Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 383 New Special Attacks and Prank Fairies

Enter Freetier Castle and enter Master Silfi's room.

"It's tact."

"I've been waiting for you. Dear Tact, I hear you've become a dear summoner, and congratulations."

"Thank you. So it's a freed skill."

"Engagement burst and synchronous vision."


Then Princess Silfi showed her left hand and she still had a diamond ring.

"First, let's talk about engagement. Engage is what sends a diamond ring to the subpoena and pledges eternal love and bond. I can't do this unless my liking is MAX. Because in my case, I'm the diamond ring, and the Summoners are the silver rings."

Wow... that's a terrible setting. Opposition to discrimination between men and women! Though, even in reality, you have the image of a silver ring where a woman has nothing a man has with a diamond ring. There seem to be some cases of making it the same ring, but it's totally the flow of giving Lily and the others a wedding ring... is that it?

"Can't you give it to a normal subpoena?

"You can give it to me, right? I think it's toughest to equip your fingers."

Oh... does it feel like a bracelet or collar... is that why you deliberately said bond? Okay, so what's the perk?

"Engaged Summoners have a slight increase in status, with benefits such as fewer disadvantages of moves, fewer magic consumed, and runaway nullity. Most importantly, you'll be able to use an engagement burst."

That's quite a perk... well, that explains the engagement burst I'm curious about.

"An Engagement Burst is a move that lifts the power of an Engaged Summoner over you."

"Does it feel like the opposite of a synchronous burst?

"You're okay with that perception. However, the engagement burst can be overlaid."

Hmm... I know it's strong, but isn't the synchronous burst stronger? Princess Silfi will answer my question.

"The synchronous burst is stronger if the enemy is not strong. But when the target is strong, strengthening the synchronous burst is sometimes not enough. Demon kings and gods fall into this category. It is also for this reason that it is said to be brave men and heroes who defeat the Demon King. Purely because of the instant fire of the special attack."

I think synchronous bursts are pretty good, too, huh? But I see. Weirdly convinced. So it's an engagement burst that summoners who were originally good at mass warfare were created to defeat the Demon Kings. If I can get up to 29 highs, I feel like I could take down about the Demon King.

"That's the thing. It changes how it feels, so you can try everything."

I feel like they're telling me to engage with everyone away. It's a mystery if we can do it with all the boulders, but we have to do something about it before we fight the Bael.

"Later, the disadvantage is determined by the number of summoners you put on the engagement burst. It comes with the whole thing and you won't be able to move for a day.

"Is it only the summoner?

"Yes, the downside of the Summoner is that the reuse time of the engagement comes together, and there are about two days."

That won't help. Quite a bargain move instead of strong. When Sethia and the others ate the cons, the production stopped, so I was in trouble. Synchronized vision is next.

"Synchronous vision is a move that allows you to see the view that the Summoner is looking at yourself. It's a tough move to master, but when you can use it, it's a very powerful move."

"It's big to see the view of a covert subpoena yourself."

"Right. I find enemies from the air, and I attack them unilaterally."

So... I guess so, too.

Say thank you to Princess Silfi, for now I'll send an email to Mr. Nao. I don't have the guts to ask you to make a wedding ring on a boulder, so let's meet in person and ask for it.

Then head from Master Skaaaha's mansion to where he met the Wood Dragon.

Summon Lily, Aeon, Sethia, Love Fire and Ikes away from the Mansion. I made a promise to Master Scaaha.

Then the love fire reacts.

"Hey, there's something!

Everyone be on guard. But I can't see the enemy.

"Where are you? Love Fire."

"I don't know… but there are definitely signs"

When Love Fire looks back at me and tells me, I stop thinking.

There was graffiti on the forehead of love fire.

"Emotional Period"

... Is Love Fire Emotional? It was definitely getting sweet...

"? What's wrong? Mr. Tact?"

When Aeon looks back, he has graffiti on his forehead again.


... I'm sorry about something. If this is true, it will do me injustice.

"Fuck, love fire!? It's graffiti on your forehead!?

"Huh? Ah! Aeon, it's written on your sister's forehead, too!

"Yeah!? I'm not having an episode! Mr. Tact!"

Oh... you thought it was the same as love fire because you can't see your own graffiti.

"Huh!? I'm not insatiable, either! Tact, brother!

Unfortunately, the other way around… both of you.

"What are you talking about? We have enemies."

Sethia's right. There was still graffiti when that Setia looked back.

"Ghost Girl"

No comment. Exercise the right to remain silent. This is something you shouldn't laugh at. But I can't stand Aeon and the love fire, and I laugh. Stop it... if they laugh at me, they're going to resent me all the time!

"Guys, aren't you feeling too nervous?

