Elysion Online - Dragon Newt and Summoner

# 405 Weather Devil VS Aotearoa Dragon Knight

The next day, Haidou saw the notebook at school and is worried about it in the morning. The whole class was bothered by the sight, but the guidance note contained a map of the pirate island.

"What's wrong with that?

"I logged in in in the morning and have memorized it. So I'm just thinking about the operation."

I've never known Haidou to have such a memorization capability. If you use that memorization ability, you can afford a test… he's a shame.

Then during his lunch break, the chairman of the princess committee spoke to him.

"I'm trying to guess from my boss Bael and anticipate my next enemy, Makoto, can you let me know your point of view?

"Then I'm thinking too. Well, in due course, there will come a demon under Lukifugus' command. You're lucky to have something like David Jones."


"It's just not hard to deduce the next island"

I did an analysis of the current situation yesterday and found out what happened after that.

"We're talking about no food and no wood, right?

"Ah... then the next island would be one with ingredients and wood like an ancient one. So we have all the conditions to challenge the Fifth Island."

"Well, it's natural to make it a full situation before the boss battle,"

The problem is the enemy, isn't it? What are they coming for? School's over. Buy ingredients at the supermarket, log in.

Then everyone was moving around busy.

"The Toddler Summoner is here!"

"Hurry and get ready to leave!


Ha? Did you talk about going out?

"Brother! He wants me to leave!

"… for the purpose of replenishing ingredients"

I see… if the fourth island is as expected, is it possible to go home with ingredients and wood?

"They're gonna do a reconnaissance later, right?

"... what are you doing? Stepmother."

"Oh? You found out."

"" Find out!

She looks like Mel, but in front of her is the mother of her good sisters. Be my stepmother to me.

"These kids really asked me to."

"... did you get proper permission? Both of you."

Two people who defy their gaze. That's easy to understand.

"I don't know if you're mad at me."

"Because I had no choice!

"… there is no choice during the event"

That's a terrible excuse. I mean, there must be a password or something...

"I found out what your sister's password is."

"... I can't teach my brother. I'm sure your sister will be stuffy."

What kind of password are you wearing? You're worried.

"I'm not fighting. It's okay."

I vote to be angry. You can bet. But there was nothing I could do to stop them, and in the end they all got on the Sknavicona.

Before that, Mr. Nao calls me.

"Thank you for waiting. This is the last ring."

What I received was a silver ring like a grass crown. It's designed to protect diamonds. That's amazing...

"Nice ring, thank you"

"No. Good luck with the event because this is my job"

Thank you Nao, we're on our way to the next island.

"Pretty kids. Let's not. Tact, you have no body."

"Tact! Something's wrong with Mel! Help!"

"If I touch your tail, no! Not there either! How could this have never happened before!

"" Ah! Cetia's medicine!

Sethia smiles.

"What does that mean? Both of you?

"Oh? If you're angry, no - your pretty face isn't ruined"

"Wow, I get it, so don't come over here!


Oh - the damage keeps spreading. Because of this, the Nois are fleeing into my shadow.

He then understands what happened to Lily's frightened appearance when Mel changes and is angry at Lisa and Miley.

"No way, let me give you a password, no. Tact, you didn't tell me! We're not talking, are we!? Both of you, respond!

If I'd strangled you, I wouldn't think I'd be able to respond. Look, I'm giving the gibberish signal. Well, let's log out before the clock gets here.

When I logged in, I was in a great battle. Identify.

Devil Chimera?

Seeger Goyle?

Blue Man?

Devil Chimera is a demonic version of Chimera I've seen before. There's a demon horn on the lion's face, attacking him from the sky. Basically, he throws up black flames or uses thunder braces. Yoichi and his men are currently desperately targeting him with an ether demon cannon.

Seeger Goyle also has a larger, blue body Lesser Gargoyle that I have seen before. And Seeger Goyle is attacking from underwater. Plus it looks like you have water nails because your nails are holding water.

Blue Man is like a ghost. Many hands of water appear from the sea, pushing the ship against the sea. I guess the main body looks like a sea surface.

I ask Mr. Sharrow at the helm.

"What happened?

"I don't know! Looks like someone showed up the boss."

Mm-hmm. Everyone is aware of the situation. Not to mention now only two Galeons have been repaired with us in the main production position as escorts. Later, it has become a carrier.

No one will set you up in this situation... which means you should see some sort of operational trap activated.

"Did you report to Command?

"Oh, not yet."

Do we have to do something about it from these guys before we report it? Summon Lily, Ion, Sethia, Blanc and Conoha.

"Lily, first of all, it's Blooman. Aim for the face in the ocean. Sethia Bran Devil Chimera Attacking Sknavicona, Konoha Asks for Devil Chimera Targeting Carriers"

"" Yes!

"Leave it to me! Tact! Star Wave!

Lily's star fluctuations disappear when hit directly, but they appear again.

