterity value 46 50


Bite Lv17 Lv20 Sign Sensing Lv16 Hazard Sensing Lv9 Lv10 Fire Magic Lv20

Dark Magic Lv3 Lv5 Dark Vision Lv16 Evil Flame Lv18 Lv20 Magic Lv2 Illusion Lv8 Possession Lv3

Fire Fang Lv8 Lv12 Fire Claw Lv9 Lv13 Fire Bullet Lv9 Lv10

Name Hixlesser Griffon Lv8 Lv11

Vitality 74 76

Magic 74 80

Muscle Strength 104 111

Defense 48 50

Agility 109 118

Dexterity value 64 66


Flying Lv20 Lv22 Hooknails Lv5 Lv8 Riding Lv15 Whirlwind Lv10 Lv13 Windproof Lv5

Wind Blade Lv5 Lv6 Disease Lv13 Lv15 Remnants Lv8 Lv9 Wind Magic Lv7 Lv9 Thunder Magic Lv7 Lv10

Thunderbrace Lv4 Lv6 Glory Lv3 Lv4 Rider Enhanced Lv12

Name Dean Lesser Hydra Lv9 Lv12

Vitality 58 62

Magic 66 75

Muscle Strength 76 82

Defense 43 45

Agility 56 58

Dexterity value 56 58


Biting Lv11 Lv16 Winding Lv5 Lv10 Swimming Behavior Lv6 Lv8 Poison Armor Lv5 Lv9 Continuous Attack Lv11 Lv14

Fear Lv3 Violent Lv11 Lv16 Playback Lv4 Poison Brace Lv13 Lv15 Thermal Detection Lv5

pseudo LV1

Name Strawaiarm Lv7 Lv10

Vitality 86 90

Magic 80 86

Muscle Strength 90 96

Defense 62

Agility 78 82

Dexterity value 72


Flying Lv9 Lv11 Biting Lv3 Lv6 Winding Lv3 Lv7 Toxic Armor Lv3 Lv6 Assault Lv5 Lv7

Toxic Lv3 Lv10 Toxic Brace Lv8 Lv10 Corrosive Brace Lv8 Lv10 Thermal Detection Lv3

Wind Blade Lv5 Wind Magic Lv5 Intimidation Lv3 Ride Lv3

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