Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 358 Evolutionary Ikes' Weapon and Gray Unique

After dinner I logged in. Be sure to check on Lily and the others first. It was still unchanged. So like seven wheels, I decided to make a piece of paper that I hadn't done yet.

Remove the paper maker and put the bagasse pulp made from the sugar cane inside. Now we're ready. Switch on later. Then the paper came out. appraise.

Bagas paper: Rarity 4 Paper Quality D

Paper made from bagasse pulp. Paper used for notes, maps, books, etc.

Paper complete! Now I think I'm the king in the making of the Book of Magic. Later you'll just have to teach me how to make it with the Magic Country Wizard Orb.

Keep it up, make a ton of bagasse paper. There are plenty of bagasse pulps.

Then Bran walks into the room.

"Excuse me. My Lord... aren't you planning on going to battle today?

"You're losing your power. Does Bran want to fight?

"... Yes. Ladies and gentlemen, I was active in the battle and I was unable to participate."

Sure, that might be in a hurry. I'm also concerned about the strength of Gray.

"Then go. You want to try the star frost shield, too, huh? The place is... Hawk Valley, okay?

"Yes! Thank you!"

"However, the use of starlight is prohibited. Let me check only Ikes' unleashed weapons first."


So we finish producing the paper, head to the battleship and confirm the weapon.


Energy Cannon Material: Titanium Ore 300, Ether Large Crystal 1

Energy Machine Gun Material: Titanium Ore 150, Ether Crystal 50

3-Series Missile Pod Material: Demon Conductor Nuclear 6, Demon Crystal 300, Steel Ore 600

Claw Arm: Steel Ore 200, Mana Tight 50

Energy Hulbert: Steel Ore 300, Mana Tight 100

Energy Size: Steel Ore 250, Mana Tight 100

Impact Hammer: Steel Ore 300, Load Stone 50


Guard Flyer Material: Disease Stone 10, Mana Tight 50

Sword Flyer Material: Disease Stone 10, Mana Tight 50


Ion Booster: 100 Steel Ore, 100 Ion Crystals


Tracking Missiles: Material: Fuel 50, Gunpowder 100, Firedemon Stone 10, Lead Ore 250, Magnetic Ore 50


Energy Core B Material: Medium Demon Stone 50

Amor Armoured Material: Steel Ore 80

Energy Battery B Material: Medium Demon Stone 50

Check in the simulation room.

Energy Cannon… A gun that focuses energy and improves power. You're the top armed energy blaster. Naturally the consuming magic is high.

Energy machine guns... weapons that fire energy guns in a row. Looks like we're gonna shoot 10 shots in one trigger. Naturally, it shoots in a row, so it consumes a lot of magic.

Guard Flyer… a shield that flies through the sky and automatically defends against attacks. Looks good, but when it breaks, it looks like it's over.

Sword Flyer… Armed to attack with a blade of Guard Flyer energy. If this one breaks, it's over, but there's an attack.

Three-integrated missile pods... armed to fire three missiles in a row. I want this, but you haven't even built a missile.

Claw Arm… A weapon that captures an opponent with a claw in its hand and cuts the opponent with a blade of energy. Sounds strong, but sounds like a weapon with lots of gaps.

Energy Hulbert... an axe spear with an energy blade. A weapon with exceptional destructive power as a close range weapon. This is a shitty weapon, but it's a mystery if it fits Ikes.

Energy Scyth... a sickle with an energy blade. A weapon that specializes in slashing and tearing opponents apart. Because sickles are more powerful than swords to slay, but like Hulbert, they are a big weapon, so it's a mystery whether it fits Ikes or not.

Impact Hammer... Huge Hammer. When it hits the target, it emits a shock wave, which appears to cause additional damage. That doesn't suit Ikes.

Ion Booster... Top armed thrusters. Looks like he's got more acceleration than a thruster.

Tracking missiles… missiles that track down enemies. If you're going to build a missile, I guess it's better this way, but the problem is the material.

That concludes the confirmation. What I want to make is an energy cannon, a sword fryer, a three-piece missile pod, an ion booster, and a tracking missile. I think it's an energy cannon in terms of priority. I still want firepower when my enemies are getting stronger.

We also finished confirming Ikes' weapons, so we headed to Hawk Valley as we promised Bran. The members are Blanc, Gray, Locomoco, Darley and Airy. It's Gray's first line of evolution.

I've been here before at night, but the enemy still seems to be full of undead. I asked Gray if he could defeat the undead once, but he didn't have a problem.

Mixed with the Willowwhisp I saw on the sandwall, some enemies saw it for the first time. Identify.

