Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 314 Agarez Battle and Clan Reap Liberation

Haidou tells the message board information that he is making fries for dinner.

"Apparently, this event, the conditions for completing the quest, will change the difficulty."


"Ah. Sounds like Prince Finist joins in and Barbayaga doesn't, Barbayaga only, nobody does"

"Isn't it pretty harsh if Prince Finist and Barbayaga don't join us?

If Prince Finnish wasn't here, we'd have to protect the village from the Eagle raid. A player would split the troops. But aerial warfare is still unsuitable for players. We just have to stay away from them outside the village with magic and arrows.

"I think so, too. Some of you have learned the magic of flying, but I don't think you can beat an eagle."

When this happens, it's Barbayaga you can count on, but even if you support each of them because there are three of them, this one's three for Agarez.

I really don't think it's going to work. Nobody joins you, you can't be gay. Ohh!

"It looks like Prince Finnish and Barbayaga will be joining us."

"Seriously!? I thought it was just us..."

You don't have that in a boulder. Information flowed through the bulletin board before logging in.

You know quite a few people know eagle finist wings. Well, I'm online information. There will be a lot of the same people.

Finish your dinner and log in. I rode the hicks with Setia, finished the last one, and I'm ready.

And the event starts. Huge demonic squares unfold from the sky in the direction prophesied by Barbayaga, emerging giant eagles of pitch-black.


Agarezhawk comes straight this way. In contrast, says Prince Finist.

"Looks like you're here..."

"Prince Finist..."

"I'm sorry... I'm just worried about you. But I have to take him down."

"Yes... good luck"

The finist prince shines in gold and his figure changes.

When I opened my eyes, a giant golden eagle appeared in the sky.


A pitch-black eagle and a golden eagle bump into each other in the sky.

"Is that what you really are!

"Ah. I am the Prince Finist of the Golden Hawk! With this glow of the sun, I will bury you away!

"Superior! Don't think you can beat me in rainy weather!

The rainstorm intensifies when Agarezhawk screams. The rain hurts! Then Barbayaga appears.

"If you think you're the only ones who can manipulate the weather, it's a big mistake. It's a sunny orb. Show me that power!

The orb that Barbayaga had shines. Then the cloudy sky cleared and the night sky was seen. Sunny is great!

At the same time, the rainstorm stops. Agares Hawk surprises me.

"Hey, what!? Stupid... you said you turned off the curse of the Demon King Bael, albeit temporarily!? And what? I can't help it... that old man did it!

Agarezhawk tries to target Barbayaga, but Prince Finist throws up a golden flame, Agarezhawk is burned, and gets his attitude in order.

"I'm your opponent!

"Fuck you! Superior!"

A giant eagle simultaneously begins the battle in the night sky. They're shooting beams at each other. Don't get involved in that. Then Barbayaga tells me.

"It's time for Agarez to come. Boys."

"Okay. Let's go."

We'll get on the stra and move. Then a huge demonic square unfolds in the woods. That's pretty big.

I summon Legion, too. This time it's Reid. Full summons. The members are Lily, Ion, Sethia, Love Fire, Nowa, Livina, Lian, Wah Fox, Blanc, Sefone, Gray, Tiger Evacuation, Konoha, Chez, Gail, Yu Fang, Black Iron, Alanea, Airy, Pu 'suke, Fox, Luna, Yi Snow, Meal, Hicks, Stra, Dean, Astel, Moonshine Night.

I still can't use Ikes when the start is rain. There are some hands to summon after sunshine, but there is no chance that the other person will come begging for rain. This event was a complete Ikes killing event. Well, I'm responsible for not taking measures.

Chiffon, Miranda, and Arlay join the summoned members. Hicks puts Chiffon on, Miranda and Earley on Stra.

I hold the scarlet ring and wait for the enemy to show up. Furthermore, this time it did not solidify, but arranged to besiege the demonic squares.

There's me, Lily, Aeon, Nowa and Livina in the front of the village.

From me. On the left are Lian, Sephones, Black Iron, Puh-suke, Luna, Astel and Moon Fai Night. This is a member who attracts enemies.