"Mm! Star rain! Tact! I don't have any kiri!

"... you're knocking him down, aren't you?

"It looks that way. What will you do? Mr. Tact?"

"... dangerous, but let's try underwater warfare. Legion Summons!"

Summon Love Fire, Ikes, Nowa, Livina, Lian, Wah Fox, Sefone, Farida, Gray, Tiger Iron, Chess, Gail, White Night, Alanea, Locomoco, Pusuke, Luna, Isho, Meal, Hicks, Dean, Stra, Safi, Spica.

"The Love Fires ask for Devil Chimera and Seeger Goyle. Mr. Sharrow, please contact command and ask for Squavicona."

"Leave it to me! Mind your own business, Mr. Tact!

We were pictures of hell when we dived in the water. Lots of Seeger Goyles but too many Blue Men!?

When I was suddenly attacked, I attacked him alive. I don't feel like I'm swimming. Close to the feeling of flying freely through the sky… is this the effect of Aeon's stellar sea dragon protection? I would normally be able to fight underwater too if I could move this far freely.

I just can't seem to try that right away. I already found the enemy. The guy had a half fishman in his upper body and a Griffon demon in his lower body.


Looks like someone approached the base after all.

"Ho. You got a strong guy coming. Summon! Blue Man!

Blue Man is summoned. I see... is this the reason for this unusual amount of Blue Man!

Folkarol is the devil who leads an army of 30 demons in the Grand Duke of Hell. It is said to have the power to rule the wind and the sea, drown people and overthrow warships.

So you're saying that the power to drown people and overthrow warships is Blue Man's summons.

"Do it! Blue men!

"Coming! Chez, Dean, and Putsuke ask for Seeger Goyle. Me and Aeon, it's Lean and it's Blooman! First line! Let's go! Safi!"

It's Safi's first line. The size is dolphin size. You can't ride without doing this, can you?

First, Chez is slashing and tearing up Seeger Goyle with his proud ice axe. In contrast, Dean is struggling. Looks like the poison won't work. Still, Dean would be fine. Puo-suke is also turning to Dean's support.

And Safi uses a rotating angle to penetrate, but the target is Blue Man, so it makes no sense. In the end, I'm knocking him down with a lethal poison spear. But no matter how much I defeat Blue Man, I don't have Kiri because Folkarol summons him.

"" Shining ""

Shooting Shining continuously in the Famille, he tries to challenge Folkarol to a melee but is faster than Safi, so Folkarol can escape. And I'll allow the Blue Man to summon. This guy's a jerk!

"Mr. Tact!

Aeon signals me. All right! I forcefully challenge Folkarol to a melee.

"It's no use! Stay close to me."


"Oops! Absolutely!

Folkarol spears out and deals with Ion's attack. But Lian also pursues.

"Hey, oh!


Folkarol in defiance of Lian's attack, but Aeon does not miss the moment. Play the Folkarol spear. Got it!


A shock wave occurs when the wings of the Gryphon, the lower body of the forcarol, are flapped and blown away. And the Blue Man will catch us.

"You're done."

"Do not sweeten the power of mellow!

When Lian sings while caught, the Blue Men are wrapped in holy light and disappear. We're free from the Blue Man bondage, and even more so, Lian dances magnificently in the ocean.

This created a buff for us, and the Seeger Goyles were fascinated by Lian's dance and song. This is Mellow... the true power of Lian!

Meanwhile, the love fires were splitting up and fighting the enemy.

The Grays, unable to fly through the sky, were struggling in Sknavicona with love fire.

"Living slaughter!

Love fire breaks the devil chimera with a sun flame, burned with red flame and falls. Tiger Toru also wields a losing and proud demon knife, breaking Seeger Goyle with his deceit.

The Grays target the Devil Chimera with the braces, but the enemies also use the braces, so they were definitely going down in number because the bats in the Shadow Summoning of Sephones, though not very effective, are interrupting the Devil Chimera braces.

Alanea then collects devil chimeras with a manipulative thread. There Rocco hits a thunderstorm. The Devil Chimeras can't escape and the thunderbolt hits them directly. About countless thunderstorms, it burned black.

"Me ~"

Heavenly punishment was activated when Alanea collected Seagargoyles at the behest of Locomoco, and the Seagargoyles disappeared without a trace, with columns of light striking directly.

"Sheep, with..."

Needless to say, the Tyrols, who are attached with escorts, were impressed while they are stuck with the strength of locomotives among production jobs.

Gail and the white night were currently raging in the sky. Gail was using lightning and boggling the devil chimera. When I say why not go after Seeger Goyle, it's because the thunder didn't work.

As a result, the person in charge of Seeger Goyle used the trump card during the day and night. That's the rough soul. The ravages began when the blue, clear white night's mind stained bright red and turned to rough.

Seeger Goyle, which should be hard, shatters away with one daytime claw shot. Rough souls are the top skill in madness warriorization. Double your own muscle strength instead of 1 Defense.

