Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 307 Prime Minister of Hell and Event Description

The next morning, the guy from Haidou came early in the morning and was knocked up.

"You want your dinner to be so frogmeat? You are!"

"Sorry! So untie me naked! Excellent! Because I mean it! And then stop eating frog meat!

Damn. Let him use his wasted health in the morning.

"But you really lived alone in the whole house."

"Well, this wouldn't normally happen. The room's upstairs, there's an empty room, okay? I can get you a futon or something."

"Seriously!? Helpful. Honestly, I was going to sleep on the couch or on the ground."

I can't let a boulder do that.

"Oh, this. It's from my mother. I bought some sweets and juice from the convenience store."

"... you, you were the one who could do this"

"How underrated I am in you!

Because it's Haidou. It's raining today and tomorrow.

Earlay appears when you log into the game.

Talking about yesterday quickly made me look terribly jealous. Arley says Jeanne is a cute character in the game. It seems to be decided. It won't be decided.

Then after we had an exchange of views on Jeanne, we would be talking about NPC.

"How famous NPC does Tact meet?

"Will it be Hepaistos, Legginrave, Heliya, Hippocrates, Olivier, D'Artagnan, Jeanne? I've probably met Doorginus once."

"I knew it was a lot in Dantotsu"

Looks like there's something else out there that means it's a lot in Dantotsu.

"It was Laurent, Eupemos, who was confirmed in Reich. Looks like Laurent was the Knights Commander and Eupemos was in port town."

Laurent is a famous hero of Durandal. Olivier and I are supposed to be comrades, but it sounds different in this game.

Eupemos should have been one of Argonautai and the son of Europe and Poseidon. I don't know about anecdotes.

"One piece of work confirms that Kubera is a millionaire."

He is the patron saint of the North in Indian mythology. You're a god protecting the treasures the gods took back from Naga. It must be natural to be a millionaire.

"I hear Vineleaf hasn't confirmed it."

"Originally from Hapaistos."

"Speaking of which, you did. I hear there are other NPCs out there."

I see. But no one's coming. Speaking of which, I don't have any restrictions on my belongings this time, so I guess I'll cook.

If anyone came, I asked Arlay for an explanation.

When we're cooking and making bombs, we keep coming together. I bought an item from Mr. Ruin and everyone is checking his gear.

Apparently, Mr. Mu even produced critical. I also received two new pairs of water-resistant snake shoes from Wafox and gave them to Wafox and Sefone.

Then I logged out before lunch and tried to eat what my mother in Haidou gave me, and there was a letter in there.

I thought it was addressed to me, and it looks different. Show Kaito the letter.

"Don't just play games and bother your friends"

Apparently, he found out. No, if I always played games, I might find out and deserve it.

The product I received was meat potatoes. It was delicious.

And it was finally time, and the event began.

The place forcibly transferred was the village. I guess this will mean a rainy village.

Then Arlay and the others appear one after the other. When I first tried to gather information in the village, I heard a sudden distorted laugh from behind us.

There was a clown in a mask with three strangely curved horns when I saw him laughing. I only have a bad feeling about it anymore. If my predictions are correct, this guy is the kind of enemy that comes out in the middle boss before the Las Bosses war.

"The devil?

"Yes. My name is Lucifuge Lofocale. It's a long time, so please call me Lucifegus."

Lukifuge Lofokale is the devil who appears in the Great Book of Mistress. He is the next most powerful demon in Hell: Lucifer, Belzevute and Astalot. The Prime Minister of Hell, the demon of the Prime Minister.

Furthermore, the Big Maiden says how to summon Lukifuge Lofokale, and that the summons of Lukifuge Lofokale is said to be the crux of this magic book.

Such a demon speaks out.

"First of all, thank you for joining us for a visit prepared by the Demon King Bael."

You said you were playing with the Demon King Bael?

"What do you mean?

"Yes, I would like to explain that it was the Demon King Bael who invited you to this village. This is the time when the Demon King Bael has decided to play with humans because he is the most powerful."

That's light... Demon King Bael.

"This time there are monsters and demons under Master Bael the Demon King. You will all play with them. If we can crusade them, we will free this village from the reign of the demon king Bael."

Hmm? That means this village can't be...

"Is this a dark continent?

Lukifgus laughs at my question.

"Hehe. The boulder is the person that Master Astarot is paying attention to, isn't it? As you can guess, this is a dark continent. Do you already know what this means?

In other words, if we can liberate this village, we can enter the Dark Continent. This is huge.

"Oh. For once I ask, are you not going to join us in this game?

"Rest assured. We will not participate. I'm too busy to do it, but you're right. It looks like we're managing the finances of this continent, and unlike the Demon Kings, we don't have time to play."

"Instead, you explain it on purpose."

"Because this is also my job. We look forward to your struggle. Oh, yeah, yeah. For those unwilling to fight, we have prepared a chest in this village and in the woods. Be careful when you go into the woods, they will naturally target you. Now choose who you like to play with before you enjoy"

That said, Lukifugus disappeared. If the unexpected big guy came out but won't be joining us for now, it was helpful. And Mr. Ruin's reading is in the middle. Are you saying that treasure hunting is an element reserved for productive jobs? Info comes.

"Battle, treasure hunt. Please choose which one you want to do. '

Check with the Chiffons, but naturally choose to fight. Then Chiffon asks me about the exchange I just had.

"Um, Tact, what do you think now?

"What I found out is that if we could free this place, we wouldn't risk crossing the ocean to the Dark Continent. And this time, the Demon King Bael will not appear, which means he's likely to appear at the next event."

If this is about playing, next time is about fate, okay.

"That's what happens when you say that. After that, it doesn't seem to be a mistake that you're being watched by Astarot, which means Astarot is alive."

That's what I'm talking about. Well...

"So, do you want to gather information about the village again?"

Three people look unexpected.

"Wait a minute. I already got your information, and you should just go hunting, right?

"That's true, too, but in the end the story of the village has only received information ruled by the demon king Bael. That's where they hook up."

"That's weird indeed... what do we do? Chiffon."

"Uh... shall we gather information, then?"

That's why we all break up and gather information.

What I found out is that the village name is Dossici Village. They say this is a village dominated by the demon king Bael, and it keeps raining all year round. And I think I found a place to stay.

It's still the same information when we all get together. Did I miss reading this? But I have something to worry about.

"Why are you so muddy?"

"... hit a girl with red flowers, fell"


"I thought I'd tell you! I'm telling you, I didn't push you down! On the contrary, they're totally through!

You didn't even get an apology... poor thing. Do you want to collect information about this for now and go earn points for now?

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