From me, to the right, Wah Fox, Blanc, Gray, Tiger Evacuation, Gail, Alanea, Airy, and Dean.

And on the other side of me are Sethia, Love Fire, Konoha, Chess, Yufang, Fox, Yishue, Meal.

Agarez appeared with the giant crocodile when he activated the insurance.


Agares crocodile?

Agarez smiles when he sees us.

"Well, I predicted my emergence."

"Meal, Alanea. Drop it. '


A pit of meal and alanea is activated and a giant crocodile falls into a bigger pit than that. Then the explosion magic mine and time boss I left installed inside the pit explode.

"Nah!? Come on!"

Agarez comes before me.

"You, as I speak."

"Rune Magic!"

When I ignore it and seal the magic, the demon squares appear beneath Agares. Agarez rushes away, but without magic, he doesn't escape and explodes.

"Me! You too! Witches."

"Heh heh. I'm not missing anything sweet. You're gonna get paid for threatening us!

"Don't think you can beat me by magic"

Agarez unlocks the magic seal with medicine. You have such a recovery item. The Barbayagas and Agarez left the scene and a magical battle began.

Well, let's get started, too. Get in touch with Arleigh.

"Tact. Agarez, the crocodile is flipping!

Copy that.

At first, it's a well-charged Gail attack.

"Your power, show him! Gail! '


Gail releases the discharge when attached to the Agares crocodile in an instant. An intense electric shock bursts into the Agares crocodile. But it doesn't even seem scary. You're just big.

But this is where it comes from. Earlay and the others move as they operate.

"Eat a new weapon that combines tact production capabilities with my game knowledge!

Earlay and the others drop the barrel. The contents of the barrel are bioethanol. Furthermore, the incendiary bomb was fixed with Alanean thread. What happens then?

A bomb explodes over the Agales Crocodile, the rain of fire pours down on the Agales Crocodile, and the body of the Agales Crocodile burns.

Yet pseudo-napalm. Here is the item named by Arley.

Barrel Bomb: Rarity 6 Bomb Quality C

Attack: 300 Physical Destruction Used Once

Additional Effect: Inflammation

A bomb that combines an ignition bomb in a barrel containing bioethanol.

Care should be taken how to use it, as the fire burns up at the same time as the explosion.

Sounds like some game is the original story.

This time Arlei said it would be better to make it Napalm rather than think about the size of the enemy and blow it up directly and make extensive damage. Looks like you were right about that.

Check with Ahrey.

'We're on our way to Sethia and the others as we burn!

Copy that.

This is the real deal. I seal and debuff the Agares Crocodile and give instructions to Setia in sync. Then Sethia gives the instructions while holding the wand.

"I'll come over here. Mr. Izuki, get ready!


Agarez Crocodile faces, hands on, and tries to twist through the pit. Even the real crocodiles climbed that way, so I believed they would.

"" Slip!

The ice magic slip between Sethia and Ishino slips the front legs, upsetting the balance.


It strikes at the same time with a signal of love fire. Love Fire Wind Blade, Chess, Yufang Iced Brace, Meal Wind Magic hits Agales Crocodile directly in the face, Agales Crocodile turns back.


Konoha kicks with ice claws. Agares Crocodile then rolls down in the pit.

This is my idea of a time buying tactic. It's a method of warfare you can do because your opponent is a four-legged crocodile.

I really need to be an unfamiliar bipedal for a crocodile to get out of the pit. I decided to aim there because the time buyer was after me.

Agares Crocodile manages to escape the pit.

But if you go to Blanc's, Blanc's Heavenly Strike, Gray's Roar, Tiger's Roar, Dean's Poison Brace are waiting for you, and they drop you where you're out of balance with Gayle and Airy's rampage.

Heading to Lian, Alanea restrains Agales Crocodile with steel threads on her mouth and body, and is dropped by a black iron rocket punch in a full swing attack at Moonshine Night.

When you come to me, I slip out of balance, and Lily, Ion, and Nova's ripple moves burst. The fluctuations that can be fired continuously are still strong. But it consumes a lot of magic.

When the gap was targeted, it was flushed with ion dragon waves by last resort and dropped with Lily's dragon claw. In addition, use the flaming magic Ravaflow for love fire and seal the use of water. Just in case they were good at rain, I felt like dragon waves were likely to be used.