Skills that are inherently too weak to use, but they don't need defenses or anything in the first place on a daytime when they can be spirited. When it disappears with result spiritualization, it repeats destruction with nails.

Everyone like that, but only the Blue Man was burning his hands. If you knock him out, he'll show up soon, so I don't know what else to do.

Such a blue man disappeared with a beautiful singing voice, and the lilies who were dealing with it became free.

In the water, Folkarol was desperately trying to resist Lian's psalms.

"Ku! Summon. Blue Man! Damn it! Then kill me from you."

Then magic pours down. Tyrol and the others.

"Don't bother me by attacking you right now!

Folkarol used a storm and hit the Tyrols.

"Water tornado!?

"Guys! Evacuate!

Folkarol involves players who have lagged behind in escaping and go out at sea. Yoichi and the Galeon ship, two ships aim there.


But Folkarol just flies the cannon with his wings.

"Danger! Bran, you guys protect your right! Love fire, please sknavicona!


Lily and Bran went into guarding the Galeon ship. Critically prevented, but the pursuit of Folkarol does not hold. Black cloudiness occurs when Forcarol puts his hand in the sky.

And Lily reacted best again.

"Huh!? Danger! Guys! I won't be able to fly! Run!"

Anything that was fighting in the sky against Lily's warning goes back to Sknavicona.


There are tornadoes everywhere, and the sea becomes havoc.

Lily and the others were able to escape into Sknavicona with a single hair.

Isn't it Dada who rules the wind and the sea?

'No! I can't use magic!

A report comes from Rekka. If we stay like this, we're doomed. If the ship is crushed, it will no longer be possible to clear it. It's inevitable! We just have to take it down here!

"Ion! Let's do it!


Me and Aeon are engaged.

"" Engagement Burst!

Ions turn blue light, sucked into my engagement, enveloping the seabed with pale light, and columns of pale light rise from the seabed to heaven.

I'm equipped with pale armor and wings grow on my pale tail. Twin Glaciers and scarlet rings on your hands.

"This is the engagement burst... it looks like it really came together with Mr. Tact"

'I'm going all at once. Ion'


"Am I? What? Huh!?"

I jump out of the sea and get slashed by Forcalol. Stop my scarlet ring, Folkarol, but I play the Folkarol spear in Twin Glaciers.

"What!? Come on!"

Folkarol emits a shock wave. Blow it up, but that won't stop me and Aeon!

Instantly packing my time, I slash and tear my Volkarol apart at high speed. Whoa, whoa! You're going at different speeds! Here!

Then the devil chimeras broke in. They fly thunder braces and black flames. I've been waiting for this moment!

"" Acceleration ""

In an instant, he slashes and rips a lightning brace and a black flame, finely chopping the Devil Chimeras they are. I knew it would be nice to cut the magic.

Still, there's plenty of Devil Chimeras. I let the wings flap and countless ice debris move freely, killing and freezing the rest of Devil Chimeras. Stop!

"" Blitz ""

Shoot Blitz with Farida and clamp. I could have tried Ethereal Thunder, but I was given priority here because I should be able to take new lightning magic in 1 later.

And I discovered Folkarol trying to escape into this gap.

"I heard there was such a monster."


I show up in front of Folkarol.

"Did you think I'd miss it?


"" Acceleration ""

I will chop and carve the forcarol again. Now there's no one to help me!

"Mr. Tact is Norinoli..."

'I shredded enough. We'll decide at once! Ion!'


Use Ion's Duplicate Skill.

"'Sturm Edge!

Forcalol freezes as it burns. I'll kick it down even more.

"Hydraulic junction!

Folkarol dropped to the ground was sealed with water pressure for movement. Stop it with this guy!

Breathe in. The pale light gathers on us. Get out of here!

"" Dragon Breath!


Our dragon brace hits the Volcarol straight and the sky clears. And the info comes.

"The level of lightning magic has reached 35. Thunder Magic [Magnetic Circle] [Thundervortix].

Retrieved '

"Lily's one-handed sword level has reached 40. Got a one-handed sword [Mirage Slash] '

"The level of ion duplexing has reached 40. Got a Duplicant [Meatier Edge] '

"Konoha's level of ice magic has reached 35. Got Ice Magic [Diamond Dust] [Hail Shower] '

"Puh-suke's level has reached 24. It can evolve. '

Phew... did you win? But... when I get down to Sknavicona, the engagement burst is released and I fall. Right ~.

And did you remember thunder magic safely… while ice magic was passed by Konoha? I can't help it... because Konoha is the pioneer in ice magic. Then Yoichi and the others ask.

"What was that earlier!?

"It's me and Mr. Tact's engagement burst. That demon is not an enemy."

I'm proud of Aeon. Well, if that happens, there's no choice. It was an instant kill, actually. But there is a difference. It's Lily.