There's graffiti in that kind of ix, too.

"Slave Dolls"

This is okay. A graffiti prank is a negative rating. I'm not laughing because I'm convinced.

"Guys, that sounds like something fun! sloppy!"

It's Lily's graffiti at the end.


Yeah. Speaking of forehead graffiti, this is still coming. It's Lily, and I was kind of guessing. But the Ions are laughing. That sounds too Lily.

Then I feel uncomfortable with my forehead. I slap something with my bare hands. You had a bad opponent... I'm a person who would never allow mosquitoes to interfere with sleep in my ears at night.

And when I looked at my hands, there was something. Looks like a fairy... but then Sethia told me who she was.

"This is pixie... she's a troubled fairy who's good at putting out the signs and makes all the pranks"

This is Pixie… it fits the list of synthetic summonses. Dismantle but nothing. I don't have a mirror, so I put water in the ball to check my face.


I know what you tried to write, but let me! I'm sure I won't summon Pixie. Because of this, the graffiti could be dropped with water. Lily and the others are also complaining and dropping graffiti to detect what love fire is.


It was a fine bull male with a giant hairy knob who showed up. Identify.


... heh. That's why you're so fine in the street. Finvenaha is one of the inspirations for the famous Cooley cattle fight in the Alster legend. Finvenaha is owned by Alil, king of Konahat, and the story of Maeve, the queen who jealous of it, getting the bull of the same rank begins.


Lily is slashed in Est Oración. I scolded Moon Fai Night, and I guess Lily scolded the course.

Then he is inhibited by a transparent wall before slashing Finvenaha, and Lily is bounced off.

"Huh? What now?!?


"Wah!? Hey, why are you spitting!

Lily gets angry at Finvenaha's attitude and attacks him in Est Oración, but he's not scared.

"That cow… probably has some kind of protection for women"

I was convinced that Setia told me. Finvenaha originally belonged to Queen Maeve, but you thought it was a disgrace to be owned by a woman, and it belonged to Aryl.

I mean, am I going to fight Finvenaha... it's here that all the women are, and you sounded it. Gray or something. But no? I tried it with a Legion summons, but it didn't work.

"Lily, back off. Now, if you don't back down, you remember what happens?

"Sa, back off! Don't be mad at me because I'm falling back, Tact!"

Oh, boy. I'll take out the scarlet ring and the famil.


I can't move my legs when Finvenaha comes in. Is this the effect of a clash! Then there's no choice! I buff and use runes of power. Use new martial arts.


With all the strength and weight of his body, Finvenaha flies when he releases a right straight all over him.

"Yeah yeah!?

Everyone is surprised by the results. Rune, I keep magic a secret. My right hand was so sore because of it. If it's vital, it's so diminished. Maybe it's not a good idea to stay like this. I can't help it... let's decide at once!

"" Explosion!

"" Exploration ""

Finvenaha, who is falling due to an Explosion disturbance hit, is defeated. I see the fallen Finvenaha. This guy laughed at me at the end. On the contrary, I think I was also taking the exploration deliberately. It was as if he was satisfied when he lost his advance in a head-on battle.

This guy's the same type of monster as a boxer kangaroo. It makes me feel like I lost when I used the item. Still, I'm sure this guy will accept his loss. Let's dismantle it.

Fin Venaha fins: Rarity 8 Ingredients Quality A-

The softest, least fat and muscular, lighter area of Finvenaha meat. Meat preferred and eaten by a benign warrior, meat hardened by women and impossible to eat.

Finvenaha's Librose: Rarity 7 Ingredient Quality B +

Thick area in the middle of Finvenaha's loin. Fine frosting, soft flesh and flavor. Meat preferred and eaten by a benign warrior, meat hardened by women and impossible to eat.

The size of the meat is also large because it was still big.


It's Lily's. Who can't stop. I have a hard time telling the truth...

"Ah... Lily. I have some unfortunate news."


"This meat... seems to be the only meat a man can eat"


Lily turned white and stopped.

"Oh, no."

Love fire also makes my ears petal. I love meat, too.

"Wow! I hate Finvenaha so much ~!"

Finvenaha left Lily a scratch when he died. I don't know what to do. This meat. I can't eat it alone.

Then the forest vibrates. Are you here?

"Legion Summons!

It's Nowa, Livina, Lian, Wafox, Blanc, Sefone, Farida, Gray, Tiger Cher, Konoha, Chess, Yu Fang, Black Iron, Alanea, Airy, Fox, Darley, Puh-suke, Luna, Ishino, Hicks, Stra, Moon Fai Night, Cruz.

Suddenly the braces fly when I summon them. Then Tiger Toru slashed and tore the poison brace, protecting us. You still look great. Well, let's just say I give it back.

