When I opened my eyes, there was a galaxy. The sparkling stars normally shined when Lily, but I feel great here as if it represents the universe itself.


'Naturally. If they think you're the same as King St. Hui's Dragon who just glitters, you're out of your mind.'

The stars of the galaxy shine blue, and the dragon king of the sea appears.

'First thing I have to say to you... swimsuit, nice!

No, even if I tell you. I'm the one who picked it out, but what I've got is an operation.

"But no matter how good the swimsuit is, you can't be clueless to the trials. The content is the same as that of King St. Hui's Dragon. But let me change the rules. Consumer items are prohibited. '

Wow, the difficulty has increased! So... but you don't have Sethia's secret weapon this time, do you? The last time I used the medicine, I bent my navel and said I wouldn't make the medicine unless I took it.

So this time it's a bee fight. There are proper trump cards.

'Well... you're willing to win. Then let's get started. "

When the Dragon King of the Absolute Sea says so, a dragon appears with a number of blue treasures drifting in the blue glowing dragon of the East.

Star Ocean Dragon?

Is this the dragonized look of Ion... that treasure ball looks bad... well, get ready and exercise well. Hold the trump card in your hand and be ready.

"Are you ready?


'Then we shall begin the trial!

Aeon screams! I use trump cards.

"Come on! Lily!

"Did you call? Tact? Wow! Beautiful place!

"Hey, wait. Yeah!

King Absolute Sea Dragon waits.

"How dare you summon other dragons to my realm!

"On your own? If I remember correctly, I wouldn't have been banned once?

They say it's their domain, but they don't say it's forbidden to summon.

'That's right... but no, this is your trial!

"I know. So I won't let Lily serve me. I would use an engagement burst... but would you like to change the rules now?

"What...! All right! I'll give you special permission this time!

Phew... I won. But now we just have a better chance of winning. I don't know anything about Star Ocean Dragon power.

"That's why. Help me for Aeon. Lily."

"Leave it to me, Tact! Because it's also your sister's job to take care of your handy sister!

I think the Star Ocean Dragon was marked with anger. Is there really no consciousness?

Well, no. Okay, let's go. Me and Lily wear the ring.

"" Engagement Burst!

I will be equipped with gold armor and estoration. Let's go, Ion!

"Free the treasure balls!

Star Ocean Dragon jewels glow when I pop up. Something... bad!

I saw the future and tried to dodge it in shrinkage, but suddenly I was under pressure from the top and slammed to the ground. Couldn't... what the hell... it's like gravity. No, I'm under a load all over my body. Is this... water pressure!?

"Holy Armor!

The burden of water pressure decreased when the holy light enveloped us. I can stand this! But the star ocean dragon that saw it also shines one treasure ball after another.

Blue lightning strikes and countless pieces of ice move freely one after the other, coming at me. Don't you dare!

"Gamma ray burst!"

Destroy glowing gems when Gamma Ray Burst uses water pressure.

The water pressure is then released. All right, all at once!?

The Great Tsunami is coming this way when the Star Ocean Dragon screams. Fly away in the sky... you don't seem to be able to. Looks like the Star Ocean Dragon can manipulate this wave. Then let me push this blue wall through!

"Starlight! Star Wave! Gamma Ray Burst! Focus!"

Three forces come together in one. How about this!

The flash of destruction beyond the dragon brace pierced the great tsunami, striking directly at the Star Ocean Dragon but seemingly guarded with beautiful ice armor.

But I broke through the Great Tsunami and fleshed to Aeon. Got it!

"" Acceleration!

I slash and tear the Star Ocean Dragon in a row and the Star Ocean Dragon becomes water. Water Segregation Here!?

"Huh!? Star Sword!"

Star Ocean Dragon wraps water around his nails and hits him with a star sword. Furthermore, I used the Rune of Power, and the moment I played it, the Star Ocean Dragon jewel glowed, and in an instant we were trapped in the ice. That's really unforgiving.

But when you see that star reading is normally off, ions are going to have a super sensation. No matter how much you can read about the future, there's nothing you can do if you act differently from the future you're looking at instantly.

Then Star Ocean Dragon unfolds a demon cube similar to the demon cube he saw when Lily. See the terrible future with star reading at that moment. I can't do this! We have to stop it!