Sleepy Hollow LV15

Common Monster Crusade Target Active

Lace LV15

Common Monster Crusade Target Active

Sleepy Hollow is a white ghost. Reis was a black ghost with a short knife with a weapon.

Not that strong of an enemy, but when I defeated Wilowisp, Jack Olantan came out. The other two may be the same.

"I'll leave the avant-garde to Blanc and Gray. Just be careful you might have an extra enemy coming."



"I turn to Ranged Attack with the protection of the Loco Mocs. Rocco and Airlie need your support."

Two reply. I'll set up a scarlet ring just in case. I'll go, then!

Bran and Gray move on my shining signal.

First of all, Gray. Running, Gray suddenly increased to six, and the ravages of the ghosts began. I don't need Rocco's help.

Sounds like phantom wolf skills to me. Gray, who appears in the phantom wolf, defeats Wilowisp and Reis one after the other. Capabilities seem to be limited, such as biting and attacking with nails. It disappears in attacks from enemies because it's a phantom, but Gray creates phantom wolves every time he disappears.

This is terrible... it's an illusion, so no damage has been done to Gray. Virtually all Gray keeps is a phantom wolf. Gray, who brings his enemies together in one place, uses collaboration between Fantasy and Gray in full. The ghosts, who had slashed and torn their enemies one after the other from six directions, and gathered at the end with six simultaneous growls, disappeared. Is growling possible even in illusions? Or because we were working together? It's a mystery. All I can tell you is that it's tough to destroy.

But the enemy isn't stupid either. Four Jack Ollanterns appear and attack Gray with a fireblast. Then Gray inhales and releases a brace of silver.

I erased the fireblast and left Jack Ollantern out and skipped it. That's the Miss Lil 'Brace right now.

Then Sleepy Hollow crept in and went into the gray. When I thought it was bad, Sleepy Hollow, who was in Gray, disappeared when Gray shined on silver. Probably moon protection. I guess it's the same effect that you're defeating the undead.

Then a new enemy suddenly appeared, attacking Gray with a sickle. But the sickle blade. Gray missled the hair, defending it. Identify the enemy.

Grim Reaper LV26

Common Monster Crusade Target Active

Reaper. Gray knew he was coming... Gray turns as he bites the sickle and uses a hairy needle when he throws it away.

Grimreapers also turn sickles and defend, but the hair is thin, unlike the feathers. Through a gap in sickle rotation, one misrilled hair stabbed the grim reaper after the other, and the grim reaper fed on the hair needle.

Then Bran, who was defeating Sleepy Hollow, can't stop screaming.

"Mr. Grey! Too many defeats!

Well, you are. But it looks like the main one's still here. When Sleepy Hollow was wiped out, demon squares appeared on the ground, knights without necks. You're a Durahan who came out before the zombie war.

"Blanc, do you want to fight one-on-one?

"Don't worry! I'll do it! Let me do it"

I came here at Blanc's suggestion. Gray waits next to me for what if. Then a gaze attack from Gray. It's the gaze I want to fight.

"I want to fight too, so bear with me."

That said, Gray sees Bran. Good boy.

Bran sets the starfrost shield and spins the spear. In contrast, Durahan also erects a great sword.

"I'll go! Huh!"

Bran jumps in with a spear and strikes ahead of Durahan.

In contrast, Durahan was wielding a great sword, but Bran defends himself with a starfrost shield. Defend Durahan's Great Sword attack lightly… the Starfrost Shield is still strong.


Blanc plays Durahan's sword with a star frost shield.


A penetrator hits Durahan, and Durahan falls back. But I've been waving my sword again. That's an invitation.

"It doesn't work!

The moment Bran tried to play with the star frost shield again, Durahan used the discharge and Bran was electrocuted. Durahan uses the Grand Slash for the bran that ate the electric shock.

"Ku... guardian!

The wall of light protects Bran. Blanc did not miss the gap in Durahan, who was defended by the blow he unleashed with the intention of claiming.

"Heavenly Strike!

Heavenly Strike hits Durahan. But it didn't end well. Bran grips the starfrost shield and sets it up. See how that goes, I'll go in and stop it.

"That's it."

"My lord!?

"Bran... you tried to use starlight?

Bran defies his gaze. You can't hide it.

"We'll do it from here. Gray, I need you to monitor Bran. Locomoco, ask for heaven's protection. Aerie, Darley. Let's do it."

"Oh, no!? Wait! I apologize for trying to use starlight, let me fight!

... Huh. You're really vulnerable to women's favors.

"This time it's a big deal, but there's no next time, right?