I asked Chiffons to follow us where we can't cover it. It's not hard to get out of balance if one of you is aiming at the hand you're about to climb with a bomb. All one has to do is attack and drop.

But it is dangerous. Unlike me, you have to stay close. Still, I want to thank the Chiffons for taking it on. Without the Chiffons, this operation would have been tough.

Eventually the agares crocodile, which has no escape, stops moving. If that happens, it's magical. From above, the Chiffons signal Hicks, Stra., and a simultaneous attack strikes Agales Crocodile. I attacked at Sandstorm, too. We're almost to 30!

Well, I wonder how far I can buy you time.

Barbayaga and Agarez were shooting magic at each other in the woods as the Tacts were buying time for Agarez Crocodile opponents.

"Damn... bad minutes on a one-on-three... what is agarez crocodile doing!

"Heh heh. It's too sweet for a human being. You guys are."

"Damn it! Then we're done playing! Agares crocodile!"

When Agales said so, Agales Crocodile's movements changed.

"Tact! Agales Crocodile's movement has changed! Something's coming. '

I get a report from Arlay and give instructions to Black Iron.

"Black Iron! Taunt! Putsuke, defense, please!

Black Iron Taunts, Agares Crocodile's Attack Targets Black Iron.

Then something pops out of the pit innumerably and flies to black iron. What? That?

"What? Grubble!"

Sephones, who were dressed in black iron and riding, are involved. Sephones are revived and a curse seal is activated.

"Nooo... what's that... Lian, are you okay?

"Yes. Mr. Black Iron and Mr. Puo-suke protected me, so I'm fine. This..."

"Senior Tact! The attack just now is scaly!

That crocodile, can you fly your scales? But Sefone sealed it. Now it's back to normal...

"What are you doing? Agares Crocodile"

"Tact! Agarez just showed up on the Agarez Crocodile!

Arleigh keeps me informed of the situation.

No, what more is Barbayaga doing than that!

Then the demon squares appear over me. It's not good!

"Everybody run!

Lily and the others escape at my behest, and I travel by teleport with Livina, too.

I managed to escape the Agares Crocodile, but... here's the problem. Then communication comes from Barbayaga.

"Boys! We'll get ready for the trump card. Hang in there for a few minutes!

A few more minutes... then I'll see what I can do.

"You've been tricking me a long time... but we're not done playing!

Agales Crocodile opens her mouth wide when Agales cuts the steel thread of Alanea, and the light gathers. Wait. This is a brace attack!? of this size!?

"Don't make me shoot you!

They all attack at my behest, but they're not scared. I also used rune magic but it didn't work.

"Ha ha! No use. Humans! Agares Crocodile has the Robust Castle Skill! Skill cancellation does not occur due to damage!

Another irregular skill. Fuck you! If we can't cancel, we'll have to induce them.

"Use Taunt Skills? Sweet!"

Agarez sets up a cane.


We're all wrapped up in darkness and cursed in abnormal condition.

Shit. The curse is a state anomaly where the grant on itself ceases to work. In other words, can Taunt Skills also be erased due to a curse state anomaly!

Then with Lily's dragon braces... no, you can't. I'll insure you here!

"... ion"

"I know."


'I know. Leave it to me.'

I'm clear to cure the abnormality. Come on, Livina, Wah Fox, Fox, Astel.

"That's it! Do it! Agarez Crocodile"

Dogooooooo on!!

The oversized brace of Agares crocodile was released into the village behind us - slipped through.


Agarez's thoughts stop at unexpected events. Winning!


"Nooo!? You, in illusion!

Take the scarlet ring with your cane and Agarez answers the tease.

Yes. Livina, Wafox, Fox and Astel, who had not participated in the battle, were asked to use illusion and continue to deceive their eyes.

Illusion is a skill that affects the surrounding landscape and opponent. I don't get the effect of a curse. This time I cast illusions on the landscape on all sides. The boulder Agares was also fooled by this massive illusion.


Two silver swords pierce Agarez's body. Only Aeon can match me for an ambush on the teleport.