"Love fire, Japanese fox, fox, hix, stra, moonlight night. Give it back."


"Go! Love fire!"

"" Fire!

Love fire and Japanese fox fire, fox emits evil flames, Hicks and Moonshine night fire braces, stra flame bullets.

In contrast, the Wood Dragon guards with wooden walls. In the meantime, Lian and Luna activate their usual buffs and Lily and the others go in.

But the root of the tree is different than last time!?

"Kuh... this! You obviously have a lot of attacks on me."

"Lily too! Yes! And!

"Roll it up! All the time! I'm coming!

The interference with the last active Lily's is terrible. Everyone else supports it but it doesn't work. Did you learn to fight? Is that possible?

... I can't help thinking about it. If you want to learn, this is until you use a new force. I ride the darley with Setia.

"Your evolved power, show him! Darley! Let's go!


Darley rolls the pale flame and flies out. I perceive it and the roots of the trees come one after the other, but Darley concentrates his pale flames on the front, hitting the wooden dragon as he destroys the trees.


Burn Wood Dragon's body with pale flames. I try to do something about Darley at the root of a tree, but I can't do anything about it because it's burned with pale flames.

Then the Wood Dragon lets them roll and escape Darley's attack. But you were too conscious of us. Lily and the others are totally free!

"Dragon moves! Dragon Absolute!"

"Dragon moves! Dragonclaw!"

"Sturm Edge!"

Nowa seals the movement with a dragon absolute, Lily swings the dragon claw down from the sky, the ion runs and rotates, and icing with the effect of Twin Glaciers when slashed.


"Ho ~"

"" Gah!

Totally icing with a snow storm, snow and Konoha feather throw, chess and Yufang braces. But the Wood Dragon takes out the lizard and lifts the icing.

"Let's go! Setia!"

"Yes! Dear Tact!

I'm the Atmosphere. Setia bursts.

"" Beast Magic! Burst Sphere! "

When a giant fireball hits a wood dragon, it explodes and the wood dragon burns up. I generally knew the effects and magic, but it's flashy.

Wood dragons don't stop, they peel. But we're all attacking now. Gray casts a phantom and the collaboration is activated. Gray is also combined with eight acenas attacking continuously from eight directions, ending with a burst of the body's gray misrill brace.

The stops are Lily and the others.

"I'm coming! Guys! Light waves!

"Ethereal fluctuations!

"" "Dark Wave!

Various wave systems and all simultaneous attacks burst into the wood dragon, which collapses.

"Coming! Nowa! Wafox! Livina! Sefone! Alanea, please! Bracelain!"

"... Mm. Shadow Tied"

"Yes. The world!"

"I'll take care of it! Succubus Dream Junction!

"Besides! Shadow Operation!"

Aranea restrains the fallen Wood Dragon with steel wire, and Nowa seals the movement further and Wafox traps it at the junction. It's the pursuit of a horny dream junction and a shadow spear there. How about this? The Wood Dragon goes into Fury mode, breaking steel wires and smashing boundaries.

No... that's a dragon. Then the pollen is used as last time. But since I used the bracelet, it's not the same as last time, and we're all safe. You're not the only one who learns.


"Yes! Heavenly Strike!

Heavenly Strike falls from above to Wood Dragon but Wood Dragon guards. But we have a lot of trump cards right now.

Tiger Toru uses Demon Knife Liberation and jumps into the Wood Dragon. Slash and tear all the roots of the wood dragon tree and slash the wood dragon. Plus, love fire goes with slashing and tearing.

But Wood Dragon doesn't get hit either. Inhale. The aim is love fire. Not good!

If you think so, a gold crushing rod throws at the mouth of the wood dragon and the brace interrupts. When I saw Moonshine Night, Moonshine Night was tied to a tree. You threw it in that state... I snort. Well done.

"Now! Nowa! Wafox! Livina! Sefone! Alanea! Black Iron!

We'll put the Wood Dragon in custody again, but naturally it won't work, but we're ready for Black Iron! Breaking the bond between steel wire and Japanese fox, Livina's horny dream bond blows with feathers, Wood Dragon makes wooden walls, but don't think you can guard it with that stuff!

A black iron rail gun rocket punch is released, hitting the wood dragon through the wooden wall.

"Fold it up! Ikes!

"I'm firing an energy blaster!

"Magic liberation! I'm coming! Concentrate!

Ikes energy blaster hits and Wood Dragon peels when Farida's demon bullet of magic hits Wood Dragon. I guess I'll have to.

"" Explosion!

"" Exploration ""

"Arrow Rain!"

Shoot the exploration continuously with a scarlet ring and a famil, and when it's over, even Setia releases an arrow rain with a magic bow of fire.