"Lily and Tact's engagement burst is stronger!

"What are you talking about! Me and Mr. Tact's engagement burst is the strongest!

"It's Lily and Tact!

"" Mmmm! "

Don't fight over me falling down. Then the info comes.

"The level of love fire has reached 30. 'The Trial of the Immortal Fox' occurs'

Well, it's a love fire test. When I told Yoichi and the others, I was wrapped in white light.

Name Tact Summoner Of Love Lv1

Vitality 120

Magic Power 270

Muscle strength 120

Defense 70

Agility 90

Dexterity value 176


Fighting Lv27 Kicking Technique Lv23 Wand Lv35 One-Handed Sword Lv35 Lv36 Spear Lv23 Knife Lv24 Lv25

Throw Lv11 Chant Discard Lv3 Lv5 Magic Operation Lv3 Lv5 Summoning Magic Lv39 Sealing Magic Lv27

Rune Magic Lv11 Horseman Lv35 Alchemy Lv23 Mining Lv28 Logging Lv36

Dismantling Lv43 Appraisal Lv33 Identification Lv40 Disease Magic Lv4 Flame Magic Lv4

Earth Magic Lv5 Sea Magic Lv4 Dark Magic Lv6 Holy Magic Lv11 Lv12 Thunder Magic Lv34 Lv35

Blast Magic Lv37 Wood Magic Lv27 Ice Magic Lv29 Spacetime Magic Lv44 Beast Magic Lv4

Delayed Magic Lv10 Continuous Chanting Lv15 Lv16 Underwater Behavior Lv19 Lv20 Shrinkage Lv1 Reading Lv16

Cooking Lv40 Feeding Lv8 Fishing Lv20 Synchro Lv24 Engage Lv3 Lv4

Collaborative LV10

Name Lily Dragon Newt Hope LV1

Vitality 160

Magic 160

Muscle Strength 276

Defense 120

Agility 130

Dexterity value 122


Star Fist Lv14 Flying Lv30 One-Handed Sword Lv39 Lv40 Great Sword Lv35 Lv36 Hammer Lv13

Hazard Prediction Lv14 Lv15 Super Sensory Lv10 Lv11 Dragon Eye Lv10 Lv11 Star Reading Lv10 Lv11 Physical Destruction Lv7 Lv9

Star Armor Lv10 Star Wall Lv4 Lv5 Star Rain Lv5 Lv6 Sacred Cabinet Lv2 Starlight Lv2 Continuous Strike Lv15 Lv16

Focused Lv4 Super Playback Lv5 Stars Qi Lv35 Light Magic Lv12 Stars Wave Lv11

Reverse Scale Lv1 Dragon Technique Lv17 Dragon Magic Lv3 Dragonized Lv7 Dragon Brace Lv6

Live and Rehabilitate Lv2 Star Dragon Protection Lv8

Name ion dragonut swallow lv1

Vitality 135

Magic Power 210

Muscle strength 140

Defense 92

Agility 260

Dexterity value 180


Dual Flow Lv38 Lv40 Spear Lv4 Throw Operation Lv20 Flying Lv18 Lv19 Super Sensory Lv1 Lv3

Magic Operation Lv1 Lv3 Magic Cutting Lv1 Lv3 Fast Swimming Lv25 Lv26 Dragon Eye Lv3 Lv5 Moisture Body Lv1

Ice Blade Lv27 Ethereal Thunder Lv12 Multiple Strikes Lv16 Lv18 Water Magic Lv18 Space Magic Lv10 Lv12

Water Flow Operation Lv1 Aokai Wave Lv12 Hydraulic Junction Lv1 Lv2 Hail Lv1 Lv3 Star Ice Armored Lv1

Ice Dungeon Lv1 Reverse Scale Lv1 Dragon Technique Lv17 Dragonization Lv8 Dragon Magic Lv3

Resurrection Lv1 Dragon Breath Lv4 Star Sea Dragon Protection Lv7 Lv9 Cuisine Lv22

Name Sethia Holly Elf LV1

Vitality 140

Magic Power 280

Muscle strength 120

Defense 93

Agility 116

Dexterity value 260


Wand Lv18 Magic Bow Lv31 Eagle's Eye Lv21 Lv23 Shooting Lv22 Lv24 Woodworking Lv22

Collection Lv33 Dispensing Lv19 Engraving Lv11 Gemstone Magic Lv5 Gemstone Finishing Lv5

Sealed Magic Lv10 Continuous Chanting Lv1 Concurrent Chanting Lv1 Magic Operation Lv1 Wind Magic Lv8

Fire Magic Lv21 Water Magic Lv24 Earth Magic Lv15 Dark Magic Lv8 Holy Magic Lv7

Thunder Magic Lv9 Explosion Magic Lv10 Wood Magic Lv17 Ice Magic Lv8 Tree Magic Lv15

Trap Installation Lv2 Forest Manipulation Lv1 Knowledge of Holy Elves Lv26 Spirit Summoning Lv8

