Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 311 Boss battle during rainy season event

In the morning, wake up the guy from Haidou and have breakfast.

"Normally, I'm a little drawn to the fact that morning meals come out. And it's delicious."

Even if it's pulled with rice, miso soup, grilled fish, natto or pickles.

"Natto and pickles are commercially available, and I just baked some seasoned baked fish."

"Oh, yeah. I'm relieved to hear that."

What kind of image am I in this guy?

"It's almost time for your appointment."

"Oh, seriously. Hey, hurry up."

Finish your breakfast and log in to the game. Apparently, we came first, but we'll all be together soon.

So, do you want to go help Prince Finist?

Take the girl with the red flower, disappear in the witch's hideout, and head to the place indicated by the wind hen.

Then I reached the cave. But a gatekeeping giant frog monster was blocking the entrance. Identify.

Behrzeffo LV30

Medium Boss Crusade Target Non-Active

Did the boss come with a frog after all?

"Hey... you can't go in there if that's it"

"Fight and defeat. Or maybe I'll play the role... given the girl's safety, the role seems to be the right one."

"Well... we're gonna be a bunch of people, and we're the intruders."

"Uh... but"

Sounds like Chiffon's not convinced.

"You want to fight the frogs so badly? I'm telling you, I'm gonna fly you some Vietnamese spit or something."

"I won't..."

Besides, I have a certain fear. Besides the death of a red flower girl on the terms of the event, there was the death of a Phoenix prince.

It won't end with liberation. Then this hand...

"Take me to Love Fire and Nova just in case"

"Seriously!? Can you party with the two of us!?

"I'm sorry. I'm just kidding"

That's not funny. I'll warn the three of you at once. I'm worried about what will happen, but if Miranda and Love Fire, Nowa are here, they'll be fine.

So, do you want to go? Then a red flower girl called me.

"Um! but good luck!

"Leave it to me. Legion Summons!"

This time it's 26 summonses because I, Chiffon, Miranda and Earley are here. The girl with the red flowers didn't count.

Members summon Lily, Aeon, Sethia, Love Fire, Nowa, Lian, Bran, Gray, Tiger Cher, Konoha, Chess, Gail, White Night, Yu Fang, Black Iron, Savik, Airy, Isho, Meal, Luna, Hicks, Dean, Stra, Astel, Sins, Moon Fai Night.

Ikes could not be used in the rainfall, and Japanese foxes, darleys and foxes could not be used, so it became this formation.

"Love fire wears this, go into the cave with the chiffons. There is no rain in the cave. Come on, come on."


"Nowa dive into the shadow of Chiffon for me. The three of you have to explain and give me instructions to fight."

"... n"

Beelzeffo becomes active when he notices this one. But it doesn't move. Until you forcibly retreat!

"Black iron, it's a provocation! Lian, Luna. Buffs, please. Synth asks for a debuff."

"" Yes!

When black iron provokes, it doesn't move, it stretches its tongue. When wrapped around black iron, liquid is sprayed from the tongue, making black iron an abnormal condition of corrosion.

"Clear! Black Iron! Moonshine night! Pull your tongue! Sethia, ask for a woodbrace in black iron, moonlight night"

"Yes! Woodbraces!

You're overwhelmingly quick to activate the Clan Reap effect. This will not corrode the two of us. Pull the tongue and withdraw the veilzephfo from the entrance.

As it was, Black Iron and Moon Fai Night caught the attention of Behrzevfo, and the six caved in safely. Now all I have to do is take this guy down.

"Tact? Enough?

"Come on, let's drag it out. Then we'll decide on a concentrated attack."


When dragged out completely, Behrzeffo also became in a completely combat position. He jumps and tries to hang it on black iron.

Black iron releases a punch but still has no slip damage and is pushed down by Velzevfo.

You bastard... you did it. Then I'll show you hell. Look at the tactics I thought of during the night as Kaito versus Frog Monster!

"Ishael! It's snowing!

