Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 300 Rainy Event Announcements and Lily's Growth

Sea Dou made a scene at school lunch.

"Makoto! There's been an event!

"Again... that's a lot of events"

"This event feels like a small event before a massive event. Looks like you'll get special effects gear and protective gear for a massive event on your rewards. If we don't do this, it's gonna be hard to be active at the next event."

According to Haidou, such events are common. There seems to be a week in duration. We're not talking about Haidou. We're talking about people who don't have time for this.

"So Makoto needs to fold in and do me a favor..."


"Saturday and Sunday, won't you let me stay?

The reason is obvious.

"Is it hard to play games at home because the tests were bad?

Haidou shut up. Sounds like a star to me.

"I'm not good, am I?

"Sorry... wow, that helps"

Thus it was decided that Haidou would come to us on Saturday and Sunday.

"... why don't you tell me you want to go?"

"It's too difficult to say what we're all hearing."

The vice-chairman and the princess committee chairman said something but didn't hear it.

School is over and check the event details again.

Operational event 'Rainy Village': difficulty c-

CONTENTS: Free the cursed village where it keeps raining.

-It's an event where you earn points. Points can be selected from the list. Points are applied to all parties. It does not apply to Summoners or Tame Monsters.

-The event lasts a week. Two of them will be used for scenario events. It is possible to earn points for the remainder of the period. Please note, however, that the monsters in the field will change.

· Rewards include gear and items that will benefit you at the next event.

-The clearance rewards for scenario events vary depending on the content. This reward cannot be earned by redeeming points. Please note that once you fail, you will not receive it.

· Special items will be handed out to those who were quick to clear.

· Up to 60 people will participate in the event this time. This includes Summoners, Tame Monsters. Horses not covered. Determine and register your participating members in advance.

-There are hidden elements. Details will be announced after the event begins.

-Despena will be a normal status drop and a point drop. Please note that this is only an event field.

· You will be free to attend the event for the duration of the event, but you will no longer be able to go without acquiring the item after the end.

· With the start of the event, the weather will rain until the event after tomorrow. Please note that there will be changes in the field, etc.

You said Kaito was coming on Saturday and Sunday for a special item.

And the maximum number of participating members is 60… a summoner would be enough for both of us. And finally the weather rain begins… we need to see what changes there are. It would not just mean a change in the field because it says something like that.

I wonder what I'll do. Don't feel like you can go solo. Well, let's all talk about it at night and decide.

They did make a deal when I went to Dwarf's village for now and told Dwarf who gave me information about the knife for now. I was contacted by a contact crystal used at Freetier Castle.

"Is that you? Who says they want jade steel?

"Yes. It's a summoner tact. Actually, I've got sand and steel, and I really want it."

"Well... do you have materials... materials that are rarely available? If you can send me the material, I can make jade steel. However, jade steel is valuable both in its existence and in its technology. Even if it's material, I'll pay a lot of money for it. That and transportation costs are conditional on having them there. The zombies caused damage to the steel mill. Still want to ask?

You zombies... you make me pay extra... but I have no choice but to ask for it.


"Ha! Answer me now! Okay. Let's take the request. So how much sand and iron are you going to make?

"Sand iron is going to make two knives out of 20."

"That's not enough at all. I need 50 sand iron to make one jade steel ingot. A regular knife uses two ingots of ball steel. If you want to make two, you should order five or six, including spare. You wouldn't want to order it over and over and spend extra money on it, would you?

That's kind of you. This Dwarf. Hepaistos seems unsuitable for a knife, maybe you should order six. So you're going to collect 300 sand irons... oh my god. Shit.

"Thank you kindly. Now, as soon as we collect the material, we will ask for it."

"Whoa. Here's my contact information."

I was given my contact details and quickly headed to the Sandwall Desert to collect sand iron.

Sandwall Desert members made it Lily, Tiger Toru, Yu Fang, Fox and Astel. It's a wary formation of ambushes like yesterday.

I thought I might not have to fight because I was after sand iron most of all, not exploration, but I couldn't do that.

The Grays are on alert. Apparently, he's hiding in the dirt. You won't be able to make it through... until you deal with them.

"Karen Rapids!"

The current hits the enemy directly and makes him appear.

Dessert Scorpion LV28

Summon Monster Crusade Target Active

A big scorpion. I have a king cobra size I fought before. And I didn't care yesterday, but the sand took my legs and it was hard to move. This is useless.

I pull out the scarlet ring. In the meantime, dessert scorpion scissors come.


"I'm fine. Teleport!"

I teleport to the back of a dessert scorpion and poke a scarlet ring. But I don't stab you. Stiff. This guy.

"Tact! Tail!


React to the tail that came at Lily's warning. Accelerated with acceleration, slashed continuously but still no damage. This is that turn.