Spirit Junction Lv1 Spirit Magic Lv1 Column Stone Junction Lv1 Servant Lv8 Culinary Lv20

Name Love Fire Shrine Beast Lv29 Lv30

Vitality 105

Magic 148 150

Muscle strength 163 165

Defense 65

Agility 187 190

Dexterity value 110

Knife Lv28 Duplicant Lv8 Wind Blade Lv11 Flame Magic Lv12 Evil Flame Lv17 Abomination Lv26

Sign Detection Lv29 Hazard Prediction Lv29 Spiritual Power Lv10 Lv12 Illusion Lv2 Shinto Magic Lv7

Cut Lv12 Handsome Feet Lv19 Witch Lv5 Blood Awakening Lv9 Cuisine Lv22

Shrine Brace Lv3 Fox moves Lv4 Divine Down Lv2 Beastification Lv4

Name Ikes Amor Xmakina Lv21 Lv23

Vitality 124 126

Magic 124 126

Muscle Strength 124 126

Defense 124 126

Agility 124 126

Dexterity value 124 126


Flying Lv10 Aircraft Soldier Clothing Lv31 Dark Vision Lv11 Lv13 Eagle's Eye Lv18 Lv19 Shooting Lv20

Detailed Analysis Lv10 Computational Processing Lv13 Lv15 Behavioral Prediction Lv12 Lv13 Hostile Lv22 Lv24 Throwing Operation Lv7

Reflective Lv8 Reflective Lv14 Convertible Lv6 Link Lv15 Magic Charging Lv15 Limiter Unlocked Lv1

Name Nova Dragon Newt Obsession Lv28 Lv29

Vitality 90

Magic 192 195

Muscle Strength 72

Defense 57

Agility 86 88

Dexterity value 152


Shadow Manipulation Lv15 Flight Lv8 Lv10 Curse Lv7 Shadow Detection Lv15 Shadow Move Lv9

Shadow Latent Lv21 Shadow Tied Lv19 Shadow Summoned Lv7 Signs Blocked Lv14

Virtual Lv8 Dark Vision Lv25 Evil Eye Lv10 Dark Wave Lv7 Lv8 Dark Magic Lv2

Instead Lv2 Dragon Technique Lv6 Dragon Brace Lv5 Dragonized Lv5

Evil Dragon Protection LV8

Name Livina Sacubus Lv27 Lv28

Vitality 102

Magic 195 197

Muscle Strength 92 94

Defense 74

Agility 140 142

Dexterity value 150


Whip Lv1 Dark Claw Lv11 Flight Lv21 Hidden Lv9 Night Lv21 Lv23 Seduction Lv22 Lv24

Hypnosis Lv2 Attractive Absorption Lv24 Lv25 Magic Manipulation Lv3 Lv5 Continuous Attack Lv5 Lv7 Dark Magic Lv15

space-time magic Lv5 illusion Lv9 demon bullet Lv20 Lv21 horny dream junction Lv11 Lv13

Name Lian Mellow Lv16 Lv19

Vitality 70 72

Magic 162 168

Muscle Strength 67

Defense 45

Agility 134 140

Dexterity value 110 114


Spear Lv25 Wand Lv1 Hymn Lv24 Lv26 Curse Lv10 Dance Lv1 Lv3 Swimming Behavior Lv23 Lv24

Water Bullet LLv12 Water Magic Lv14 Continuous Attack Lv9 Submersible Lv12 Attractive Lv6 Lv8

Acoustic Detection Lv15 Water Wave Lv4 Personalized Lv25

Name Wafox Shrine Beast Lv28 Lv29

Vitality 114

Magic 193 196

Muscle strength 79 81

Defense 66

Agility 154 156

Dexterity value 154


Fan Lv12 Lv14 Dance Lv12 Lv14 Throw Operation Lv10 Evil Flame Lv14 Abomination Lv20 Signs Detection Lv19

Hazard Detection Lv18 Sealed Sorcery Lv15 Lv17 Illusion Lv12 Flaming Sorcery Lv7 Shinto Sorcery Lv21 Lv22

Witchcraft Lv12 Sewing Lv21 Leather Finishing Lv12 Cooking Lv23 Blood Waking Lv5

Shrine Brace Lv3 Fox moves Lv4 Divine Down Lv2 Beastification Lv4

Name Blanc Principality Lv23 Lv25

Vitality 106 108

Magic 160 162

Muscle Strength 124 126

Defense 127 130

Agility 124 126

Dexterity value 116 120


Flight Lv24 Lv26 Shield Lv21 Lv23 Spear Lv27 Taunt Lv13 Lv15 Light Magic Lv15 Purification Lv1

Optical Wheel Lv21 Lv22 Optical Bullet Lv12 Protective Lv3 Lv4 Heavenly Strike Lv10 Magic Operation Lv5 Lv7 Continuous Strike Lv5 Lv6