"Yes! Father!

This made the rain snow. You're right about Kaito. If this happens, it's no different than when you were a tonosama toad. Physical attacks should have been activated.

Savik, Stra, and Dean get winded up, but play with a tense hand, aim for Ishino, and release a flame.


I can't let that happen.

Gray, Gail, day and night, Yu Fang bite both hands and feet, and the rust enters tight again.

It's totally settled, but still comes after Ishino with bad luck. A toge grows from the body of Behrzevfo, which, one after another, is struck out.

"Earthwall! Lily and the others go to jail! Sethia, Chess, Aerie, Meal and Hicks will keep you from attacking!


We will attack Lily and the others while we prevent an attack. Beirzevfo desperately targets Yishue while under attack. But when I saw our protection, Behrzeffo changed his tactics, too.

"Geko ~!!"

Waterleaper Devil appears in large quantities when Behrzevfo screams, like 20? Until we deal with this one!

"Lily and the others don't mind the mutton fish! Konoha, Chez, Youfang, Airy and Hicks are Waterleaper Devils!

The ground is already snow makeup. These five can do it. It was a mix-up, but when Black Iron returns, Black Iron receives all the attacks, Velzevfo is defeated, and the remaining Whopper Looper Devil is also tailored to come Info informing him of the victory.

'Ion level has reached 20. Run Growth'

"Bran's level has reached 20. It can evolve. '

We thought it would be easy to knock it down if we sealed the rain, but the boulder is the middle boss. You didn't let me win easily. This guy who didn't fall down after continuing to be attacked by Lily's martial arts and Moon Fai night was definitely strong.

Thanks to this, ion is growing and bran is evolving.

Let's start with the slightly scary ion growth about Lily. Ions glow blue and grow. Twin tails grow further, feathers, ears, and tails grow just like Lily's. And the info comes again.

'Ion growth is complete. Discharge Skills Unlocked'

"Dragon Breath Released"

"There's no longer a limit on Ethereal Waves"

Name Ion Dragon Newt Envelope Lv19 Lv20

Vitality 63 83

Magic 119 142

Muscle Strength 62 77

Defense 33 48

Agility 156 180

Dexterity value 109 124


Dual Flow Lv33 Spear Lv4 Throw Operation Lv12 Flight Lv11 Swimming Behavior Lv17

Ice Blade Lv19 Discharge Lv2 Continuous Strike Lv11 Water Magic Lv17 Ethereal Wave Lv4 Dragon Technique Lv9

Dragonized Lv7 Dragon Breath Lv3 Protecting the Sea Dragon Lv5 Cuisine Lv18

I have no reaction when I hurry to speak to Aeon. When I saw it, my eyes were still changing. I'm sure of it as soon as possible.

"Ion! Hold on, Ion!

"... Huh? Oh, yes. What's wrong, sir? Mr. Tact."

Ha, it's my line about what's wrong. Totally... it's the same sentence that touches Lily's head.

"Why the head!? Ahhh."

The next step in Bran's evolution is where Aeon came from. There is one place to evolve.


I'm looking at the explanation.

Principality… An angel also known as the Angel of Kwon (Kensei). They say he is an angel who is good at protecting and protects his covenant from demons and demons.

Oh? It's a protective specialty.

Then let's go evolve.

Bran shines and evolves. A new tiara was equipped to look just like Princess Silfi. Your hair and figure have grown and you've become a fine girl already.

"Bran has evolved. Guardianship Skills Acquired '

"You have acquired Ascension skills"

Name Blanc Arch Angel Lv20 Principality Lv1

Vitality 53 73

Magic 80 100

Muscle Strength 64 84

Defense 50 70

Agility 60 80

Dexterity value 58 78


Flight Lv18 Lv19 Shield Lv10 Spear Lv20 Lv22 Taunt Lv9 Light Magic Lv10

Optical Wheel Lv18 Guardian Lv1 Heavenly Strike Lv6 Angel's Guard Lv15 Heavenly Ascent Lv1

The evolution is over. Bran talks to me.