Join Lily and the others.

"Tact, were you okay?

"Oh. Thanks for the help. Lily."

"Eh heh."

Well, I have to decide on an operation… the sand around me was turning black when I saw the tail I stabbed on the ground of the dessert scorpion. Probably poison... that's poison on the poison, too.

"Put your braces on once, but make sure they don't hit that tail poison"

Everyone snorts. I think I understand all that poison crap. Give instructions on it.

"Lily, it's Hammer's turn."


"Tiger Toru, Yufang is a long-range attack on his tail. The fox is aimed at the main body. Astel will cover me and Lily."

Lily is going to do precise damage with a hammer. But you're not such a sweet enemy that you let me win as it is.

Suddenly he aimed at me and flew a poison needle in my tail. When accelerated, the poison needle raised smoke when it stabbed the desert, buried deep in the sand.

In Earthwall, you were penetrating... that. Ouch.

Then he jumps a ton of sand from scissors at me again this time. Premium! What do you care? First time magic in full-scale combat!

"Dessert Storm!

My sandstorm and dessert scorpion sand collide, dessert storm pushes, hits dessert scorpion, but dessert scorpion has fortunately hidden away.


"Sorry. You missed the magic you use."

Now, what am I going to do, Tiger Toru and Youfang scream. When I see where the Tigers were, I don't see them. But I hear voices.

When we head to the tigers, there's a hole in the desert, and the sand is sucked into the ground. It's quicksand. The tigers are frozen, but we can't escape quicksand.

Then a dessert scorpion appeared from behind. This guy... you did it.

You've rescued each and every one of them. You won't make it. Then this is the only way.

"Lily, Fox and Astel ask for a dessert scorpion. I'll take care of the tigers!


I took out my wand.

"Shift change!"

Tiger Toru and my place are switched and I go into quicksand. I go through the quicksand and touch Yu Fang, who is sucked into the sand. In time!


Me and Yu Fang managed to escape by teleport. Then Yufang licks me. Apparently it was pretty scary.

There was a guy who couldn't read the air smashing through such an inspiring scene. Dessert Scorpion. Apparently, I teleported right in front of Dessert Scorpion.

Dessert Scorpion scissors come.

"I won't let you do it!


Lily and Tiger Toru have managed to stop us, but the other scissors are coming. But stop on the way.

When I saw it, something sparkling was pouring down on the dessert scorpion. Astel's charming scaly powder. Nice!



Lily plays scissors with a hammer and shows off her new dragon moves.

"Dragon moves! Dragon Tail!"

Lily's tail shines and the aura of a giant dragon's tail dwells. And that giant dragon-tailed aura feeds the dessert scorpion a mighty blow of horizontal giraffe, slightly frightened. You'd better have been flying!

"Acceleration! Lily! Do it!"

"Leave it to me! Tact! Hey, oh!

Lily accelerates and the hammer hits one after the other. Lily swings at the end.

"Impact crash!

Dessert Scorpion frightens. You're an amazing guy to bear Lily's acceleration. But it's over. There is a crack in the face area.

Tiger Cher's Tiger Cannon, Yu Fang's Iced Brace, Fox's Evil Flame, Astel's Wind Magic are hit by a simultaneous attack and my magic bursts.


Dessert Scorpion explodes and falls. Huh - it was tough. When I fall into the sand, Tiger Toru and Yu Fang jump and lick me.

"Lily too!

In the end everyone jumped on me and got messed up. This is our routine. That's where the info comes in.

"Lily's level has reached 20. Run Growth '

Lily grows brilliant. Hair grows further, feathers, ears and tails grow. And the info comes again.

"Lily's evolution is complete. Hazard Prediction Skill Unlocked '

"Dragon Breath Released"

"Light Wave Limits No Longer Available"

Check status.

Name Lily Dragon Newt Coola Lv19 Lv20

Vitality 70 90

Magic 70 92

Muscle Strength 161 185

Defense 45 65

Agility 52 74

Dexterity value 50 70


Optical Fist Lv9 Flight Lv22 One-Handed Sword Lv33 Great Sword Lv28 Hazard Prediction Lv1

Hammer Lv10 Lv13 Streak Lv10 Lv11 Smelt Lv28 Lv29 Light Magic Lv6 Light Wave Lv5

Dragon Technique Lv10 Dragonized Lv6 Dragon Breath Lv3 Saint Dragon's Protection Lv5

It doesn't have the same status, but it's too bad if the light waves are capable of being fired in a row and it still hits the dragon brace. After that, I feel terrible about hazard prediction. Lily has a lot of gaps, so if there are hazard predictions, there may be no gaps. There's no gap, Lily, and I don't know if I can win.

Things are weird to see such an evolutionary Lily. I usually ask you what you think.