Angel Protection Lv19 Lv21 Ascension Lv2

Name Sefone Vampire Princess Lv23 Lv25

Vitality 117 120

Magic 168 170

Muscle Strength 105

Defense 70

Agility 100 102

Dexterity value 150 153


Sickle Lv1 Blood Sucking Lv20 Dark Vision Lv22 Dark Claw Lv3 Shadow Latent Lv18 Shadow Operation Lv10

Shadow Summon Lv18 Lv20 Hidden Lv16 Dark Magic Lv8 Illusion Lv1 Assignment Lv5 Resurrection Lv10

Night Immortality Lv15 Lv17 Blood Flow Operation Lv3 Lv5 Blood Bullet Lv5 Lv7 Curse Seal Lv12 Lv15 Dark Wave Lv7 Lv8

Name Farida Demon Lv5 Lv6

Vitality 56

Magic 77 80

Muscle strength 97 100

Defense 45

Agility 77 80

Dexterity value 70 72


Axe Lv10 Demon Fist Lv17 Dance Lv10 Throw Lv12 Demon Lv20 Dark Magic Lv10

Spacetime Magic Lv13 Concentration Lv17 Lv19 Seduction Lv12 Physical Destruction Lv17 Magic Disruption Lv13 Lv15

Demon Bullet Lv15 Lv17 Magic Liberation Lv4 Lv6

Name Gray Acena Lv2 Lv3

Vitality 94

Magic 88 90

Muscle Strength 131

Defense 82

Agility 144 148

Dexterity value 104 106


Biting Lv27 Mithrill Nails Lv20 Robust Lv17 Sign Sensing Lv29 Hazard Prediction Lv32

Hair Needle Lv5 Lv6 Dark Vision Lv28 Preemptive Lv6 Lv7 Mithril's Tooth Lv26 Disease Running Lv21 Lv22 Nervous Lv14 Lv15

Spiritual Power Lv12 Lv14 Holy Magic Lv10 Phantom Wolf Lv5 Discover Lv10 Lurking Lv10 Instant Death Lv5 Lv7

Roaring Lv18 Lv19 Mithrill Brace Lv4 Lv6 Awakening Lv1 Lv2 Cooperative Lv5 April Coverage Lv5

Name Konoha Glaux LV2

Vitality 90

Magic 144

Muscle Strength 96

Defense 74

Agility 113

Dexterity value 137


Assassination Lv25 Flying Lv38 Ice Claw Lv18 Feather Throw Lv26 Divine Eye Lv29

Signs Blocked Lv23 Continuous Chanting Lv7 Lv10 Chanting Discard Lv8 Lv10 Magic Operation Lv6 Lv8 Concurrent Chanting Lv8 Lv10

Wind Magic Lv21 Lv23 Water Magic Lv18 Lv20 Holy Magic Lv11 Dark Magic Lv11 Thunder Magic Lv18 Lv20

Ice Magic Lv34 Lv35 Space-Time Magic Lv12 Lv14 Ice Blade Lv16 Phantom Lv5 Lv7 Guardian Lv1 Lv2 Cold Resistant Lv7

Goddess Protection Lv4

Name Tiger Cher Demon Knife Tiger LV2

Vitality 90

Magic Power 80

Muscle Strength 188

Defense 82

Agility 104

Dexterity value 104


Biting Lv20 Nail Strike Lv21 Taiko Lv24 Duplicant Lv16 Leap Lv21

Dark Vision Lv20 Lv21 Assault Lv24 Lv26 Intimidation Lv12 Shrinkage Lv14 Whirlwind Lv13

Demon Lv15 Lv17 Physical Cutting Lv6 Lv9 Magic Cutting Lv6 Thunderlight Lv6 Continuous Strike Lv4 Lv7

Sickle Lv18 Lv20 Tiger Gun Lv11 Super Sensory Lv11 Lv13 Demon Knife Liberation Lv3

Name Chess Arcas Bear Lv1 Lv2

Vitality 100

Magic 125 128

Muscle strength 130

Defense 128 132

Agility 66

Dexterity value 70 72


Chewing Up Lv23 Fighting Lv25 Ice Axe Lv9 Lv11 Iron Wall Lv18 Lv19 Forced Lv20 Lv22

Ice Armor Lv18 Star Armor Lv4 Lv6 Physical Destruction Lv8 Lv10 Magic Resistance Lv1 Lv3 Assault Lv24 Lv26

Swimming Behavior Lv23 Lv25 Ice Claws Lv26 Ice Fangs Lv10 Snow Lurking Lv5 Ice Braces Lv16

Holy Brace Lv3 Ice Throw Lv21 Serial Strike Lv3 Holy Magic Lv10 Cold Resistant Lv5