Then Wood Dragon winged and flew countless branches of trees towards us. Those are meal parasites! But sweet. Did you forget your tree didn't work for Darley?

Darley wraps his pale flames around countless parasitic trees and runs through them. And the scarlet ring is wrapped with pale flames. The effect of the transfer! I am fiercely moved right now!

When the wood dragon is slashed and torn with a scarlet ring wrapped in pale flames, the wood dragon is wrapped in pale flames and peeled. It was the love fire and the Japanese fox waiting for it.

"" Fox moves! Shrinteil! ""

Love fire and Japanese fox tail stretches and stabs at wood dragon. More tiger evacuation pierces, chess waves down the ice axe on his arm, and Wood Dragon screams as Airy's horn blows up, blowing everyone with a shockwave.

But you already got the fight. Yishue and Konoha, Chez and Yu Fang once again freeze their enemies.

"Lily! It's a dragon brace!


Lily's wings grow larger and the light gathers as Lily breathes in. Wood Dragon Breaks Ice.

"Dragon Breath!!

Lily's dragon brace bursts and the wood dragon bursts. Info comes.

"Tact's level of explosive magic has reached 35. Explosion Magic [Chain Explosion] [Dimension Bomb] Retrieved '

"Sethia's level of fire magic has reached 20. Got Fire Magic [Firewall] [Heat Trans] '

"Lian's level has reached 10. Song skills have evolved into hymn skills'

'Aerie's level has reached 24. It can evolve.'

"Fox level reached 24. It can evolve. '

Phew... did you win? You fought hard the second time. Well, I knew how to fight it better than last time, and it's a lot easier.

When you dismantle a Wood Dragon, you get two Dragon Trees and achieve your quest goals. And the info came as expected.

"Lily's level has reached 30. The Star Dragon Trial has occurred.

Lily shed a dazzling light, and I was wrapped up in it.

Name Tact Summoner Of Love Lv1

Vitality 120

Magic Power 270

Muscle strength 120

Defense 70

Agility 90

Dexterity value 176


Fighting Lv25 Lv26 Kicking Technique Lv23 Wand Lv35 One-Handed Sword Lv32 Spear Lv20 Knife Lv18

Throw Lv10 Fast Chant Lv39 Magic Manipulation Lv1 Summoning Magic Lv39 Sealing Magic Lv26

Rune Magic Lv5 Rider Lv33 Lv34 Alchemy Lv23 Mining Lv28 Logging Lv33

Dismantling Lv42 Appraisal Lv32 Identification Lv39 Disease Magic Lv3 Flame Magic Lv4

Earth Magic Lv5 Sea Magic Lv4 Dark Magic Lv3 Holy Magic Lv11 Thunder Magic Lv32

Blast Magic Lv33 Lv35 Wood Magic Lv27 Ice Magic Lv29 Spacetime Magic Lv42 Beast Magic Lv3 Lv4

Delayed Magic Lv9 Continuous Chanting Lv11 Lv13 Underwater Behavior Lv15 Toshiba Lv16 Reading Lv16

Cooking Lv40 Feeding Lv8 Fishing Lv20 Synchro Lv17 Engage Lv1

Collaborative LV8

Name Lily Dragon Newt Coola Lv29 Lv30

Vitality 108 110

Magic 108 110

Muscle strength 222 226

Defense 67 70

Agility 88 90

Dexterity value 82


Optical Fist Lv10 Flight Lv28 One-Handed Sword Lv37 Lv38 Great Sword Lv32 Lv33 Hazard Prediction Lv7

Hammer Lv13 Continuous Strike Lv14 Smelt Lv32 Light Magic Lv12 Light Wave Lv9 Lv10 Dragon Technique Lv12 Lv13

Dragonized Lv7 Dragon Brace Lv4 Lv5 Saint Dragon's Protection Lv6

Name Ion Dragon Newt Envelope Lv28 Lv29

Vitality 85

Magic 156 158

Muscle strength 85 87

Defense 52

Agility 204 207

Dexterity value 130


Dual Stream Lv35 Spear Lv4 Throw Operation Lv17 Flight Lv17 Swimming Behavior Lv18

Ice Blade Lv24 Lv25 Discharge Lv8 Continuous Strike Lv14 Water Magic Lv18 Ethereal Wave Lv8 Lv9 Dragon Technique Lv16 Lv17

Dragonized Lv8 Dragon Breath Lv4 Protecting the Sea Dragon Lv6 Cuisine Lv18

Name Setia High Elf Lv27 Lv28

Vitality 85 87

Magic 219 223

Muscle strength 75

Defense 53

Agility 66

Dexterity value 205 208


Wand Lv18 Magic Bow Lv30 Lv31 Eagle's Eye Lv18 Lv19 Shooting Lv19 Lv20 Woodworking Lv19