That's why I join all of them. First Gray bites Durahan's hands and feet with a phantom wolf. Then I ate a thousand pieces of every armor. I can't have a weapon with that.

"Mr. Grey... it's too much"

"Right... Bran, Airy, Darley. I'll take care of it later."

"On the boulder. I am also resistant to fighting Durahan in that state. Mr. Aerie, Mr. Darley, please."

That's why I used the heavenly protection of Rocco, Darley baked it, and at the end of the day, Aerie busted it with horns, and it was over. Info comes.

"Bran's level has reached 10. Light Bullet Skill Acquired '

Okay, let's dismantle it. First you get charcoal from Jack Olantan. This from Grimreaper and Durahan.

Reaper Cloth Cut: Rarity 7 Material Quality D

Cloth cut on the robe worn by the grim reaper. Together, you can make a Reaper cloth.

Pieces of Necromancer Knight Armor: Rarity 7 Material Quality D

Pieces of armor equipped by Durahan. Collect to make the Necromancer's Armor.

This is a terrible result. It's like Gray's done too much.

Anyway, this time, it turns out that Gray's been incredibly strong.

You defeated the enemy because of it, and you want to explore Hawk River?

There was something when I looked at the valley bottom of Hawk River.

Dragon zombie?

Oh, I had eyes. And wings. You can fly with those worn wings. Ha.


I escaped without hesitation. I'm sure Gray would have a good line right now, but if you're going to challenge him, I want to take Lily and the others with me, and make sure they're all right.

Tyrol texts me when I'm resting.

"Me and Cozette are the Dolphins. Lara summoned Seahorse, so she will be going to the Lagoon Sea on Saturday with other summoners and beasts. If you don't mind, could Mr. Tact come too?

I guess we all made a real move against the next event. Seahorse is the first to see it, so why don't you go? I replied and logged out.

Name Blanc Principality Lv8 Lv10

Vitality 77 80

Magic 112 116

Muscle Strength 92 94

Defense 84 86

Agility 86 88

Dexterity value 82 84


Flight Lv21 Lv22 Shield Lv10 Lv12 Spear Lv23 Lv25 Taunt Lv9 Lv10 Light Magic Lv10

Light Wheel Lv18 Light Bullet Lv1 Guardian Lv2 Lv3 Heavenly Strike Lv8 Angel's Guardian Lv16 Heavenly Ascent Lv2

Name Gray Acena LV1

Vitality 94

Magic 86

Muscle strength 128

Defense 82

Agility 140

Dexterity value 100


Biting Lv26 Mithrilled Claws Lv18 Robust Lv17 Sign Sensing Lv27 Hazard Prediction Lv31

Hair Needle Lv1 Lv2 Dark Vision Lv28 Preemptive Lv1 Lv2 Mithril's Tooth Lv25 Disease Running Lv21 Divine Lv10

Spiritual Power Lv10 Holy Magic Lv10 Phantom Wolf Lv1 Lv2 Discernment Lv10 Lurking Lv10 Instant Death Lv1 Lv2

Roaring Lv18 Mithrill Brace Lv1 Lv2 Awakening Lv1 Collaboration Lv1 Lv2's Coverage Lv1 Lv3

Name Loco Moco Happiness Seaf Lv16 Lv18

Vitality 116 122

Magic 88 92

Muscle Strength 14

Defense 108 110

Agility 54 56

Dexterity value 50 52


Flight Lv10 Lv3 Per Lv11 Body Hazard Detection Lv13 Escape Feet Lv3 Hair Growth Lv17

Milking Lv17 Cold Resistant Lv1 Happiness Lv9 Blessing Lv9 Protective Lv6

Light Magic Lv3 Heaven's Protection Lv11 Lv12

Name Darley Red Horse Lv16 Lv18

Vitality 48 50

Magic 60 62

Muscle strength 52 54

Defense 32

Agility 138 144

Dexterity value 80 82


Kicking moves Lv6 advancing Lv12 fiery Lv7 flame operated Lv17 Lv18 horseback riding Lv28

Walking Lv20 Rider Enhanced Lv24 Serial Strike Lv7 English Lv7 Struggle Lv10

Transfer Lv5 Red Horse Protection Lv9

Name Aeries Latrok Lv13 Lv15

Vitality 90

Magic 58 60

Muscle strength 58 60

Defense 34 36

Agility 71 75

Dexterity value 47 50


Square Strike Lv20 Lv21 Climbing Lv4 Hazard Detection Lv14 Leap Lv10

Disease Lv17 Wood Magic Lv3 Light Magic Lv14 Milk Collection Lv14

Guardian Lv7 Blessing Lv7 Resurrection Lv1 Madness Warrior Lv2

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