"Um... what do you think? My Lord."

"Oh, he's gotten cute. You didn't even beat Princess Sylphi."

"No. Never!

Don't be relieved to see Bran looking like this. Well, I asked about the mysterious Ascension skill, which I know about guardianship.

"Heavenly Ascension Skill is what you give the position of an angel for just a few moments. There are three intermediate angels, but I don't know which will. After that, Lily, just like your sisters, we have a week of recoil in moves."

Though that's short notice, if you can use the power of your next evolutionary destination, that would be a cheat move.

This concludes the confirmation process. Were the Chiffons able to rescue Prince Finnish safely?

Name Setia High Elf LV17

Vitality 55

Magic 162

Muscle strength 50

Defense 36

Agility 42

Dexterity value 162


Wand Lv14 Magic Bow Lv23 Eagle Eye Lv14 Shooting Lv15 Woodworking Lv17

Collection Lv29 Dispensing Lv12 Engraving Lv8 Gemstone Magic Lv3 Gemstone Finishing Lv3

Wind Magic Lv8 Fire Magic Lv18 Water Magic Lv24 Earth Magic Lv13 Lv15 Dark Magic Lv5

Holy Magic Lv7 Thunder Magic Lv5 Blast Magic Lv5 Wood Magic Lv17 Ice Magic Lv5

Tree Magic Lv11 Lv12 Knowledge of High Elves Lv24 Spirit Summoning Lv7 Cuisine Lv18

Name Lian Mermaid Lv12 Lv13

Vitality 30

Magic 77 79

Muscle strength 29 31

Defense 22

Agility 62 64

Dexterity Value 52


Spear Lv17 Wand Lv1 Song Lv14 Lv15 Curse Lv3 Swimming Behavior Lv10 Water Bullet Lv8

Water Magic Lv11 Submersible Lv8 Attractive Lv3 Acoustic Detection Lv7 Personalized Lv18 Lv19

Name Gray Silver Wolf LV15

Vitality 55

Magic 41

Muscle Strength 84

Defense 40

Agility 90

Dexterity Value 52


Bite Lv23 Lv24 Silver Claw Lv16 Lv17 Iron Wall Lv15 Sign Detection Lv26

Night Vision Lv26 Hazard Detection Lv28 Lv29 Silver Fang Lv22 Lv23 Disease Lv18

Roar LV 13

Name Konoha Snow Owl LV15

Vitality 52

Magic 85

Muscle Strength 54

Defense 40

Agility 63

Dexterity value 84


Surprise Lv23 Lv24 Flying Lv33 Ice Claw Lv15 Feather Throw Lv18 Lv20 Dark Vision Lv20

Signs Blocked Lv17 Lv19 Wind Magic Lv20 Water Magic Lv15 Ice Magic Lv29 Lv30

Ice Blade Lv13 Cold Resistant Lv5 Lv7

Name tiger thorough sword tiger lv15

Vitality 57

Magic 38

Muscle Strength 127

Defense 48

Agility 60

Dexterity value 53


Bite Lv18 Lv20 Nail Strike Lv20 Lv21 Tail Knife Lv18 Leap Lv18

Dark vision Lv20 assault Lv18 intimidation Lv12 handsome feet Lv10 Lv11

Disease Lv10 Lv11 Wind Blade Lv15 Tiger Cannon Lv7 Cut Out Lv8

Name Chess Blizzard Bear Lv9 Lv11

Vitality 54 56

Magic 51 55

Muscle Strength 77 81

Defense 64 67

Agility 33 34

Dexterity value 33 34


Bite Lv21 Lv22 Fight Lv18 Defense Lv8 Lv10 Taunt Lv10 Lv11 Ice Armor Lv9 Lv10

Physical Destruction Lv1 Assault Lv19 Lv20 Underwater Behavior Lv10 Ice Claws Lv19 Lv20 Ice Fangs Lv7 Lv8