"What's wrong with you?

I don't hear back from Lily. And when I looked at Lily, my eyes were different from Lily's usual eyes. It was like an ice dragon I saw the other day.

"Hey! Lily! Hold on!"

"... Huh? What's wrong with you? Tact."

When Lily spoke, it went back to normal. Good... just stroke my head.

"Wow. Why are you stroking your head?"

"It's the punishment that worried me."

"I haven't been punished - tact."

Well, you're just worried, not punished. But what was that? If there is anything at all, is it 30 levels? There's probably evolution there.

I have a bad feeling about it, but for now, Lily seems to be back on track, so I dismantle the dessert scorpion.

Desert Scorpion Needle: Rarity 6 Material Item Grade C-

Poison needle used by Dessert Scorpion to attack. Since it is a lethal poison needle, extreme care should be taken in handling it.

Desert Scorpion Shell: Rarity 6 Material Item Grade C-

Very hard shell, particularly strong material for physical and earthly attribute attacks. Used for protective equipment.

If you eat lethal poison, you die instantly. No, you're not going to die instantly? I don't know, but it's extremely dangerous. From the size of it, it looks like it can also be used for spear weapons. Ion and Lian using lethal poison weapons, Blanc... scary.

The shell stood Lily's hammer with reason. Convinced. Sounds like you could make some pretty powerful armor. You talk to Wafox and Hepaistos.

Lily then warns where she has collected 40 sand irons of interest.

"Tact! Earlier is coming again!"

Is this the ability to predict danger… Dessert Scorpion appeared as Lily warned, so I opted to withdraw.

Name Tact Love Summoner LV8

Vitality 74

Magic 156

Muscle strength 60

Defense 40

Agility 60

Dexterity value 108


Fighting Lv10 Kicking Technique Lv16 Wand Lv23 Lv24 One-Handed Sword Lv27 Spear Lv17 Knife Lv12

Throw Lv7 Fast Chant Lv32 Summon Sorcery Lv33 Sealed Sorcery Lv16 Rider Lv28

Alchemy Lv20 Mining Lv22 Lv24 Logging Lv33 Demolition Lv39 Appraisal Lv27 Lv28

Identification Lv32 Wind Magic Lv29 Flame Magic Lv3 Soil Magic Lv25 Lv26 Sea Magic Lv1 Lv2

Dark Magic Lv26 Holy Magic Lv9 Thunder Magic Lv29 Explosion Magic Lv27 Wood Magic Lv25

Ice Magic Lv26 Spacetime Magic Lv40 Underwater Behavior Lv8 Reading Lv13 Cooking Lv36

Feeding Lv8 Fishing Lv18 Synchro Lv16 Cooperative Lv4

Name Tiger Cher Sword Tiger Lv14 Lv15

Vitality 57

Magic 36 38

Muscle Strength123 127

Defense 48

Agility 58 60

Dexterity value 51 53


Bite Lv18 Nail Strike Lv20 Tail Knife Lv18 Leap Lv18

Dark vision Lv18 Lv20 assault Lv18 intimidation Lv12 handsome Lv10

Disease Lv10 Wind Blade Lv13 Lv15 Tiger Cannon Lv6 Lv7 Cut Out Lv8

Name Youfang Blizzard Wolf Lv11 Lv13

Vitality 44

Magic 60 66

Muscle strength 59 61

Defense 64 68

Agility 52 54

Dexterity value 38


Biting Lv25 Signs Sensing Lv20 Hazard Sensing Lv10 Lv12 Ice Claws Lv9

Night's Eve Lv18 Lv20 Ice Tooth 23 Ice Armored Lv2 Iced Brace Lv10 Lv11

Snowlurk Lv4 Cold Resistant Lv3

Name Fox Demon Fox Lv12 Lv14

Vitality 46 48

Magic 85 91

Muscle strength 65 67

Defense 32

Agility 66 68

Dexterity value 50 54


Bite Lv20 Sign Detection Lv16 Lv18 Hazard Detection Lv10 Lv12 Fire Magic Lv20

Dark Magic Lv5 Lv7 Dark Vision Lv16 Lv18 Evil Flame Lv20 Lv21 Sorcery Lv2 Illusion Lv8 Possession Lv3

Fire Fang Lv12 Fire Claw Lv13 Fire Bullet Lv10 Lv12

Name Astel Fairy Lv11 Lv14

Vitality 28 30

Magic 55 59

Muscle strength 19 20

Defense 21

Agility 50 54

Dexterity value 34 36


Flight Lv6 Lv8 Harp Lv1 Dance Lv3 Charm Scale Powder Lv1 Lv2 Wind Magic Lv11 Lv13

Wood Magic Lv10 Illusion Lv3

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