Star Protection LV2

Name Gayle Nemea LV1

Vitality 82

Magic 140

muscle strength 118

Defense 76

Agility 160

Dexterity value 80


Chewing Up Lv21 Disease Drive Lv13 Lv15 Square Shooting Lv15 Lv17 Thunder Magnetic Armor Lv8 Gold Armor Lv4

Physical Destruction Lv2 Lv4 Thunderclaw Lv25 Lv26 Intimidation Lv14 Dark Vision Lv21 Lv22 Taunt Lv18

Thunder Magic Lv25 Ground Magic Lv1 Electromagnetic Operation Lv8 Ground Vessel Operation Lv1 Charging Lv9

Discharge Lv12 Lightning Lv11 Lv14 Thunder Tooth Lv7 Thunder Needle Lv2 Madness Warrior Lv1

Lightning Lv7 Lv8 Gold Protection Lv2

Name White Tiger White Night LV1

Vitality 84

Magic Power 110

Muscle strength 130

Defense 76

Agility 160

Dexterity value 94


Biting Lv23 Wind Claws Lv18 Lv20 Other Hearts Lv9 Kamikatsu Lv18 Lv20 Leap Lv16

Heavenly Ear Channel Lv2 Lv3 Defense Disabled Lv4 Lv7 Dark Vision Lv19 Lv20 Intimidation Lv11 Wind Magic Lv23

Earth Magic Lv1 Thunder Magic Lv12 Forest Manipulation Lv1 Context Manipulation Lv1 Xianqi Lv17 Lv18

Spiritual Power Lv17 Spiritualization Lv4 Lv7 Holy Wave Lv2 Storm Lv9 Roar Lv13 Shrinking Land Lv23

Desolate Soul Lv1 Lv2

Name Alanea Girl Spider Lv1 Lv2

Vitality 90

Magic 114 117

Muscle Strength 110 112

Defense 65

Agility 75

Dexterity value 171 174


Blood Sucking Lv6 Fighting Lv6 Adhesive Yarn Lv25 Soft Yarn Lv17 Steel Wire Lv36

Manipulative Yarn Lv5 Lv7 Sewing Lv10 Hidden Lv3 Trap Installation Lv26 Yarn Sensing Lv9

Toxic Brace Lv10 Earthlurking Lv8 Throwing Lv7 Earthmagic Lv9 Dark Magic Lv10

Curse Lv2 Charm Lv5 Servant Lv3 Monster Lv5 Magic Lv8 Lv10

Awakening LV1

Name Loco Moco Gold Sheep LV1

Vitality 160

Magic 132

Muscle strength 40

Defense 160

Agility 102

Dexterity value 90


Flying Lv13 Lv15 Clash Lv3 Hazard Prediction Lv14 Lv15 Escape Lv3 Lv4

Hair Growth Lv19 Milk Collection Lv19 Cold Resistant Lv1 Happiness Lv10 Blessing Lv10

Guardian Lv8 Lv9 Discharge Lv1 Thunder Magic Lv10 Light Magic Lv8 Purification Lv1

Heavenly Punishment Lv1 Lv2 Thunderbolt Lv1 Lv2 Light Glow Lv1 Heavenly Protection Lv12 Golden Protection Lv1

Name Puojie Clean Slime Lv23 Lv24

Vitality 116 120

Magic 0

Muscle strength 0

Defense 142

Agility 44

Dexterity value 70


Predatory Lv29 Lv30 Defensive Lv20 Lv21 Physical Disabled Lv27 Lv28 Deformed Lv32 Lv33

Shock absorption Lv22 Lv23 split Lv16 regeneration Lv20 provocation Lv10 corrosion Lv11 Lv13

Underwater Behavior Lv20 Lv22 Extremely Cold Body Lv24 Lv25 Purification Lv18 Lv19 Water Attribute Disabled Lv6 Lv9

Fire Attribute Disabled LV17

Name Luna Nümpei Lv24 Lv26

Vitality 78 80

Magic 154 158

Muscle strength 52 54

Defense 36

Agility 132 136

Dexterity value 102


Flying Lv28 Lv29 Harp Lv16 Dance Lv24 Signs Blocked Lv3 Lv5 Hazard Prediction Lv6 Lv8

Charming Scale Powder Lv9 Wind Magic Lv18 Lv20 Water Magic Lv7 Wood Magic Lv14 Light Magic Lv5 Lv8

Transfer Lv6 Blessing Lv4 Lv5 Guardian Lv4 Lv5 Illusion Lv4

Name Yi Snow Woman Lv1 Lv2

Vitality 94

Magic 190 194

Muscle strength 100 102

Defense 74

Agility 100

Dexterity value 124 127


Ice Blade Lv11 Snow Throw Lv12 Serving Lv8 Ice Armor Lv7 Magic Resistance Lv5

Snowlurking Lv4 Snow Hidden Lv4 Disease Magic Lv2 Lv4 Ice Magic Lv15 Lv18 Storm Snow Lv18