Snowlurk Lv4 Lv5 Ice Brace Lv10 Ice Throw Lv12 Cold Resistant Lv3 Lv5

Name Gail Thunderbeast Lv9 Lv11

Vitality 42

Magic 80 84

Muscle strength 60 62

Defense 30

Agility 91 94

Dexterity value 38 40


Bite Lv20 Lv21 Flight Lv10 Square Strike Lv8 Thunderclaw Lv22 Lv23 Intimidation Lv12

Dark Vision Lv18 Taunt Lv12 Thunder Magic Lv24 Charge Lv4 Discharge Lv4

Lightning Lv5 Thunder Tooth Lv3 Lv5 Thundering Lv4

Name White Night Immortal Tiger Lv12 Lv13

Vitality 42

Magic 61 63

muscle strength 78

Defense 36 38

Agility 87 90

Dexterity value 45


Bite Lv21 Lv22 Wind Nails Lv10 Cut Lv6 Flight Lv14 Leap Lv14

Dark Vision Lv17 Intimidation Lv11 Wind Magic Lv21 Immortality Lv11 Lv12 Spiritual Power Lv10

Whirlwind Lv8 Roaring Lv10 Disease Walking Lv20 Lv21

Name Youfang Blizzard Wolf Lv13 Lv14

Vitality 44

Magic 66 69

Muscle Strength 61

Defense 68 70

Agility 54 56

Dexterity value 38


Bite Lv25 Lv26 Sign Sensing Lv20 Hazard Sensing Lv12 Ice Claw Lv9 Lv10

Night's Eye Lv20 Ice Fang Lv23 Lv24 Ice Armored Lv2 Iced Brace Lv11

Snow latent Lv4 Lv6 cold resistant Lv3 Lv5

Name Black Iron Golem LV14

Vitality 104

Magic 0

Muscle Strength 133

Defense 133

Agility 26

Dexterity value 15


Fighting Lv19 Iron Wall Lv36 Lv37 Taunting Lv33 Lv34 Physical Resistance Lv28 Lv29 Physical Destruction Lv10

Mining Lv6 Catapulting Lv14 Injection Lv9 Electricity Resistant Lv1 Cold Resistant Lv1 Poison Disabled Lv3

Disease Disabled LV3

Name Sabik Yurlunglu Lv3 Lv6

Vitality 79 85

Magic 44 50

Muscle strength 58 62

Defense 42

Agility 64 66

Dexterity value 48 50


Biting Lv22 Lv24 Winding Lv14 Lv16 × Biting Lv9 Iron Wall Lv3

Toxic Lv20 Lv22 Thermal Detection Lv15 Underwater Behavior Lv3 Thunder Magic Lv7 Water Magic Lv5