Collection Lv33 Dispensing Lv17 Engraving Lv11 Gemstone Magic Lv5 Gemstone Finishing Lv5

Wind Magic Lv8 Fire Magic Lv19 Lv21 Water Magic Lv24 Earth Magic Lv15 Dark Magic Lv8

Holy Magic Lv7 Thunder Magic Lv9 Blast Magic Lv10 Wood Magic Lv17 Ice Magic Lv8

Tree Magic Lv14 Trap Installation Lv1 High Elf Knowledge Lv25 Spirit Summoning Lv8

Serving Lv5 Cuisine Lv18

Name Love Fire Shrine Beast Lv27 Lv28

Vitality 105

Magic 142 145

Muscle Strength 157 160

Defense 65

Agility 180 184

Dexterity value 110

Knife Lv25 Lv26 Duplicant Lv1 Wind Blade Lv10 Flame Magic Lv12 Evil Flame Lv17 Abomination Lv23 Lv24

Sign Detection Lv27 Hazard Prediction Lv28 Spiritual Power Lv10 Illusion Lv2 Shinto Magic Lv7

Cut Lv9 Handsome Feet Lv12 Lv14 Witchcraft Lv5 Blood Awakening Lv9 Cooking Lv18 Shrine Breath Lv3

Fox moves Lv2 Lv3 divine descent Lv2 beastification Lv4

Name Ikes Amor Xmakina Lv16 Lv18

Vitality 119 121

Magic 119 121

Muscle Strength 119 121

Defense 119 121

Agility 119 121

Dexterity value 119 121


Flying Lv10 Aircraft Soldier Clothing Lv30 Lv31 Dark Vision Lv7 Eagle's Eye Lv14 Lv15 Shooting Lv17 Lv18

Detailed Analysis Lv9 Computational Processing Lv9 Behavioral Prediction Lv9 Sovereign Lv20 Throw Operation Lv7

Reflective Lv8 Reflective Lv14 Convertible Lv6 Link Lv14 Magic Charging Lv14 Limiter Unlocked Lv1

Name Nova Dragon Newt Obsession Lv27 Lv28

Vitality 90

Magic 188 192

Muscle Strength 72

Defense 57

Agility 86

Dexterity value 150 152


Shadow Manipulation Lv15 Flight Lv8 Curse Lv6 Shadow Detection Lv12 Shadow Movement Lv8

Shadow Latent Lv19 Shadow Tied Lv18 Lv19 Shadow Summoned Lv6 Signs Blocked Lv11

Virtual Lv7 Dark Vision Lv23 Evil Eye Lv8 Dark Wave Lv4 Lv5 Dark Magic Lv2

Instead Lv1 Dragon Technique Lv5 Lv6 Dragon Brace Lv5 Dragonized Lv5

Evil Dragon Protection LV7

Name Livina Sacubus Lv25 Lv26

Vitality 102

Magic 192

Muscle strength 90 92

Defense 74

Agility 138

Dexterity value 144 147


Whip Lv1 Dark Claw Lv11 Flight Lv20 Lv21 Hidden Lv8 Night Lv20 Seduction Lv16 Lv17

Hypnosis Lv2 Attractive Absorption Lv18 Lv19 Magic Manipulation Lv3 Continuous Attack Lv3 Dark Magic Lv12

space-time magic Lv1 illusion Lv9 demon bullet Lv20 horny dream junction Lv7 Lv8

Name Lian Mellow Lv9 Lv13

Vitality 64 68

Magic 144 156

Muscle strength 65 67

Defense 43 45

Agility 119 128

Dexterity value 98 104


Spear Lv20 Wand Lv1 Song Lv22 Song Lv24 Curse Lv10 Dance Lv1 Swimming Behavior Lv16

Water Bullet Lv8 Water Magic Lv11 Continuous Attack Lv3 Submersible Lv8 Attractive Lv5 Acoustic Detection Lv10

Water Wave Lv1 Humanized Lv24

Name Wafox Shrine Beast Lv27 Lv28

Vitality 114

Magic 190 193

Muscle Strength 77 79

Defense 66

Agility 154

Dexterity value 152 154


Fan Lv12 Dance Lv12 Throw Operation Lv10 Evil Flame Lv14 Abomination Lv16 Lv17 Signal Detection Lv17

Hazard Detection Lv16 Sealed Sorcery Lv15 Illusion Lv12 Flaming Sorcery Lv7 Shinto Sorcery Lv20 Lv21

Witchcraft Lv12 Sewing Lv17 Leather Craftsmanship Lv12 Cooking Lv21 Blood Awakening Lv5 Shrine Brace Lv3