But the magic doesn't work. The effect of this ice! Damn it!


Starlight emanates from me and escapes from the ice. In time!

"Rune Magic!"

But I'm late for a response, and I'll allow the magic to go off.

A drop of Shizuku descends from the demon cube when a giant blue light sphere appears. Oh, no, no, no, no! The star reading tells me to look for a surviving hand.

"Sacred Cabinet! Star Wall!

And when Shizuku falls to the ground, the world disappears blue.

Make it the advanced magic of EO, one of the super wide area extermination magic. Planet Magic Mercury. That was who this magic was.

After Mercury is activated, the Star Ocean Dragon roars when he sees us down.

Then a huge starlight emanates from us. Our vitality disappeared once, and then we recovered. This is the effect of resurrection. He resuscitates only once, even if he dies, and temporarily increases all stats significantly.

"Dragon moves! Dragon claw! Dragon hole!

Dragon Claw, who lived in Est Oracion in Star Ocean Dragon, convinced of the victory, is stabbed by a dragon hole.

"Gamma ray burst! Gamma ray burst! Gamma Ray Burst!"

Furthermore, the Star Ocean Dragon collapses after randomly shooting Gamma Ray Burst into the dragon hole. But Star Ocean Dragon comes back to life, activates reverse scales and dyes a beautiful blue body bright red. But it's not me waiting in the meantime.

"Starlight! Star Wave! Gamma Ray Burst! Dragon Magic Shooting Starlight! Chain Explosion! Dragon Breath!

Star Ocean Dragon looks up.

"Focus! Just in return! Get out of here!

The Star Ocean Dragon affixes ice armor, but it wasn't a mild enough attack to prevent it with such a thing.

The flash, which focused all its power, struck the Star Ocean Dragon directly, erasing the area and skipping it. Then Star Ocean Dragon falls and returns to Aeon.

"That's it. Trials are over... you win '

When King Absolute Sea Dragon said so, the engagement burst was forcibly lifted and Lily was gone. You didn't want me to stay.

'Naturally. I also erased my memory here. I'm not gonna let you complain! Now, let's give this guy some strength.'

Falling ions shine.

'We, the sea dragons, swallow everything. People's civilization, life is all about evil emotions and likes, of course. And what we swallow, we return to the quiet sea, and we give peace. If you're a sea dragon, try swallowing as hard as you like. From today on, you're Dragon Newt Swallow!

Ions evolve. And the info comes.

"Ion has evolved into Dragonut Swallow. [Sea Smelting Blade] has been added to Duplicate Skills'

"We have acquired supersensory, magical manipulation, magic amputation, hail, hydraulic junction, star ice armor, reverse scale, and resurrection"

"The Disadvantages of Dragonization Has Been A Day"

A lot of info came, but it doesn't reach me now.

If I cared what the evolutionary Ion costume would look like, Ion would look like a school swimsuit... Huh? Isn't this the same thing I've seen before?

'Yeah, but?

Affirmed... the dragon king of the sea answers.

"I saw all kinds of swimsuits, and I thought they were great... and I thought it might be this swimsuit that was good in the end."

So you're back to square one… check your status for now.

Name Ion Dragon Newt Envelope Lv30 Dragon Newt Swallow Lv1

HP 85 135

Magic 160 210

Muscle strength 90 140

Defense 52 92

Agility 210 260

Dexterity value 130 180


Dual Flow Lv38 Spear Lv4 Throw Operation Lv20 Flight Lv18 Flight Lv18 Super Sensory Lv1

Magic Manipulation Lv1 Magic Cutting Lv1 Swimming Behavior Lv25 Fast Swimming Lv25 Dragon Eye Lv3 Moisture Body Lv1

Ice Blade Lv27 Discharge Lv12 Ethereal Thunder Lv12 Continuous Strike Lv16 Multiple Strike Lv16 Water Magic Lv18 Spacetime Magic Lv10

Water Flow Operation Lv1 Ethereal Wave Lv12 Ethereal Wave Lv12 Hydraulic Boundary Lv1 Hail Lv1 Star Ice Armor Lv1

Ice Dungeon Lv1 Reverse Scale Lv1 Dragon Technique Lv17 Dragonization Lv8 Dragon Magic Lv3

Live and Rehabilitate Lv1 Dragon Breath Lv4 Protecting the Sea Dragon Lv7 Protecting the Star Sea Dragon Lv7 Cooking Lv22

Ion also cut me off from magic, and I got ahead of me. You have less defense for more skill than Lily. Then Aeon wakes up.