Soil Moving Lv4 Rain Begging Lv8 Water Braces Lv7 Resuscitation Lv2

Name Aeries Latrok Lv8 Lv10

Vitality 84 86

Magic 50 54

Muscle strength 52 54

Defense 32

Agility 65 67

Dexterity value 45


Angle Strike Lv18 Climb Lv4 Hazard Detection Lv14 Leap Lv10

Disease Lv15 Wood Magic Lv3 Light Magic Lv12 Lv14 Milk Collection Lv14

Guardian Lv5 Lv7 Blessing Lv6 Lv7 Resurrection Lv1 Madness Warrior Lv2

Name Luna Nümpei Lv6 Lv8

Vitality 61 63

Magic 106 112

Muscle strength 35 36

Defense 28

Agility 91 94

Dexterity value 72 74


Flying Lv25 Harp Lv5 Lv7 Dance Lv17 Lv18 Signs Blocked Lv3 Hazard Prediction Lv4

Charming Scale Powder Lv9 Wind Magic Lv15 Water Magic Lv3 Wood Magic Lv12

Light Magic Lv1 Assignment Lv3 Blessing Lv3 Guardian Lv3 Illusion Lv4

Name Yishue Snow Boys Lv10 Lv12

Vitality 60 62

Magic 107 113

Muscle strength 44 46

Defense 42

Agility 57 58

Dexterity value 73 75


Ice Blade Lv9 Snow Throw Lv8 Snowman Lv4 Ice Armored Lv4 Magic Resistant Lv3

Snow Lurking Lv4 Snow Hidden Lv4 Ice Magic Lv12 Wind and Snow Lv12 Snow Lv5 Lv7

Happiness Lv3 Trap Installation Lv1

Name Meal Dry Adds Lv11 Lv12

Vitality 76 78

Magic 80 82

Muscle strength 36 38

Defense 36

Agility 75

Dexterity value 74


Soil latent Lv18 cramped Lv10 Lv12 handsome Lv8 wind magic Lv5

Soil Magic Lv8 Lv9 Wood Magic Lv7 Water Magic Lv7 Photosynthetic Lv3 Lv5

Transfer Lv3 Nectar Lv3 Pollen Lv4 Collection Lv27 Planting Lv14

Parasite Lv11 Trap Installation Lv12 Plant Summoning Lv2

Name Hixlesser Griffon Lv12 Lv13

Vitality 76

Magic 82 84

Muscle Strength 114 116

Defense 50

Agility 120 123

Dexterity value 66


Flying Lv25 Hooknails Lv8 Lv9 Riding Lv18 Whirlwind Lv14 Lv15 Windproof Lv5 Lv7

Wind Blade Lv6 Lv8 Disease Lv15 Remnants Lv12 Wind Magic Lv9 Lv10 Thunder Magic Lv10

Thunderbrace Lv7 Prestige Lv4 Rider Enhanced Lv15

Name Dean Lesser Hydra Lv12 Lv13

Vitality 62 64

Magic 75 77

Muscle Strength 82

Defense 45

Agility 58 60

Dexterity value 58


Biting Lv16 Lv18 Winding Lv10 Lv11 Swimming Behavior Lv8 Toxic Armor Lv9 Lv10 Continuous Strike Lv14

Fear Lv3 Violent Lv16 Playback Lv4 Poison Brace Lv15 Thermal Detection Lv5

pseudo LV1

Name Strawaiarm Lv10 Lv11

Vitality 90 92

Magic 86 88

Muscle Strength 96

Defense 62

Agility 82 84

Dexterity value 72


Flying Lv14 Lv15 Biting Lv6 Lv8 Winding Lv7 Lv9 Toxic Armor Lv6 Lv8 Assault Lv7 Lv8

Violent Venom Lv10 Lv12 Violent Venom Brace Lv10 Corrosive Brace Lv10 Thermal Detection Lv3

Wind Blade Lv5 Wind Magic Lv5 Intimidation Lv3 Ride Lv7

Name Astel Fairy Lv15 Lv16

Vitality 30 31

Magic 61 63

Muscle strength 20 21

Defense 22

Agility 56 58

Dexterity value 36


Flight Lv8 Harp Lv1 Dance Lv3 Charm Scale Powder Lv2 Wind Magic Lv13

Wood Magic Lv10 Illusion Lv3

Name Synth Imp Lv12 Lv14

Vitality 28 30

Magic 50 52

Muscle strength 26 28

Defense 22

Agility 50 54

Dexterity value 30 32


Flight Lv6 Blood Sucking Lv3 Night Lv5 Signal Blocking Lv5 Latent Lv2

Dark Magic Lv5 Lv7 Curse Lv1

Name Moonhui Night Lesser Auga Lv2 Lv5

Vitality 68 72

Magic 34 36

Muscle Strength 103 112

Defense 66 68

Agility 30

Dexterity Value 32


Ham Lv3 Lv5 Fighting Lv1 Fighting Lv1 Lv3 Physical Destruction Lv1 Roaring Lv1

Assault Lv1 Lv3 Throw Lv1 Play Lv1 Lv2 Fear Lv1 Fire Brace Lv1

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