Snowstorm Lv9 Monster Lv5 Lv6 Fortune Manipulation Lv5 Kakura Lv3 Snow Split Lv3

Weight Operation Lv2 Instant Death Lv3 Lv5 Continuous Attack Lv3 Lv5 Trap Installation Lv3 Ice Wave Lv4 Lv5

Name Meal Nero Hamadruas LV2

Vitality 126

Magic 157

muscle strength 78

Defense 84

Agility 100

Dexterity value 128


Soil latent Lv24 forest operation Lv18 handsome Lv10 wind magic Lv7 soil magic Lv12

Wood Magic Lv10 Water Magic Lv7 Photosynthetic Lv13 Transfer Lv6 Nectar Lv10

Pollen Lv6 Collection Lv29 Planting Lv16 Divided Lv3 Water Flow Operation Lv1 Lv3

Holy Water Lv4 Lv5 Rain Begging Lv1 Flood Lv2 Super Regeneration Lv1 Condition Anomaly Disabled Lv1

Parasites Lv17 Lv18 Trap Installation Lv18 Plant Summoning Lv3 Protection of Water Trees Lv3 Lv4

Name Hicks Griffon Lv12 Lv15

Vitality 102 104

Magic 158 162

Muscle Strength 182 186

Defense 72 74

Agility 204 210

Dexterity value 104 108


Flying Lv36 Lv37 Thunderclaw Lv16 Lv18 Feather Throw Lv5 Lv7 Ride Lv27 Storm Lv25 Lv26

Windshield Lv15 Lv17 Whirlwind Blade Lv15 Lv17 Disease Lv20 Lv21 Discharge Lv7 Lv9 Remnants Lv21 Lv23

Wind Magic Lv16 Thunder Magic Lv18 Thunder Breath Lv14 Fire Breath Lv6 Lv7 Glory Lv4

Rider Enhanced Lv25 Golden Protection Lv8 Lv10

Name Strawaiburn Lv10 Lv13

Vitality 140 142

Magic 140 144

Muscle Strength 153 159

Defense 88 90

Agility 133 142

Dexterity value 105


Flying Lv28 Lv30 Biting Lv12 Lv14 Dragontail Lv9 Lv11 Dragon Claw Lv5 Lv8 Toxic Dragon Scale Lv16 Lv18

Assault Lv17 Lv19 Surprise Lv6 Lv7 Violent Lv15 Lv17 Violent Breath Lv15 Corrosive Breath Lv18

Dragon Eye Lv11 Lv14 Flame Bullet Lv10 Lv12 Disease Lv8 Lv10 Assault Lv11 Lv13 Wind Blade Lv14 Lv16

Wind Magic Lv9 Intimidation Lv5 Riding Lv20

Name Dean Hydra Lv8 Lv11

Vitality 106 110

Magic 128 134

Muscle Strength 135 138

Defense 72

Agility 88 92

Dexterity value 88 92


Biting Lv28 Lv29 Winding Lv15 Lv17 Swimming Behavior Lv21 Lv23 Toxic Dragon Scale Lv19 Lv21

Multiple Strikes Lv25 Lv27 Terror Lv9 Lethal Poison Lv27 Ultra Playback Lv14 Lv16 Curse Lv10 Lv12

Violent Breath Lv24 Lv25 Water Breath Lv1 Lv3 Thermal Detection Lv17 Lv19 Virtual Lv5 Resurrection Lv10 Lv12

Name Spica Unicorn LV7

Vitality 95

Magic 132

Muscle Strength 147

Defense 52

Agility 184

Dexterity value 86


Rotation Angle Lv21 Lv23 Clash Lv19 Lv21 Physical Destruction Lv19 Lv21 Concentration Lv15 Horseback Riding Lv21

Water Driving Lv13 Lv15 Hazard Prediction Lv18 Lv20 Signal Blocking Lv10 Whirlwind Lv16 Lv18 Disease Driving Lv20 Lv22

Rider Enhanced Lv20 Purified Lv10 Phantom Lv21 Lv23 Wood Magic Lv12 Sea Magic Lv3

Holy Magic Lv5 Madness Warriorization Lv1 Resurrection Lv1 Assignment Lv3 Protecting the Holy Beast Lv7 Lv8

Name Safi Ickak Lv1 Lv5

Vitality 56 60

Magic 70 76

Muscle Strength 76 88

Defense 50 52

Agility 75 84

Dexterity value 52 54


Rotation Angle Lv1 3 Swimming Behavior Lv22 24 Flight Lv1 Leap Lv5 Hydrated Fang Lv9

Propulsion Lv15 Lv16 Assault Lv11 Physical Destruction Lv1 Robust Lv1 Acoustic Detection Lv16 Lv17

jamming sound wave Lv6 water blade Lv9 disease Lv15 16 horseback riding Lv15 Lv16 lightning rod Lv1

Wave Wake Lv2 Wave Lv1 Physical Change Lv1 Lv3

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