Fox moves Lv2 Lv3 divine descent Lv2 beastification Lv4

Name Blanc Principality Lv20 Lv22

Vitality 106

Magic 155 158

Muscle Strength 122 124

Defense 120 124

Agility 120 122

Dexterity value 116


Flight Lv23 Lv24 Shield Lv18 Spear Lv25 Taunt Lv13 Light Magic Lv15 Purification Lv1

Optical Wheel Lv20 Lv21 Optical Bullet Lv7 Protective Lv3 Heavenly Strike Lv9 Lv10 Magic Operation Lv1 Lv3 Continuous Strike Lv1

Angel Protection Lv16 Lv17 Ascension Lv2

Name Sefone Vampire Princess Lv20 Lv22

Vitality 114

Magic 160 166

Muscle Strength 101 103

Defense 70

Agility 100

Dexterity value 148 150


Sickle Lv1 Blood Sucking Lv18 Dark Vision Lv22 Dark Claw Lv1 Shadow Latent Lv18 Shadow Operation Lv8 Lv10

Shadow Summon Lv18 Hidden Lv16 Dark Magic Lv8 Illusion Lv1 Assignment Lv5 Resurrection Lv10

Night Immortality Lv15 Blood Flow Operation Lv1 Blood Bullet Lv1 Curse Seal Lv12 Dark Wave Lv6 Lv7

Name Farida Demon Lv4

Vitality 56

Magic 75

Muscle Strength 94

Defense 45

Agility 77

Dexterity value 68


Axe Lv10 Demon Fist Lv15 Lv17 Dance Lv10 Throw Lv12 Demon Lv17 Lv18 Dark Magic Lv10

Spacetime Magic Lv10 Concentration Lv14 Lv15 Seduction Lv10 Physical Destruction Lv13 Lv15 Magic Disruption Lv13

Demon Bullet Lv12 Lv13 Magic Liberation Lv3 Lv4

Name Gray Acena LV2

Vitality 94

Magic 88

Muscle Strength 131

Defense 82

Agility 144

Dexterity value 104


Chewing Up Lv27 Mithrill Nails Lv18 Lv20 Robust Lv17 Sign Sensing Lv28 Hazard Prediction Lv32

Hair Needle Lv4 Dark Vision Lv28 Preemptive Lv4 Lv5 Mithril's Tooth Lv26 Disease Lv21 Shenzhen Lv13 Lv14

Spiritual Power Lv12 Holy Magic Lv10 Phantom Wolf Lv4 Lv5 Discover Lv10 Lurking Lv10 Instant Death Lv4

Roaring Lv18 Mithrill Brace Lv3 Lv4 Awakening Lv1 Collaboration Lv3 Lv5 April Coverage Lv5

Name Konoha Glaux LV2

Vitality 90

Magic 144

Muscle Strength 96

Defense 74

Agility 113

Dexterity value 137


Assassination Lv24 Flying Lv37 Ice Claws Lv17 Wings Throw Lv24 Lv25 God-Eyed Lv26 Signs Blocked Lv20

Continuous Chanting Lv5 Chanting Discard Lv5 Lv6 Magic Operation Lv5 Concurrent Chanting Lv5 Lv6 Wind Magic Lv21

Water Magic Lv18 Holy Magic Lv11 Dark Magic Lv11 Thunder Magic Lv14 Lv16 Ice Magic Lv33 Lv34

Space-Time Magic Lv10 Ice Blade Lv15 Phantom Lv4 Guardian Lv1 Cold Resistant Lv7 Goddess Protection Lv3 Lv4

Name Tiger Cher Demon Knife Tiger LV2

Vitality 90

Magic Power 80

Muscle Strength 188

Defense 82

Agility 104

Dexterity value 104


Chewing Lv20 Nail Strike Lv21 Taiko Lv24 Duplicant Lv15 Lv16 Leap Lv21

Dark Vision Lv20 Assault Lv24 Intimidation Lv12 Shrink Lv13 Lv14 Whirlwind Lv13

Demon Lv13 Lv15 Physical Cutting Lv5 Lv6 Magic Cutting Lv5 Lv6 Thunderlight Lv5 Lv6 Continuous Strike Lv4

Sickle Lv18 Tiger Gun Lv10 Lv11 Super Sensory Lv10 Lv11 Demon Knife Liberation Lv2 Lv3

Name Chez Arcas Bear LV1

Vitality 100

Magic Power 125

Muscle strength 130

Defense 128

Agility 66

Dexterity value 70


Chewing Up Lv23 Fighting Lv24 Ice Axe Lv1 Lv3 Iron Wall Lv16 Lv17 Forced Lv17

Ice Armor Lv16 Star Armor Lv1 Lv2 Physical Destruction Lv4 Lv5 Magic Resistance Lv1 Assault Lv22