An electric shock strikes Agarez. Lily, Blanc, Chiffon, Miranda, and Arlay attack Agarez using their martial arts.

"Guru... don't do it! Humane!

A shock wave emanates from Agarez, and we are blown away.

"This is our demonic realm! Don't think humans can win!

Looks like this guy has the same immortality as Sefone... or some kind of protection that falls under it. But I can't pull it off! I'll take the cane out and set it up.

"Rune Magic!"

"Sealed again! You can't learn!

Agarez tries to retrieve the healing item.

"You can't have the same hands working! Shift change!"

Me and Love Fire are repositioned.


Love Fire uses spiritual power for healing items, and healing items leave Agarez. Agarez rushes to catch a healing item, but he bought time.

All attacks arrive in Agarez. But Agarez Crocodile gets in the way. Not yet. We have a new trump card.

An aura of fresh green light emanates from one place.

"What!? What! That immense magic."

"We elves are guardians of the forest. Don't know what that means! Answer my heart and show its true power! Clan Reap, free the treasure balls!

Sethia also has clan leaps showing true appearance according to words. The magic of a tremendous tree opens from the treasure balls. Wrap green leaves around clan leaves and envelop natural forces in Setia as well.

Clan Reap (Treasure Ball Liberation): Rarity 7 Magic Wand Quality C +

Weight: 40 Durability: 100 Attack: 60

Magic Sword Effect: Wood Attribute Up (Super), Chant Discard

Treasure Ball Effects: Continuous Chanting, Magic Re-Time Reduction (Large), Forest Manipulation, Absorption

Engraving Effect: Magic Up (Large)

This is the Clan Reap's treasure ball liberation!

Sethia sets up a cane.

"Operation Forest!

Forest trees grow and bind Agares crocodile. Agarez Crocodile tries to get out of custody, but he is not scared.

"It's no use. There's no way a giant crocodile is going to rival a big tree rooting deep in the ground."

The vitality and magic of the Agares crocodile is further diminished, and the trees grow larger. Eventually Agares Crocodile was completely taken in by the tree.

Wow... this is the power of Setia and Clan Reap!

"It's a nasty ability, but you just have to burn it down!

We tried to sabotage it, but it's like completing a quest. Barbayaga appears before us.

"Heh heh. I don't think so. Old devil... this is the realm of devils? Don't make me laugh. This is our forest. Know what that means!

Three columns of light appear, and the demonic cubes unfold one after the other, both in the sky and on the ground.

"Ko, this is not going to work! Nooo!?

Agarez is detained by the Demon Square.

"I won't let you get away with it."

"Stupid... but why would a witch do this?"

"I told you. This is a forest that we have managed for many years. And our house has been stockpiling magic in this land for years... as a force when those who pollute it appear."

Is the first three pillars Barbahouse?

"Well, it took me a while to get around the house... now, are you ready to disappear?

"Ma, wait!

"I won't wait. Sin that tormented man and defiled the forest. Make amends for it! The Judgment of the Forest (Szidieni Riace)!"

Green polar light erupted from the ground where the Agares were, swallowing the Agares.

"Wow! Master Lukifgus. Ahhhh!

When the light subsides, there is no sign of the Agares, and green particles descend from the sky as they announce victory from the sky.

"" Beautiful... "

Chiffon and Miranda fall in love, but it's not over yet.

"Jizzy!? What are you doing?"

"I'm not supposed to do anything else."

The finist took Agarezhawk's back and caught him with a hook claw.

"Shit!? Get the fuck off me!

As the finists shine in gold, they go up in the air.

"Wait, wait! You're serious about me."

"Ah. With this glow, let me save my fiancée's soul! The Glow of the Eagle Prince (Finist Svilkarch)!


Agarezhawk disappeared, swallowed by the golden glow emitted by the finists.

The golden light particles also pour down.

It was a rain of light that marked the end of the reign of the demon king Bael. And then comes the info that informs us of the end of the event.

'Congratulations. You have completed the event quest' Agares Crusade '. Remember to continue to receive the ending and rewards'

Oh, after this, you get paid. Well, I'm worried about the ending, and we'll see it through to the end.

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