"Hmm... is that it? Where are we?"

Ion just stretched his back, but the current Ion is no different than mine. It only stinks of crime.

"The corner. Why don't you just keep proposing? I guess you have a ring, huh? I'll show you."

This Absolute Sea Dragon King is definitely going to be interesting! How much do you confess and propose to the ion of a school swimsuit!

"Huh!? Ring!? And the Dragon King of the Sea!? Uh... uh..."

Aeon will fix your hair... I think you should care more about your outfit than your hair. The ion with the hair done comes.

"Yes, whenever you want! Mr. Tact!"

"... you sure you want to?


Aeon is serious... but if he stays like this, Aeon will carry the same black history as me. So let's tell him.

"In that outfit?

"Yes! Huh? Dressed?"

Aeon sees himself for the first time. And silence... as if it were a nearly broken lopot. Ion raised his face, and when he looked at me, his face and body turned bright red.

"Ahhhhh!? Don't look at me! Mr. Tact!"

You just admitted to dressing like that, didn't you?

"You shouldn't! What is it! No more."

"Well... then goodbye"

We fall from the world. Huh? That's it!?

"Brush your arms at most by the next time."

"Sa, it sucks. Ugh!

Thus the trial of my star sea dragon is over. Next up is Sethia's trial. I was surrounded by green light.

Name Tact Summoner Of Love Lv1

Vitality 120

Magic Power 270

Muscle strength 120

Defense 70

Agility 90

Dexterity value 176


Fighting Lv26 Lv27 Kicking Technique Lv23 Wand Lv35 One-Handed Sword Lv34 Lv35 Spear Lv23 Knife Lv22 Lv24

Throw Lv11 Chant Discard Lv3 Magic Manipulation Lv3 Summoning Magic Lv39 Sealed Magic Lv26 Lv27

Rune Magic Lv11 Horseman Lv35 Alchemy Lv23 Mining Lv28 Logging Lv36

Dismantling Lv43 Appraisal Lv33 Identification Lv40 Disease Magic Lv4 Flame Magic Lv4

Earth Magic Lv5 Sea Magic Lv4 Dark Magic Lv6 Holy Magic Lv11 Thunder Magic Lv34

Blast Magic Lv37 Wood Magic Lv27 Ice Magic Lv29 Spacetime Magic Lv43 Lv44 Beast Magic Lv4

Delayed Magic Lv10 Continuous Chanting Lv15 Underwater Behavior Lv19 Shrinkage Lv1 Reading Lv16

Cooking Lv40 Feeding Lv8 Fishing Lv20 Synchro Lv24 Engage Lv2 Lv3

Collaboration Lv9 Lv10

Name Lily Dragon Newt Hope LV1

Vitality 160

Magic 160

Muscle Strength 276

Defense 120

Agility 130

Dexterity value 122


Star Fist Lv13 Lv14 Flying Lv29 Lv30 One-Handed Sword Lv39 Great Sword Lv35 Hammer Lv13

Hazard Prediction Lv12 Lv14 Super Sensory Lv8 Lv10 Dragon Eye Lv8 Lv10 Star Reading Lv8 Lv10 Physical Destruction Lv7 Lv9

Star Armor Lv8 Lv10 Star Wall Lv3 Lv4 Star Rain Lv5 Holy Cabinet Lv2 Star Light Lv1 Lv2 Streak Lv14 Lv15

Focus Lv2 Lv4 Ultra Playback Lv5 Star Qi Lv34 Lv35 Light Magic Lv12 Star Wave Lv10 Lv11

Reverse Scale Lv1 Dragon Technique Lv16 Lv17 Dragon Magic Lv3 Dragonized Lv7 Dragon Brace Lv6

Live and Rehabilitate Lv1 Lv2 Star Dragon Protection Lv8

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