Swimming Behavior Lv16 Ice Claws Lv24 Ice Fangs Lv10 Snow Lurking Lv5 Ice Braces Lv14 Lv15

Holy Brace Lv1 Ice Throw Lv19 Lv20 Streak Lv1 Lv2 Holy Magic Lv10 Cold Resistant Lv5

Star Protection Lv1 Lv2

Name Youfang Marnagarm Lv1 Lv2

Vitality 80

Magic 134 138

Muscle Strength 106

Defense 116 118

Agility 100 102

Dexterity value 70


Biting Lv27 Lv28 Signs Sensing Lv20 Hazard Prediction Lv14 Ice Claws Lv15 Dark Vision Lv22

Defense Disabled Lv3 Lv5 Resistance Disabled Lv3 Lv5 Ice Throw Lv3 Ice Fang Lv25

Ice Armored Lv3 Lv5 Reflected Lv1 Extremely Cold Brace Lv15 Lv16 Frozen Bullet Lv1 Snowstorm Lv1

Snowlurk Lv6 Immediate Death Lv1 Cold Resistant Lv5 Madness Warrior Lv3 January Coverage Lv3 Lv4

Name Black Iron Steel Golem LV2

Vitality 165

Magic 0

muscle strength 208

Defense 208

Agility 36

Dexterity value 35


Fighting Lv22 Robust Lv42 Deformed Lv14 Forced Lv39 Physical Resistance Lv35

Physical Destruction Lv18 Mining Lv6 Steel Wire Lv1 Catapulting Lv18 Ray Lv5

Sniping Lv13 Electromagnetic Lv3 Lv4 Rotational Injection Lv16 Lv17 Electrical Resistance Lv1 Cold Resistance Lv1 Heat Resistance Lv10

Poison Deactivation Lv10 Lv11 Disease Deactivation Lv4 Lv5 Corrosion Deactivation Lv2 Lv3 Regeneration Lv15 Protection Lv1

Name Alanea Girls Spider LV1

Vitality 90

Magic 114

Muscle Strength 110

Defense 65

Agility 75

Dexterity value 171


Blood Sucking Lv6 Fighting Lv6 Adhesive Yarn Lv23 Flexible Yarn Lv16 Steel Wire Lv32 Lv33

Manipulative Yarn Lv1 Sewing Lv1 Hidden Lv1 Trap Installation Lv25 Yarn Sensing Lv7 Rapid Toxic Brace Lv8 Lv9

Soil Latent Lv7 Throw Lv7 Soil Magic Lv5 Dark Magic Lv10 Curse Lv1

Charmed Lv1 Served Lv1 Demon Lv1 Lv3 Demon Lv3 Lv5 Awakened Lv1

Name Darley LV1

Vitality 90

Magic Power 110

Muscle strength 100

Defense 64

Agility 200

Dexterity value 122


Kicking Technique Lv7 Clash Lv13 Lv15 Burning Lv10 Lv12 Flame Operated Lv20 Lv21 Riding Lv29

Disease Drive Lv21 Defense Disabled Lv1 Lv3 Physical Destruction Lv1 Lv3 Horseman Enhanced Lv26 Lv27 Continuous Attack Lv8 Lv10

English Lv10 Lv12 Practice Lv13 Lv15 Hegemony Lv1 Lv3 Pale Flame Lv1 Lv3 Discharge Lv1

Shockwave Lv1 Assignment Lv7 Lv8 Collaboration Lv1 Protecting the Hegemony Lv11 Lv13

Name Puojie Clean Slime Lv20 Lv22

Vitality 107 113

Magic 0

Muscle strength 0

Defense 133 139

Agility 42 44

Dexterity value 62 68


Predatory Lv27 Defensive Lv14 Physical Invalid Lv20 Deformed Lv29

Shock Absorption Lv17 Divided Lv15 Playback Lv20 Taunting Lv10 Corrosion Lv10

Underwater Behavior Lv15 Extremely Cold Body Lv23 Purification Lv17 Water Attribute Disabled Lv6

Fire Attribute Disabled LV8

Name Aeries Latrok Lv22 Lv24

Vitality 104 110

Magic 74 78

Muscle Strength 74 78

Defense 40

Agility 90 94

Dexterity value 62 70


Square Strike Lv24 Lv25 Climb Lv4 Hazard Detection Lv16 Leap Lv10

Disease Lv17 Lv18 Wood Magic Lv3 Light Magic Lv18 Milk Collection Lv14

Guardian Lv7 Blessing Lv8 Resurrection Lv1 Madness Warrior Lv2

Name Fox Demon Fox Lv23 Lv24

Vitality 54

Magic 116 120

Strength 77 80

Defense 38

Agility 84

Dexterity value 68 70


Biting Lv21 Signs Sensing Lv19 Danger Sensing Lv14 Fire Magic Lv23

Dark Magic Lv7 Dark Vision Lv19 Evil Flame Lv25 Lv26 Witchcraft Lv2 Illusion Lv10 Possession Lv3

Fire Fang Lv14 Fire Claw Lv14 Lv15 Fire Bullet Lv17 Lv18

Name Luna Nümpei Lv22 Lv23

Vitality 78

Magic 148 151

Muscle Strength 52

Defense 36

Agility 127 130

Dexterity value 98 100


Flying Lv28 Jinqin Lv14 Lv16 Dance Lv22 Lv24 Signs Blocked Lv3 Hazard Prediction Lv4

Charming Scale Powder Lv9 Wind Magic Lv15 Water Magic Lv3 Wood Magic Lv12 Light Magic Lv3

Assignment Lv6 Blessing Lv4 Guardian Lv4 Illusion Lv4

Name Yi Snow Woman LV1

Vitality 94

Magic Power 190

Muscle strength 100

Defense 74

Agility 100

Dexterity value 124


Ice Blade Lv9 Snow Throw Lv10 Serving Lv7 Ice Armor Lv4 Magic Resistance Lv3

Snow Lurking Lv4 Snow Hidden Lv4 Disease Magic Lv1 Ice Magic Lv14 Storm Snow Lv15 Lv16

Snowstorm Lv9 Monster Lv1 Lv2 Fortune Manipulation Lv3 Kakura Lv1 Snow Split Lv1

Weight Operated Lv1 Instant Death Lv1 Continuous Attack Lv1 Trap Installation Lv1 Ice Wave Lv1 Lv2

Name Hicks Griffon Lv7 Lv10

Vitality 100 102

Magic 144 152

Muscle Strength 173 179

Defense 72

Agility 190 198

Dexterity value 98 102


Flying Lv36 Thunderclaw Lv13 Lv15 Feather Throw Lv4 Lv5 Ride Lv27 Storm Lv24

Windproof Wall Lv12 Whirlwind Blade Lv14 Disease Lv19 Discharge Lv5 Lv6 Remnants Lv18

Wind Magic Lv16 Thunder Magic Lv16 Thunder Breath Lv11 Fire Breath Lv5 Lv6 Glory Lv4

Rider Enhanced Lv25 Golden Protection Lv7 Lv8

Name Strawaiburn Lv5 Lv8

Vitality 130 136

Magic 128 134

Muscle Strength 146 150

Defense 86 88

Agility 124 130

Dexterity value 100 102


Flying Lv25 Lv26 Biting Lv12 Dragontail Lv9 Dragon Claw Lv3 Lv4 Toxic Dragon Scale Lv14

Assault Lv15 Surprise Lv2 Violent Lv15 Violent Breath Lv15 Corrosion Breath Lv17 Lv18

Dragon Eye Lv9 Flamethrower Lv7 Lv8 Disease Lv4 Strike Lv5 Lv6 Wind Blade Lv11 Wind Magic Lv9

Intimidation Lv5 Riding Lv19

Name Moon Fai Night Auga Lv4 Lv7

Vitality 128

Magic 82 86

Muscle Strength 196 204

Defense 100

Agility 50 52

Dexterity value 50 52


Ham Lv13 Lv15 Axe Lv1 Chain Lv1 Fight Lv1 Struggle Lv12 Lv13 Physical Destruction Lv8 Lv9

Defense Disabled Lv3 Lv4 Taunt Lv3 Robust Lv3 Lv4 Roar Lv3 Assault Lv10 Lv11 Demon Lv3 Lv5

Combat Exalted Lv3 Lv4 Throw Lv5 Lv6 Play Lv4 Fear Lv1 Flame Brace Lv4 Lv5

Dark Brace Lv1 Madness Warrior Lv1

Name Cruz Lamia Lv3 Lv4

Vitality 154 157

Magic 128 130

Muscle Strength 94 96

Defense 80

Agility 114

Dexterity value 96


Blood Sucking Lv10 Tightening Lv12 Fierce Tail Lv12 Lethal Toxic Lv12 Blood Sucking Claws Lv12

Toxic Braces Lv12 Lv13 Water Braces Lv10 Earth Magic Lv1 Dark Magic Lv1 Earth Lurking Lv12

Thermal Detection Lv10 Seduction Lv12 Terror Lv10 Trap Installation Lv10 Personification Lv10 Phantom Lv1

Rain Beggar LV1

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